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Is it possible to lose weight at 60? How many servings of food should be eaten during the day

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

A diet in old age must be chosen carefully, it is better that weight loss after 60 - where to start it and what foods to eat, was determined by a nutritionist. An independent choice of a technique can lead to negative consequences for the whole organism. As a rule, the system of losing weight after 60 years for a woman is slightly different from the methodology that suits a man.

How to lose weight after 60

Any woman, regardless of age, wants to always remain attractive and look 100 percent. 60 years is a difficult age, which is associated with hormonal changes and menopause. At the same time, it can open up many prospects for body care, because the children have already grown up and there is a lot of free time. Therefore, many ladies begin to wonder how to lose weight after 60 years for a woman?

Modern methods of losing weight involve the use of the services of beauty salons and a plastic surgeon. Although, according to experts, in order for a woman to remain beautiful after retirement, it is important to feel interesting to others, take an active position in society, play sports, adhere to the basics of proper nutrition - then weight loss after 60 years will occur naturally.

Improvement of the body

After the age of 60, a woman's body tries to switch to a frugal use of resources. Therefore, the rampage of hormones, which made a person live at the limit of physical capabilities, loses its relevance at this age. At the same time, one should be attentive to health and not forget that a woman in any situation should be attractive and desirable, even when she reaches the age of sixty. The main recommendations on how to maintain health after 60 years:

  • Nutrition for weight loss. A woman should definitely increase her calcium intake and limit the intake of animal fat with food. It is recommended for ladies over 60 to reduce the calorie content of food to 1600 kcal.
  • Movement for effective weight loss. To avoid gaining extra pounds, reduce muscle weakness and improve the body, a woman needs to devote 40 minutes of physical activity per day.
  • Timely visit to a psychologist. You should learn to enjoy any event and use new opportunities to cheer yourself up.
  • Quality cosmetics. Women need to choose creams with a mark of 60+. They should contain brightening components and substances that smooth wrinkles.

Proper nutrition

The nutritionist knows best about how to lose weight after 60 years for a woman. Therefore, before starting the process of losing weight, you should consult a specialist. The older the body, the more susceptible it is to what enters the digestive tract. An important rule for women over 60 is the regularity of checking the level of sugar and cholesterol. When compiling a diet, you should abandon foods that leach calcium. Proper nutrition after 60 years in women should not contain the following products:

  • coffee and sweet drinks;
  • salt and sugar;
  • canned foods.

Active lifestyle

Nutrition in women in their 60s plays an important role in losing weight, but do not forget about sports. It must be remembered that not all exercises are safe for this age. You can practice in the gym, but you should protect the joints with special bandages. It is better to make an individual plan with a professional trainer. As a rule, women over the age of 60 are recommended to:

  • ride a bike;
  • visit the pool;
  • do not give up weight training;
  • go for a morning run;
  • To do yoga.

Nutrition after 60 for women

Thinking about how to lose weight at the age of 60 for a woman, you should definitely follow the rules of dietary nutrition. In this case, it is necessary to remove from the diet all spicy, fatty, salty, sweet. This will help restore the health of the organs, make the body gradually get rid of extra pounds. For women over 60, for proper bowel function, fresh fruits and vegetables should be included in the diet. Also, do not forget about dairy products. Proper nutrition after 60 for women includes the following recommendations:

  • you need to drink more pure water;
  • eat small portions;
  • it is necessary to give up meat and eat more fish;
  • remove semi-finished products and sausages from the diet;
  • table salt should be replaced with sea salt;
  • exclude all canned food (even homemade);
  • coffee can be replaced with delicious herbal or green tea;
  • vegetables and herbs can be eaten in any quantity;
  • oil should be chosen unrefined;
  • instead of fast carbohydrates, choose foods that are rich in dietary fiber.

