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Benefits and contraindications of fish oil. Fish oil is more important for adults. We take care of children

As well as its beneficial effects on the body.

So, our body is not able to independently produce the valuable Omega-3 acids contained in fish oil. Therefore, it is necessary to include foods containing these acids in your diet. These are vegetable oils: mustard, linseed, camelina. Well, the most affordable is fish oil.

In medicine, purified light yellow fish oil is mainly used. The main importance is given to unsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3, Omega-6 group, vitamins A, D.

Compared to other fats, it has a unique property - it breaks down into smaller particles in our body. This allows it to be quickly absorbed, diffuse through the pores of cell membranes, and oxidize. Thus, many vegetable oils have such an effect up to 8 times weaker.

Treatment with fish oil

Fish oil is mainly provided as an additional nutritional supplement to maintain good body condition. Its property of easy oxidation allows it to preserve nitrogenous material, which is so necessary for the construction of tissues. Therefore, fish oil is recommended:

Lung diseases – tuberculosis

Bone/gland disease

Rickets, anemia

Severe forms of exhaustion

But, as mentioned above, the main value of fish oil is in the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3, Omega-6 group, which contribute to the dilation of blood vessels, allowing you to reduce triglyceride levels by up to 35%, which reduces the risk of:

Cardiovascular diseases

Diabetes mellitus

Hypertension diseases

Depression, memory impairment (lack of serotonin)

Development of senile insanity, dementia, brain degradation

Development of breast cancer/other malignant tumors

Severe respiratory failure in smokers

Thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis

Treatment with fish oil is prescribed to patients with a lack of vitamin A, D in the body for:

Treatment of eye diseases, poor vision (night blindness)

Prevention of bone diseases

Treatment of joint arthritis - stops inflammatory processes, increases mobility, alleviates acute pain

Treatment of inflammation in rheumatoid polyarthritis

Enhance immunity

Treatment of wounds/burns

For certain skin diseases such as psoriasis.

Home use of fish oil

In addition to treating many diseases, it is useful for the prevention and maintenance of general body tone.
It’s good if everything is in order, and there is no particular reason for frustration! But, if your vision begins to fail (don’t rush to think about glasses), brittle hair, dry skin, loose nails - everything indicates a lack of vitamin A in the body.

Vitamins A and D found in fish oil allow you to:

Restore vision

Improve the structure of hair and nails

Restore healthy skin and its elasticity

Improve the condition of the mucous membrane of the nose, throat, and respiratory tract

Restore tooth enamel

Has a beneficial effect on bone tissue

Prevent calf muscle cramps

Calm the nervous system

What else is it good to take fish oil for?

Pregnancy. It is recommended during pregnancy, as it not only has a positive effect on the mother’s body, but is also necessary for the development of the unborn child, for the formation of its bones and nervous system. But everything is good in moderation, so for treatment with fish oil, you should consult a doctor.

Recovery, rejuvenation. In general, it helps restore and rejuvenate our body both externally and internally: it restores many of its functions, improves memory, and increases immunity. It promotes the production of the hormone serotonin, for which it deservedly plays the role of an antidepressant.

Losing weight. It has been scientifically proven that with proper consumption of fish oil, the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood decreases, this leads to the burning of unsaturated fats in the body, so it is recommended for weight loss. However, here too we must adhere to the golden mean. Since this product is not a means for losing weight, but a tool that launches this process and enhances it.

You can find recommendations online for taking fish oil capsules. According to reviews and recommendations from doctors, it should be taken three times a day, two capsules. 15 mg capsules are sold in pharmacies. We provide information only - each body is unique, so consult a medical specialist before use.

Definitely, if you lead a correct/healthy lifestyle, combined with moderate intake of fish oil, then soon results such as health, beauty, slimness, and excellent well-being will not keep you waiting!

Hair. Fish oil is a healthy product, sometimes it is simply necessary for our hair. But dry, lifeless hair does not mean that you should immediately go to the pharmacy for fish oil. Check to see if the problem with your hair is frequent bleaching, use of dyes, harsh shampoos, frequent use of a hair dryer, lack of vitamins. For example, your hair will be helped.

And, of course, there is a lack of vitamin A. You can get it by eating: fish, eggs, milk, butter, cabbage, oranges, carrots, pumpkin. If you want to drink fish oil, please, it’s very useful! You can make masks from fish oil for hair, using it like all vegetable oils.

Fish oil for children

Our children constantly need fish oil, especially in the winter and spring. Traditionally, fish oil replenishes the deficiency of vitamins A and D in the child’s body. The presence of vitamin D prevents the development of rickets. Fish oil strengthens the immune system, reduces fatigue, increases the child’s mental activity, has a positive effect on the nervous system, reduces excitability, promotes tooth growth, strengthens tooth enamel, and bone tissue formation.

Today it can again be bought in pharmacies, this time in capsules, which makes it much easier for young consumers to take. This product is distinguished by its quality, as it began to be produced from the carcass of ocean fish. It is very important that the fish are caught from a clean environment. Because the katran fish, from the shark family, feeds on carrion, which, as you yourself understand, is fraught with consequences.

Unfortunately, the poor ecology of the seas makes it possible to consider the use of fish oil to be not always useful, and sometimes even dangerous. For example, in England it is prohibited for children under 5 years of age.

