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What is the punishment for a frozen pregnancy? How to prevent a frozen pregnancy. Termination of pregnancy due to pathology

A frozen pregnancy is a real grief for a woman expecting a child, but it is not the end of life and thanks to proper recovery, the subsequent pregnancy will certainly be successful. To do this, you need to follow doctors’ recommendations and overcome depression, which is what the article is about.

Unfortunately, a happy pregnancy does not always end with the birth of a child, but can turn into a real tragedy when the fetus dies at some stage of its development.

Such a pregnancy in medicine is called a frozen pregnancy, and a woman who never became a mother faces removal of the dead fetus from the uterine cavity and a long recovery period, when she must not only not lose heart, but also find the moral and physical strength to decide to become pregnant again.

How to survive a frozen pregnancy from a psychological point of view?

Losing a child whom you never got to meet, whose heart stopped in the womb, is a great challenge for every woman who is faced with a frozen pregnancy.

But if you completely surrender to grief and blame those around you and yourself, then nothing good will come of it - it will not bring the child back, and prolonged depression will affect your health in such a way that you will have to forget about future children.

A woman who has lost an unborn child needs the support of loved ones

It is important not to isolate yourself and not try to find the culprit: it happened as it was destined, as it was intended by nature, God, fate. This is a life difficulty that needs to be experienced and let go of experiences, because they only destroy the personality.

At this time, it is better to devote yourself to work, vacation in unknown and exciting countries, try to saturate your life with events so much that there is no time to think about the bad.

Don’t get hung up on the problem and look for answers to the question of who is to blame

It is also necessary to mentally repeat to yourself that you survived this and this will not happen to you again: all subsequent pregnancies will be happy and this was the greatest grief that you had to face. The future must be imagined as a blank page in which there is no place for unhappiness and thoughts of bad things.

Video: Causes of fetal death

What kind of surgery is done for a frozen pregnancy?

A fetus whose development has stopped is subject to rejection from the uterine cavity, and if this does not occur naturally, then an operation is performed to remove the frozen fetus. Depending on the stage at which the pregnancy froze, the method of treatment is chosen:

  • medicinal - with the help of specialized drugs, miscarriage of the fetus is provoked at a short period (up to 8 weeks)
  • vacuum aspiration is a method of removing the fetus in the early stages, thanks to which its contents are sucked out of the uterine cavity with an extractor
  • curettage - using an instrument, the uterine cavity is cleaned under local or general anesthesia
  • artificial childbirth - at a later stage, labor is induced in a woman, and after its completion the uterus is also cleaned


Sometimes, when the risk is justified, the attending physician prefers expectant management, when instead of immediate surgery, the woman’s condition is monitored until the body itself resolves the issue of rejecting the dead fetus.

How to prepare for vacuum cleaning surgery?

Despite the fact that vacuum cleaning is not a full-fledged operation, before it is carried out, a woman must undergo a number of examinations and pass some tests:

  • blood analysis
  • smear
  • bacteriological culture
  • analysis for hidden infections
  • Analysis of urine

Removing the fetus is a vital event

The woman also undergoes an additional ultrasound examination, and if she has any chronic diseases, a specialist (for example, a cardiologist) is often consulted. All this is necessary in order to eliminate the risk of negative consequences of vacuum aspiration.

Vacuum cleaning during frozen pregnancy

The vacuum aspiration procedure, or as it is also called mini-abortion, is the most gentle type of cleansing, during which minimal harm is caused to the woman’s health. Vacuum cleaning is carried out on an outpatient basis, under anesthesia and its duration does not exceed 15 minutes, and recovery after surgery occurs quickly.

Vacuum aspiration

During vacuum aspiration, a special catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity, with the help of which negative pressure is created in it, after which the fetus is detached from its walls and sucked out.

Thus, the walls of the uterus and its cervix are not damaged as during regular cleaning with a curette. This completes the operation for the woman, and the extracted fetus is sent for histological analysis.

Histology results after a frozen pregnancy

Tissue from the dead fetus is examined under a microscope to determine the cause of developmental arrest. The doctor may also make a section of the surface of the uterus or fallopian tube in order to determine the presence of pathological processes or formations. As a rule, intrauterine fetal death occurs for the following reasons:

  • TORCH infection
  • diabetes
  • sexually transmitted infections
  • attack of fetal cells by immune cells of the woman’s body, which perceive them as foreign
  • hormonal disorders
  • wrong lifestyle for women
  • genetic factors
  • stress

Histological examination

After the histology results are established, the woman meets with the attending physician, who talks about the risk and causes of missed abortion and, if necessary, prescribes appropriate treatment (which in many cases also applies to the sexual partner).

