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Cleansing the face from the inside with preparations. Cleansing the skin from the inside How to cleanse the face from the inside

The sciences of cosmetology and toxicology (studies the effect of poisons on humans) have developed separately for thousands of years, without intersecting with each other. But the human body is a single, integral system. The condition of one organ is related to the condition of others. How are skin and toxins related? How to cleanse your skin from the inside?

How the system works

Metabolic products are constantly being formed in the body, some of them are quite toxic. Most of these substances are formed and stored in the intestines. To neutralize them, a whole system functions, which includes the liver, intestines, lungs, immune system, kidneys, and skin. When the processes of formation of toxic substances and their neutralization are balanced, a person manages to feel healthy and, accordingly, the same appearance.

But when the flow of toxic substances exceeds the potential of the body’s detoxification system, the system begins to work with overstrain, the structural and functional state of cells deteriorates, and health problems appear.

The effect of toxins on the skin

Due to the negative effects of toxins, the skin has to suffer. The properties of the skin become worse - we are talking about turgor and elasticity. The skin becomes flabby and wrinkles appear prematurely. Skin color appears unhealthy. Depending on which of the toxic substances predominate in the body, the skin acquires a gray, yellow, earthy tint, puffiness and circles under the eyes occur. Skin changes of an inflammatory and allergic nature may develop.

How to solve a problem

Experts name two ways to solve this problem. The first is cosmetic. This method has great potential, but one cannot ignore a significant drawback - this method works externally, but does not affect the root cause. In this case, so-called cosmetic repairs are carried out. The second way involves cleansing the body from the inside. In this case, various methods are possible. Basically, they are associated with cleansing the intestines, which is considered the main supplier of toxic substances to the human body.

Water is a product with cleansing properties:

You need to drink a lot of water to keep your skin healthy and young. It is worth giving up carbonated drinks and including at least eight glasses of clean water in your diet (do not count soup and other drinks). Drinking enough water is considered the best solution in preventing acne. In addition, this simple remedy allows you to regenerate cells.

Determine what skin type you have. Caring for each skin type is different. Therefore, it is very important to know yours in order to choose the appropriate care. Skin types are as follows:

  • Dry skin. Dry skin usually looks dull, flaky and itchy, and can sometimes be sensitive. Dry skin needs to be moisturized daily from the inside (drink plenty of water) and the outside (moisturizing creams and lotions).
  • Oily skin. Oily skin is usually glossy and shiny and looks greasy. This skin type is prone to acne and blackheads. For oily skin, it is necessary to apply clay masks and steam baths.
  • Normal skin. Not too oily and not too dry. This skin type is a real gift. Normal skin always looks moisturized, vibrant and well-groomed. However, this skin type also requires careful care. Don't forget to cleanse, tone and moisturize.
  • Most people have combination skin, a combination of two skin types at once. Most often, the oily T-zone stands out - the area of ​​the forehead, nose and chin, while the skin on the cheeks, around the eyes and nose is normal or dry. Therefore, people with combination skin need to care for specific areas of their skin differently.

Drink water. Water cleanses your body by helping eliminate toxins. It also hydrates your skin and gets rid of dirt and oiliness. Try to drink an average of 1.5 – 2 liters of water per day.

Use natural cleansers. Cleansers contain too many chemicals that can damage your skin. Natural and organic cleansers are more effective and good for the skin.

Eat a balanced, nutritious diet. Eat plenty of fruits, nuts, beans and grains. Eating right and taking vitamins will do wonders for your skin. Try eating only vegetarian food for a week.

  • Avoid eating meat, fish, eggs, fried foods, foods with sugar and white flour, coffee, tea, soft drinks, alcohol, cigarettes, medications, including contraceptives. Anything grown or made artificially cannot be compared to natural products.
  • Keep makeup to a minimum. Excess makeup subsequently has a detrimental effect on the skin. If you still have to wear makeup, use only natural and mineral cosmetics.

    Don't stay in the sun for too long. Try not to go out between 10 am and 2 pm. If you are going to be in the sun for an extended period of time, be sure to wear a cap and hat. Although the sun provides vitamin D to the skin, it also contributes to the development of wrinkles and skin cancer.

    • Use sun protection SPF 15 or higher.
  • Exercise at least 15 minutes a day. Exercising conscientiously will help your skin sparkle. Don't forget to wash your face after exercise: sweat and dirt clog your pores.

