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Anti-aging products. List of the most useful products for facial skin rejuvenation. Vitamins and enzymes

Since childhood, everyone has heard the expression that we are what we eat. But few people think that even minimal changes in the daily diet either improve health, prolonging youth, or shorten life. By starting to eat right today, within a month you will see that you are full of strength and energy, that you look younger, and you will feel cheerful and fresh. Therefore, the sooner you start eating healthy and high-quality food, the younger you will look and feel, and this is exactly what every person strives for after 40 or 50 years, and some even after 20-30.

Vegetables and fruits for rejuvenation.

To rejuvenate your body, start eating 0.5-1 kg of vegetables and fruits daily, choosing different types. The menu should be colorful. It is recommended to eat a large portion of salad every day.

Vegetables and fruits contain substances that prevent the development of many diseases (especially cardiovascular diseases) and help slow down aging. These include: vegetable fiber, vitamins, antioxidant vitamins, minerals and other substances. That is why, by eating fruits and vegetables, you will feel much younger.

Read also: Secrets of youth.

Berries and nuts for rejuvenation.

To feel young, drink a glass of berry smoothie (healthy berry-kefir cocktails) every day or simply eat fresh berries. Just like fruits and vegetables, berries also contain a huge amount of antioxidants and vitamins.

Having a positive effect on metabolism, eating berries accelerates the cleansing of the body from toxins and waste.

Also, experts in body rejuvenation recommend eating some nuts (daily), as they contain not only minerals, vitamins and proteins, but also vegetable fats that can be well absorbed by the body. But besides this, nuts contain many antioxidants and other bioactive substances that are beneficial to health.

Regular consumption of nuts is an excellent prevention of many diseases, such as atherosclerosis. If you partially replace meat dishes with nuts, rather than adding them to your regular diet, the effect of rejuvenating the body will be stronger. But remember that you can’t eat nuts in large quantities, as they can cause constipation.

Read also: Products of youth.

The right carbohydrates for rejuvenation.

Eating grains (unprocessed!) also has a positive rejuvenating effect on the body. To do this, it is recommended to replace white bread with black bread (necessarily coarsely ground), and instead of instant cereals and polished rice, eat brown rice, oatmeal and pasta made from durum wheat.

Eat less sweets, and yet, since sweets are a source of excellent mood, you should not completely give them up. Just limit the amount, and when eating sweets, eat only the healthiest ones. For example, unlike marmalade or marshmallows, dark chocolate will supply your body with flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants. But still, do not get carried away with products containing refined sugar. Instead, it is better to consume sweet fruits, honey and dried fruits in small quantities.

Due to the consumption of a large number of sugar-containing products, sharp jumps in sugar will occur in your body, overloading the pancreas and provoking the onset of diabetes. And besides this, sweet high-calorie foods in large quantities lead to inevitable obesity.

Read also: Rejuvenation with stem cells.

Protein for rejuvenation.

Humans require protein for muscle growth and normal functioning. This is especially true for one of the most important muscles for humans - the heart. Every day you need to eat at least 150g of protein-rich foods, and for professional athletes and people with intense physical activity, the need for protein is also increased. Products with a high protein content primarily include: eggs, poultry meat, low-fat cheese and cottage cheese, legumes, and seafood. Fish and seafood should be consumed at least 2 times a week, and preferably different types of fish.

The value of fish and seafood in unsaturated fatty acids, recommended for high cholesterol. These acids have a good effect on blood vessels, rejuvenating them and the entire body.

It is believed that constant or very frequent consumption of large quantities of meat greatly increases the likelihood of cancer. Therefore, doctors recommend replacing red meat beef, lamb and pork with fish.

Also, due to the huge amount of flavor enhancers, salts and preservatives contained in meat pates and sausages, which lead to rapid aging of the body, it is recommended to minimize their consumption. Preservatives, for example, are on a par with carcinogens, and an increase in salt in the body leads to harmful surges in pressure, which over time develop into serious diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, etc. And in general, any chemical adversely affects the body, contributing to its rejuvenation, but its aging.

Read also: Rejuvenation of the skin and body.