Pregnancy is not recommended for the next 6 months after cleansing.

Hormonal drugs after a frozen pregnancy

Drug treatment after curettage depends on the results of histological examination, and is also prescribed in connection with certain symptoms.

So, in order to prevent the occurrence of a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed, and if any sexually transmitted infection is determined, the cause of which is the arrest of fetal development, appropriate medications are prescribed to both the woman and her sexual partner.

Hormonal contraceptives are often prescribed to restore the cycle

Even if the cause of fetal death was not hormonal disorders, the woman will be prescribed hormonal medications. This is necessary in order to restore the body after pregnancy, regulate the production of hormones and normalize the menstrual cycle.

Only after these measures are carried out is it possible to plan a subsequent pregnancy. As a rule, the treating gynecologist prescribes complex oral hormonal medications.

Is it possible to have an abortion after a frozen pregnancy?

After cleansing for six months, it is not recommended to become pregnant, since during this time the woman’s body is restored and all processes return to normal. A pregnancy that occurs early can result in the death of the fetus, just like the previous one.


If pregnancy occurs and it is not desired and long-awaited, then there are no special prohibitions on performing an abortion. Of course, any abortion, even not after a missed pregnancy, has a negative impact on a woman’s body and her ability to have children in the future, but no one can prohibit terminating a pregnancy.

If a woman decides for herself that she does not want to have a child, then she must consider all the risks and negative impacts of abortion.

Video: Abortion and its consequences

Miscarriage after a frozen pregnancy

If the subsequent pregnancy is not carefully planned, the outcome may be a miscarriage. The first symptoms of this dangerous condition are bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen, for which you should immediately consult a doctor.

Abdominal pain may be a sign of the onset of a miscarriage

Among the most common causes of miscarriage are:

  • hormonal disorders
  • sexually transmitted infections
  • genetic abnormalities of the fetus
  • stressful situations
  • chronic diseases

As a rule, a miscarriage occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and sometimes, if a woman is not aware of her pregnancy, it can occur unnoticed, resembling a normal period.

At the first suspicion of the onset of a miscarriage, which occurs in several stages, contacting a doctor can save the life of the fetus.

If it is not possible to prolong the pregnancy, then the uterus is cleaned in order to remove parts of the fertilized egg, membranes or parts of the embryo that may remain in the womb. Hemostatic measures are also performed.

Subsequent pregnancy must be planned

As after a frozen pregnancy, after a miscarriage, it is necessary to undergo a recovery period before the subsequent pregnancy, which must be planned, that is, both partners must undergo the necessary examinations and undergo a series of tests in order for the outcome of the pregnancy to be positive.

Recovery after a frozen pregnancy

A woman who has experienced a frozen pregnancy needs a long recovery period, which concerns both physical and mental health.

If, having lost her unborn child, she does not let go of this situation, does not come to terms with it and does not stop considering herself guilty of the pregnancy fading, then the subsequent pregnancy will not bring the woman the joy and happiness that every expectant mother experiences, but will be accompanied only by fear losing your baby again.

With a new pregnancy, you need to start life from scratch and not remember bad experiences
  • Thanks to measures aimed at restoring the body, the chances of successfully bearing and giving birth to a child are significantly increased.
  • It is also very important to follow the instructions of doctors regarding pregnancy planning: taking appropriate medications and vitamins, changing lifestyle and undergoing a number of studies
  • Then the answer to the question “is it possible to get pregnant after cleansing a frozen pregnancy?” will be positive, and the pregnancy period will pass in joyful anticipation, and not in painful memories of an unsuccessful attempt

A frozen pregnancy is a tragedy that plunges one into deep depression and sometimes a woman feels that the meaning of life has been lost. But no matter how painful it was to accept the situation as a given, as a mistake of nature or the will of higher powers - this had to happen and change it, it was impossible to save the baby’s life.

You shouldn’t put an end to your life, you need to live for the sake of future children, which you will certainly have.

A new pregnancy should be a happy event, not a reason for fear.