A good alternative to fish oil can be: nuts, flax seeds, pumpkin, pumpkin, olive, soybean, flaxseed oils, as well as fatty fish: mackerel, eel, salmon, haddock, sea tuna/perch, ivashi herring, salmon, sardine, sturgeon, salmon, halibut.

Use of fish oil

According to many experts, the use of fish oil for three courses of one month a year is quite sufficient. Muscle fish oil can be taken up to six capsules per day, but it must contain at least 15% beneficial acids (see label). However, it should be borne in mind that vitamin E should be taken at the same time, because it prevents the oxidation of easily decomposed fatty acids.

Producing fish oil in capsules makes it easier to take, since after swallowing the capsule, you will not notice its rather unpleasant smell/taste. But, if this is unpleasant for you, then eat fatty fish, 150 grams. in one day.

Attention: before treatment with fish oil, regardless of age, you must consult your doctor! Since its use is very individual, excess vitamin A and D in the body is undesirable.

Contraindications for fish oil

Like any other product, it has its contraindications:

For hypersensitivity, individual intolerance

With an excess of vitamin D and calcium in the body

For cholelithiasis/urolithiasis

For thyroid dysfunction

For active forms of tuberculosis

For chronic renal failure

For acute/chronic liver diseases

In the presence of wounds, cuts, after surgery, its ability to thin the blood reduces clotting

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, duodenal/stomach ulcers, it can provoke an exacerbation.

Caution: Taking fish oil on an empty stomach during treatment is contraindicated as it may cause stomach upset.

Elderly people and young women during pregnancy, before using it, should consult a doctor, strictly follow the instructions, and do not exceed the prescribed amount.

Be healthy and beautiful, Your Notes of Beauty!

Surely many people still have childhood memories of how they drank fish oil when they were little - an amber-colored oily liquid with a specific marine taste. And to this day there has been no alternative to it in fully supplying the human body with vital substances.

We will try to figure out who and how the use of liquid fish oil will help, how this legendary drug can enrich our body, and who should not take it - instead of positive results, fish oil will have a harmful effect.

Composition of liquid fish oil

Nowadays you rarely find, especially among dietary supplements, poorly purified fish oil with an unforgettable purely fishy smell and taste. Almost every drug undergoes molecular distillation and strict control to ensure the absence of harmful residues in the form of heavy metal impurities.

Fish oil is produced from cod liver or salmon meat - the annotation always indicates the source of its receipt. Cod liver fish oil contains more valuable fatty acids and fewer vitamins, so they are often added to the product artificially. Salmon fish oil, on the contrary, has a higher content of vitamins, especially vitamin D, but a lower proportion of fatty acids.

At the moment, most fish oil manufacturers are trying to provide the product with a pleasant taste. Often this is lemon juice, which neutralizes the taste of fish well. At the same time, the fish oil preparation is additionally enriched with fat-soluble vitamins A and E.

Liquid fish oil of decent quality is an amber transparent liquid without any cloudiness or sediment, with a uniform oily consistency.

Important! When purchasing, you should always check fish oil by looking at the bottle through a light source. If floating particles or flakes are noticed, discard such a product, it is stale. Buy only high-quality fish oil!

The benefits of this valuable product lie in the unique composition of fish oil.

  • First of all, these are polyunsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-3 class - docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosapentaenoic acid.
  • Next come Omega-6 acids - linoleic and arachidonic.
  • Omega-9 acid, oleic acid, is not inferior to them in terms of usefulness.

In addition to healing fatty acids, the fish product is rich in vitamins:

  1. ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), responsible for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus - the main factors for the strength of bones, tooth enamel, nails and hair;
  2. retinol (vitamin A), which protects and renews body cells;
  3. tocopherol (vitamin E) is a major antioxidant and component of the immune system.

Properties of liquid fish oil

The biological benefits of fish oil span multiple vital systems and organs, acting in a powerful complex that allows the product to support the health and functionality of our body as a whole.

  1. From the cardiovascular system - elasticity of blood vessels, including coronary ones, reduction of blood clots and bad cholesterol - the risk of heart attacks, strokes, atherosclerosis, dystonia is reduced.
  2. On the part of the movement organs, bones, ligaments, cartilage, joints, and muscles are strengthened.
  3. On the part of the digestive organs, the functioning of the liver and pancreas improves, the absorption of insulin becomes adequate.
  4. From the point of view - increases the acuity of peripheral and twilight vision, eliminates night blindness.
  5. On the immune side, resistance to colds and inflammatory processes increases, a person gets sick less often and more easily, and the manifestations of allergies decrease.
  6. On the part of the brain, cognitive functions improve at any age, especially in children and the elderly.

For your information! The ability of fish oil to neutralize cancer cells has been proven!

  • For children, the correct development of the skeletal system, the formation of teeth are ensured, mental abilities are enhanced, and hysteria disappears.
  • For pregnant women - ensures proper development of the fetus in the womb.
  • For nursing mothers, it prevents the decrease in calcium and phosphorus in the mother’s body, so that tooth enamel does not deteriorate and osteoporosis does not develop.
  • For older people - prevents the onset of senile dementia, preserves clarity of thought and memory.
  • For athletes - helps to utilize fat and build muscle tissue.
  • For women - strengthens bones, teeth, nerves, blood vessels, heart, gives elasticity to the skin; externally - reduces the fragility of nails and hair, smoothes wrinkles.