Dairy products for rejuvenation.

An excellent source of easily digestible protein that rejuvenates the body is milk and all fermented milk products.

Perhaps the only dairy product whose consumption should be limited is butter. For example, nutritionists recommend using olive oil or rapeseed oil to make salads, and any vegetable oil (refined) to fry foods.

The usefulness of vegetable oil for the human body lies in the absence of cholesterol, which, when in excess, leads to atherosclerosis (plaques in blood vessels).

Living water or what to drink for rejuvenation.

Water rejuvenates the body, so it is recommended to drink a lot of it.

It is recommended to drink about 2 cups of white and/or green tea per day. These teas contain many catechins, antioxidants that normalize blood pressure and improve blood supply to organs. Black tea also contains these substances, but it contains much less of them. And yet, in large quantities, coffee and tea contribute to dehydration of the body, so do not overdo it with them.

But how much fluid should you drink per day?
Drink a lot. Per day, under normal conditions (not extreme), the body requires a minimum of 14 g of water for every 450 g of weight.

For good health, drink water (clean), dried fruit compotes and fruit drinks. Before going to bed, it is useful to drink a cup of chamomile tea to relax.

Alcohol and rejuvenation of the body.

It is better not to drink alcoholic drinks. But if you have no contraindications, then you can drink no more than a glass of dry wine or beer per day. But not more!!! In middle-aged people, moderate consumption of these drinks helps reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

But there are pitfalls here too, since for a huge part of people, daily consumption of even a small amount of alcohol, be it even wine or beer, leads to addiction and a gradual increase in the daily dose. As a result, alcohol does not rejuvenate the human body, but destroys it and destroys life. It follows that, despite the possible benefits of alcohol, it is better not to drink it, or to do so in strictly limited quantities.

An effective anti-aging diet for women and men is in reducing the number of calories consumed per day by 30% and taking vitamin supplements, enriching the body with missing nutrients. These simple methods help improve your well-being and prevent the onset of diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, diabetes, etc.

When switching to a rejuvenating diet, add the following foods to your diet that support the vital functions of the body and slow down the aging process:

  1. Fish (mackerel, salmon, trout, sardines), walnuts, pumpkin seeds, soy and other legumes. They are rich in Omega-3 acids, which prolong the life of cells and prevent the occurrence of arthrosis.
  2. Olive oil, which improves memory, brain function, cardiac system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels due to the content of vitamin E and monosaturated fats.
  3. Eggs, liver, fatty fish species that can replenish the lack of vitamin D, which is responsible for the strength of the skeletal system.
  4. Vegetables, fruits, rice (brown), wholemeal bread (whole grain), nuts and seeds. They are rich in fiber, which improve digestion and reduce cholesterol and blood sugar.
  5. Meat that saturates muscles with proteins.
  6. Garlic strengthens the immune system.
  7. Cabbage, tomatoes, melon, eggplant, sweet peppers, blueberries, which help improve vision.
  8. Green tea, pomegranate juice, normalize blood pressure.

Parallel to this list, there is another list for a diet with an anti-aging effect - forbidden. It contains harmful products that poison, destroy the body, and stimulate the aging process. The second, “rejected” list includes such products as:

  • White bread;
  • canned fruits;
  • flour, sweet;
  • smoked meats, sausages;
  • fried food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • fast food food;
  • alcohol;
  • sweet carbonated drinks, etc.

Bichner-Bonner diet

A fruit and vegetable diet for rejuvenating the body was developed by a nutritionist from Switzerland, Bichner-Bonner. By following a diet with such a diet, drinking 1.5-2 liters of water per day, you can:

  1. lose weight from 1 to 3 kg per week;
  2. launch rejuvenating processes in the body.

The method is based on the daily consumption of fruits, vegetables and salads from these products for 3 weeks. In the morning you are allowed to add a spoonful of condensed milk or sour cream, but no more than one per day. By following this diet, you can:

  • get rid of excess weight;
  • improve well-being;
  • improve digestion;
  • achieve a good rejuvenating effect.

