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It varies depending on. How do you spell “differently” or “differently”? Why did ancient people not distinguish fuchsia from white, but confused purple with blue?

Does it behave differently depending on the number of directory entries that can be listed?

If I just use ls (no modifications, but I can specify directories or filters), I want:

  • use -l long list format if there are 10 entries or less
  • show only the first 50 entries and warn if there are x more entries

Is this possible? How can i do this?

Note that I don't want to use a custom command line script for the command line - I'm fine with a custom script or shell, but I still want to use ls for this, with all the functionality preserved. That is, not my-custom-ls but just ls to call the script/wrapper.

5 Solutions collect form web for “Make the ls command behave differently depending on the number of records”

If you don't need a custom script function/command, you need a custom binary command. The GNU ls source code is available along with other implementations.

Create your own patched version of ls and you will be installed.

Please note that this change in behavior will break POSIX compliance.

Edit (as per your revised question):

Ls() ( if [ $(command ls "$@" | wc -l) -gt 10 ]; then command ls "$@" | head -50 else command ls -l "$@" fi )

Extended version showing number of remaining entries:

Ls() ( [ ! -t 1 ] && ( command ls "$@" ; return ; ) r=$(command ls "$@") lines=$(printf "%s" "$r" | wc -l ) if [ $lines -gt 10 ]; then printf "%s" "$r" | head -50 if [ $lines -gt 50 ]; then printf "%d more entries\n" $((lines - 50) ) fi else command ls -l "$@" fi )

Create your own script, for example in Python, that counts the arguments and calls ls(1) with the correct arguments and aligns it with more(1) to swap as needed (if the output goes to a tty).

I can't override ls itself, but you can use this function for "ls2":

Ls2 () ( num_of_files=`ls | grep "\/$" | wc -l` if [ "$num_of_files" -gt "10" ]; then ls | less else ls -l fi )

to create a custom ls2 command that uses grep to search directories and then wc (unix word count function with number of lines) to count how many. You can change the number of files in the comparison "10". You can change what is actually done by changing the ls -l and/or ls -a commands

If you're not familiar with bash functions - put the code in a file, then chmod +x the file to make it executable, then run the file. the_filename. the_filename and then use the function with ls2

For a permanent solution, add a function to your .bashrc file (and consider creating a file that is derived from .bashrc so you can start adding more functions in one place and not make your .bashrc file clunky.

I can't get less to show posts at a time.

One thing you can do is put each listing on a separate line and then use wordcount to count the lines and have an if else if statement depending on the number of files.

Files=$(ls "$@" | wc -l) if [ $files -ge 50 ] then something fi

sorry if this is not what you are looking for.

Here is my interpretation of the question. This depends on bash as it uses an array. It defines a function called ls (so be sure to run unalias ls to clean up the way it's executed as soon as ls). The function creates an array of the given arguments (or the current contents of the directory if no arguments are given); It then counts these elements to determine which ls flags to use (less than 10, use ls -ld , otherwise use ls -d ); if there are more than 50 files, only the first 50 are displayed and a message is displayed. I also blatantly copied an idea from Kevin/jlliagre to make the ls function behave more normally when the output is not a screen.

This prevents flags from being passed to real ls ; things like -r and -a need special care.

Function ls ( _ls_longlimit=10 _ls_cutoff=50 declare -a _ls_files [ ! -t 1 ] && ( command ls "$@"; return; ) # TODO: skip past any "-rtxyz" options if [ $# -eq 0 ] then _ls_files=(*) else for a in "$@" do if [ -d "$a" ] then # add "$(a)/*" to array _ls_files+=("$(a)"/*) else # add $a to array _ls_files+=("$a") fi done fi if [ $(#_ls_files[@]) -le $_ls_longlimit ] then command ls -ld "$(_ls_files[@])" else # -1 because arrays are 0-based command ls -d "$(_ls_files[@]:0:_ls_cutoff - 1)" fi if [ $(#_ls_files[@]) -gt $_ls_cutoff ] then echo $(($(#_ls_files [@]) - _ls_cutoff)) more entries fi )

differently or differently

How do you spell the word?

The adverb “differently” needs a hyphen – differently .
The combination of the preposition “by” with the adjective “different” in the dative singular form is written separately - differently .

This makes it difficult to write a word.

Rule for "differently" (adverb)

Word " differently" is written with a hyphen because it is an adverb with the prefix " By" and the suffix " wow" Such adverbs are always written with a hyphen: in your way, in the old way, differently etc.

Preposition " By" with adjective " differently" will be written separately. But in the language these words never stand side by side.