    Make sure you wash your face thoroughly. Wash your face 2-3 times a day with a cleanser, paying special attention to problem areas. Before removing makeup, wash your face with cold water to tighten pores. Then apply cleanser or soap and rinse with warm water. Splash your face with cold water again. Warm water expands the pores, helping to remove bacteria, dirt and makeup particles from them. If you don't wash your face thoroughly, dirt and oil will just smear all over your face. Washing with cold water first tightens the pores, preventing dirt from spreading across the face, then warm water expands the pores, clearing them out, and cold washing at the end tightens the pores again, preventing subsequent pollution.

    Skin is a mirror of health
    So, the unsatisfactory external condition of the skin is only a reflection of the internal state of the body. After all, each organ performs its specific functions, and if its work is disrupted, then other organs bear an additional burden. If there are many violations, the whole body malfunctions. First of all, these are disturbances in the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, especially intestines And liver. As a result, all unprocessed waste and toxins begin to be actively removed by the skin.

    Taking into account individual characteristics
    The drugs included in the programs have virtually no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the components. Naturally, in difficult cases the general scheme can be adjusted taking into account individual characteristics. These could be, for example, gallstones , stones in the kidneys , severe allergic reaction etc. In such cases, before you start taking the program, please contact me for a consultation.

    First stage: CLEANSING

    Today there are many ways to cleanse the body. There are so-called “folk” cleansing methods: rice diet, lemon juice with vegetable oil, various types of enemas, urine therapy, etc. and so on. And there are scientific methods, which use ancient recipes plus a scientific approach.

    Scientists from the Novosibirsk academic campus have developed three versions of cleansing programs. To select a program, answer only one question:

    Answer options and proposed solution:

    Cleansing program "provides a holistic cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and bile ducts. This promotes rejuvenation of the body, eliminates slagging, restores the correct bowel movement, gets rid of extra pounds and eliminates allergic manifestations.

    The programs described above cleanse both the intestines and the liver at the same time. Thus, a significant amount of waste and toxins is simultaneously removed from the body. Cleansing is gentle and painless, with minimal discomfort.

    Of course, a prerequisite for solving skin problems is switching to proper nutrition and maintaining a drinking regime! Otherwise, the effect obtained as a result of cleansing the body will very quickly fade away...

    In the future, the cleansing course should be repeated 1-2 times a year, depending on the general condition of the body and the degree of slagging.

    Second stage: CORRECTION

    At the second stage, it is imperative to adjust the functioning of the hormonal system.

    For children under 12 years of age, 1 capsule per day is enough. For adolescents over 12 years of age - optimally 2 capsules per day.

    For women:

    If the hormonal imbalance in the body is serious and has arisen for a long time, then it is necessary to complete the full course of the “Women’s Program”.

    If the disturbances are minor and have arisen quite recently, then 1 drug is sufficient - Element 1. “Balance Formula for Women”.

    For men:

    Likewise. If the hormonal imbalance in the body is serious and has arisen for a long time, then it is necessary to complete the full course of the “Men’s Program”.

    If the disturbances are minor and have arisen quite recently, then only 1 drug is sufficient - Element 1. “Balance Formula for Men”.

    If everything is in order with the hormonal system and there are no disturbances, then you can immediately proceed to the third stage.

    Third stage: NUTRITION

    The main goal of the third stage is to saturate the skin with all the necessary vitamins and microelements. The “Beauty Vitamins” program copes with this task perfectly:

    Another goal of the third stage is to improve blood microcirculation in the vessels and capillaries of the skin in order to improve the delivery of nutrients and consolidate the results. Three drugs will help us with this: Vitaspectr-S, Vitaspectr-XL, Brainton. They can be taken in combination, or separately. Their actions are somewhat different.

    The question usually arises: is it really not enough that I took it orally? Why take anything else? The fact is that by cleansing the intestines and restoring not only its excretory but also its absorption function, you have significantly supported the body with nutrients. Now all that remains is to improve the functioning of the circulatory system so that the blood can easily deliver all the nutrients to all structures and organs. These drugs are suitable for everyone, without exception.

    Let's sum it up

    In total, the program takes 3-6 months. Then it all depends on your state of health and lifestyle. If you adhere to a more or less healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition, then it is enough to repeat this program once a year in an abbreviated version:

    • Stage 1 – 1 month
    • Stage 2 – 1 month
    • Stage 3 – 3 weeks

    Be sure to compare your skin before and after using the program 5 signs of healthy skin. The result will be best seen if you have a “before” and “after” photo. And get ready to receive compliments!