The benefits of fish oil in liquid form

Many people do not like the liquid form of fish oil, noting its ability to quickly go rancid in the light, and prefer capsules.

But not everyone can take capsules! Young children, especially infants, desperately need fish oil to prevent rickets, but such small babies simply cannot swallow the capsule! They are given fish oil to drink exclusively in liquid form!

Liquid fish oil will also come in handy for those who, due to surgery or illness, have difficulty swallowing large particles, including capsules.

The liquid form of fish oil is irreplaceable for external use - the drug heals wounds, burns, and ulcers.

Based on it, masks are prepared that give a magical effect:

  • for face;
  • neckline;
  • skin of hands and nails;
  • hair.

For your information! Doctors say that liquid fish oil is absorbed more quickly and fully than the product enclosed in capsules.

How to take liquid fish oil

Fish oil in liquid form is taken in courses and in small doses. It has been proven that both drinking the entire portion at a time and continuously drinking the drug does not bring any benefit, but can cause harm.

A one-time overdose of fish oil is fraught with digestive disorders - abdominal pain, dyspepsia, diarrhea. Continuous use of the product will result in hypervitaminosis of vitamin D, which can lead to the development of irreversible pathologies - hypercalciuria and/or hypercalcemia.

You should not consume fish oil without interruption; it is better to interrupt monthly courses for at least a week, unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor.

An empty stomach is not the best condition for drinking fish oil. It is much more appropriate to drink it after a meal - this way you can avoid heartburn, nausea and stomach pain.

Daily Value for Liquid Fish Oil

If there are no clear instructions from the doctor, then the daily dose and dosage regimen classically looks like this.

  • Infants up to one year old - from 3 to 5 drops twice a day.
  • Children from one year to 3 years old - 0.5 teaspoon twice a day.
  • Children from 3 to 6 years old - 1 teaspoon in 2 - 3 doses.
  • For school-age children - a maximum of 1 tablespoon, divided into 2 - 3 doses.
  • For adolescents and adults, the daily intake should not exceed 2 tablespoons, taken in 2 to 3 divided doses.

The benefits and harms of fish oil

The benefits of taking fish oil are obvious and proven, but harm from the product is also possible - this is either an overdose or taking fat if there are contraindications.

Uncontrolled drinking often results in:

  1. disruption of digestion;
  2. exacerbation of chronic processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  3. excess calcium and phosphorus;
  4. hypervitaminosis A and D, provoking internal inflammatory processes;
  5. when drinking insufficiently purified fat - accumulation of heavy metal salts in the tissues.

Fish oil also has contraindications:

  • kidney and liver pathologies;
  • tuberculosis in the active phase;
  • fish oil intolerance.

In order for the body to be properly enriched with fish oil, it must be taken correctly, without neglecting the advice of doctors!

Our pharmacies do not have such a large selection of liquid fish oil. And its quality cannot always be verified. We recommend ordering fish oil from. The choice is large, many manufacturers have long established themselves on the international market, there is liquid fish oil in different flavors, and you can always order it to Russia with free delivery.

In recent times, few supplements have received as much attention and recommendations as fish fat.

The benefits of fish oil (or the omega-3 fatty acids it contains) are amazing and almost limitless. However, fish oil does not have any side effects.

For this reason, almost every doctor, nutritionist, trainer and anyone who monitors nutrition recommends a fish oil supplement.

When any supplement becomes popular, many questions immediately arise and some confusion arises. For example:

  • What is this?
  • Are the benefits real? Is this scientifically proven?
  • Is it really safe? Are there any side effects at all?
  • How much fish oil should you take per day?
  • What total amount of Omega-3 or EPA and DHA should I take daily?
  • How many capsules should I take for the optimal daily dosage?
  • When and how should you take fish oil?
  • Which brand is the best?
  • Is it worth taking this supplement?

Let's put all the dots right now...

What is fish oil?

If A little exaggerate, then we can say that these are pills that work wonders.

This is literally the only supplement that most experts I recommend it to everyone...regardless of your goals (weight loss, muscle growth, etc.).

Hell, it doesn't even matter if you exercise, watch your diet, or take care of your body's appearance. You just need to take fish oil. And that's why…

In general, fish oil is simply an oil found in fatty fish (like salmon).

As I said before, fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, in particular eicosapentaenoic acid ( EPK) and docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA), which are essential fatty acids, which are usually lacks in any diet.

You probably know that there are so-called “good fats” and “bad fats”?

Thus, EPA and DHA, which are contained in omega-3, are “ great fats».

It just so happens that fish oil is their most common and convenient source.

What does fish oil do? What are its advantages?

Briefly? Fish oil improves your body's ability to do everything!

More details? I don't even know where to start.

Okay, let's first understand the benefits that allow us to build muscle, lose weight and change the appearance of your body.

Effect on muscle gain and weight loss

Overall, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil play a direct or indirect role in almost every process that occurs in your body when you are trying to gain muscle mass, lose weight, maintain muscle shape, recover from a workout, and so on. .

Does fish oil help you gain muscle or lose weight independently? Not at all. But it definitely plays an important role in these processes and helps your body accomplish these tasks.

For example, I looked at two separate studies, they both came to the same conclusion: people lose more weight when they combine healthy eating, exercise, and fish oil than those who eat right and exercise without fish oil.

Those omega-3 fatty acids promote fat oxidation, improve insulin sensitivity And provide "calorie sharing".

