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How to make your skin smooth and matte. Secrets of matte skin. How to apply and maintain makeup in the heat? How to make your complexion matte and even, clean, beautiful and smooth at home

Oily face is a problem familiar to many women. Even those with dry skin have suffered from shiny areas on their skin at least once in their lives. The reason for this may be hormonal imbalance, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Basically, the chin, forehead and wings of the nose are not aesthetically pleasing.

Like other types, oily skin has its advantages and disadvantages. It is less susceptible to the negative influence of external factors and early aging, but requires constant high-quality care. Otherwise, blackheads, rashes, and comedones will often appear on the face.


Sebum, produced by the sebaceous glands, is essential for the skin. It protects the skin and prevents moisture loss.

With normal functioning of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands, if the production of sebum occurs in normal quantities, the oily sheen of the face will not bother you. If the glands produce sebum in large quantities, fat appears on the face, and other problems characteristic of oily skin type appear.

Dermatologists consider the main causes of excessive oily skin to be:

  1. Individual characteristics of the body and genetic predisposition.
  2. Diseases of internal organs.
  3. Incorrectly selected care products and methods. Rough peeling, the use of spirit-containing preparations, masks that dry out the skin - all these procedures negatively affect the condition of the skin.
  4. Hormonal disorders. Typically, the female body suffers from hormonal imbalance during puberty, during menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause.

Ways to combat oily skin

To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and achieve matte skin, you need to carry out the treatment in several directions at once. Only an integrated approach will help solve the problem and make the skin beautiful and healthy.

Changing habits

It will take a lot of time to eliminate oily shine forever. First you need to pay attention and, if necessary, adjust your habits. To make the skin matte and not suffer from excess fat, dermatologists recommend:

  1. Follow the principles of healthy eating. Products high in vitamin A have a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis and reduce sebum production.
  2. Refuse or minimize the consumption of alcohol, sweet, fatty, spicy foods. Eating unhealthy food not only disrupts the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also causes other problems.
  3. Stop smoking. Nicotine dehydrates and reduces skin elasticity. Trying to resist these processes, the subcutaneous glands produce more sebum.
  4. Adhere to basic hygiene rules. A greasy sheen on the face appears as a result of clogged skin pores, so in the evening before going to bed, be sure to cleanse your face of any remaining makeup.
  5. Use decorative cosmetics correctly. Foundation, concealer, blush, highlighter or powder applied to the face in a thick layer can only mattify the skin for a short time. A thick layer of cosmetics clogs pores and blocks air access to skin cells. This is especially harmful in the hot season. Such improper use of mattifying products leads to inflammation, rashes and even more oily skin. Owners of this skin type are better off using toning products minimally, and in the summer, avoid them completely.
  6. Ventilate the room as often as possible. Constantly being in a poorly ventilated room negatively affects not only the condition of the skin, but also the entire body. For a healthy complexion, it is useful to walk in the fresh air for at least three to four hours a day.

We use special means

Special cosmetics designed to care for oily skin will help you cope with oily shine. They should be good at removing excess fat from the surface of the skin, opening pores and reducing the activity of the subcutaneous sebaceous glands.

  • In order for the skin to breathe, you need to cleanse the pores daily and remove the oily layer that has formed on the surface. To do this, you should use mild agents with a neutral pH level. It is better to give preference to gels and lotions.
  • You should cleanse your skin twice a day. To do this, you can use a brush, with its help you can easily foam the product and apply it to the skin with massage movements.
  • You can use special ready-made cosmetics that come with a special silicone brush. To cleanse, a two to three minute cleansing massage is enough.
  • The use of products containing alcohol is prohibited. Dry skin will compensate for the lack of moisture by producing more sebum.
    Alcohol-containing preparations should be replaced with products based on acetylsalicylic acid or zinc oxide. They have an antibacterial effect and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Many cosmetic companies specifically develop entire lines of products for problem skin. As a rule, they have a cumulative effect. The disadvantage of such funds is their high cost, which not everyone can afford.