Bichner-Bonner has developed several recipes for diet-adapted dishes that promote a rejuvenating effect. What delicious things you can afford to eat:

  1. One of the healthy and tasty ones is currant puree. To prepare it, take 2 tbsp. l. semolina, pour 4 tbsp. l. hot water. After the cereal swells, add ½ tbsp. blueberries or black currants, sweetener to taste and mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Oatmeal lovers should try making this dish: 2 tbsp. l. Dilute oatmeal with boiling water to the consistency of porridge, add chopped walnuts (1/3 tbsp.), pour in the juice of 0.5 lemon. Stir and enjoy.
  3. If you love apples and have a good supply of these fruits in the cellar, prepare this delicacy for your diet: mix semolina (10 g) with 3 tbsp. l. boiling water, grated apples, condensed milk and walnut crumbs, taken in equal proportions (2 tbsp each). Pour in the juice of ½ lemon and stir.

Nicholas Perrickson Diet

Dermatologist Nicholas Perrikson claims that if you are on his weight loss system, within three days you will notice how the appearance of wrinkles will decrease, the oval of your face will tighten, and anti-aging processes will begin. As a result of his observations, the doctor concluded that It is not only simple carbohydrates and fats that harm our health, but also so-called “bad” proteins.

During a diet with an anti-aging effect, you need to bake, boil or stew all foods, and also avoid:

  • sweets;
  • smoked, salty, fatty, fried, flour foods;
  • semi-finished products, fast food dishes containing trans fats;
  • sauces, marinades;
  • fatty meats;
  • potatoes, carrots;
  • dried fruits;
  • pasta from soft varieties of wheat, rice;
  • starch;
  • fruits (bananas, mangoes, oranges, grapes, watermelon);
  • legumes (peas, corn);
  • alcohol;
  • sweet soda, juices and coffee.

During the diet, you need to eat in small portions (3–5 times), starting the morning with a glass of water at room temperature half an hour before breakfast. Then during the day you need to drink at least 1.5–2 liters of liquid. The basis of the rejuvenating diet of this diet is fish, asparagus and blueberries, but in addition to them you need to add the following products to the menu:

  • nuts;
  • olive oil;
  • fresh greens, spinach;
  • fresh berries rich in antioxidants, melon;
  • fresh vegetables (cabbage, bell peppers, celery, cucumbers, radishes, tomatoes, onions, zucchini, eggplant);
  • mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • fruits (apples, kiwi, lemon, peach, pear, plum);
  • lean types of meat;
  • milk, cheeses, fermented milk products with low fat content;
  • green tea.

Nicholas Perrickson Menu

A three-course anti-aging menu according to the Nicholas Perrickson diet, designed for 4 days, might look like this:

Omelette of 2 eggs with mushrooms, 1 apple

Cottage cheese (150 g) + 1 allowed fruit

Omelet (3 whites + 1 yolk), oatmeal (steamed, 3-4 tbsp.) + nuts (20 g) + berries (1/4 tbsp.)

Steamed (boiled) salmon (150 g), 1 pear or 2 melon slices

Boiled chicken (1 slice) + lettuce, pureed vegetable soup (150 g), fruit juice (1 tbsp.)

Low-fat steamed fish (170 g), salad of permitted vegetables with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, kiwi

Sardine in oil (170 g), boiled asparagus (150 g), berries (1/4 cup), melon (2 slices)

Cabbage soup from fresh cabbage (150 g), a portion of boiled fish with permitted vegetables.

Vegetables (broccoli, spinach, fresh cabbage), unsalted cheese (2 pieces), kefir or natural yogurt (1 tbsp.)

Boiled salmon (150 g), vegetable salad, pear, kefir (1 tbsp.)

Chicken fillet (150 g), fruit juice (200 ml)

Fish cutlets (2 pcs.), salad with seaweed and 1 tbsp. yogurt without additives

Okinawan diet

Scientists have noticed that there are a lot of centenarians on the island of Okinawa. In the course of studying the phenomenon, the following became clear: this is not due to rejuvenating procedures, but to the type of nutrition of the inhabitants of this island, which was later called the Okinawan diet. The Japanese living on the archipelago always sit down to eat in a good mood, chew their food thoroughly, and use only fresh ingredients for cooking, subjecting them to minimal heat treatment.