Many women say that the first days after cleansing are the most difficult: they feel physical and moral devastation, but this condition is temporary. You need to take your mind off the problem, occupy yourself with something you love or relax, and then the crisis will be passed.

If you are unable to bear the pain of loss, then you can turn to a psychologist for help, who will not only help you out of the state of frustration and deep depression, but will also help you find the strength to become pregnant again and not live in anticipation that a missed pregnancy may happen again. .

Video: Frozen pregnancy

I've been married for two years. A month ago, a tragedy happened: I had a frozen pregnancy and lost my baby at seven weeks. I can't get over this loss. The fear that this will happen again, and Allah will not give my husband and I children, does not leave me.

I cry constantly, I don’t know how to calm down. I don’t see any greater happiness than becoming a mother and a good wife. Please explain what this diagnosis could mean from an Islamic point of view, since I regard this as a punishment for myself. What prayers should we read so that Allah will send us children? In addition, I became pregnant 3 months apart from my cousin. She’s doing well, she’s carrying the baby to term, and I’m carrying mine...

I’m afraid to admit that bad thoughts began to visit me: I began to look with envy at pregnant women and women with small children. Maybe, after all, this is not envy, but resentment?

Please tell me how to overcome these negative feelings within yourself. Thank you in advance.

From a religious point of view:

Motherhood is one of the key roles of a woman. And the feeling, the desire to become a mother is so strong that, one might say, it is inherent in every cell of a woman. No matter how successful and independent a woman is, no matter how attracted or dependent she is on the male sex, she usually fails to cope with and appease the desire for motherhood. This feeling (or it is also called instinct) is inherent in women in order to thereby continue the human race. But due to various circumstances, not everyone, unfortunately, is given this opportunity to become a mother.

Naturally, for the most part, motherhood is a gift from the Almighty and contains blessings. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes children, whom their parents cherished and cherished, become bad people, so much so that their parents curse them. Sometimes, out of love and compassion for his slaves, the Almighty, knowing that the child will annoy and torment his parents when he grows up, does not give it to them. Therefore, do not think that Allah did not give you a child, thereby deciding to punish you for your sins. The chances of what happened in favor of testing and punishment are equal and only He alone knows the true reason. Our duty, our duty to our Creator, is submission to His will. No matter what happens to us, we should always say “praise be to Allah, everything is His will.”

The world where we live is a temporary refuge. This world is not created for our life, it is created only for testing. And we will live truly and forever in another world. And we must do everything in our power to earn the pleasure of the Almighty, and we will never achieve it if we are not submissive to His will.

Just search the Internet or ask doctors for statistics on miscarriages and unsuccessful births. You will understand that such a case as yours occurs quite often, especially in our time, when everything we consume and use (and even the air) is saturated with “chemicals”, toxins, etc. Of course, this is a great loss for you and, accordingly, no less great psychological trauma, but... Try to pass this test. Inshallah, a little time will pass and everything will be fine, because time heals.

Sincerely and with all your heart, ask the Almighty to give you children. In your prayers, try to follow as much as possible.

From a psychological point of view:

It is very difficult to find the right words in order to adequately convey a certain thought to a person, to give a different understanding of what happened to him. Maybe it will be a little difficult for me, as a man, to understand your feelings, but, nevertheless, there are points common to all of us that help us understand the pain of another person and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Of course, the theologian will probably tell you about the religious component of what happened to you, but I just want to draw your attention to what makes you explain what happened as some kind of punishment. Why did you limit your search for reasons so much? What will it give you to know that this was a punishment?

Of course, you can report that having realized that this is a punishment, you will be able to remake yourself, correct in yourself what could have been the reason. But it won’t all be exactly as you imagine. Often, when a woman, due to certain circumstances, loses a child, she begins to blame herself or her husband for what happened. In practice, this often leads to quarrels and deterioration of family relationships. Do you need it? Will you be able to adequately assess what is happening, conclude that this misfortune has affected both you and your husband, and instead of looking for extremes, will both bring their affairs into line with the requirements of your conscience? Ideally, misfortune unites spouses and makes their union strong. And if it was shaky, then she simply shakes it completely. But people do all this on their own, at their own discretion and through their own actions.