Some cosmetologists advise abandoning promoted products in favor of regular pharmaceutical acetylsalicylic acid and baby soap without fragrances or chemical additives.

We use traditional methods

You can reduce oily skin using folk methods. For example, taking baths twice a month with a decoction of chamomile and sage. The procedure will cleanse the skin pores of dirt, making the surface smooth and velvety.

It is useful to use a gentle scrub and peeling several times a week. They will help cleanse the skin of dead particles. Scrubbing agents should be chosen based on medicinal herbs; they not only mattify the skin, but also have an antibacterial effect.

The simplest and most affordable remedy for reducing oily skin is. Simply rubbing ice cubes on your face is enough to reduce oily skin.

A good matting effect is achieved by using masks based on cosmetic clay.

Recipes for homemade cosmetic masks

Simple, homemade masks will help eliminate oily shine and maintain the achieved result for a long time. You need to use masks regularly, but you should change the recipe every two to three months to avoid addiction.

  • Kefir mask

Inexpensive but effective mask. Kefir is applied to the skin in its pure form. A cotton pad is soaked in kefir and wiped over the face. After fifteen minutes, kefir that is not absorbed is washed off with warm water. Acting on the skin, the product has a drying effect and removes oily shine.

  • Cucumber and boric acid mask

One medium-sized cucumber is peeled and seeded, grated on a fine grater and combined in a 6:1 ratio with boric acid. The mixture is thoroughly stirred and evenly applied to the face. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with a soft cloth and rinse your face with water.

  • Egg white and lemon mask

Combine one egg white with a teaspoon of lemon zest and mix thoroughly. You can use a mixer or blender for this. The whipped mass is applied to the face in an even layer. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes with cool water. With frequent repetition of the procedure, the skin becomes matte and acquires a healthy, uniform color.

Moisturize oily skin

Even oily skin needs additional nutrition and maintaining water balance.

When providing skin care, it is better to abandon thick, greasy cream in favor of a moisturizing lotion or serum.

Cosmetologists never tire of warning those with oily skin about the need to use glycolic acid, caffeine, peroxide, retinol or niacinomide.

Products that have a good matting effect contain soboregulatory substances. These include zinc compounds, cinnamon extract, citrus fruits or lemon balm.

Some cosmetics intended for care contain reflective particles, which, when placed on the skin, create a visual matte effect.

After applying any moisturizing or nourishing cream, the face must be blotted with a napkin so that only a thin layer of product remains on the skin.

If oily shine occurs on your face as a result of prolonged exposure to the sun, you should use sunscreen cosmetics daily. Products with UV protection can be used as a base for makeup.

Using napkins

If you need to look perfect right now, and there is no time for long procedures, you can use specially designed mattifying wipes. They are inexpensive, the matting effect occurs instantly, but does not last long.

Matting wipes are classified as so-called first aid products. Depending on their purpose, napkins are divided into several types:

  1. Absorbent or with powder. Such napkins absorb excess fat and prevent the appearance of shine.
  2. Linen. Wipes quickly absorb remaining oil and preserve makeup.
  3. Polymer. Ultra-thin wipes effectively absorb fat and preserve cosmetics.

Correct application of makeup

With proper cleansing and moisturizing, the skin does not need additional mattifying makeup. Experts warn that even the most expensive foundations create a greenhouse effect on the skin.

Makeup on oily skin should be light and not overloaded.

During the day, it is better not to correct your makeup with powder, but simply blot your face with a mattifying napkin.

A clean, fresh face is the best indicator of women's health and beauty. This can be achieved through comprehensive and systematic care. To make your skin matte, it is enough to adhere to the basics of a healthy diet, give up bad habits, provide proper care, which consists of nutrition, hydration, and, if necessary, the use of special products.