    Beauty does not require sacrifice, it requires discipline and constant care. In my opinion, it's worth it...

    In order to cleanse the skin from imperfections and return it to its natural beauty and radiance, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive detoxification of the body and rid the internal organs of toxins that cause the appearance of acne and other problems.

    In our article we will explain how to create the right deep cleansing plan skin using natural remedies and methods. Your skin will get rid of oily shine, blackheads, acne and boils.


    Gut health is directly related to the condition of our skin, so the first step is to cleanse and detoxify this organ, as well as normalize its functions.

    A common problem in women is that it contributes to the accumulation of harmful substances in the intestines. Toxins are no longer eliminated naturally and enter the bloodstream, causing our body to try to get rid of them in another possible way - through the skin.

    That is why, when the intestines are not functioning properly, we notice other problems: skin imperfections, excessive sweating, etc.

    There are various natural ways to cleanse the intestines that will also solve the problem of constipation, for example:

    • Increase your daily intake of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. In this case, plums, dates, apples, spinach and sorrel will be especially useful.
    • Add flaxseed to your meals and take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach.
    • Eat whole grains: whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta, rice, etc.
    • Take magnesium chloride as a dietary supplement.
    • Drink 2 glasses of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach.
    • Drink enough water throughout the day.
    • If necessary, do enemas with water, try not to use chemical solutions for this procedure.

    Medicinal decoctions and infusions will help cleanse the skin

    There are available medicinal plants that will effectively help cleanse the skin and body from the inside. If you include their infusions and decoctions in your detoxification plan, you will achieve positive results. Decoctions and infusions will restore the skin's natural purity and radiance. In addition, their ingredients can easily be found in a pharmacy or herbal store.

    So, they will help you:

    • Nettle: This plant has excellent cleansing and whitening properties. In addition, nettle removes toxins from the body.
    • Burdock: A decoction of its root is useful for serious deficiencies - acne or boils. It also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys.
    • Green tea: cleanses, is rich in antioxidants, has a rejuvenating effect.
    • Dandelion: has a deep cleansing effect on the kidneys and skin.

    For a month, combine taking decoctions and infusions of these plants with proper nutrition. Please note that you should not take more than 3 small cups of such drinks per day.

    Daily skin care

    Once we have begun internal cleansing of the body, it is necessary to learn proper external skin care. Please note the following important recommendations:

    • In the morning, wash your face with cool water.
    • Apply a natural toner to your skin: rose water, chamomile or witch hazel decoction.
    • As soon as the tonic is absorbed, moisturize the skin with a cream suitable for your type. Also you can use natural oils: jojoba oil (for oily skin), coconut oil (for combination skin), argan or almond oil (for dry skin). They can be found at a pharmacy or cosmetic store.
    • Soft massage facial skin , so that the oil or cream can penetrate as deeply as possible and start the regeneration process.
    • In the evening, repeat the same procedures, but first cleanse your skin of makeup using natural products, such as olive oil.

    Peeling and skin nutrition

    The following procedures must be carried out once a week: peeling the skin, applying a nourishing and cleansing mask.

    Peeling, or exfoliation of the skin, helps us get rid of imperfections. Mix a small amount of salt or sugar with aloe pulp (or natural oil for dry skin) and apply to face. Gently massage the skin and rinse with warm water.

    Now you need to pamper your skin with a cleansing and nourishing mask. Prepare it from green clay by mixing it with a small amount of natural yogurt. Apply the mask to your face and leave for half an hour until the clay dries. Then rinse off the mask with warm water and apply moisturizer.

    This set of procedures, when combined with and taking decoctions, will help cleanse the skin of imperfections and restore its natural beauty.

    Images courtesy of danny O, bkajino, MyTudut and Wildbeauty.

    After all, it has long been known that beautiful skin, a beautiful complexion, and the absence of acne are the result of good intestinal function, a healthy diet, and fresh air. But in the modern world we are constantly exposed to harmful environmental factors (bad and unhealthy food, dirty air, intestinal problems, etc.)

    To make my skin look beautiful and healthy, I tried everything! All sorts of lotions, masks, etc. But then I realized that to cleanse the body you need to cleanse it from the inside and the effect will be reflected on my skin, hair and nails!

    Here's what I tried to cleanse my body:

    • enterosgel (very cool product!)
    • oats for liver cleansing
    • I recently read in a magazine that Chinese healers advise drinking warm water with a pinch of salt on an empty stomach in the morning for at least 10 days and your skin will become noticeably cleaner! I have been following this method for a week now and have already noticed results! Small pimples on the back and face have disappeared))) I advise you to try this simple but effective method!