The following foods are most often included in the Okinawan diet, which has a rejuvenating effect:

  • pork;
  • fish;
  • yam (sweet type of potato);
  • vegetables;
  • Japanese noodles made from buckwheat flour;
  • soy cheese tofu;
  • miso paste;
  • bean paste;
  • black, green tea;
  • brown seaweed.

The latter product is considered especially useful because it contains all the vitamins, amino acids and microelements necessary for the body. It’s not easy to find real brown algae in Russia, but scientists have developed a gel based on kelp - Laktomarin. The product is created using technology that preserves the beneficial properties of plants as much as possible. Lactomarin has no side effects, restores intestinal microflora and is a natural enterosorbent.

Anti-wrinkle diet

Many people do not believe in a diet with a rejuvenating effect - and in vain. The cells of our body constantly participate in the oxidation of fats, proteins, and nucleic acids, releasing energy that is necessary for life and normal functioning of organs. As a result, free radicals are formed, the action of which is aimed at fighting viral infections, bacteria, etc.

An excess of these highly active oxygen molecules can provoke ischemia, stomach ulcers, and malignant tumors. To regulate their quantity, we need antioxidants, large amounts of which are found in food. These include flavonoids and anthocyanins, valuable for nutrition at any age - substances with high antioxidant properties that are responsible for the bright color of plants.

Active antioxidants with noticeably pronounced effects are contained in the following products:

  • red grape variety, red wine, juice;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • sauerkraut;
  • citrus fruits;
  • apples;
  • green tea, hibiscus;
  • blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, black currants.

A diet based on these foods will help you easily get rid of a few extra pounds, improve your health, feel the rejuvenating effect of antioxidants. A one-day anti-wrinkle nutrition system menu might look like this:


It has long been known that if a person ate properly and led a healthy lifestyle, his youth would remain much longer. However, we are all susceptible to bad habits, including food habits, which affect our health and appearance. Fortunately, it’s never too late to return to a healthy diet, which will greatly help eliminate the problems “acquired” by excesses: it will relieve swelling, improve complexion, and eliminate fat deposits in the cheeks and chin. Such a magical anti-aging diet really exists and is called the “lifting diet.”

A lifting diet, so named because of its ability to significantly improve appearance through facial rejuvenation, will help restore a youthful glow, a youthful facial contour and get rid of wrinkles.

Nutritionists are confident that anyone who tries a lifting diet will look several years younger and feel much better. The lifting diet, carefully selected on the basis of scientific knowledge, allows the body to receive not only the substances necessary for proper functioning, but also antioxidants and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which promote tissue renewal and their protection from external aggressive influences.

Antioxidants in this rejuvenating diet protect cells from free radicals that cause their destruction, strengthen skin immunity, and acids increase protective functions, forcing the body to activate defense mechanisms.

How does the lifting diet work?

Since the diet uses only products that are healthy for the skin and the body as a whole, it receives an abundance of vitamins and mineral components, amino acids, which allows you to normalize and activate the production of collagen and elastin, natural substances that provide skin support, its firmness and elasticity.

By eliminating harmful foods, weight loss is achieved without sagging tissue, since elastin and collagen actively contract the skin released during weight loss.

What foods are included in the lifting diet?

It involves unlimited consumption of fruits and vegetables of red and orange, yellow and dark green: you can eat citrus fruits, carrots, kiwi, bell peppers, greens, cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin, apricots, peaches and so on. Be sure to eat one kiwi every day - one fruit will provide a daily supply of vitamin C. In addition to vegetables and fruits, you can eat freshly squeezed juices, blueberries, black currants, bananas, fatty fish, liver, nuts, legumes, cereal and bran bread, spices, garlic, green tea, seeds, and vegetable oils.

To help the body, which will begin to remove toxins at an accelerated pace, there will be a large amount of clean and mineral water - to speed up cleansing, you should completely avoid or at least limit the consumption of salt, which causes stagnation of fluid in the tissues and swelling.