Think about the fact that what happened is not a punishment, but a test through which you both must go through with dignity: not to lose heart and not to despair. Please understand that by despairing, you will block all paths to salvation for yourself. To despair means to believe that nothing and no one can help you. This is, in principle, faith in unbelief. You can’t drive yourself into an abyss from which you won’t be able to get out.

The reasons for missed abortion are very objective. The main thing is to evaluate them correctly. Don’t rush to have a child again now, give your body rest for at least six months. Check with your doctor carefully. Surely something will be discovered that could provoke what happened. It could be anything: from some kind of infection to incompatibility of the Rh factor of husband and wife.

What happened is a signal that you need to work on yourself, improve your situation, and make sure that your future baby appears in a strong family with good educational potential, where loving and caring parents await him.

Carefully monitor the products you consume. Avoid anything dubious. Buy products from suppliers whose quality you are confident in. Eat more of those fruits and vegetables that grow in your area and less of imported ones. Be in the fresh air more often, do as many good and kind deeds as possible towards the people around you. This will definitely improve you, extinguish the growing feeling of envy and prevent it from completely consuming you. An envious person will never be happy. He will always compare himself with others and show dissatisfaction with what the Almighty sends to him. Remember that negative feelings can only be extinguished by positive ones, and you can experience them to the fullest only by showing concern for others and sowing goodness around you. No other way.

Muhammad-Amin Haji Magomedrasulov

Aliaskhab Anatolyevich Murzaev

Psychologist-consultant at the Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children

A woman's pregnancy is a joyful event in the family, especially when it is desired. But in some cases irreparable problems arise. Among the most undesirable options is frozen pregnancy (FM). How dangerous is a frozen pregnancy and what are its consequences for the body?

The presented condition is characterized by the fact that the fetus in the mother’s body stops developing and dies. Such cases are more often observed in the early stages of pregnancy. In this case, as a rule, surgical intervention is required to get rid of the dead body.

Sometimes the embryo undergoes putrefactive decomposition and even turns into a mummy made of calcium salts. In this position, he is able to remain in his mother’s body for many months and years. But such cases are rare.

In the early stages of pregnancy, in the first trimester, freezing is sometimes asymptomatic. The woman won't feel anything. At later stages, pain occurs, reminiscent of contractions, spotting blood. At the same time, toxicosis stops, swelling of the mammary glands ceases to be felt. Body temperature is usually increased, and basal temperature is, on the contrary, decreased.

At a period of more than 12 weeks, the death of the embryo is classified as a non-developing pregnancy in the later stages. From 22 weeks, fetal mortality is considered antenatal.

Usually, a pregnant woman listens sensitively to her body and when the fetus freezes, she immediately feels it and begins to worry. In order to be sure of what happened, you need to do an ultrasound of the fetus, contact your gynecologist and donate blood for an hCG test.

Pathology can manifest itself at any time. Sometimes the embryo dies even a couple of days before birth. The age of the mother does not matter much, but most often women over 40 experience the problem. The danger primarily lies in the fact that the body cannot get rid of the fetus on its own. As a result, infection may develop and the uterus may become inflamed. Sometimes there is severe bleeding and a blood clotting disorder.

It would not be amiss to talk about receiving psychological trauma. Moreover, the longer the pregnancy, the more severe the stress will be. In this case, you should contact a psychologist as soon as possible.

Expert commentary in this video:

What to do if the diagnosis is confirmed

In the early stages, there is a chance to induce a miscarriage using medication. In later stages, women undergo surgical curettage. It is also possible to perform a mini-abortion. This is vacuum aspiration. After the procedure, it is necessary to do a second ultrasound and check that nothing is left.

It is also important to understand why the health problem appeared.

To do this, it is necessary to establish the reason for stopping the development of the embryo:

  1. Basically, fetal death occurs due to genetic underdevelopment. The mother's body itself understands that the formation of the fetus is abnormal and reacts to this by trying to get rid of it.
  2. If a woman drinks alcohol or drugs in large quantities, the risk of the problem increases significantly, especially in the early stages.
  3. Infectious diseases such as chickenpox, rubella, and influenza can cause abnormal fetal development and fetal death.
  4. Diseases such as diabetes, syphilis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and many others also lead to developmental arrest.
  5. Insufficient production of hormones (progesterone and estrogen) by the woman’s body.
  6. Sometimes a woman’s body reacts to the embryo as if it were a foreign body in the cavity. The immune system begins to overreact and try to get rid of it. Then the pregnancy is terminated.
  7. In the event that a woman works in hazardous work, lifts weights, and is over 25 years of age.
  8. Regularly a pregnant woman is in a stressful state.
  9. Women who have had an ectopic pregnancy or have had many abortions are at risk of stopping fetal development.
  10. There are cases when abnormalities are found in the development of the uterus, polyps and fibroids of the endometrial layer.
  11. Thrombophilia is a hereditary disease that causes poor blood clotting.

