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Presentation of civic patriotic education at school. System of work on civic-patriotic education. “Civic-patriotic education as a factor

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Civic education

Civic education - the process of educating a Citizen

Civic education forms a complex of moral qualities Legal culture Political culture Culture of interethnic relations

Means of civic education School subjects School courses Extracurricular activities

Indicators of civic education Knowledge of laws Knowledge of the country's social system Ability to participate in public life Intolerance for breaking laws

Goal: Development of citizenship, patriotism among young people as the most important spiritual, moral and social values, formation of skills and readiness for their active manifestation in various spheres of society, loyalty to constitutional and military duty in peacetime and wartime, high responsibility, discipline and others moral qualities of the individual.

Objectives: - Creating conditions for civic education at school. - Development of a spiritual and moral personality that intelligently combines personal interests with public ones. - Formation of necessary and legal norms of behavior in terms of state, labor, civil and family laws, awareness of oneself as part of the rule of law, capable of cooperation with others through the study of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. - Fostering feelings of duty, responsibility, readiness to defend the Fatherland, feelings of love and affection for family, home, one’s homeland, traditions, customs of one’s people. -Formation of skills and needs to preserve and increase the wealth of nature.

Civic education Spiritual and moral Civil and legal Family Valueological Aesthetic and ethical Labor and economic National and patriotic Ecological

Stages of program implementation: 5 years I stage: project 2010-2011 academic year II stage: practical 2011-2014 academic years III stage: analytical 2014 - 2015 academic year

The end result of the program is an active civic position and patriotic consciousness of students, as the basis of the personality of a future citizen of Russia.

Fundamental concepts of moral values ​​land fatherland family labor knowledge culture world people

The main goal of civic education is to instill in a person the moral ideals of society, a sense of love for the Motherland, a desire for peace, and the need to work for the good of society.

Activities 1. Conducting joint meetings of the School Council, the Pedagogical Council and the Program Implementation Council with the agenda “Civic education of students: problems, ways to solve them”; 2. Meeting of the Council for the implementation of the program on planning and organizing various events: aesthetic, civil and moral topics; 3. Involving parents of students in organizing and conducting events to instill a sense of patriotism in children (parent meetings, conferences, meetings, concerts, etc.); 4. Development of a system of techniques, methods and activities aimed at the civic and patriotic education of students through academic subjects; 5. Conducting project competitions for the best organization of the work of class teachers and subject teachers in the civic and patriotic education of students;

6. Organization of labor landings to clean the school and school grounds; 7. Ensuring the organizational participation of high school students in field training camps; 8. Conducting competitions among students for the best essay, essay, story, poem on civil and patriotic topics; 9. Conducting a conference on local history; 10. Participation in the competition “The most athletic class”; 11. Holding sports festivals and competitions dedicated to anniversaries and historical dates; 12. Staging plays about the Second World War; 13. Concerts dedicated to Defenders of the Fatherland Day;

14. Conducting a month of defense and sports work; 15. Conducting concerts and drawing competitions on the theme “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten”; 16. Holding exhibitions of student handicrafts; 17. Organization of screening and discussion of popular science, documentaries and feature films on military-patriotic topics; 18. Conducting meetings with WWII veterans, veterans of local wars, providing all possible assistance; 19. Conducting the quiz “We are faithful to this memory”; 20. Conducting reader conferences on books about the Second World War; 21. Class hours, conversations, lectures, matinees, holidays on spiritual, moral, national-patriotic, civil law topics;

22. Coverage of the school’s experience in patriotic and civic education; 23. Exchange of experience with educational institutions working on the issue of civic education of schoolchildren; 24. Organization of excursions around the native land; 25. Organization of local history researchers at the school; 26. Organization and holding of the traditional Day of Knowledge on the study of state symbols of the Russian Federation.


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Civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren "I am a Man, a Student, a Citizen"

Development of citizenship and patriotism among young people as the most important spiritual, moral and social values, readiness for active manifestation in various spheres of society. Formation of a spiritually and physically healthy person who inextricably links his destiny with the future of his hometown, region and country; goals

Development of a spiritual and moral personality that intelligently combines personal interests with public ones. Fostering a sense of duty, responsibility, readiness to defend the Fatherland, a sense of love and affection for family, home, one’s homeland, traditions, and customs of one’s people. Formation of skills and the need to preserve and increase the wealth of nature. Tasks

Formation of the necessary material and legal standards of behavior in terms of state, labor, civil and family laws, awareness of oneself as part of the rule of law, capable of cooperation with others through the study of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Development of moral relationships in the family; Fostering pride in the heroic past of one’s homeland and respect for the culture of one’s country;

“Educating a citizen of the country should be considered one of the main means of national revival. A functionally literate citizen is a person who loves his homeland, who knows how to respond to changes in society, and defend his human right.”

