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Why can't it be placed on the table? Why empty bottles should not be left on the table. Where did the sign come from, and why can’t you put an empty bottle on the table?

We have so many bad folk signs! And they all have historical roots. Today we will talk about one of these, namely why you can’t put an empty bottle on the table. Few people have thought about the meaning of such a habitual action - removing the empty container from the table. Read below about the reasons that gave rise to this tradition.


Every person, if he thinks a little, will understand why an empty bottle should not be placed on the table. After all, this is simply inconvenient. Feasts are usually violent, glasses break, plates fly (of course, this does not always happen). But this dish is not heavy yet. Now imagine that a hail of empty bottles begins to fall from the table onto your feet. Well, firstly, you will get dirty, because the remnants of wine, champagne or other drinks will end up on your clothes. And secondly, the chance of cuts and bruises is high. This is why you cannot put an empty bottle on the table. Why did our ancestors earlier put vessels for alcoholic drinks, but they did not interfere with the fun holiday? Turning to history, it becomes clear that bottles used to have a flat shape. Of course, they could also be dropped, like an empty plate, but the likelihood of this was negligible. After the bottles acquired an elongated shape, people decided that it was more prudent to leave empty containers under the table.

Mystical rationale

Like all other beliefs, the sign of not putting an empty bottle on the table also has a superstitious meaning. Previously, it was believed that evil spirits started in empty and dirty dishes. This, by the way, was one of the reasons why Russian families ate from one common pot, and not from personal plates. And dishes with a narrow neck were considered almost diabolical. Why? Yes, because before people did not know about the echo effect. For the same reason, our ancestors endowed the well with mystical meaning. It was believed that if a person blew into a bottle, he would drive all evil spirits out of it; they would instantly scatter throughout the house. The same effect, according to superstitious people, could be achieved by dropping an empty container with a narrow neck.

There is another belief according to which it is believed that an empty bottle takes away positive energy. It is not entirely clear where it came from - from the person or from his home. But people believed in it, so they didn’t want to share anything positive with an empty bottle. Previously, it got to the point that the owner of the house immediately took the finished container outside.

Cossack version

After the war with Napoleon, Russian Cossacks accompanied the royal delegation to Paris. In the evening, hungry newcomers went to a drinking establishment for dinner. They sat noisily and had a good rest. The wine flowed like a river, and the table was laden with snacks. According to Russian tradition, all empty bottles were put away under the table so that they would not get in the way. When the time came to pay, the Cossacks were surprised that their account was small. As it turned out later, in France the amount of wine drunk was counted by the number of bottles on the table. The Cossacks, armed with new knowledge, began to save money on alcohol. True, the happiness did not last long. Soon the waiters began to notice the machinations of foreign people, and the number of bottles began to be counted not after consumption, but before serving.

There is another theory why you can’t put an empty bottle on the table. It dates back to the times of the Soviet Union. At that time, almost all men drank, but prohibition was introduced in cafes and restaurants. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity quickly realized that if you can’t put a bottle on the table, empty or full, then you can hide it under the table. Moreover, for the sake of secrecy, it is advisable to put it in a bag or sack in advance, and then it depended only on dexterity. While the waiter was away, the men managed to drink more than one stash they brought during the evening.

Many husbands did the same at home. Women have always disapproved of their lovers' drunkenness. Therefore, it was impossible to leave an empty bottle on the table. You could get a slap on the head from your wife, and then listen to an hour-long lecture about a sober lifestyle. The men hid empty bottles under the table and took them out with the trash in the morning.

Should bottles be put away under the table?

Today many people do not believe in omens. Despite this, they still use common sense. The sign that you should not leave an empty bottle on the table has a certain logic. To free up space or to avoid any awkward moments, glass containers are removed. But we must remember that this is not appropriate everywhere. In a restaurant, for example, it is bad form to put bottles under the table. The waiter takes away the empty vessels. It is also not customary to place bottles under the table when visiting. Even if this frees up space, your neighbor may touch the glass container with his foot, and it will fly to the other end of the room with a piercing sound. This can cause unnecessary confusion and panic.