Every girl dreams of having a beautiful matte complexion. Very often, women, especially young ones, have to deal with an unpleasant problem such as oily skin. In our article we will look at some amazing tips that help solve the problem of how to make your skin matte at home, eliminate unsightly oily shine, which is an unaesthetic phenomenon and spoils the applied makeup.

Mattifying powder

Mattifying powder helps to get rid of oily shine on the face for several hours and creates a matte base. There is a huge variety of this product on the modern market, so every girl will be able to choose the most suitable option for herself. You can choose either compact or loose powder, since they act the same, and it all depends on individual preferences.

Important! Mattifying powder removes oily shine only for a while, so you shouldn’t expect a long-term effect. Even very expensive and high-quality powder must be reapplied to the face once every few hours.

In order to make your facial skin matte, you need to carefully apply the powder to your chin, nose, cheeks and forehead. It is better to avoid the area around the eyes, as the skin in this area is very thin and delicate. It is most convenient to carry out this process with a large volume brush or a special sponge.

Important! To enhance the effect, mattifying powder must be applied to the foundation. Girls with oily skin, especially in the hot season, are better off giving preference to specially designed foundation creams for oily and problem skin. This product will fight excessive sebum production, and will also hide redness and all imperfections on the face.

Scrub for a long-term mattifying effect

The use of foundation and powder allows you to make your skin matte for several hours. However, it is impossible to solve the problem of oily shine with such products, since powder and toner only mask oily skin. To cleanse your facial skin, you can use an excellent cosmetic product that is very easy to prepare at home.

How to make your facial skin matte with a scrub:

  1. Mix a small amount of cleansing foam or gel with a mattifying effect and a pinch of ordinary baking soda. This process should be done in a small glass bowl.
  2. Apply the prepared mixture to the skin of the face with smooth massaging movements, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes.
  3. The prepared mattifying agent can cause a slight tingling sensation, so the scrub should be kept on the face for no more than 1-2 minutes.
  4. Rinse off the matting mixture with warm running water.
  5. Moisturize your facial skin with a nourishing mask or moisturizer.

Important! You need to cleanse your face with this scrub twice a week. As a result, the pores will narrow and become cleaner, and the effect will be obvious after a single use of the prepared mattifying agent.

Special matting wipes

Mattifying wipes are girls' favorites. They are ideal for removing oily shine on the face for both daytime and evening makeup. These napkins are made from a special material that does not disturb makeup.

Using matting wipes is very easy and simple. To do this, you need to apply a napkin to problem areas of the face where oily shine is located. Basically, this is the surface of the forehead, chin, wings of the nose, apples of the cheeks.

Important! Matting wipes are very convenient to use, help save time, and can be easily placed in any bag.

Masks with mattifying effect

Mattifying masks can be purchased in stores in cosmetic departments or, if necessary, you can prepare them yourself. There are many masks that are very effective and easy to prepare.

Aloe mask

An aloe juice mask can perfectly solve the problem of oily skin. How to make your facial skin matte at home using a mask:

  1. Cut off the bottom leaf of the aloe.
  2. They clear it of thorns and cut it into small pieces.
  3. The cut leaf is squeezed through cheesecloth.
  4. To the resulting two teaspoons of juice add the white of one egg and one teaspoon of lemon juice.
  5. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and applied to problem areas of the face. To do this, it is most convenient to use a sponge or cotton pad.
  6. After the first layer of the mask has dried, apply the mixture to the face several more times in a row until the prepared mixture is completely used.
  7. After this, you need to wait about ten minutes and rinse your face with warm water.

Clay masks

A clay mask is one of the best natural remedies. Everyone who used this mask at least once noted a positive result:

  • A blue clay mask helps cleanse the skin as it absorbs excess oil from the skin pores. In addition, it helps fight blackheads. Long-term use of blue clay can even slightly tighten the pores.
  • In addition to blue clay, you can also use pink, green, black, and white clay. The use of each of them is a useful mask for both the face and body.

Important! This clay mask can be used 2-3 times a week.