As I said earlier, "calorie breakdown" refers to how your body uses calories. I mean…

  • When you create a caloric surplus (which is necessary for muscle growth), will they be used to build muscle mass or will they go to fat?
  • When you create a calorie deficit (which is necessary for weight loss), will your body burn fat for energy or will it burn muscle tissue instead?

This is the division of calories, and fish oil helps direct it in the right direction(less fat, more muscle mass).

In addition, I would like to note that fish oil can also increase thermogenesis(which means you will burn more calories per day), has anti-catabolic impact (prevents muscle injuries), has anti-lipogenic effect (reduces fat accumulation), and also serves as an anti-inflammatory agent.

If you're impressed by the benefits above, hang in there. This is just the beginning...

General health and function

In terms of overall health and the functioning of the human body, the list of benefits of fish oil is even longer. Much bigger.

Namely, omega-3 fatty acids contribute to:

  • Reducing the risk of heart attack
  • Reducing the risk of stroke
  • Lower blood triglyceride levels
  • Reduce the risk of dangerous heart rhythms
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Relieving inflammation
  • Joint mobility
  • Reducing cholesterol levels
  • Slowing down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques
  • And much more.

In addition, fish oil prevents the development of the following diseases:

  • Alzheimer's disease and dementia
  • Depression
  • Heart disease
  • Arthritis
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperactivity
  • And much more…

Still want more benefits? No problem.

Fish oil improves mental activity, develops concentration and memory.

Some people also report a good mood and a general state of joy.

Another effect that is often talked about is good skin and hair.

If you dig even deeper, you will find people who will tell you how fish oil has helped reduce back pain, improve vision, get rid of rashes, and have many other benefits.

As I said, no additives are required. However, fish oil is the very additive that is required for use. I think you have already clearly understood this.

Does it really work?


There is a huge amount of scientific/medical research on the subject of fish oil, and most of it is legal and proven.

Plus benefits that have not yet been proven, but look very promising.

So...fish oil works even better than other supplements out there.

It is safe? Are there any side effects?

Fish oil is quite safe supplement.

You need to understand that this is just the oil found in the fish. And this is not some crazy fat burner or muscle growth product.

Yes, the benefits are impressive. But it's more of a product than a supplement. It is unlikely that you were interested in the side effects of salmon before eating it.

So for the average person fish oil is a 100% safe product, provided that you maintain the daily dosage (I’ll tell you more about this a little later).

In fact, the only side effect I've heard of is a "fishy taste" or "fishy burp." But if you use a high quality product, then you won't have this problem.

It's also worth noting that if you are pregnant or allergic to fish or iodine, or have any other health concerns, you should consult your doctor before taking fish oil.

The funny thing is, your doctor may even be the first one to recommend this supplement to you.

For example, most pregnant women already take fish oil prescribed by their doctors (it's good for baby's brain development), as do many people at risk of heart disease.

When and how should you take fish oil?

Fish oil should be taken with meals, not on an empty stomach.

If you are taking more than 1 capsule per day (which may be necessary for optimal fish oil intake), you will need to consume them throughout the day.

For example, one capsule in the morning, another in the afternoon and a third in the evening.

How much fish oil should you consume per day? How many capsules?

To answer this question, you need to know the optimal amount of fish oil to obtain all of the above benefits.

You can then determine how many capsules you need to take per day to reach your optimal level.

Based on the research I've looked at, the best thing to do is...

Optimal dosage of fish oil: 1-3 grams of combined EPA and DHA daily.

Note that we're not talking about grams of "total fat." We're talking about a combination of EPA and DHA (you'll understand when you read the information on the back of the bottle).

Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are the very ingredients that provide all the benefits.

For this reason, the optimal dosage of fish oil should be based on these and not on the total amount of fish oil or omega-3s contained in one serving.

Example of daily dosage

Let me give you a brand as an example: .

This brand contains 650 mg EPA and 450 mg DHA per serving. One serving of this brand is 2 capsules.

So in combination, 650 mg + 450 mg = 1.1 g in a combination of EPA and DHA.

This means:

  • 2 capsules this brand is given 1.1 grams EPA and DHA. This is the minimum amount of fish oil that can be effective.
  • 3 capsules this brand gives about 1.6 grams EPA and DHA.
  • 4 capsules this brand is given 2.2 grams EPA and DHA. This, one might say, is the golden mean of the optimal daily dose (personally, I take this number of capsules per day).
  • 5 capsules this brand gives approx. 2.8 grams EPA and DHA. This is the maximum amount you can take.

As I said, I take 4 capsules per day, which provides my body with 2.2 grams of EPA and DHA.

I think this is the optimal amount for most people.

But, again, as long as you stay within 1-3 grams of EPA and DHA daily, you'll be fine. (And, of course, if your doctor recommends more or less fish oil, it's worth listening to him.)

Also keep in mind that the amount of fish oil is specific to each specific brand. Other brands contain different amounts of EPA and DHA (usually less), which will require you to take a different number of capsules.

This is one of the reasons why I take this particular brand of fish oil. I only need 4 capsules per day to consume the optimal amount. Most brands suggest taking 6-10 capsules.

If we talk about the best brand...

Which brand is better?