Other signs with empty bottles

Our people are so inventive and optimistic that modern beliefs, unlike similar beliefs of the last century, always carry positive emotions. For example, many people know the sign not to put an empty bottle on the table. But not everyone has heard about the tradition of making a wish in a glass container. If you are drinking wine in the company of friends, and the bottle runs out on one of the guests, then it is he who gets the right to tell the empty bottle about his most cherished dream. After whispering a few words, it needs to be sealed. This can be done either with a cork or with a napkin. It is difficult to say how true this sign is, because most wishes made while drunk are forgotten in the morning. But this belief is good, positive, and most importantly, it is not at all difficult to try it in practice.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Even if you are not a very superstitious person, signs in any case easily find their way into your life: from the lips of your wife, friend, mother-in-law or acquaintance. They are remembered immediately, because prejudices, negative energy, and possible circumstances are associated with them. Any sane person tries to avoid undesirable consequences by subconsciously following signs that are hidden in memory. A striking example is the empty bottles on the table. Why can't they be put there?

The history of the tradition of removing an empty bottle from the table

There is no talk of 100% truthfulness, but many experts on the true origins of omens are inclined towards this version. At the beginning of the 19th century, Russian Cossacks made a campaign against France. Not a single battle, meeting or meeting takes place without a feast, right? Parisian waiters at that time came up with one trick: in order not to count the number of bottles sold, it was easier for them to record the empty containers that remained on the tables after violent drinking sessions.

The Cossacks turned out to be smarter than the garcons from France. Having seen this trick, they began to hide a certain number of empty bottles under the table in order to spend less money when calculating. And it worked! Some historians interpret that the sign appeared during the Second World War. This does not matter much, but this fact quite logically explains superstition.

Why you can't put empty bottles on the table

What belief do you personally know? Why can't you leave an empty bottle on the table? To determine a truthful, logical and non-superstitious answer, you need to be aware of the origins. Find out what this sign and practice is associated with, and why drinking a bottle after drinking alcohol is considered a sign of bad taste. As soon as you familiarize yourself with the arguments, the conclusion will suggest itself - leave it or remove it.

Old signs and superstitions

A long time ago, when bottles were not cylindrical, but flat, every overturned container was a sign that no one would become a dead man, because they drank to their health. The myth that this foreshadowed death is complete nonsense. Previously, men even said a toast when the alcoholic drink ran out: “Lay down the dead man.” After changing the shape of the bottle to a cylinder, it had to be automatically placed under the table.

Superstitions about empty household items are more common. The bottle is no exception. People believe that if they leave empty containers on the dinner table, they will have no money later, because this leads to poverty. This applies not only to the bottle, but also to all utensils: plates, cups, saucers. If you are a very superstitious person, then it is better to adhere to signs that lead to prosperity in the family, and not to the destruction of the overall budget.

Another version is more fabulous. Empty bottles harbor evil spirits, and by leaving them on the table, you “contaminate” everything around you. You cannot leave unfinished wine in the container, as this leads to tears for the owners. If you have the last drops of alcohol left and you pour it out to someone, then the person must make a wish. Remember the phrase “leftovers are sweet”? This is where she belongs.

It's impractical

To people who prefer logic to signs, the reason for this dispute is clear. This approach is simply impractical. After emptying, the bottle becomes lighter, begins to get in the way, and accidentally hitting it with your elbow becomes very easy, given the alcohol intoxication. In this state, you won’t be able to properly remove the fragments, and this can lead to disastrous consequences if you are not in a restaurant where waiters are watching every step.

The second reason that speaks of impracticality is where to put new bottles if the old ones take up space? It is quite logical, given that a large feast does not take place modestly and with tea drinking. Some believe that leaving empty bottles only depresses the conscience, they say, you have to work tomorrow, and you see the amount of alcohol you have drunk, and the mere thought of a hangover makes you feel bad. Take this moment away and enjoy the evening!

Leaving a bottle on the table is a sign of bad manners

Aesthetes know about table etiquette, so any competent, well-mannered person who enjoys a cultural holiday will be guided by this reason. If you invited guests and left empty bottles on the table, they can safely take this as a sign that it is time for them to go home. This is not decent! According to words, everyone will understand, but not by such humiliating gestures. And if you invited a lady on a date, imagine how awkward it will be for her to tell something interesting about herself and only partially see her partner.