    My experience (photo)

    When I notice that I have gained extra (usually a little 3-4 kg, but you can feel everything), I immediately switch to stewed or steamed vegetables (in my favorite multicooker irecommend.rucontentvolshebnyi-gorshochek.) these are potatoes, zucchini, any cabbage, carrots.

    Works, tested on myself

    Cleansing the body (5 days) Having tried many diets, I swore off subjecting my body to such tests. But, summer has come, you want to look slim and beautiful and forget about all the torment. That’s why I decided to try this method of cleansing the body, discovered in one of the magazines.

    I'll tell you why, why and what effect!

    On the advice of my sister, who fiercely monitors her health, both internal and external, 3 weeks ago I began drinking a glass of body water with lemon in the morning on an empty stomach and snacking on the water with a teaspoon of honey. I will explain why this is worth doing and what effect is achieved.

    Cleansing the skin from the inside

    Oats. It has long been used to improve skin condition. Dry a couple of glasses of whole, well-washed oats (the kind that are fed to horses as feed) in a frying pan. Grind the dried oats in a convenient way: in a mixer or through a meat grinder, you can also use a coffee grinder. Store the resulting mixture in a bag or plastic container in a dark place. At the end of the day, add 1-1.5 cups of boiling water to a tablespoon of this flour.

    Knotweed. To cleanse the skin from the inside and the entire body, use knotweed (scientific name is knotweed). To prepare the drink, pour a tablespoon of dried herb into three glasses of boiling water. Leave for a couple of hours. Then, strain and take half a glass half an hour before meals. Store the prepared infusion for no more than two days in a cool place.

    Please note that people who have any problems with the kidneys or bladder should not take it, but knotweed will undoubtedly help in the fight against urinary tract diseases. The infusion can also be used for treatment at the first symptoms of urolithiasis and after removal of stones, for liver diseases. The infusion can also be used externally to treat various skin diseases. It helps thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

    Sea buckthorn for cleansing the skin. If you are suffering from an illness such as eczema, psoriasis or cheilitis, use all the healing properties of sea buckthorn for your benefit. Take 1-2 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil daily and apply sea buckthorn masks made from a five percent emulsion. Treatment with sea buckthorn gives quick results. However, if your illness is chronic, be patient and under no circumstances give up what you started.

    Herbal decoction for acne. Use two parts stinging nettle, burdock root and string. The herbs must first be chopped, and only then the mixture must be prepared. Add one part of celandine. Pour boiling water over the mixture - the volume of water is slightly larger than the volume of herbs. Let everything sit until it cools down. Afterwards, you need to strain the infusion and put it in the refrigerator. For a month, the decoction is taken orally, half a glass three times a day. Continue treatment until the skin is completely cleansed. If you have dandruff, rinse your hair with this decoction.

    You have read the information on the topic: “Cleansing the skin from the inside.”

    Cleansing the skin from the inside

    The sciences of cosmetology and toxicology (studies the effect of poisons on humans) have developed separately for thousands of years, without intersecting with each other. But the human body is a single, integral system. The condition of one organ is related to the condition of others. How are skin and toxins related? How to cleanse your skin from the inside?

    Cleansing the skin from the inside

    How the system works

    Metabolic products are constantly being formed in the body, some of them are quite toxic. Most of these substances are formed and stored in the intestines. To neutralize them, a whole system functions, which includes the liver, intestines, lungs, immune system, kidneys, and skin. When the processes of formation of toxic substances and their neutralization are balanced, a person manages to feel healthy and, accordingly, the same appearance.

    But when the flow of toxic substances exceeds the potential of the body’s detoxification system, the system begins to work with overstrain, the structural and functional state of cells deteriorates, and health problems appear.

    The effect of toxins on the skin

    Due to the negative effects of toxins, the skin has to suffer. The properties of the skin become worse - we are talking about turgor and elasticity. The skin becomes flabby and wrinkles appear prematurely. Skin color appears unhealthy. Depending on which of the toxic substances predominate in the body, the skin acquires a gray, yellow, earthy tint, puffiness and circles under the eyes occur. Skin changes of an inflammatory and allergic nature may develop.