When choosing the best fish oil, there are a number of general factors to consider:

  • Quality. For me, quality comes first. It is especially important when choosing fish oil. Not only do I want to avoid unnecessary "fishy taste", but I also want to see a high level of purification (removes contaminants that are often found in fish). The best results from independent laboratory tests are also important.
  • Convenience. As I said before, some brands contain more or less omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. The less acid they contain, the more servings you need to take daily. Personally, I would prefer to take 4 capsules per day rather than 8.
  • Price. Of course, most brands are cheaper than luxury brands, however, as I wrote, I would rather spend a little more money to get the quality and convenience that I talked about.
  • Fish fat: Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega
    I have spent a lot of time researching fish oil over the years. I have seen various recommendations from doctors/experts and have seen the results of two independent laboratory tests that tested dozens of fish oil brands for purity, quality, and content of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.

Based on all this, I can honestly say that Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega is one of the best brands!

The choice is yours, the main thing is to pay attention to the EPA and DHA content. Expensive fish oil that is low in these fatty acids is a bad choice!

Where can I buy?

You can find fish oil in pharmacies in your city, sports nutrition stores, online stores, etc.

Personally, I order sports nutrition and other supplements from bodybuilding.com! Before the fall of the ruble, it was incredibly profitable than buying with a markup in a Russian store, where, in addition to the high price, you can easily run into fakes!

What's next?

Now that you know everything you need to know about fish oil, it's time to move on to the next supplement that may be beneficial for you... multivitamins.


These days, fish oil is known for its omega-3 fat content and its ability to prevent heart disease. The hype around fish oil has not subsided for several years now, and it is not entirely clear how fish oil is beneficial, why people drink fish oil, and whether it is worth taking this healing drug or is it just an advertising gimmick. There are now so many companies producing it that some of us worry that it will lead to overfishing and water pollution. And what is all this for, why does the body need fish oil? For just omega-3 fatty acids?

I would like to shed light on the topic of whether it is worth taking fish oil at all, and what you need to consider if you decide to include it in your diet.

General Information: Health Benefits of Fish Oil

The main benefit of fish oil is that it contains three types of omega-3 fats that are essential for health. The body itself cannot produce these fats, so they must be included in the diet. Omega-3s are vital for brain activity, hormonal balance in the body, they affect blood pressure, blood clotting and the overall health of the arteries.

Omega-3 fats are the only type of fat that has been shown to gradually reduce inflammation and improve heart and brain health. Omega-3 acids play a vital role in skin health, helping to reduce dryness, eczema and acne. Some studies show that fish oil even helps with certain types of autoimmune diseases, such as lupus.

Fish is also a source of vitamin B12, vitamin D, iodine, protein and magnesium, which help improve overall health. However, the beauty of fish lies in its unique ratio of omega-3 fatty acids.

There are three main types of omega-3 fatty acids, including:

  • EPA is eicosapentaenoic acid
  • ALA - alpha-linolenic acid;
  • and DHA - docosahexaenoic acid;

Of these three types, docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid are the most important for the brain. For the most part, such acids are found only in fish. Alpha-linolenic acid is essential for heart and skin health and can be obtained from plant foods such as vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits.

The body itself must convert ALA to EPA unless dietary sources are consumed, but studies have shown that the conversion rate is not always up to par and many people are actually deficient in DHA and EPA.

DHA is one of the most valuable types of omega-3 fats that we need for optimal health. Eating enough of this fatty acid has been proven to make us feel good, but it is difficult to obtain from food alone. The best sources of DHA and ALA are seaweed (which is what fish consume), however, seaweed does not contain eicosapentaenoic acid, but fish oil does. This can pose some problems when it comes to brain health because both DHA and EPA are essential for optimal brain and heart function, which can only predominantly provide omega-3 fatty acids.

The clearest evidence that you should take fish oil is the fact that it can improve brain and heart function.

What are the benefits of fish oil?

Here are 5 reasons why you should pay attention to this healing fat and how eating it can change your life:

Reduces the risk of heart disease

Research shows that the best way to avoid heart problems is to take fish oil. This is because the human body easily absorbs it and omega-3 fatty acids help with inflammation, improve blood pressure and are involved in regulating heart rate. And when the heart works like a clock, the chances of having a stroke decrease. Another benefit of fish oil is that it helps prevent the risk of increasing cholesterol levels.

Reduces muscle pain after exercise

Fish oil helps reduce pain and inflammation that may occur after exercise. Just 1-2 grams of this fat per day can significantly reduce inflammation and fatigue in muscle cells.

Helps with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Fish oil is beneficial to the body because it contains enough DHA to help reduce the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which can be beneficial for adults and children. The brain needs DHA to function properly, and this particular type of omega-3 helps reduce anxiety and the inability to focus on any task.

Reduces the risk of depression and its symptoms

Fish oil is so rich in docosahexaenoic acid that it can combat depression and its symptoms. Many people choose to feast on fish or take fish oil daily in order to prevent moderate or even severe depression. This is a great option for those who don't want to take prescription medications for depression, which have many serious side effects.

Improves metabolism

Last but not least, what fish oil is good for: It has been proven that taking it daily can help the body use fats more efficiently. Fish oil is perfectly balanced and the body can use the components it contains to effectively burn fat as fuel and improve the metabolic process. It can increase muscle mass, reduce cortisol levels, improve brain health, all of which can help reduce the risk of being overweight and having a slow metabolism.

With all these benefits of fish oil, it's easy to see why adding it to your diet can completely change your life. This is a great find for vegetarians who don't want to eat fish and those who can't afford to eat fish every day.