For those who are not going to get very drunk, changing the position of the bottle to horizontal is enough. This is done in all restaurants with a large flow of people, so that it is easier for waiters to notice who has run out of alcohol. Then they immediately come up to you and ask “should I update?” It’s more convenient than hiding the bottle, then calling the waiter, and getting it out from under the table, right?

Found an error in the text? Select it, press Ctrl + Enter and we will fix everything! According to popular beliefs, empty bottles and other containers on the table will bring big losses, poverty, and hunger to the owners of the house. It is also believed that evil spirits can settle in narrow vessels. That is why superstitious people turn all empty dishes upside down at night. And just in case, two splinters are placed on top in a cross.

According to another sign, an empty bottle can have an unfavorable effect on nulliparous girls in the house. If they sit at a table with an empty bottle, they will never be able to experience all the delights of motherhood.

In addition, there is a belief that an empty vessel has the power to draw energy and health from a person. Therefore it needs to be removed. In this case, even under the table, the bottle should be closed with a cork or napkin.

During the time of the hussars, the military had their own belief. The soldiers believed that if the empty bottle was not removed from the table, the next time the same company would not gather together. One of the hussars will die in the next battle.

Historical facts

According to another version, such a tradition appeared during the Patriotic War of 1812-1814. Russian Cossacks, finding themselves in France, went to a tavern for dinner. They put empty wine bottles under the table so as not to get in the way. When it was time to pay, the waiter counted only those bottles that were on the table. As it turned out, in France at that time it was customary in drinking establishments to issue a bill based on the empty dishes on the customers’ table. The Cossacks immediately took this into account, and began to save money in this way - ordering drinks and discreetly hiding the bottles under the table.

And during the Soviet Union, it was strictly forbidden to bring alcoholic beverages with you to restaurants or cafes. However, the enterprising worker still found a way to carry a bottle in his bosom. After all, buying wine or vodka in a store was much cheaper than ordering from. The bottle was placed under the table, discreetly poured into glasses and quickly drunk so that the waiters would not notice. Since then, the habit of keeping a bottle under the table has taken root among Soviet people.

If you look at the tradition of removing empty bottles from the table from a practical point of view, unnecessary containers only get in the way. And it is removed to make room for new dishes, or so that no one accidentally touches the battery with their elbow and gets hurt. And it’s simply not aesthetically pleasing when the holiday table is filled with empty dishes.

An empty bottle left on the surface brings a lot of trouble - this is what our ancestors believed, and many contemporaries believe in this. There are various explanations for this sign.

The ancient Slavs did not have a rule for removing empty bottles from the table

Why can't you put empty bottles on the table?

There is no place for an empty bottle on the table, if only for the reason that a tall vessel becomes unstable and is easy to hit (especially in drunken company).

If a fragile object falls on the floor and breaks, this will lead to unpleasant consequences.

Dark entities living in broken glass will scatter throughout the space and will affect the people who are in the room. People will become aggressive and negative, which will provoke conflict. Often bottles break at the moment when evil spirits “ask for freedom.”

The ancient Slavs did not have a rule to remove empty bottles from the table, since containers for liquids were of a different shape (rectangular, stable vessels never fell). In those days, on the contrary, empty containers were left on the table:

  • as a symbol of abundance to show, “This is how much we can drink, how much we can treat!”;
  • as a symbol of longevity;
  • as a sign that among those taking part in the feast, no one will die in the near future. After all, so much has been drunk “to your health.”

The tradition of removing bottles dates back to the War of 1812. When the Cossacks visited Parisian taverns, they came up with the idea of ​​hiding bottles under the table in order to pay less.

In France, waiters presented the bill according to the number of empty containers on the table. Over time, the French began to count alcohol at the time of serving, but the tradition of removing empty containers from the table remained. A saying has taken root in people’s minds: “an empty bottle left on the table means extra expenses.”