    How to solve a problem

    Experts name two ways to solve this problem. The first is cosmetic. This method has great potential, but one cannot ignore a significant drawback - this method works externally, but does not affect the root cause. In this case, so-called cosmetic repairs are carried out. The second way involves cleansing the body from the inside. In this case, various methods are possible. Basically, they are associated with cleansing the intestines, which is considered the main supplier of toxic substances to the human body.

    Water is a product with cleansing properties:

    You need to drink a lot of water to keep your skin healthy and young. It is worth giving up carbonated drinks and including at least eight glasses of clean water in your diet (do not count soup and other drinks). Drinking enough water is considered the best solution in preventing acne. In addition, this simple remedy allows you to regenerate cells.

    Use olive oil

    Use olive oil

    It is worth cooking with olive oil. This unique product has a ton of benefits that include clearing up acne and keeping your skin healthy. The special value of olive oil is that it is a natural, healthy source of unsaturated fatty acids.

    Other products with cleansing properties include:

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    How to get rid of acne on the face and back. An effective acne remedy. 100% natural approach

    People of all ages regularly come to the Sokolinsky Center for advice with this question: how to get rid of acne? And the majority succumbed to television advertising of external miracle remedies and never understood the main secret - acne, pimples are an external manifestation of problems with internal organs - with the liver and intestines!

    Young people are often told that skin problems will go away with age. In adulthood, expensive cosmetic procedures, regular facials and physical therapy are usually recommended. Surely you have already tried all these methods? The effect was very short-lived, wasn't it?

    Why didn’t creams clear up acne, back pimples, and facial pimples? Because the problem is not in the skin at all. In reality, malfunctioning liver and intestines both poisoned the blood and are poisoning. But there is a very simple and effective way to solve the problem once and for all. Cleansing the body “from the inside” gives automatic results on the skin. Read here how to carry out effective cleansing and thereby influence the real cause and finally stop rubbing various products in the morning, afternoon and evening.

    Why don't they pass? How to get rid of acne for a long time?

    In essence, your skin problem is related to the need to change the functioning of the body as a whole. Skin problems are a manifestation of internal troubles. It doesn't really matter if it's acne on the back on the face or other places. Everyone knows that this is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands due to their blockage. But why are your sebaceous glands clogged and inflamed? You wash your face and body regularly and perhaps even use lotions and tonics!

    And all because the skin is an excretory organ. And all the toxins that could not be properly removed from the body by the liver, intestines and kidneys accumulate in adipose tissue. As a result, sebum turns into an accumulation of organic and inorganic waste. The result is inflammation. I am absolutely sure, based on 20 years of practice, that it is cleansing the body that improves the condition. First of all, cleanse the intestines and liver and stop using “junk food” - chips, crackers, sausages, etc., stop drinking carbonated sweet drinks and increase the amount of regular water to at least a liter per day and the result will definitely be there. At the same time, at first you can use your usual face masks for acne, or any external folk remedies for acne.

    If you want a truthful answer to the question: how to get rid of acne, then you will have to come to terms with the fact that only external remedies for acne do not help. You need to combine them with cleansing the intestines, liver and blood, and then there will be a real and long-term result!

    Sokolinsky's system offers to change something for real! Get rid of toxins at the level of the intestines, liver, blood, correct your diet taking into account our recommendations, add the microelement zinc in a bioavailable form and acne on the back and face will go away.

    There are very strong creams. But using them as a remedy for acne is the same as not treating a bad tooth and taking painkillers instead. You are not the first and perhaps not the millionth person looking for a way to get rid of acne quickly... In principle, this is possible, but you need to go the right way, and not plaster over the problem with external means.

    First, remember how intensively you have to use deodorant? If the smell of sweat does not please you every day in the morning, this is a sure sign that toxins are being released through the skin. The sweat of a healthy person does not have a strong odor. Detox your body and you won’t recognize your skin!

    Sequence of actions for acne and pimples

    1. Within a month, conduct a course of detoxification: intestines, liver, blood. This will already bring the first and quick result. It is available in any city, it is easy to take, it is natural and safe. The special convenience of the complex is that thanks to the unique NutriDetox formula it is not only cleansing, but also nutrition. It contains a rich set of vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, and vegetable protein. You no longer need, for example, to take vitamins to boost your immunity.

    2. At the same time, correct your diet: eliminate the most harmful foods for yourself - just limit flour, sweets, canned foods, containing dyes and flavors (chips, crackers, canned food, carbonated drinks, etc.)