The concept of “citizenship” presupposes the development and implementation by a child of his rights and responsibilities in relation to himself, his family, the team, his native land, the Fatherland. These are not only philosophical, social, economic questions, but also purely pedagogical ones. It is important to raise an active citizen of your homeland, and not an outside observer. Citizenship includes relationships at the level of “citizen - state” and “person - society”. When forming a citizen, we must first of all see him as a person. Therefore, a citizen, from a pedagogical point of view, is an original individuality, a person possessing the unity of spiritual, moral and legal duty.

Patriotic education is a systematic and purposeful activity of government bodies and organizations to develop in citizens a high patriotic consciousness, feelings of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty and constitutional responsibilities to protect the interests of the Motherland. Patriotic education is aimed at the formation and development of an individual with the qualities of a citizen.

The main thing in this work is a systematic approach to the formation of a student’s civic position, creating conditions for his self-knowledge and self-education. At the same time, it is important to optimally use the pedagogical potential of the social environment, to help students master socio-historical experience by entering the social environment, and to develop their own individual experience of life.

Directions I - I I - school I - family I - culture I - citizen and patriot

Formation of a civil attitude towards oneself. The content of activities in this area includes the child’s understanding of himself as a particle of the surrounding world and gaining confidence in his significance. Tasks. Forming a sense of justice in schoolchildren and instilling in them civic responsibility. Nurturing an aesthetic culture and developing the artistic abilities of students. Raising in children an understanding of the essence of conscious discipline and a culture of behavior, responsibility and diligence, accuracy in observing the rules of behavior at school, at home, and in public places. Forming in schoolchildren the need for self-education, the development of moral and volitional qualities, the ability to show determination and perseverance in overcoming difficulties. "I - I"

The expected result of the activity. Fostering the humanity of students: understanding the value of human life, justice, selflessness, respect for human dignity, mercy, the ability to compassion, empathy, patience, goodwill. High level of self-awareness, self-esteem, self-discipline.

The main content of this direction is preparation for fulfilling the main social roles: daughter, son, brother, sister, husband, wife, relative. Starting position: family is the main factor in raising a family man. Citizenship is manifested in love for parents and relatives. Students should know their family traditions, be able to love and take care of their loved ones. Objectives To develop respect for family members. Raise a family man who loves his parents and relatives. To form in schoolchildren the concepts of the essence of basic social roles, the ability to understand and correctly resolve emerging family difficulties. “Student - family” Formation of a civil attitude towards your family.

The expected result of the activity. Formation in schoolchildren of the concept of the essence of social roles: - a real man has intelligence, determination, courage, skill in business, nobility; - a real woman is distinguished by kindness, attention to people, responsiveness, tolerance, the ability to forgive, love for children; - a real son protects the peace of his parents and family members, is always ready to help elders with their housework, does not create conflicts, knows how to keep his word; - a real daughter takes care of her family, the peace of her elders, knows how and loves to work.

Formation of a civil attitude to culture The main content of activities in this area is for schoolchildren to comprehend the importance of art and national culture for people in the modern world, the development of the spiritual world of students based on knowledge of art, literature, and folklore. Tasks. To instill in schoolchildren a sense of beauty, to develop their creative thinking, artistic, musical, literary, choreographic abilities, to form aesthetic tastes and ideals. To develop an understanding of the importance of art in the life of every citizen. Formation and development of the foundations of ethnocultural self-awareness of students. "Disciple-Culture"

The expected result of the activity. The ability of schoolchildren to see beauty in the surrounding reality. Acquaintance with the life and work of outstanding artists and composers. Successful classes of children in educational associations of artistic and aesthetic directions. Participation in amateur performances.

The content of the activity includes the child’s understanding of himself as a part of his Motherland, its citizen and patriot. Initial provisions: every person is not only the son or daughter of his parents, but also a citizen of the Fatherland. Tasks. To develop the social activity of students, to instill in them a conscious attitude towards work and national property, loyalty to the military and labor traditions of the older generation, devotion to the Fatherland, readiness to defend its freedom and independence. To form in schoolchildren an awareness of moral and legal duty, responsibilities towards the natural environment, and responsibility for its condition. To develop in students a desire to acquire legal knowledge and a sense of civic responsibility for their behavior and the actions of others. To cultivate in children the ability to aesthetically perceive domestic and world culture, works of art and literature, and to respect monuments of culture and art, and national creativity. To form in schoolchildren a desire to develop artistic abilities and creative activity in various types of art and work. Enrich their aesthetic knowledge and improve their skills. “Student-citizen and patriot” Formation of a civil attitude towards the Fatherland.