How to make your skin matte with a clay mask:

  1. A small amount of clay must be mixed with warm boiled water until it becomes mushy and applied to the face.
  2. You can also add a small amount of cosmetic grape seed oil, which has non-comedogenic properties and prevents excessive drying of the skin.
  3. If you have inflammatory areas on your face, you can use 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil or add a few drops of tea tree.
  4. The mask must be applied in a thick layer to prevent rapid drying, periodically moisten the dried areas with water.
  5. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.
  6. After this procedure, a light nourishing cream must be applied.

Important! This method should not be abused, since clay is a strong remedy and can dry out the skin. As a result of improper use, instead of a positive effect, a negative effect is obtained, after which it is necessary to treat damaged areas of facial skin.

Roman mask

To prepare a Roman mask, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Mix two tablespoons of pea flour and two tablespoons of milk whey.
  2. The resulting mixture should be applied to the face.
  3. After complete drying, remove the mask using circular movements with your fingertips.
  4. Then you need to alternately rinse your face with hot and cold water.

Oatmeal-cucumber mask

An oatmeal-cucumber mask helps eliminate excess sebum and prevent acne. How to make your skin matte with an oatmeal-cucumber mask:

  1. In a blender you need to mix one small cucumber and one glass of oatmeal.
  2. After this, you need to add one spoon of yogurt without any additives to the resulting gruel.
  3. The mask should be kept on the face for about 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

The result is matte and soft facial skin.

Lemon tonic

All kinds of drying lotions do an excellent job of removing oily shine and giving a matte tint to the skin:

  • To prepare the desired composition, you need to squeeze the juice from half a lemon and add 20 ml of cucumber juice and 35 ml of vodka to it.
  • After preparation, this mixture should be poured into a dark bottle, closed with a lid and stored in the refrigerator.
  • If necessary, wipe your face with the prepared product daily.

Lemon tonic is able to fight subcutaneous inflammation, cleanses facial pores, and normalizes subcutaneous secretion.

Important! Before using this lotion, it is imperative to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, you need to treat a small area of ​​skin with lemon tonic and evaluate the result after 15 minutes.

Cosmetic ice

The use of ice based on medicinal herbs can give the skin a matte tint. How to make your facial skin matte at home using cosmetic ice:

  1. Brew chamomile flowers, linden flowers, oak or birch bark with boiling water and leave for one hour.
  2. After the specified time, strain, pour into ice cube trays and freeze.
  3. You need to wipe your face 3-4 times every day, then apply hydrogel or moisturizer.

After just two weeks of regular use of cosmetic ice, the skin of the face becomes matte, oily shine appears much less frequently, which greatly pleases owners of combination and oily skin.

Important! Cosmetic ice can only be used if there are no pustules or spider veins. This procedure is strictly contraindicated for those who have a predisposition to rosacea, or who have blood vessels too close to the surface of the skin. In this case, prepare an ordinary chamomile decoction and wipe the skin of the face with it 3-4 times a day, the effect will also have a positive result.

Mousse for washing

You need to choose the best gel or foam wash that matches your dermis type. In addition, you need to purchase a special face brush that has medium-hard bristles. It helps fight excess oil and does an excellent job of removing dead particles.

How to make your face look matte using a cleansing mousse:

  1. To open the pores, you need to wash your face with warm (very hot) water.
  2. After this, rub the mousse between the palms of your hands and massage your face well.
  3. Next, the applied composition does not need to be washed off, but rub your face well with a special brush, especially paying attention to problem areas, such as the wings of the nose, forehead, and chin.
  4. At the end of these manipulations, you need to close the pores. To do this, wash your face with melt water or you can wipe your face with cosmetic ice.