    3. It is important to drink enough water during cleansing. Drink at least a liter of pure still water throughout the day

    If there are a lot of acne and they are very bothersome, then you can, of course, use your usual lotions to cleanse the skin, but it will be more effective to use the strongest natural antiseptics 100% tea tree oil or nanosilver 30 ppm.

    This is a completely different class of external products than just creams. You only need a little bit of them, but they penetrate very deeply into the skin. They do not contain antibiotics, but they effectively suppress the proliferation of microbes. Use them alternately a couple of times a day. Unlike medicinal creams, they are not addictive.

    5. Do you want to consolidate the positive effect received?

    Experience shows that in addition to reasonable nutrition (see above), the stability of the intestinal microflora plays a great role in preventing the proliferation of pathogenic microflora on the skin. It plays the role of a biological shield against the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms throughout the body and helps maintain active immunity, in addition, it independently removes many toxins.

    If you understand that you are unable to eat without “breakdowns”, are forced to often eat out of the house and end up breaking your diet, then you can also continue to use the “green cockrail” from NutriDetox in the mornings several times a week, which you have already become acquainted with in process of detoxification. Don't forget that you can simply add it to vegetable juice or smoothies. It doesn't look like medicine at all. NutriDetox is a super product of fashionable and healthy nutrition.

    At any age, it is easier to maintain the body in a stable state, if it is so simple, than to treat acne again later!

    How long does it take to achieve a stable improvement effect?

    Skin cells are renewed every 30 days. There's no way faster. That's why I don't teach you how to prepare for a date in 2 days using super-strong chemistry. To permanently get rid of acne and pimples, you need a full month course of skin cleansing from the inside and outside.

    Although a positive result appears after the first week, we want it to be stable!

    Try to do everything right at least once. It's very simple, absolutely safe and guaranteed to be healthy.

    What will you get as a result of cleansing the body for acne on the face or acne on the back?

    During this month there should be a noticeable decrease in the number of rashes. If there were problems with digestion or allergies, then most often there is an improvement. An additional bonus that you will receive is an increase in performance and a decrease in fatigue.

    Money back guarantee

    I am so confident in the quality of these natural remedies that the Sokolinsky Center guarantees a refund for medications purchased from us within 30 days from the date of purchase in the event of an allergy or other manifestation of intolerance, provided there is a receipt and the packaging itself.

    If you have acne, i.e. If a huge number of rashes form and traces of them are already left, then it is worth using the “Sokolinsky System” with a more profound correction of metabolic processes and immunity. Then first get a consultation (in person or via Skype, phone).

    On the website you can download useful books and booklets on issues that interest you

    Huge request:

    If our site is useful to you, please recommend it to others.

    © Sokolinsky Center “Recipes for Health” 2002-2017, Vladimir Sokolinsky

    How to clear your facial skin of imperfections in a month?

    In order to cleanse the skin of imperfections and restore its natural beauty and radiance, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive detoxification of the body and rid the internal organs of toxins that cause the appearance of blackheads, acne and other problems.

    In our article, we will explain how to create the right plan for deep skin cleansing using natural remedies and methods. Your skin will get rid of oily shine, blackheads, acne and boils.


    Gut health is directly related to the condition of our skin, so the first step is to cleanse and detoxify this organ, as well as normalize its functions. A common problem in women is constipation, which contributes to the accumulation of harmful substances in the intestines. Toxins are no longer eliminated naturally and enter the bloodstream, causing our body to try to get rid of them in another possible way - through the skin. That is why, when the intestines are not functioning properly, we notice other problems: skin imperfections, excessive sweating, etc.

    There are various natural ways to cleanse the intestines that will also solve the problem of constipation, for example:

    • Increase your daily consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. In this case, plums, dates, apples, spinach and sorrel will be especially useful.
    • Add flaxseed to your meals and take 1 tablespoon of it on an empty stomach.
    • Eat whole grains: whole grain bread, durum wheat pasta, rice, etc.
    • Take magnesium chloride as a dietary supplement.
    • Drink two glasses of warm water in the morning on an empty stomach.
    • Drink enough water throughout the day.
    • If necessary, do enemas with water, try not to use chemical solutions for this procedure.

    Medicinal decoctions and infusions

    There are available medicinal plants that will effectively help cleanse the body and skin from the inside. If you include their infusions and decoctions in your detoxification plan, you will achieve positive results and return your skin to its natural purity and radiance. In addition, they can easily be found in a pharmacy or herbal store. So, they will help you:

    • Nettle: This plant has excellent cleansing and whitening properties, in addition, nettle removes toxins from the body.
    • Burdock: a decoction of its root is useful for serious deficiencies - acne or boils. It also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys.
    • Green tea: cleansing and rich in antioxidants, has an anti-aging effect.
    • Dandelion: has a deep cleansing effect on the liver, kidneys and skin.