Folk signs about an empty bottle on the table

If an empty container lingers on the table, then in the near future there will be nothing to set the table with. Here's what folk wisdom says:

  • Empty containers of any kind, and bottles in particular, left on furniture predict losses, ruin, poverty, and hunger for the owners of the house.
  • Any empty, dirty dish is considered a haven for evil spirits. To avoid trouble, superstitious people turn empty tableware and kitchen utensils upside down at night. And some also leave crossed wooden sticks on top.
  • Vessels with a narrow neck contain evil spirits. This belief is associated with the sounds that the bottle makes if you blow into it or say something. For the same reason, superstitious people endowed the well with mystical properties. There was an opinion: if a person blows into an empty bottle or breaks it, then evil spirits will be free and scatter throughout the house.
  • A nulliparous young lady is forbidden to sit next to furniture on which there is an empty bottle, because it is believed that this girl will not have children.
  • An empty container drains vital energy and strength (it is not said, however, from a person or from a house). But the container needs to be removed and closed. Previously, people were so afraid that bottles without liquid were immediately taken out into the street.
  • Hussar belief: if the empty container remains on the table, at the next gathering of the company one of the comrades will be missing - he will die in the next battle.
  • An empty bottle on the table during a feast is a hint that it is time for the guests to leave. A good owner quickly replaces an empty vessel with a full one. In this way, a person not only demonstrates his material well-being, but also shows respect for his friends. And the number of prepared drinking supplies indicates how much the owner values ​​​​his guests.

Our people are distinguished by ingenuity and optimism, so modern beliefs are mostly positive in nature. Almost everyone knows that you can’t put an empty bottle on the table. But few people are aware of the possibility of making a wish into an empty container.

If a group is sitting at the table and drinking wine, then the one who received the last portion of the drink from the bottle can tell the empty vessel his cherished desire. After this, the container must be sealed (at least with a folded napkin).

It is difficult to judge the veracity of such a sign (wishes made while drunk quickly disappear from memory). But why not experience the effect of this belief during the next feast?

The observations of our ancestors help our contemporaries to act correctly. To make the lives of relatives and finances more complete, people follow signs, for example, removing empty containers from the table.

Remaining at the feast empty bottle every good housewife will literally mechanically try to quickly clear the table. Of course, there are reasons for this. We'll talk about them in this article.


They are as follows:

  • the bottle can be easily dropped and it will simply break;
  • empty containers will take up extra space;
  • an empty bottle is not very beautiful and spoils any holiday table!

Everything seemed simple, but superstitious people know that the matter is completely different...

Sign "empty bottle on the table"

On any holiday table, according to Russian traditions, you can always see a bottle of your favorite alcoholic drink. They always tried to remove empty containers from tables immediately after they were emptied. Popular superstitions say that leaving an empty bottle on the table runs the risk of attracting one of the most unwanted troubles to the owners of the house - poverty. Very soon there will be no such treats on this table, since the owners will simply have nothing to put here.

On the other hand, there is a belief that an empty bottle will become an excellent “trap” for evil spirits. As soon as such a container attracts such an entity, the family will plunge into a dark period of their life. Troubles and problems will begin to arise out of nowhere; illnesses, financial difficulties, disappointments in loved ones are inevitable!

Surprisingly, there is a certain superstition that indicates that if the owners of the house allow empty bottles to remain on the table, then they are giving a slight hint to their guests that it is time for them to “go home.” This is how a situation that is quite harmless at first glance can be interpreted and understood by different people in their own way.

What to do if empty bottles are left on the table

You never know for what reason, but it is also possible that in the morning the owners notice that there are a lot of empty bottles on the table, for some reason no one has removed them. Of course, a non-superstitious person will simply quickly take them to the trash can to clear everything from the table and put it in order. However, the superstitious will begin to worry and expect something negative from such an oversight. At such moments, you can say – don’t worry and nothing bad will happen! The less you yourself attract negative energy, the less often troubles and troubles will happen!

Should I put an empty bottle under the table or not?

In fact, today the question does not even arise about whether to remove empty bottles from the table or not - the containers are removed, since they simply get in the way, and the table, once filled with bottles, no longer becomes so beautiful. That is why, and not due to his superstition, a Russian person almost mechanically, even without being the owner of the home, pours liquid into glasses or glasses, without noticing it, he puts the empty container on the table. By the way, along with the bottles, the table is imperceptibly “left” by empty salad bowls and other utensils on which there is no longer any food - all this is natural, and it should be so!

I would like to end with a note of positivity - it has long been believed that a guest who has run out of alcohol poured out during the bottling must definitely whisper his deepest desire into the empty bottle. Seal it with a lid and remove it from the table. Of course, in the morning not everyone will remember what they wished for, but perhaps the dream will come true, because the belief exists for a reason...