How to choose fish and fish oil:

The American Heart Association advises those who want to keep their heart healthy to eat fish twice a week. Still, this amount is not enough compared to what taking fish oil capsules daily can provide.

If you do decide to take this supplement every day, then it is worth finding out how it was made and what ingredients were used. Many companies add dangerous by-products, fillers, or use fish oil that was raised in unfavorable conditions and therefore may contain pesticides, chemicals and other environmental toxins. Most companies also do not test the extracted oil for harmful substances, and some even add mixtures of different oils to the capsules, not just fish oil.

Buy fish oil only from trusted manufacturers whose products have been tested and do not contain:

  • mercury
  • PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls, which are dangerous toxic chemicals)
  • additives such as canola or soybean oil.

When purchasing fish, look for at least 1,200 mg (equivalent to 1.2 grams) of omega-3 per serving so you can be sure it contains at least 600 milligrams of DHA, not just EPK. Both acids are important types of omega-3 fats, the supplement should contain both types equally, then you will receive a serving of fish with the same benefits as capsule fish oil.

It is recommended that you purchase fish oil made from or supplemented with sea krill oil (it has higher omega-3 levels and is less likely to contain toxic chemicals or mercury). Surprisingly, the health benefits of fish oil come from small fish, such as anchovies or sardines, which contain the highest levels of healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

If you don't like to eat fish, you'll be happy to know that fish oil often goes through more testing for contaminants than the fish itself. Not to mention, plain fish oil is more affordable.

What types of fish should you choose?

If you still consider yourself a fish lover, then choose small fish for lunch; they are less likely to contain mercury. It’s even better to choose wild fish species rather than those raised in artificial conditions. Although there are exceptions to this depending on where the fish was caught, the water in which the fish grew and the type of fish you are going to cook.

For more information about which types of fish are safe to eat, visit environmental websites. There you can find out which fish is best to eat depending on the current state of the environment in which the fish are grown.

Here is a list of the safest fish to eat:

  • Salmon
  • Rainbow trout
  • Sardines
  • Mussels
  • Atlantic mackerel
  • Oysters
  • Saida
  • Herring
  • Light canned tuna (not albacore)

Fish Oil Alternatives:

You need to take fish oil capsules daily, in an amount of at least two pieces. It is preferable to do this at the beginning of the day, either before the first meal, or with breakfast. Unlike most multivitamins, you can take fish oil on an empty stomach without causing nausea or stomach pain. If you are taking blood thinners, you should remember that omega-3s can thin the blood and increase blood pressure. In this case, it is worth talking to your doctor about whether you should take a supplement and whether it is safe.

Finally, if you are a vegetarian or are still unsure about taking fish oil and eating fish, make sure you include the following foods containing alpha-linolenic acid in your daily diet:

  • flax-seed
  • leafy greens
  • chia seeds
  • hemp seeds
  • walnuts
  • pumpkin seeds

Additionally, make sure you take DHA supplements that are derived from carefully selected algae to help maintain optimal health.

Although these sources do not contain EPA in the same proportions as fish or fish oil, they are still worth making part of your daily diet to maintain overall health. All omega-3 fatty acids counteract the negative effects of excess omega-6 fats from corn, soybean, vegetable, and peanut oils. Therefore, it is worth consuming a variety of sources of fat, even if you like fish and take fish oil. Plant sources of omega-3 fats also contain other vitamins and minerals that also provide significant benefits to the body.

If you plan to take fish oil or regularly cook fish, then you should take care to find a reputable supplier. You should carefully study the information about the composition of fish oil and where the fish came from. Overall, fish oil can be a healthy addition to your diet and help you stay healthy for years to come. Therefore, it is worth learning how to prepare delicious fish dishes and delight yourself and your loved ones with delicacies that are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Many of us were forced to drink fish oil as children. Then the drug, containing vitamins essential for bone growth and the prevention of rickets, was produced in the form of a liquid solution with an oily consistency and not the most pleasant taste. No one doubts the benefits of this product today, because it is a unique source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are present in large quantities in fish oil. These substances are indispensable for human health and must be regularly supplied to the body.

Taking into account the specific smell and taste, today fish oil is produced in capsules. Which manufacturer is better? This question is asked by everyone who cares about themselves and their loved ones. Unlike the liquid solution, the capsule version of this product does not cause any discomfort during administration. But in order for it to bring maximum benefit, it is important to know the basic rules for its use. Next, we will find out why such a dietary supplement is useful, and we will compose a kind of review-rating of fish oil in capsules, find out which of the drugs available in the pharmacy range are more effective, whether they are equally suitable for adults and children, or whether there are significant differences between them.

Why you should drink fish oil

Perhaps we should start with the cosmic cost ranges of such dietary supplements. In pharmacies you can find both budget options, the price of which ranges from 100-300 rubles, and products from world brands - they can cost several thousand rubles per package. Which manufacturer of fish oil capsules is better given such noticeable price differences? Why overpay if you can save money and not spend significant amounts on a purchase? It turns out there is a difference. Let's figure out what it is.