Balanced diet

Few people know that a balanced diet greatly affects the condition of the skin. So, if you take very fatty foods, the subcutaneous glands work intensively. That's why:

  • For beautiful matte skin, try to avoid fried, salty, hot and peppery foods. Healthy food should be cooked in a slow cooker or stewed in the oven.
  • The diet must include fish products, meat, stewed vegetables, baked potatoes and various seafood.
  • We must not forget about seasonal fruits and berries.
  • In winter, you need to eat fresh or frozen vegetables, which control the water balance.
  • You also need to stop drinking black coffee frequently; you can only drink it with milk.
  • Freshly squeezed juices and green tea must be present on the table; you need to drink a lot, at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day.
  • It is very good to drink purified water, which should be about 2 liters per day.

Baby powder

Basically, dullness is given to the skin in the winter season, when there is no tan and the skin of the face is still light. How to make your facial skin matte at home using baby powder:

  1. Wash with tar soap, which cleanses pores and removes oily shine.
  2. After this, you need to rub baby talc, which does not have fragrances or impurities, between your palms and cover your face with it.
  3. You can use a cosmetic sponge to remove excess.

Important! In addition to baby powder, mineral powder copes well with the task, which does not clog pores, unlike a compact and crumbly composition. The principle of operation of such cosmetics is very simple: after application, mineral powder draws out fat from the pores, freeing them at the same time.

  • First of all, you need to reconsider your attitude towards facial care. You need to go through your cosmetics, because you may have to replace some of them.
  • You cannot use ordinary toilet soap, which dries out the skin, but when washing, you must definitely use cosmetics with a drying effect.

Important! For some reason, some people think that skin dried out by toilet soap is a good thing. This is a big mistake, since the skin after using toilet soap begins to very quickly secrete sebaceous fat, which softens and protects the epidermis. As a result, we see the completely opposite result with a shiny and flaky face. To solve this problem, you need to use a high-quality makeup remover gel, which should contain medicinal herbs, such as green tea, chamomile inflorescences, mint.

  • It is necessary to wipe your face with a special toner, but do not use alcohol-containing products.
  • Some people think that creams should not be used for oily skin. And this is a mistake. Light creams that do not leave an oily sheen when applied are ideal for oily skin, and oil-based cosmetics should be avoided.
  • How to make your skin matte? When choosing cosmetics, you should give preference to water-based products. Oil-based makeup products are only suitable for dry skin or skin that suffers from flaking in frosty weather. If your skin is shiny, then using this cream will give it even more oily shine.
  • You need to use soap. For daily washing, soap-based products that can cleanse the skin are suitable. Body lotions, cosmetic milk and other products that do not foam are not recommended for oily skin; they are only suitable for removing makeup.

Important! When choosing decorative cosmetics, you should not overdo it by using too strong products that can dry out your facial skin.

  • A very good product is a lotion that helps make the skin matte. To prepare it, you need to take 5-6 dry bay leaves, pour one glass of boiling water over them and let it brew for about three hours. You should wipe your face with this product every day.

Proper care for oily skin

How to make facial skin matte at home? There are three very important stages in the process of caring for problem skin:

  • Any care for skin prone to a shiny effect begins with a cleansing procedure. At the same time, to remove makeup, you need to use only special products based on drying components - foams and washing gels.
  • Then you need to use a tonic lotion that does not contain alcohol. It helps dissolve the thin film formed by surfactants found in cosmetic cleansers. In addition, the feeling of tightness disappears and the ph balance of the skin is leveled. Using a toner or lotion helps tighten pores and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Important! The tonic should include moisturizing and anti-inflammatory components - chamomile, calendula, aloe, tea tree.

  • Then we move on to the exfoliation stage. For this purpose, scrubs are used that contain soft granules on a synthetic basis. They are capable of careful action. During their use, the skin of the face is not damaged or scratched.

Important! Some people use peelings that contain concentrations of fruit acids. After using it, you should avoid direct exposure to the sun's rays for some time. Excellent results are observed from the use of a peeling roller. If you use peeling twice a week, your complexion will noticeably improve.

Video material

Skillfully masking imperfections in appearance under makeup is, of course, good, but the example of real female beauty is not perfect makeup, but silky hair, a snow-white smile and, of course, flawless skin radiating health.