The expected result of the activity. Students are convinced that a true citizen loves and is proud of his Motherland, studies its historical, cultural, spiritual heritage, is faithful to his civic duty and is ready to defend his Fatherland.

Formation of a civil attitude towards school. The main content of the activity is the student’s understanding of the need for scientific knowledge for a normal life in the modern world. Starting points at school, students not only gain knowledge, but also learn to live. School is a source of formation of the necessary qualities of a citizen. Tasks. To form in the child a conscious belonging to a team, an understanding of its role in a person’s life, and the ability to combine personal and public interests. To instill in schoolchildren a conscious attitude towards learning, to develop their cognitive activity and a culture of mental work. To form the readiness of schoolchildren to consciously choose a profession. To foster morality, conscious discipline and a culture of behavior in students. Engage in their physical improvement, health promotion and the formation of sanitary and hygienic skills. To cultivate a conscious readiness to comply with the Charter of the school and the Charter of the Children's Organization. Learn to value your own and other people’s time, be an example for younger people, and be able to keep your word. To develop students’ need for constant replenishment of their knowledge, a responsible and creative attitude to learning, and the skills of rational organization of mental and physical labor. To form an awareness of one’s belonging to the school community, a desire to combine personal and public interests, to create an atmosphere of genuine camaraderie and friendship in the team. To form a conscious attitude towards strengthening one’s health, the desire to participate in sports competitions, defense sports and health-improving events. "Student-school"

Military-patriotic education in the conditions of modernization.

Teacher MBOU Ogoronskaya secondary school:

Tugarina E.G.

  • The historical significance of every Russian person measured by his services to the Motherland, his human dignity - by the strength of his patriotism.
  • N.G. Chernyshevsky

We must build our future on a strong foundation. And such a foundation is patriotism.

President of Russian Federation

V.V. Putin

  • creating conditions for increasing civic responsibility for the fate of the country, increasing the level of consolidation of society to solve the problems of ensuring national security and sustainable development of the Russian Federation, strengthening the sense of belonging of citizens to the great history and culture of Russia, ensuring the continuity of generations of Russians, raising a citizen who loves his Motherland and family .

  • formation of a citizen with a high democratic culture, humanistic orientation, capable of social creativity, able to act both in the interests of the individual and society.

  • the social order of a modern comprehensive school, which is expressed in “the national educational ideal - a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his own, aware of responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of the multinational people of the Russian Federation” . The concept assigns a leading role to the school as one of the main institutions of socialization after the family, participating in the formation of patriotism and civic identity of students.

  • The principles of civic and patriotic education are becoming relevant, and their consistent implementation is an urgent social and pedagogical task.

We realize that raising a patriot of one’s Motherland is a responsible and difficult task, the solution of which only begins in school childhood. Only systematic systematic work, the use of various means of education, the common efforts of the school and family, and the responsibility of adults for their words and actions can give positive results.

  • It is these guidelines that guide our school when carrying out work on civic and patriotic education.

  • Constitution of the Russian Federation, Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025 (developed in 2015),
  • The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen,
  • Program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016 - 2020".

  • Education of Russian patriots, citizens of a legal democratic state with a sense of national pride, civic dignity, love for the Fatherland and their people

It guides the entire pedagogical process, permeates all structures, integrating educational activities and extracurricular life of students, various types of activities. Its achievement becomes possible through solving the following tasks:

  • to form a conscious attitude towards the Fatherland, its past, present and future on the basis of historical values ​​and the role of Russia in the destinies of the world;
  • develop citizenship and national identity of students;
  • create conditions for each student to realize their own civic position through the activities of student self-government bodies;
  • develop and deepen knowledge about the history and culture of the native land.

  • The main form of educational work remains the lesson, which in the educational system becomes an educational complex where educational influences are integrated into the holistic educational process.

  • - the humanitarian orientation of all academic disciplines is being strengthened: traditional subjects include material that helps children understand themselves, the motives of their behavior, relationships with others, and design their lives.
  • – active forms and methods of educational activity, its openness, a variety of educational and methodological materials, forms and techniques of educational and extracurricular work are used, developing knowledge and skills that increase the social and cultural competence of the individual.
  • The educational system covers the entire pedagogical process, integrating educational activities, the extracurricular life of children, various activities and communication, the influence of the social and subject-aesthetic environment.

  • Spiritual - moral.

Historical and local history

  • Aimed at developing moral and volitional qualities, nurturing endurance, perseverance, courage, discipline in the process of physical education and sports, developing experience in serving the Fatherland and readiness to defend the Motherland.