  • Circumstances in life are different for everyone. differently .
  • You can cook this dish differently .
  • People differently they talk about this person.

Rule for “differently” (preposition with adjective)

All prepositions with adjectives are written separately. The phrase " differently"is no exception to the rule.


  • The merchant took it as a gift for his daughters differently a piece of silk for each dress.
  • Differently a cocktail for everyone! – exclaimed the happy man. - I'll treat you!
  • We bought ourselves differently a scoop of ice cream.

Do you know..

Which option is correct?
(according to last week’s statistics, only 78% answered correctly)

The rules for writing words in the Russian language are determined by orthography, a science that regulates spelling standards. The main sections of spelling include the spelling of individual words and morphemes (indivisible significant parts of a word), the rules of continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of words, the use of upper and lowercase letters, graphic abbreviations and word hyphenation.

The principles of writing words depend on the meaning (meaning) of the word, the division of words and phrases, belonging to one or another part of speech (compound nouns, pronouns, adjectives, numerals, adverbs, particles).

How to write “differently” correctly

Taking into account these morphological features, words can have different spellings. For example, “in different ways” is written both together and with a hyphen, depending on the context.

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Definition of part of speech

Determining whether a word belongs to a particular part of speech is a key principle for choosing the rule for writing such diverse words and phrases as “in different ways.” To correctly determine the part of speech, you need to ask it a question:

  • To the question "How?" the adverb answers; accordingly, in this case, spelling with a hyphen should be used:

Example: We live (How?) differently.

  • To the question "Which one?" (Which? in the dative case) the adjective answers - in this case the rule of separate writing should be used:

Example: We live in (What?) different times.

Hyphenated (semi-continuous) spelling

In the case when the word “differently” acts as an adverb, the rule of hyphenation for this part of speech is applied to it, i.e. an adverb is written with a hyphen if it is formed using the prefix “po-” from full adjectives or adverbs that have endings “-mu”, “-mu”, “-i” (in different ways, in pike).

Example: Men and women think completely differently.

Separate writing

In the case when “in different ways” is a phrase of a preposition with an adjective, the rule of separate writing applies, which applies when, during the syntactic analysis of a sentence, the adjective turns out to be a definition, and the preposition in its meaning refers to the noun being defined.

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A person’s eyes are not only his soul, but also a whole world of mysteries. Why do they say that people had not seen blue before, although the Egyptians used it to color their tombs and decorations with might and main? How do some people manage to see ultraviolet radiation, while others manage to distinguish 100 million colors at once? Does creative vision really exist? There are so many questions that modern scientists must surely have answers to.

We are in website decided to find out how the vision of different people differs depending on the way of thinking, culture, time and other circumstances. Be careful, after this article you can see the world in a new light.

Why did ancient people not distinguish fuchsia from white, but confused purple with blue?

10 thousand years ago, people saw colors the same way as we do, but they used general names. Light shades were equated to white, dark shades to black. The fuchsia color was bright and light, so it stood on par with white or yellow. Purple and blue were similar and stood in the same row, equating to dark or black. Later, shades began to be distributed between red, yellow, green and blue-green colors (purple and blue fell into the category of blue-green color).

In speech, people described shades of color through context - the same way we explain taste today. The words “sweet”, “salty”, “sour”, “spicy” or “bitter” are often not enough to accurately convey the meaning, and we use qualifiers: compare, for example, the phrases “like a sour lemon” and “like sour coffee.” .

The ancient Egyptians saw the color blue, but the Greeks did not?

Egyptologist Richard H. Wilkinson noted that each color had a specific meaning.

For example, artists always depicted men with red-brown skin, women with light brown, and gods with gold, because they believed that the skin of gods and pharaohs was really made of gold. The exception was Osiris, who received black or green skin - a symbol of new life and resurrection. This underscored his story: he was killed by the god Set and resurrected by the goddess Isis to then rule the underworld.

Blue and light blue were the most popular colors among the Egyptians, they symbolized truth, righteousness, birth and life. The skies and waters of the fertile Nile were blue, fertility amulets and tattoos for women in the form of the god of Bes were often also blue. But the meaning of each color was inextricably tied to the context of the image.

This is more noticeable in the language of the ancient Greeks: when describing objects, they grouped them by qualities. For example, the sky was called bronze because it is dazzling, like a sword blade. The sea is purple-red, as is the wine, because they both symbolize freshness, life. But is it true that the Greeks did not distinguish the color blue?

Riddle: what did this ancient Greek statue originally look like?