Read on in the article to find out what care methods will allow you to get rid of the unpleasant oily sheen on your skin and give it freshness and matteness.

Skin care rules

The first step in caring for oily skin is cleansing. To remove cosmetics, you should use various gels and foams for washing, which contain special drying components.

At the second stage, skin toning is carried out. Lotions or tonics that do not contain alcohol work well for this purpose. The tonic dissolves the thin shell formed by surfactants present in washing gels, and also relieves the feeling of tightness and helps to equalize the pH level (acid-base balance) of the facial skin. In addition, lotion or tonic helps regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It is worth noting that cosmetic preparations for cleansing oily skin must necessarily contain moisturizing and anti-inflammatory components, in particular extracts of chamomile, aloe, calendula, tea tree, etc.

When caring for oily skin, it is important to prevent it from drying out, as the sebaceous glands can begin to work even more intensely. For this reason, the third stage of care requires regular moisturizing of the skin. In this case, mattifying face cream will come in handy. The fact is that the base of such a cosmetic product is not oil, but water. Therefore, in addition to performing its main function, it also perfectly moisturizes, eliminates inflammation and can be used as a base makeup product.

Exfoliation is a very important cosmetic procedure that should be done no more than twice a week. After peeling, the skin becomes smooth, matte, and healthy in color. In order to remove dead skin cells, it is best to use scrubs with soft granules of synthetic origin; they act very gently and do not scratch or damage the skin. To significantly improve your complexion, you can use products based on natural fruit acids for peeling. However, we must not forget that after the procedure you will have to avoid direct sunlight on the skin for some time.

Mattifying powder and wipes

Mattifying mineral powder is a very popular cosmetic product for getting rid of oily shine on the face. It is good because it contains only ingredients of natural origin. This powder comes in two types: loose (more suitable for applying makeup at home) and compact (fits perfectly in a purse). In addition, mattifying mineral powder regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and is hypoallergenic.

However, if you are not a supporter of endless powdering, and a shiny face does not give you rest, matting napkins will come to the rescue - very thin, transparent leaves that look like tracing paper. They must be carefully applied to shiny areas and thus blot the sebum. The use of napkins does not damage makeup; on the contrary, it instantly removes excess oily shine from the face, which is fairly spoiled even by very successful makeup.

Mattifying products at home

One of the best remedies for eliminating sebum is a clay face mask. You can buy cosmetic clay at the pharmacy, but you should take into account your skin type (remember, the darker the color of the clay, the greater the drying effect it has). The mask applied to the face must be kept for about 20 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water. As a rule, such cosmetic procedures are performed no more than twice a week.

Decoctions of yarrow, calendula, chamomile or mint are good at preventing the formation of oily shine. They are used for washing in the morning and evening. To cleanse combination skin, wipe the face with lemon tonic. It is prepared as follows: cut one small lemon into slices and pour a glass of cold mineral water, then cover with a lid and leave for about 3-4 hours.

It is believed that oily skin ages more slowly than dry or normal skin. However, leaving everything as is is not the best option. A shiny face does not look aesthetically pleasing, and excess fat clogs pores and provokes the appearance of acne and inflammation. Therefore, the sooner you start properly caring for your skin, the more beautiful and healthy it will be.

Text: Anna Lutsenko

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Over the years, all women come to the conclusion that their facial skin requires regular and proper care using appropriate products. This can be store-bought or homemade cosmetics. You can save a lot of money and get a beneficial effect that will surpass even some professional products. Today we will tell you about effective face masks to make your skin matte and smoother.

How to achieve a matte face at home

If your skin is very shiny and literally glossy, and you want to make it matte, you need to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Such problem skin is more susceptible to various inflammations and does not have the most attractive appearance, so you need to take appropriate measures.

You should use face masks to make your skin smooth and matte. They create many additional beneficial effects:

  • regulate the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • saturate the epidermal cells with useful components;
  • reduce the fat layer on the surface of the epidermis;
  • have a beneficial effect on complexion;
  • stop inflammation.