Lifting menu - diets

To provide the body with energy, you need to eat protein foods every day: lean meat, fatty fish rich in Omega-3 acids, eggs.

The lifting diet practically does not limit the consumption of most foods, but avoiding alcohol and white flour is mandatory. Here is a sample menu from which you can choose what you want:


  • 1. cottage cheese, fruit salad, cup of coffee.
  • 2. omelette, bran bread, cup of coffee.
  • 3. muesli with fresh fruit, tea with honey.


  • 1. vegetable broth, a piece of lean chicken, boiled rice as a side dish, a glass of orange juice.
  • 2. chicken broth, one egg, grilled fish with vegetable side dish, green tea.
  • 3. chicken breast, rice on the side, salad with white cabbage and lemon juice, fresh juice.


  • 1. stewed liver, seaweed, juice.
  • 2. vegetable salad with vegetable oil, rosehip decoction with honey.
  • 3. baked chicken and buckwheat porridge on the side, dried fruit compote with honey.

Following a lifting diet, good sleep, walks in the fresh air and daily facial massage along massage lines will make your facial skin younger and fresher within a month.

Proper and balanced nutrition is the primary source of all vitamins and minerals beneficial to the body, including facial tissues. Therefore, they cannot be neglected. You need to watch what and how you eat to prolong the youth of your face and enhance the effect of cosmetics for skin rejuvenation.

Diet - the first steps to rejuvenation

In the matter of facial skin rejuvenation, the leading role belongs to proper nutrition. Leading cosmetologists note that only 15% of nutrients enter cells from cosmetic care products, and the rest are extracted from food.

Maximum attention to premature aging of cells is given, first of all, to antioxidants, vitamins E, C. Such components prevent the negative effects of free radicals on the skin of the face.

However, to rejuvenate the skin, it is not enough to just consume anti-aging products. First of all, take care of removing toxins from the body. Fiber, found in large quantities in vegetables, fruits, legumes and cereals, can rid the body of toxins.

Don't forget about the production of histamine by the liver. It has a negative effect on all layers of the skin. Radical methods will help to significantly reduce its occurrence and restore the liver: giving up tobacco, alcohol, fatty, sweet and fried foods. Only healthy products, fresh, steamed or grilled.
The protective function of cells is actively influenced by phospholipids (found in cottage cheese, egg yolk), vitamin B (buckwheat and oatmeal), magnesium (bran, almonds) and calcium (milk, cabbage).

Omega-3 fatty acids contained in fatty sea fish and seafood will help eliminate allergies.

Magic composition

  1. vitamin E, C – main antioxidants (olive oil or parsley, cabbage, citrus fruits and rose hips);
  2. copper – promotes the synthesis of collagen fibers (chocolate, spinach and hazelnuts);
  3. silicon – produces collagen and strengthens fiber structure (fresh green vegetables, bell peppers and fruits);
  4. calcium, iron – enhance regenerative function (all dairy products, dried apricots, liver and apples);
  5. selenium, zinc – protects against ultraviolet radiation, prevents inflammatory processes (tomato and garlic, beef and fish);
  6. coenzyme Q 10 – provides epithelial cells with energy, enhances the effect of antioxidants, reduces the rate of aging of facial tissues (sardine and beef, spinach, eggs).

In order not to harm the body, choose only high-quality, fresh products. Please note that consuming one component may cause an allergic reaction and oversaturation of the body. Nutritionists will help you properly balance and organize your meals.

Miracle Products

  • Nuts – combine coenzyme Q 10, vitamin E, melatonin, which actively rejuvenate the skin of the face and give it elasticity. Considering the nutritional value of nuts, it is better to limit their consumption (up to 10-14 pieces per day).
  • Fish (sardine, mackerel) is a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which accelerate blood circulation in cells, enhance tissue nutrition, and the surface becomes smooth and taut. In the diet, 300 g of fatty fish per day is enough.
  • Tomato juice or paste is the best antioxidant, indispensable for slowing down the aging of the epidermis. The optimal amount of juice per day is 250 ml, and paste - 2 tbsp.
  • Parsley – causes increased production of gluathione (the mother of antioxidants). Nutritionists recommend adding 3-4 sprigs of fresh herbs to your food.
  • Lemon – promotes the removal of toxins, enhances the protective function of the epidermis. Those with dry epidermis should limit its use to a minimum.
  • Honey will moisturize and keep your face youthful. Ideal for dry skin types.
  • Cocoa – reduces inflammation, skin irritation, actively fights free radicals. Take 1 tsp. per day as a supplement or beverage.
  • Beets – cleanses of toxins, saturates cells with oxygen, gives a healthy complexion. You need to take 1 root vegetable per day.