Only a specialist can make a diagnosis and identify the cause of the disease! At the slightest suspicion of fetal freezing, you should contact him in order to begin treatment in a timely manner.

Possible consequences of a frozen pregnancy

As a rule, no serious consequences are observed. However, if the ST is not the first, the likelihood of their occurrence increases. Such patients occur in only 5%.

The most common complications:

  1. Severe depression– Treated with pills and through a visit to a psychologist.
  2. Mummification of the fetus. It is removed after childbirth. The moral state of the mother in such a situation is difficult.
  3. Internal infections. Toxins produced in the embryo enter the mother's bloodstream. As a result, sepsis occurs and blood clotting is impaired.
  4. Litopedion– fetal calcification. The petrified embryo remains in the mother's body without causing her discomfort.

What consequences occur without and after surgical cleaning? Let us consider the presented cases in detail.

No surgical cleaning

If the fetus is frozen early, surgery is not performed. The uterus itself rejects the remains. If the body cannot cope on its own, the problem is solved by methods such as medical abortions. The patient is given special drugs that stimulate the uterus.

Of the negative consequences of medical abortion, the most dangerous are: disruption of the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels. Before taking medications, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

Doctors are increasingly choosing a wait-and-see approach when the problem under consideration appears, if the patient feels well. In this case, the woman is prescribed an ultrasound once a week.

After about 14 days, the uterus independently rejects the embryo:

  • in 50% of patients with anembryonia;
  • in ¾ of women who suffered an incomplete miscarriage;
  • in 1/3 of those whose pregnancy regressed.

If you experience pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding or fever, you should immediately seek medical help. Most likely, surgery will be required.

After surgical cleaning

Curettage to remove the fetus in case of thyroid disease is not a complex operation. However, in some cases, some complications appear after it. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. Its essence lies in the fact that after diagnosis, the upper layer of the mucous membrane and the fertilized egg are eliminated from the body. It is mainly carried out from 5 to 12 weeks. But even at a later date, cleaning is performed.

The surgery lasts about half an hour. Then the patient is taken to the ward and observed for another 2 hours. If she feels well, she is immediately sent home.

Menstruation after the procedure is delayed for 2 months. If it does not start after the specified period, this indicates a hormonal imbalance. You should visit a medical facility.

The appearance of discharge and pain

After curettage, the uterine mucosa remains a wound. This is why, in the first few days, bloody discharge similar to menstrual discharge may appear. This is considered the norm.

The appearance of brown discharge should alert you. They can signal that inflammation is present. If your temperature still rises, you should immediately go to a medical center.

Yellow discharge also signals inflammation. As for abdominal pain, this is a normal reaction of the body to curettage.

If there is only pain without discharge, this indicates complications. Unpleasant sensations in the chest can be explained by a hormonal imbalance. For correction, the specialist prescribes oral contraceptives.

In some cases, a through defect occurs in the wall of the uterus. It also happens that the cavity is not fully cleaned, since the operation is carried out blindly. As a result, inflammation occurs, causing pain, increased temperature, and poor contractility of the organ. Due to inflammation, adhesions often develop. As a result, the cavity becomes deformed, and this is fraught with infertility. If adhesions are removed, scars will form.

Recovery period

After the loss of a child, you should pass all tests and undergo a medical examination. It is also important to determine the group compatibility of partners. If tests do not show the presence of any disease, preventive measures will be prescribed. It will also be important to give up all bad habits for a period of 6 months. To avoid unexpected conception, you should use contraceptives.

Many women after ST need the help of a psychologist. The specialist may recommend that they talk to families where the same situation happened. It is also important to change the environment and get a charge of positive emotions. It’s good if close people support the woman. And she herself must avoid stress and conflict.

Important! You shouldn’t try to get pregnant immediately after your first period! The uterus needs time to recover normally.