Cultural - patriotic

  • Spiritual - moral. Awareness by students in the process of civic-patriotic education of the highest values, ideals and guidelines, socially significant processes and phenomena of real life, the ability to be guided by them as defining principles and positions in practical activities.
  • Historical and local history. A system of activities aimed at understanding the historical and cultural roots, awareness of the uniqueness of the Fatherland, its destiny, inextricability with it, the formation of pride in involvement in the actions of ancestors and contemporaries and historical responsibility for what is happening in society, the formation of knowledge about one’s native village, region.

  • Civil - legal. Influences through a system of measures on the formation of a legal culture and law-abidingness, skills in assessing political and legal events and processes in society and the state, civic position, constant readiness to serve one’s people and fulfill constitutional duty; fosters respect for state symbols.
  • Aimed at activating the spiritual, moral and cultural-historical continuity of generations, the formation of an active life position, the manifestation of feelings of nobility and compassion, and the manifestation of care for older people.

  • Focused on developing in young people a high patriotic consciousness, ideas of serving the Fatherland, the ability to defend it armed, studying Russian military history, military traditions.
  • Aimed at developing moral and volitional qualities, nurturing endurance, perseverance, courage, discipline in the process of physical education and sports, developing experience in serving the Fatherland and readiness to defend the Motherland.

  • Cultural - patriotic. Aimed at developing the creative abilities of students through introducing them to musical folklore, oral folk art, the world of folk holidays, and familiarization with the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

  • - the school has created an educational system based on mutual respect, mutual responsibility of all participants in the educational process and constructive interaction and cooperation of the teaching, student and parent communities;
  • - the system of additional education is functioning;
  • - a system of traditional school-wide events and creative projects has been developed;
  • - school student self-government is developing;
  • - new approaches to organizing the educational process are used and modern technologies are introduced into the process of patriotic education.

  • IN primary school The leading form of activity is play, introducing children to the world of Russian culture, promoting their acceptance of moral values: the unity of man and nature, love for their native land, hard work, mercy, etc. The course “The World Around You”, “Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Secular Ethics”, literary reading, music, fine arts. Various clubs and sports sections help to instill in children the foundations of national identity and dignity, a sense of respect for their history, culture, traditions, and inner world people and ultimately form a conscious patriotic feeling. After all, it is this age that is most susceptible to the assimilation of the values ​​of society, the development of creative abilities and moral standards. At the first stage, the formation of an individual begins, recognizing himself as a part of society and a citizen of his Fatherland, the child’s communicative abilities develop, which allow him to integrate into the community. And solving one of the main tasks of education at this stage - developing the creative potential of a primary school student - helps to form a personality capable of making a contribution to the life of the country.

  • continues the formation of a teenager’s system of values ​​and behavioral attitudes, helps to acquire the basic key competencies necessary for future independent life in society. Students are involved in socially useful activities. At this stage, the core of civic education is the formation of respect for the law, justice, the rights of other people and responsibility to society. This is facilitated by subjects: history, social studies, literature, music, fine arts.
  • In my opinion, it is necessary to add elective courses: “Fundamentals of the constitutional system.” Optional classes: “Famous people of the Amur region”, “Experts of the Constitution”, so that work in this direction is also implemented through collective creative activities, role-playing games, creative projects, a school local history museum.

  • knowledge about the processes occurring in various spheres of society, about people’s rights is deepened and expanded, the philosophical, cultural, political-legal and socio-economic foundations of society are learned, a person’s civic position and his socio-political orientation are determined.
  • The task of the program being implemented at this stage is to ensure that in the process of social activities, students improve their readiness and ability to protect their rights and the rights of other people, be able to build individual and collective activities in various areas, and form a healthy lifestyle.
  • There may be an introduction of an Integrated course in history and social studies, which allows students to acquire the most relevant generalized knowledge about man, society, and the main areas of social life. In such classes, adolescents gain experience in mastering basic social roles (family member, citizen, voter, owner, consumer, etc.).

  • - Thematic classroom hours;
  • - - visiting museums of the village, Zeya and the region;
  • -Studying the history of your family, family traditions;
  • - Study of folk traditions and customs, history of the village, school;
  • - Extracurricular work;
  • - Conducting school-wide events;
  • -Conducting meetings with WWII veterans, children of war and combatants in hot spots;
  • - Correspondence excursions to Russian cities;
  • - Military sports game “Zarnitsa”;
  • - Participation in conferences, competitions, shows.