    For a month, combine the intake of decoctions and infusions of these plants with proper nutrition, but keep in mind that you should not take more than 3 small cups of such drinks per day.

    Daily skin care

    Once we have begun internal cleansing of the body, it is necessary to learn proper external skin care. Please note the following important recommendations:

    • In the morning, wash your face with cool water.
    • Apply a natural toner to your skin: rose water, chamomile or witch hazel infusion.
    • Once the toner has dried, moisturize your skin with a cream that suits your type. You can also use natural oils: jojoba oil (for oily skin), coconut oil (for combination skin), argan or almond oil (for dry skin). They can be found at a pharmacy or cosmetic store.
    • Gently massage your facial skin so that the oil or cream can penetrate as deeply as possible and start the regeneration process.
    • In the evening, repeat the same procedures, but first cleanse your skin of makeup using natural products, such as olive oil.

    Peeling and skin nutrition

    The following procedures must be carried out once a week: skin peeling, applying a nourishing and cleansing mask.

    Now you need to pamper your skin with a cleansing and nourishing mask. Prepare it from green clay, mixing it with a small amount of natural yogurt. Apply the mask to your face and leave for half an hour until the clay dries. Then wash off the mask with warm water and apply moisturizer.

    This set of procedures, when combined with proper nutrition and taking decoctions, will help you cope with imperfections on the skin and restore natural beauty.

    Images courtesy of danny O, bkajino, MyTudut and Wildbeauty.

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    Skin cleansing

    The skin is the largest human organ. It is both an excretory and absorbent organ. Therefore, skin cleansing should be done both externally and internally. The condition of the skin directly depends on the general condition of the body. There is no way to cleanse the skin without cleansing the body as a whole. At the same time, consistent cleansing of the entire body leads to cleansing and significant improvement in the external condition of the skin.


    Cleansing the skin from the inside.

    As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the condition of the skin reflects the condition of the entire organism as a whole. To cleanse the skin, you must first cleanse the major organs. Especially the excretory organs - when they work poorly, the load on the skin to remove waste from the body increases. Therefore, cleansing these organs is so important for cleansing the skin. Cleansing the body should be carried out in stages:

    1. Colon cleansing - The unpleasant odor of the skin will disappear. The appearance of the skin will improve - acne, rashes and irritation may decrease.
    2. Liver cleansing - Skin will become fresh and smooth. Pimples, blackheads, rashes and irritations will decrease. Your complexion will improve, dark circles and bags under the eyes will disappear, and fine wrinkles will smooth out. The face will look fresh and rested.
    3. Kidney cleansing - When the body is freed from unnecessary water, swelling, puffiness will go away, and bags under the eyes will disappear. The skin will become fresher, smoother and tighter.
    4. Cleansing the body of toxins - Acne, rashes and irritations will finally disappear. The skin will become even more fresh and tightened and acquire a healthy color.

    Skin cleansing with thermal procedures.

    One of the methods of cleansing the skin and cleansing the entire body of toxins is cleansing using thermal procedures (bath, sauna). Cleansing, in this case, is carried out through the skin and the skin is cleansed first. Every day up to 600 grams of fluid is released through the skin. Along with the liquid, of course, almost all the substances contained in it come out, including waste ones. Substances released through the skin include waste products, salts, radionuclides and much more.

    Cleansing the skin with thermal procedures should only be done after the intestines, liver and kidneys have been cleansed. Otherwise, a huge amount of harmful substances in the body will constantly enter the bloodstream and the skin will not be able to cleanse itself effectively.

    Additional factors affecting the condition and cleanliness of the skin.

    • Skin cleansing and physical exercise: in addition to the general healing and cleansing effect, sports activities improve blood supply to the skin and increase the supply of oxygen to skin cells.
    • Cleansing the skin and Proper nutrition: for healthy skin, it is important to receive all the necessary vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc. At the same time, it is important not to overuse harmful products with food additives, etc.
    • Skin cleansing and cleansing products: The skin has the ability to absorb substances with which it comes into contact. This ability is enhanced in a “steamed” state, for example during a bath or shower. Therefore, it is very important what kind of soap you use. It is best to use natural soap to cleanse the skin of the face and body, based only on medicinal oils, without any additives.
    • Skin cleansing and cosmetics: the use of foundation or powder, even of the highest quality, interferes with the normal functioning of the skin and its cleansing. If you constantly use cosmetics, it is very difficult to give it up. But if you wait a couple of weeks, your facial skin will look fresher. If you cleanse your body and lead a healthy lifestyle, the appearance of your skin will gradually improve and you will no longer need cosmetics to give your skin a healthy color and hide minor imperfections - they will disappear on their own.