Correct answer: option A.

Scientists Vinzenz Brinkmann and Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann have proven that ancient statues and public buildings are made in color. The pigments in the paints were mineral, but the medium itself was organic, so over time bacteria destroyed it and the paints crumbled. It turned out that our ideas about color minimalism in ancient times are far from reality. And, of course, the Greeks perfectly distinguished shades of blue, highlighting it as a separate category of color.

Based on research in 2007, American and German scientists developed an exhibition where ancient statues and buildings are presented in their original colors. It's hard to believe that hundreds of years ago ancient Greek craftsmen used such a variety of colors, decorations in the form of bronze inserts and bulging eye pupils made of black stone.

Even Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher and educator of Alexander the Great, in his writings talked about 7 primary colors: black, white, red, yellow, green, blue and violet. He associated them with 7 notes and the days of the week.

Today we name 11–12 main categories of color in the language, and this indirectly indicates the degree of development of society. There are also those who easily determine the slightest difference in shades of colors and use 10 times more definitions.

For example, "chartreuse", "lime" and "shamrock" are names of green-hued flowers that look like green or light green to most. You can check how sensitive your eyes are to color using this test.

No person can distinguish blue colors until they are a year old.

The study found that children aged 4 to 8 months were faster at recognizing a green circle on a blue background than a blue circle on a blue background. These findings present scientists with a new mystery: is the ability to recognize colors innate or acquired?

Some people see 100 times more colors than others. Count how many stripes you see:

Less than 20 strips: You may have 2 types of light-sensitive cones. Like 1/4 of the world's population. You see slightly fewer colors than most. Special glasses or applications designed for all types of color blindness will help you see the full spectrum.

From 20 to 36 strips: You most likely have 3 types of light-sensitive cones. You, like most people, distinguish a large number of color shades.

More than 37 stripes: It looks like you are a tetrachromat. They have 4 types of light-sensitive cones. Such people recognize approximately 100 million colors, like bees, some birds and the artist Concetta Antico, who creates such paintings:

The presence of 4 types of cones at once is a rare mutation and occurs among women who have men in their family with color blindness. But even people with the same eyes - twins - perceive color differently. The brain itself determines color depending on mood, emotions and memories.

How to describe a color if there is no name for it in the language?

Some people have noticed that we often use different names for the same color due to difficulties in perception. Remember the riddle with the dress: some considered it white and gold, others considered it black and blue.

The Yele language, used on the island of Papua New Guinea, has a different approach to defining color. Instead of a separate name, use the name of an object that looks the same under any circumstances. For example, the word “night” means black, “cockatoo” means white, “sap” means dark red, “immature” means green, “reef water” means blue.

But even this approach will not protect you from the illusions that your own brain deliberately creates. Look at the picture and tell me what color the circles behind the stripes are:

The thing is that they are all the same color. This is the Manker-White optical illusion. Because of the multi-colored stripes in the picture, it seems that the circles are 4 different shades. Think this is an easy task now? Try to answer exactly what color the hearts behind the stripes are:

Answer: They are all the same color - yellow.

Can you hear color or see time?

Yes, the neurological phenomenon of synesthesia is also a game of our mind. Synaesthetic people imagine that the letter “D” is certainly, say, blue, and the name “Alexey” can leave a bitter taste in their mouth.

Famous synesthetes included Vladimir Nabokov, Franz Liszt, Duke Ellington and Van Gogh. If you think you are also a synesthete, test yourself and take part in research to help science understand this amazing condition.



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Based on your request, these examples may contain crude language.

Based on your request, these examples may contain colloquial language.

Translation of "depending on" in Chinese

differently depending
(10 examples containing translation)

" lang="en">different depending

View examples with translation in different ways depending
(6 examples containing translation)

" lang="en"> in different ways depending

View examples with translation differently according
(4 examples containing translation)

" lang="en">differently according

View examples with translation differently based
(3 examples containing translation)

" lang="en">differently based

View examples with translation differently in each

" lang="en">differently in each

View examples with translation in different ways, depending
(2 examples containing translation)

" lang="en"> in different ways, depending

View examples containing differently, depending
(2 examples containing translation)

" lang="en">different, depending

Other translations

In funds and programs, problems related to issues of work and career development are manifested differently depending from the category of workers.

In the funds and programs, concerns pertaining to job and career-related issues manifested themselves differently depending on the category of staff.

Differently depending on the category of staff.">

In particular, clarification is required as to whether applications were considered differently depending on the nationality or ethnic origin of the applicant.