Everyone probably knows from a school anatomy course that the human body urgently needs omega-3 acids, but is not able to synthesize them on its own. It would seem that there is a solution to this problem: it is necessary to regularly replenish the deficiency of missing substances with food, in particular with fish. But even if we put aside the fact that not all of us have this product in our daily diet, another argument appears in favor of pharmaceutical supplements. Fish that lies on the shelves in supermarkets, as a rule, is grown artificially, so its meat contains practically no polyunsaturated amino acids necessary for the body. The reason for this “marriage” is food, the composition of which is far from the natural diet.

Expensive and cheap dietary supplements

The only question that remains open is which manufacturer is better. Fish oil in capsules, sold at affordable prices, differs from more expensive analogues not only in the subtleties of production, but also:

  • method of extraction, processing;
  • daily norm;
  • amino acid concentration.

Cheap fish oil is obtained from small fish that are not properly gutted. But for the production of expensive drugs, only selected raw materials are used - meat from fish of the salmon or cod family.

Those companies that are concerned about the quality of their products and, accordingly, their reputation, purify the product using innovative technologies. While available budget dietary supplements may contain impurities of lead, mercury and other harmful substances that pollute the waters of the World Ocean.

The use of fish oil in capsules of low quality does not fully satisfy the daily needs for omega-3, since they contain no more than 10-15% fatty acids. A good food additive is one in which the concentration of the main substance reaches 50% or more.

The following criterion follows from the same criterion - the daily norm: the lower the acid content in the capsules, the more often you will have to drink the drug throughout the day. By taking high-quality nutritional supplements, you will do this no more than twice a day.

In which countries is production established?

Fish oil capsules are produced in almost every corner of the planet. This fact explains the differences between the products and, of course, their cost to the end consumer. Omega-3 preparations commercially available on the domestic pharmaceutical market are conventionally divided into:

  1. American fish oil capsules. Brands such as Carlson Labs, NOW, Natrol have the necessary quality certificates and are popular all over the world. During production, the main attention is paid to the process of purifying raw materials from mercury and toxins.
  2. Norwegian salmon fish oil capsules. These drugs are considered the most expensive today. When choosing products from Norwegian manufacturers, you must take into account that you will not pay for the weight or number of capsules in the package, but for the concentration of amino acids in one dose. For example, the cost of a Nordic Naturals dietary supplement is $25.
  3. Russian fish oil in capsules. Domestic drugs include products from the companies Biafishenol, Mirrolla, and BioKontur. At these enterprises, fish oil is produced mainly from the liver of fish of the cod family.

Carlson Labs

It belongs to the category of premium products, produced by Americans in Norway and is famous for its high quality. Raw materials are extracted in clean, cold waters, which, together with technological purification, guarantees the absence of impurities in the finished product. Norwegian salmon oil is characterized by its energy intensity and sufficient content of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. The range presented by the manufacturer is quite wide. A huge range of product dosages (from 600 to 1600 mg) and its numerous variations with different flavor and vitamin components allows you to choose the best option for yourself.

Nordic Naturals

According to experts who know a lot about dietary supplements, this Norwegian brand is considered one of the best. Despite the presence of its own manufacturers, this food additive is in particular demand in America. Finding Nordic Naturals in our market is not so easy, since only certain segments of the population can afford to regularly take this fish oil. The reason is the impressive cost of the drug.


Available in capsules with different dosage options: 0.3 g, 0.4 g and 0.45 g. Each package contains 100 pieces. Even the smallest dose of fish oil, in addition to the omega-3 complex, contains vitamins A and D. “Biafishenol” (salmon) is produced from the fat of representatives of a species living in the Arctic. It turns out that this plays a big role in the quality of the product, since fish that are found in cold water have large reserves of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Depending on the dosage, you can determine how many times a day to take the supplement. The instructions for fish oil capsules say that they can be used after 14 years as an additional source of beneficial microelements.


The undoubted advantage of the products of this brand is the huge range of fish oil with additional nutritional and aromatic additives. The complex of components has a beneficial effect on the body, providing it with many valuable elements. In addition to the drug "Mirrolla" with omega-3, which contains fish oil in its pure form, other series of products can also be called popular, which include:

  • calcium;
  • garlic oil;
  • rosehip oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • valerian and motherwort;
  • wheat, rosehip and sea buckthorn.

Nutritional supplements from this company are available in packages of 100 capsules. Based on customer reviews, one box lasts on average 12-14 days.


A cheaper analogue of fish oil in Mirrolla capsules is also available in several composition options. Complexes containing:

  • kelp;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • garlic;
  • rose hip;
  • hawthorn;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • eucalyptus;
  • anise;
  • milk thistle;
  • calendula;
  • wheat germ;
  • blueberries

Each package contains a standard number of capsules (100 pieces). The drug is used as an additional source of vital microelements. The manufacturer of fish oil capsules "BioKontur" does not indicate any contraindications with the exception of one - the product is not recommended for use by children under 14 years of age. The drug, made without the use of additional flavoring and aromatic additives, has a 20% concentration of omega-3.

Golden capsules for children from foreign manufacturers

According to pediatricians, children need to take fish oil supplements just like adults. Manufacturers offer children medications with various flavors and vitamin supplements. Among the popular ones, it is worth noting the Omega Pharma company, which in the Netherlands produces chewable capsules for babies Tutty Frutty.

Convenient and tasty, no matter how strange it may sound, fish oil is also offered to babies by the American company Coromega, which produces a supplement in the form of chewing marmalade with citrus and caramel flavors. In Russia, many parents have already managed to appreciate dietary supplements, which is not at all surprising: it is much easier to captivate kids with colored jelly fish than with a tablespoon of fragrant fish oil.