Food does not bring the desired immediate effect of improving the condition of the skin, like, for example, a salon procedure, but in the long term, proper nutrition is much more effective than any external intervention. Food affects beauty and health better than the best cream. You just need to know exactly what should and should not be put on your plate. Team "About Youth" recommends Top 15 useful products for beautiful facial skin:

  1. Nuts

Nuts are so unique that we recommend eating them every day (in reasonable quantities, of course). Nuts are rich in poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids, contain antioxidants, and are full of vitamins A, E, B6 and B12, potassium and calcium. What does this do for us and our skin? First of all, freshness and hydration, normalization of metabolic processes in the skin, inhibition of oxidative processes, and, accordingly, maintaining its youth. Also, vitamin E or tocopherol is one of the most active components that protect the skin from sun rays.

If you want to stay young as long as possible, choose nuts to your taste: almonds, walnuts, pistachios, pine nuts, cashews, your favorite peanuts. Complement them with green leafy salads, vegetables, and sauces.

  1. Wheat bran

This highly effective dietary product (approximately 30 g of bran per day is needed, which is less than 100 kcal) will help keep the digestive system in perfect order, rid the body of toxins, and deceive the feeling of hunger. But what does wheat bran do for the skin? You will be surprised, but bran can treat acne (inflammatory skin disease) due to its high zinc content. This microelement, as a side effect of J, also synthesizes collagen, which makes the skin smooth and elastic.

How to use: 30g of bran (3 tablespoons) can be eaten between main meals (by the way, they will help you feel full and last without harmful snacks), washed down with any drink. You can also use wheat bran as an additive to dishes (soups, porridges, etc.).

  1. Olive and other oils

Everyone knows that dry skin ages much earlier. What to do? First of all, moisturize and nourish, protect from dehydration. Extra virgin olive oil will help get rid of dryness. Olive oil is an extremely healthy product. It is a source of healthy fatty acids, high-density lipoproteins, and also contains a number of vitamins. Ideally, we recommend alternating or combining olive oil with other oils. After all, they are all useful in their own way. For example, flaxseed oil contains even more omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, and olive oil is inferior to sunflower oil in terms of vitamin E content.

Attention: you cannot fry in olive oil! It is best to use it fresh in salads; it is very useful to consume a spoonful of oil daily on an empty stomach.

  1. Natural yogurt

Live yogurt is not just a tasty product, it contains beneficial lactobacilli - probiotics, which improve the condition of our skin by improving digestion and improving metabolism. Good bowel function means clean, healthy skin.

Don't forget to drink yogurt at least once a day. We make sure that it is as natural as possible, that is, it does not contain dyes, flavors, or flavor enhancers, and it is best to prepare yogurt yourself, from starter culture.

  1. Orange and red vegetables

For a good, even, radiant complexion, it is helpful to eat brightly colored vegetables and fruits. It is known that carrots, peppers, pumpkins, peaches, apricots, and tomatoes contain a lot of beta-carotene (yellow-orange pigment), an antioxidant responsible for the renewal of skin cells. By the way, many cosmetologists recommend choosing creams with retinol, and this is nothing more than the well-known vitamin A, which is formed in the body from carotene.

Beta-carotene is also considered one of the most natural tanning activators, as it promotes the production of melanin. So do you want a beautiful tan and healthy skin? Eat carrots with vegetable oil or sour cream (fat is needed to absorb vitamin A), and add cream to freshly squeezed juice.