How to prepare for your next pregnancy

The preparation tactics should be as follows. When planning a pregnancy, you need to be checked for infectious diseases. If they exist, treat them. In this case, it is necessary to know whether the woman has had rubella. If you have not been sick, then it is better to get a preventive vaccination 3 months before conception.

It is also important not to drink alcohol or be stressed. If the previous pregnancy was frozen or ectopic, then you need to wait at least six months, or preferably a year, for a secondary conception. If you can’t conceive a child, in this case you can try eco.

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out comprehensively:

  1. First, you should take a collection of lemon balm, raspberry leaves, thyme, birch buds and juniper.
  2. Then an extract of thuja, femoral saxifrage and buttercup anemone is taken.
  3. To smooth the uterine mucosa, a decoction of plantain seed is prescribed.
  4. If there is a predisposition to the formation of blood clots, you need to use sweet clover and chestnut extract.
  5. To strengthen the muscles of the uterus, an extract of uterine cloves is used, reviews of the use of which are mostly positive. During menstruation you should take breaks. The course of admission is 3 months.

If the fetus was removed using medical abortion or vacuum aspiration, intimate relations can begin after 14 days. After curettage, you should not have sex for at least a month. Otherwise, it will be accompanied by severe pain.


So, during pregnancy with negative Rh and not only the worst can happen. If the fetus stops developing in the womb, it should be removed. Then, in the future, a woman will be able to become a mother more than once if she follows the advice of a gynecologist and leads a healthy lifestyle.

About 90% of women are able to conceive a child after an unsuccessful attempt and give birth to him healthy. One frozen pregnancy is an accident. If failures occur again and again, the examination must be complete and treatment must be serious.

I already wrote a story about my frozen pregnancy a long time ago, for those who haven’t read it, you can see it here: . In this post I want to talk about the SAVING process itself...

In general, they put me in storage, and at 8 weeks I began to bleed. The doctors immediately reassured me and said that this often happens and there is no miscarriage, there is only a threat. They gave me IVs and injections for three days - they completely preserved my “pregnancy”. I immediately asked why I didn’t have an ultrasound? After all, the testimony is serious, suddenly there is nothing left to save, and the doctors answered with complete confidence: “don’t worry, everything is fine with your child,” although the child was dead and I spent all these three days walking with the dead baby, stroking his tummy and talking to him. ..or with her...

As soon as I remember, I get goosebumps and tears. I hoped...in vain...

After the embryo was removed, I was not myself and at that moment I saw a crying girl near the operating room. I immediately realized that she, too, had lost her child and was waiting for her turn to be cleaned. I approached her and began to calm her down. Through sobs, I realized that she was already 13 weeks pregnant!!! and then it hit me like an electric shock, she says that the child is ALIVE and she came for a voluntary ABORTION (I apologize for bringing up this topic). At that moment the ground almost ran away from under my feet... It’s clear that I’m so stressed about losing my baby, and then some crazy woman came to kill the child...

In short, I started reading morals to her... It’s clear that now it seems stupid, every person has their own problems, their own views and such actions are difficult and difficult to discuss, but at that moment I could not be stopped... She said that she is 17 years old, she is in college and has a boyfriend. They dated for 3 months, then because of his jealousy, she broke up with him, and only then found out that she was pregnant. I didn’t tell my mother, I just silently saved up money for 3 months and then came for an abortion. I realized that she WANTS a child, but she is afraid of her mother and is not sure that she will become a good mother herself, since she is still young...

I tried to explain to her that she could become the best mother, that she shouldn’t be afraid of anyone, neither her mother nor her boyfriend. This is her child and only she can decide the fate of the baby. I showed her pictures of the baby at 12 weeks, she was surprised to see the baby, she didn’t think that a full-fledged child was already living in her belly. This girl immediately ran to take off her surgical shirt... She thanked me from the bottom of her heart and promised to visit me the next day.

And this next day she came with her MOM. This mother was all show-off (a real bitch lady) and was pushing the doctors to give her daughter an abortion. And this girl again, all teary-eyed, ran to my room and asked for help... We talked for a long time with her mother, it turns out that this mother herself gave birth to her daughter at the age of 17. In general, after the conversation, her mother began to cry and allowed her daughter to give birth... And the next day this girl went to my room for safekeeping.

I couldn’t save my child, but I saved someone else’s...