In particular, clarification was needed on whether applications were treated differently depending on the nationality or ethnicity of the applicant.

Differently depending on the nationality or ethnicity of the applicant.">

Systems of economic instruments must be formed differently depending from their primary purpose: generating income or contributing to environmental improvement.

Systems of economic instruments should be designed in different ways depending on whether their primary objective is to raise revenue or to promote environmental improvement.

In different ways depending on whether their primary objective is to raise revenue or to promote environmental improvement.">

In addition, all communities are consulted - differently depending based on their numbers - and their opinions are taken into account in any political process, including the process of determining the future status of Kosovo.

Furthermore, all communities were consulted - in different ways depending on their numerical size - and their views were taken into account in all political processes, including those to define the future status of Kosovo.

In different ways depending on their numerical size - and their views were taken into account in all political processes, including those to define the future status of Kosovo.">

During his imprisonment, he was subject to different conditions of detention and was treated differently depending on whether the military authorities considered him a political opponent or not.

During his time in detention, he went through different forms of confinement and was treated differently according to whether he was considered by the military authorities to be a political interlocutor or not.

Differently according to whether he was considered by the military authorities to be a political interlocutor or not.">

Women and men use and experience cities differently depending from their functions and responsibilities related to the division of labor between them.

Women and men use and experience cities differently according to their roles and responsibilities arising from the division of labor between them.

Differently according to their roles and responsibilities arising from the division of labor between them.">

The problem of the feminine gender of names of professions, positions, titles and titles is considered differently depending from various languages.

The issue of feminizing the names of occupations, functions, grades and titles is approached differently depending on the characteristics of the language in which people express themselves.

Differently depending on the characteristics of the language in which people express themselves.">

The Party informed the Committee that the timing of public participation procedures is regulated differently depending depending on the level of the relevant public administration, the type of decision-making process and the specific thematic issue.

The Party informed the Committee that time frames for public participation were regulated differently depending on the level of the public administration involved, the kind of decision-making process and the specific subject matter.

Differently depending on the level of the public administration involved, the kind of decision-making process and the specific subject matter.">

It was agreed that the need to increase confidence in the authenticity of communications could be assessed differently depending on the situation in which the reference to “written form” is given and the nature of the relevant contractual relationship.

It was agreed that the need for higher assurances as to the authenticity of communications might be appreciated differently depending on the context in which the reference to "writing" was made and the type of contractual relationship involved.

Differently depending on the context in which the reference to "writing" was made and the type of contractual relationship involved.">

From this rostrum, during the sixty-third session, delegates deplored the food, energy and financial crises that had befallen our countries and the consequences of which were being felt differently depending on the level of development of each country.

From this rostrum, delegations at the sixty-third session deplored the food, energy and financial crises that had struck our countries, the consequences of which were felt differently according to each country's level of development.

Differently according to each country"s level of development.">

WTO membership provides some advantages and has certain disadvantages, which are generally perceived differently depending depends on whether the country conducting the analysis has joined the WTO or not.

WTO membership provides some advantages and disadvantages which tend to be perceived differently depending upon whether the country making the analysis is already a WTO member or not.

Differently depending upon whether the country making the analysis is already a WTO member or not.">

As I highlighted in my speech to the Commission on Sustainable Development in February, the issue of older people has a very distinct cultural dimension that can be considered differently depending from the culture and traditions of the country.

As I stressed in February at a meeting of the Commission on Sustainable Development, the problem of old age has a very strong cultural dimension that can be seen in different ways depending on a country's cultures and traditions.

In different ways depending on a country"s cultures and traditions.">

Mr. RECHETOV shared the opinion of Mr. Abul-Nasr and added that the term “extreme right”, without any corresponding definition, could be interpreted differently depending from the country.

Mr. RECHETOV shared that view and added that the term "extreme right-wing" used without a qualifier could be interpreted differently depending on the country.

Differently depending on the country.">

In practice, it appears that refugees are treated differently depending from their country of origin, and refugees from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea face more difficulties than others.

In practice, it seemed that refugees were treated in different ways depending on their country of origin, and that refugees from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea faced more difficulties than others.

In different ways depending on their country of origin, and that refugees from the Democratic People"s Republic of Korea faced more difficulties than others.">

Another view was that the issue of automatic termination needed to be regulated differently depending whether it is a matter of liquidation or reorganization, taking into account the different underlying considerations underlying each type of proceeding, respectively.

Another view was that the issue of automatic termination of contracts needed to be treated differently depending on whether liquidation or reorganization was at stake, given the different policies respectively underlying each proceeding.