Women go to beauty salons and pay for expensive procedures, but we recommend that you try masks for matte skin at home.

To obtain the desired result, use only fresh ingredients, and before preparing the mask, make sure there are no allergic reactions to any component.

Recipes for homemade masks for matte and smooth facial skin

Black clay mask

The first face mask to keep your skin smooth and matte is based on pharmacy black clay. The component reduces the fat content of the epidermis, and for preparation you only need clay and water, but you can add a few drops of rosemary oil.

Black clay needs to be diluted with water to obtain a thick, creamy consistency, convenient for application to the face. The mass should be distributed over the skin, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm, but not hot water. If the skin is too oily, repeat the procedure up to four times a week, and for people with normal skin, two procedures are enough.

Carrot mask with tea tree oil

Another good mask for matte skin at home is made from carrots and tea tree ether. You need to grind the fresh vegetable using a blender or fine grater, and then add a couple of drops of essential oil. The juicy pulp should be distributed over the surface of the face and left for 20 minutes, and then washed with cool water and applied tonic.

Green tea mask for matte skin

Another affordable way to prepare a face mask for smooth and matte skin is based on green tea. Pour one teaspoon of boiling water and leave to brew, and after the drink has cooled, soak a napkin or gauze folded in several layers with it. Apply it to your face for half an hour - the mask will moisturize the skin and reduce oiliness, so the oily sheen will disappear, and the skin will become matte and more attractive. In summer, it is recommended to repeat the procedure every other day.

Cucumber with milk

Face masks can be prepared using cucumber to make your skin smooth and matte. Grind it with a fine grater and mix with milk in approximately equal proportions. This pulp needs to be distributed over the face, and to prevent it from slipping, it is better to take a horizontal position and relax. The mask needs to be left on for 15-20 minutes, and then you can wash it off with cool water. It will not only add matteness, but also remove puffiness under the eyes.

According to fashion standards, oily and shiny facial skin is considered ugly. It doesn't look very cool, so it's worth making it matte. This is quite possible to do both at home and in a salon. But the latter is a bit expensive. Therefore, it’s worth figuring out how to make your skin matte on your own without the help of expensive products.

What causes oily skin and how to make it matte?

As a rule, the problem of shiny skin on the face occurs when the air temperature is quite high. Therefore, you need to cool down sometimes and not interfere with the body’s natural reaction. If you clog the pores on your face under such conditions, you can expect inflammation and the appearance of many pimples.

However, you can get rid of oily shine without the danger of getting some kind of unpleasant rash or overheating. You just need to follow some recommendations that can solve the problem: how to make matte skin. They will not require expensive products, but will be very effective for facial beauty.

How to make your skin matte at home?

Several useful recipes can help deal with oily shine and skin problems forever, even in summer conditions. But you need to follow them correctly, without overdoing it.

  1. To wash, use soap for oily skin. It makes the face a little drier, while narrowing the pores and preventing sebum from penetrating out.
  2. You can wipe your face with thermal water. It has a slight matting effect and can refresh the skin. Before cleansing your face with it, you need to wash your face or treat your face with a damp cloth to remove dust and dirt.
  3. At home, you can use a contrast wash. To begin with, you can wash your face with hot water, but it’s just important not to get burned, and then immediately with cold water, ice or snow, if conditions permit. This will tighten the pores, warmed up and cleansed with hot washing.
  4. A clay mask can draw out excess moisture from the skin and pores, while narrowing the latter. Therefore, you need to do it at least once a week according to the instructions.
  5. Baby powder can get rid of the matte shine. To do this, use a powder brush to apply a small amount of it to your face. It is hypoallergenic and will not allow excess moisture to spoil the appearance.

Now you don’t have to worry about your skin starting to shine again. If you carefully combine all these methods without going too hard on them, you can achieve a perfectly matte face throughout the year.