  • Russia. Civic-patriotic education has occupied and will occupy a central place in the educational system of our school. And thanks to the variety of forms and methods of work, we – teachers – have a unique opportunity to influence the formation of future citizens and patriots

  • The idea of ​​the Fatherland is equally fruitful for everyone. To the honest she inspires the idea of ​​heroism, to the dishonest she warns against
  • The idea of ​​the Fatherland is equally fruitful for everyone. She inspires the honest with the idea of ​​heroism, and the dishonest - she warns against many abominations that would undoubtedly have been committed without her.
  • M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin

System of work on civic-patriotic education of students


Gaidaenko Natalia Viktorovna

Educational problem

“Civic-patriotic education as a factor

moral values"

Work system on civic-patriotic education

main directions

"Me and family"

"Me and my Fatherland"

“I am a citizen of Russia”

"Me and family."

Target: students' awareness of family as the most important life value.


  • 1. Foster a culture of family relationships, positive family values, and a sense of pride in your family;
  • 2. Increase the pedagogical and psychological competence of parents;
  • 3. Create conditions for parental participation in the educational process.

Shapes: conversations , parent meetings, individual counseling, joint events, surveys.

"Me and my Fatherland"

Target: students' awareness of the value of involvement in the fate of the Fatherland, its past, present, and future.


1. Foster pride in one’s homeland and national heroes;

2. Preserve the historical memory of generations in the memory of the younger generation;

3. Contribute to the formation in students of a sense of responsibility for the future of the country.

Shapes: thematic conversations, subject weeks, meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, competitions, holidays dedicated to memorable dates.

“I am a citizen of Russia.”

Target: formation of civil and legal orientation of the individual, active life position.


  • 1. To cultivate legal awareness, the ability to recognize one’s rights and the rights of another person;
  • 2. To create a culture of manifestation of citizenship;
  • 3. To form in students a system of knowledge, respect and interest in the state symbols of Russia.

Shapes: thematic conversations, collective creative activities, competitions, quizzes on legal topics, promotions, holidays dedicated to memorable dates.

The relationship between participants in the educational system in solving educational problems






Extracurricular activities teachers

Level of education of students (method by N.P. Kapustin)

Results of pedagogical observations

Methodology Grigorieva D.V., Kuleshova I.V., Stepanova P.V.

Goal: to identify the nature of the teenager’s relationship with people, nature, the Motherland, work, etc.

1. Towards society (attitude towards native nature, towards the Fatherland).

2. Towards people (respect for elders, friendliness, mercy, honesty).

3. Towards oneself (good will, self-respect, self-demandingness, organization).

Attitude to society (attitude to native nature, to the Fatherland)

Attitude towards people (respect for elders, friendliness, mercy, honesty)

Attitude towards yourself (good will, self-respect, self-demanding, organized)


“We are citizens of Russia »


Project "My Family's Pedigree"

Drawing competition on the topic: "I'm proud of my family"

Education of a citizen and patriot

Drawing competitions

“My Motherland is Crimea”

"Thank the granfather for the victory"

Promotion "St. George's Ribbon"


Partisan Glory Day


Day of the liberation of the Krasnoperekopsk region from the Nazi invaders

Victory Day



Expected results:


Children will know:

  • your nationality, the traditions of the Russian people and the history of Russia;
  • public holidays and symbols of the Russian state;
  • values ​​of multinational Russian society;
  • the diversity of nature, peoples, cultures and religions of the Russian state.

Children will learn:

  • respects other opinions, history and culture of other peoples;
  • master basic adaptation skills in a dynamically developing world;
  • be independent and responsible for your actions;
  • respect and appreciate the older generation, working people, heroes and defenders of their Fatherland;
  • love and protect the nature of your land, your homeland.

The presentation on the topic: “Civic-patriotic education of preschool children” will be of interest to teachers of preschool educational institutions, as it presents experience in working with children of the middle group of children from the secondary education level in civic-patriotic education.

The problem of civic-patriotic education in the modern world is relevant.

If we do not teach a child to love his country: its forests, seas, lakes, mountains, historical monuments, in short, man-made and natural wonders, then who will need it? Who will rejoice in her achievements and suffer from her sorrows.

The fate of the Motherland is in the hands of man. The homeland is what we make it ourselves.

The desire to preserve and increase historical and natural wealth is the main goal of instilling love for the Motherland and educating patriots of our Fatherland.

In my presentation, I presented slides on how children were raised to love their native land, native culture, native speech, it all starts small - with love for their family, for their home, for their kindergarten, for their city and then, this love turns into love for the Motherland, its history, past and present, for all humanity.

Civic-patriotic education is a complex pedagogical process. And his problems were solved in all types of children's activities: in classes, in games, in work, in everyday life throughout the school year.