Determining which manufacturer of fish oil capsules is best for babies is not so easy, since the children's series of products uses only high-quality raw materials. You should choose a dietary supplement that the child can actually use. For children over the age of seven, doctors recommend RybKu and omega-3 capsules from the aforementioned Biafishenol. This Russian manufacturer chose not to take risks with aromatic additives, but instead enriched the capsules with vitamins A and E. These products are positioned as nutritional supplements for children. They provide almost half of the daily requirement of amino acids. The optimal course of use is one month.


Children's fish oil "Kusalochka" is recommended for children over three years old. The drug is sold in convenient bottles of 60 tablets each. The RealCaps company produces capsules with vitamins and fruit flavors that help dull the specific taste of cod liver oil. They are soft enough, so some babies chew the pills rather than swallow them.

Also among domestic manufacturers, BioKontur and Natures Plus offer to buy omega-3 with a fruity taste, which neutralizes the unpleasant fishy aroma. Fish oil capsules are not available for children under three years of age. You can give the drug to your baby in liquid form, but only in the dosage determined by the doctor.

Rules of application

Before taking fish oil capsules, it is advisable to consult a specialist. It will help determine the correct amounts of dietary supplement use depending on the patient’s age, chronic diseases, allergic history and other factors. In addition, fish oil capsules should not be taken without reading the instructions.

For an adult, the minimum required amount of omega-3 intake throughout the day is considered to be 0.25 g. In this case, 1 gram of amino acids is optimal. When setting the appropriate dosage for the course of supplement use, it is important to consider that these substances partially enter the body along with food. The required number of capsules also depends on the concentration and quality of the drug. Adults are usually recommended to take fish oil in capsules many times, dividing the daily intake into 2-3 doses.

There is only one way to increase the digestibility of a product - take a dietary supplement with meals. You should not expect any therapeutic effect from a one-time dose. Doctors usually prescribe a monthly course.

As for recommendations regarding taking the drug in childhood, here, as already mentioned, you cannot self-medicate. For children, supplements are purchased that are designed according to the needs of their body. The dosage depends on the weight and age of the child, but on average, children under 14 years of age are not prescribed more than 4 capsules per day. If they have a pleasant taste, they can be given regardless of meals. Unflavored capsules are more convenient to give to your child during meals.

In order not to throw money away, before purchasing you need to not only check the expiration date, but also carefully study the packaging and instructions. Please note that the capsules should not contain anything foreign. The main components of the medical supplement:

  • fish oil directly;
  • gelatin;
  • vitamins.

The manufacturer must also indicate fragrances and other synthetic elements on the box. Keep in mind that the components for neutralizing the specific taste of the drug are tolerated differently by everyone, therefore, if you have a tendency to allergic reactions or individual intolerance to such substances, it is better to buy fish oil without any kind of impurities. At the same time, there is no need to refuse capsules enriched with vitamins. This drug can help solve several health problems at once and bring maximum benefit to the body.

Many people are scared by the phrase “molecular differentiation” that appears on the packaging. Those ignorant of modern production technologies mistakenly consider such products to be genetically modified and refuse to purchase. In fact, we are talking about a special technique that allows you to increase the omega-3 content.

When choosing capsules with fish oil, consider the dosage - the higher it is, the fewer pills you will have to take at a time. Agree, drinking 4-5 capsules is not always convenient. At the same time, do not forget about the price. Calculate your funds in such a way that the purchase is enough for a monthly course. For example, one package contains 100 capsules, the dosage of which involves taking them twice, 4 pieces each. Accordingly, if you consume 8 pills a day, you will have to purchase a couple more boxes.

When making a purchase, do not forget where the dietary supplement was produced. Some companies locate factories and processing plants near environmentally unfavorable areas where pollution levels exceed any acceptable standards. This cannot but affect the quality and usefulness of fish products.

Pros and cons of regularly consuming omega-3s

There is only one thing they say about the use of fish oil in capsules: it is very useful. Indeed, the value of polyunsaturated fatty acids for our body is difficult to exaggerate. These substances are especially necessary for the following:

  • full intrauterine formation of organs and systems of the fetus, development of its brain;
  • maintaining hormonal balance and excellent health;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving the condition of skin, hair and nails;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • activation of brain activity.

As already mentioned, the highest content of essential amino acids is found in fish of the salmon family - on average 1.7-1.9 grams per 100 grams of weight. For comparison: shrimp contains much less of these substances - no more than 0.3 g.

But, as you know, everything is good in moderation. And fish oil can cause harm if taken in large quantities. In case of an overdose of amino acids, a person’s blood thins more, which negatively affects its clotting.

When is it better to avoid fish oil?

It is for the above reason that it is important to consider contraindications and precautions for the use of capsules with treasured amino acids. Firstly, this dietary supplement is not suitable for people who are intolerant to any seafood. Secondly, if there are additional flavoring additives in the composition, the possibility of an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out. Thirdly, it is dangerous for people suffering from any type of hemorrhage to drink fish oil. Doctors impose a complete ban on the use of capsules with omega-3 in the following cases:

  • hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland);
  • urolithiasis and renal failure;
  • under the age of one and a half years;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • active form of tuberculosis.

Before taking a full course of amino acids, consult your doctor - this will dispel all your doubts and help avoid possible problems.