  1. Beet

We gave beets a separate item. After all, this is a very, very dietary and healthy vegetable - it contains only 42 calories and a lot of fiber. But for us the most important thing is the effect of beets on the skin. Beets are especially rich in potassium, which literally saves them from moisture loss.

Do you want your skin to always remain hydrated and look young? Love beets and eat them both boiled and raw in salads; in any form, they retain their valuable substances.

  1. Eggs

Chicken eggs enrich our diet with vitamins B, A and selenium. Selenium is a valuable microelement that is essential for beautiful skin. Eggs help cope with acne, prevent age spots from appearing, and protect against age-related changes by fighting free radicals. Thanks to selenium, the skin becomes fresher and more elastic.

To maintain attractive and youthful skin, try to include egg dishes in your diet at least several times a week.

  1. Liver

The liver contains a lot of vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Why is this vitamin valuable for the skin? Without it, our skin becomes vulnerable and sensitive, prone to redness and constant irritation, dryness and dermatitis. Suitable as beef or chicken: both have an abundance of this vitamin. But cod liver is not very suitable for this purpose. Compare for yourself: 100g of cod liver contains 0.41 mg of vitamin B2, while 100g of raw beef liver contains 3.96 mg!

  1. Citrus

Vitamin C is the strongest antioxidant for the skin. It’s not without reason that cosmetics manufacturers try to add it to face and body creams. The only problem is the preservation of vitamin C, and the ability to easily deliver it to the skin along with the cream. Why such complexity when you can easily consume this vitamin in its most useful and convenient form? Ascorbic acid is found in abundance in citrus fruits. What are the benefits of vitamin C for skin? First of all, it prevents early aging and maintains youthful skin. Vitamin C promotes the synthesis of elastin, which, together with collagen, maintains its tone and freshness.

  1. Avocado

What is the main benefit of avocado for the skin? Oleic acid, and there is a lot of it in avocados, improves the process of skin regeneration and is especially necessary in middle and old age. Avocados also contain a lot of B vitamins and fiber. And most importantly, avocado helps slow down the activity of the enzyme that causes skin aging - collagen fibers begin to deform and wrinkles appear.

How to eat avocado? There are many recipes on the Internet, experiment with different options and try to eat avocado regularly.

  1. Sea kale

Seaweed is a favorite product of the Japanese, and, as you know, the Japanese nation is the longest living nation on earth. Japanese women admire their beauty and look very young. An important contribution to this is seaweed, which is included in both the majority of Japanese cosmetic products and the products that are on the plate. They contain alginic acid. Why is it important for the skin? First of all, it is a detox: seaweed removes harmful substances from the body and restores the normal functioning of the digestive system.

  1. Fatty fish

Salmon or salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon, trout... Just one serving of any fatty fish per day completely covers the body's need for omega-3. Fish of the salmon family is the most important inexhaustible source of fatty acids. How are they good for the skin? First of all, omega-3 fatty acids slow down the breakdown of collagen. As we have noted more than once, it is he, along with elastin, that makes the skin elastic, and the elasticity of the walls of skin cells also depends on omega-3.

  1. Seafood

The importance of seafood for beauty and health is difficult to overestimate. Seafood is especially rich in iodine and calcium, phosphorus and copper, zinc, and iron. For example, zinc, which is found in abundance in oysters, is very necessary for young skin. It prevents inflammation of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

  1. Meat

They say that some conscientious plastic surgeons, before putting the patient “under the knife,” send him with a proposal to adjust his diet, and this is enough. Namely, they advise adding more protein to it. Let the debate about the benefits and harms of meat not subside, but we know that amino acids, contained primarily in meat, are vital for any organism. What about skin? Including for her, so that the skin has something to synthesize new cells from.

  1. Green tea

Another leader in antioxidant content is green tea. It is wonderful for the face and body. Those who love and often drink green tea, as a rule, do not have problems with acne and acne, they have healthy capillaries and blood vessels. Green tea is also good for the skin under the eyes. It contains tannin (tannin). This active component slightly tightens the skin, thereby removing swelling, puffiness of the eyelids, and bags under the eyes. For beautiful skin, it is recommended to drink three to four cups of green tea a day.

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