    Methods for cleansing facial skin at home.

    There are many ways to cleanse your face at home. Not all facial cleansing methods are safe or beneficial. We will look at only a few methods - in my opinion, the most natural and easiest to use.

    I will not write here about skin cleansing products produced by cosmetic companies - almost all of them contain harmful substances, for example, preservatives (penetrating into the body through the skin, they can cause no less harm than food preservatives).

    Daily cleansing of facial skin with vegetable oil.

    To cleanse your facial skin, you can use any high-quality cold-pressed vegetable or kernel oil. Olive, flaxseed, almond oil, etc. work well.

    To obtain a therapeutic effect (wound healing, improved nutrition and stimulation of skin regeneration), you can mix the main oil used to cleanse the skin with sea buckthorn, pomegranate or jojoba oil.

    To cleanse the facial skin, you can add a few drops of essential oils that have properties beneficial for restoring and renewing the skin: essential oils strengthen cell membranes, stimulate metabolic processes, improve skin regeneration and nutrition of skin cells. I write more about essential oils below - they are also used when cleansing the skin of the face using a steam bath.

    Facial cleansing procedure:

    1. Pour 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil into a porcelain container (jar, glass).
    2. Place the container with oil in a bowl of warm water (about 40 degrees) for 1-2 minutes.
    3. Add a few drops of one or more types of essential oil.
    4. Lightly saturate a cotton swab with oil and cleanse your face.
    5. Soak another cotton swab with a large amount of oil, apply to the skin and leave for 2-3 minutes.
    6. Using a cotton swab dipped in boiled water or a weak chamomile infusion, thoroughly clean the skin of oil.

    Advantages of cleansing facial skin with vegetable oil:

    • This method cleanses the skin well of dust, dirt, traces of sweat, etc., giving a feeling of cleanliness and allowing the skin to breathe freely.
    • Vegetable oils contain many substances beneficial to the skin that promote its nutrition and regeneration.
    • The addition of essential oils and oils with medicinal properties (sea buckthorn, pomegranate, jojoba, etc.) allows you to obtain a healing and rejuvenating effect from the daily facial cleansing procedure.

    Cleansing facial skin with oat bran.

    This skin cleansing procedure is not intended for daily use. It can be done occasionally for intensive cleansing of any skin type:

    1. Grind some oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
    2. Pour boiling water over 1 teaspoon of the resulting powder and let cool to room temperature.
    3. Wet the skin of your face and neck with warm boiled water and apply the bran mixture to your face and neck.
    4. Wait a couple of minutes and rinse off.

    Steam bath for cleansing facial skin.

    • The cleansing effect of a steam bath for facial skin is based on restoring the skin's water balance and saturating it with oxygen.
    • Heating the skin enhances its absorption capacity, which allows for the effective use of medicinal herbs and essential oils.
    • Before carrying out this procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin of cosmetics and dirt.
    • The duration of the skin cleansing procedure depends on the skin type: minutes for oily skin, minutes for normal skin and up to 5 minutes for dry skin.

    To enhance the effect of cleansing facial skin with a steam bath, you can use herbs and essential oils. Some of them have specific properties, for example:

    • bay leaf - improves skin blood circulation,
    • celandine, burdock, wormwood, chamomile and plantain - have a disinfectant effect,
    • calendula - has a healing effect, helps heal small wounds,
    • anise, cinnamon, cloves, eucalyptus, fennel, ginger, mint, nettle, orange zest - promote skin cell renewal.

    Some of the essential oils used in steam cleansing are: lavender, geranium, bergamot, sandalwood, rosemary, sage, mandarin, eucalyptus.

    The method of cleansing facial skin using a steam bath is quite safe, although, of course, it is not intended for daily use.

    Kombucha for cleansing facial skin.

    Kombucha infusion can be used as a lotion to cleanse the skin of the face and body (for dry skin, it is recommended to dilute the infusion with mineral water in equal proportions).

    To cleanse your skin of acne, you should wipe your face with kombucha infusion 2-3 times a day.