Weekly menu for weight loss

Nutritionists during weight loss do not insist that any harmful foods should be completely excluded from your diet. You can eat all natural right food, but at least once a week you need to clean the intestines with herbs, kefir, decoctions. An approximate menu for losing weight after 60 years for a woman is presented in the table:

Days of the week


vegetables, boiled fish, green tea.

vegetable salad, vegetarian soup, boiled meat, any fruit.

carrot-curd casserole, kefir.

cucumber salad, buckwheat porridge, boiled meat, green tea.

baked apples, rye bread, borscht.

cottage cheese with dried fruits, fermented milk product, herbal tea.

omelet, tea.

grilled fish, baked potato, vegetable salad, apple.

stewed vegetables herbal tea, a handful of dried fruits.

tomato salad, boiled meatballs.

fruit salad, vegetarian soup.

cottage cheese casserole, herbal tea.

rye bread with cheese, oatmeal, tea with honey.

stewed vegetables, dietary meat, orange.

carrot puree, meat soufflé, herbal tea.

rice porridge, bread with cheese, green tea.

fish, vegetable stew, kiwi.

zucchini pancakes, banana, light yogurt.


scrambled eggs, vegetable salad, a piece of cheese, herbal tea.

vinaigrette, boiled chicken, apple.

cottage cheese, herbal tea with honey.

Gymnastics for women over 60

It is very difficult to fight extra pounds at an elderly age, because metabolism is slowed down. Women in their 60s should be very careful in their choice of sport. It is better to seek advice from a professional trainer. It is necessary to select a health-improving complex of exercises with a gradual increase in load. The intensity of training depends on health and the presence of chronic ailments. When losing weight, the following physical exercises are acceptable after 60 years for women:

  • Shoulder rotation. We perform rotational movements with the shoulders back and forth in 4 turns.
  • Leaning forward. Hands down, feet should be shoulder width apart. We do 2 slopes for each leg.
  • Line walking. One foot must be placed in front of the other. You can either walk forward or walk backwards.
  • Circular rotation of the pelvis. No need to bend and bend.
  • Head tilts. Hands on the belt, feet shoulder width apart. Tilt your head left, right, left, down, right, down.

How to lose weight after 60 for a man

The processes in the body of an elderly person begin to slow down, so after 60 years it is very difficult for a man to lose weight. The vessels are clogged with cholesterol, many already have a tummy and other signs of being overweight. Normally, the weight of a man at 60 years old should be in the range of 65 to 95 kg, based on height. Anyone who wants to lose weight should radically change their diet. Often, excess weight is provoked by the consumption of large amounts of fried, fatty, and lack of physical activity. Basic rules that will help in the process of losing weight:

  • You need to balance your workouts. You don't have to stick to one sport. Make a schedule along with strength and aerobic exercise.
  • Don't starve. After all, instead of losing weight and getting rid of fat, your body will begin to actively accumulate them.
  • Use aerobic exercise more often, which helps you lose weight and get rid of the maximum number of calories in a short period of time.
  • Find yourself a companion who can support you in the fight against excess weight. Joint weight loss stimulates and prevents the risk of stopping halfway.

Diet for men after 60

The weight loss program for men in old age should be individual. Moreover, if the problem with extra pounds is serious, then professional consultation of a nutritionist will be required, if a mild form of obesity - a therapist. Nutrition after 60 years for a man involves following several rules:

  • carbonated sugary drinks, alcohol and coffee should be abandoned;
  • it is necessary to minimize the consumption of sugar;
  • fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables can be eaten in unlimited quantities;
  • drink at least two liters of water per day;
  • only unrefined oil is allowed;
  • meat should be replaced with fish;
  • instead of table salt, it is better to use sea salt;
  • the amount of fat per day should not exceed 70 g;
  • vegetable oil is better to replace with linseed or olive;
  • it is necessary to abandon the use of semi-finished products, sausages, canned foods.

Sports after 60 for men

Retirement age is a good opportunity to get in shape. Simple physical exercises and wellness procedures will have a beneficial effect on the body and help active weight loss. Regular exercise by people over 60 years of age leads to normalization of blood pressure, dilation of blood vessels, and improvement in general health. The level of stress in this case should be individual, it can only be determined by a specialist. For effective weight loss, you can use the following set of exercises for a man after 60 years:

  • pose "Plank";
  • tilts to the sides, you can use dumbbells;
  • push ups;
  • twisting the body on a fitness ball or bench;
  • exercise "Bicycle".

Video: Diet for the elderly for weight loss

Most women at this age gain freedom: active work activity ends, children become completely independent. Finally, there is an opportunity to enjoy life to the fullest. But this requires strength, health, vigor and mobility.

Natural age-related changes in a woman's body

It is not surprising that at 60 a woman looks and feels different than at 30 and 40. But you need to accept yourself in accordance with your age and, as far as possible, improve your well-being and appearance.

Skin changes

With age, the elasticity of the skin decreases, wrinkles appear due to a decrease in the water content in the body. Unfortunately, this process is almost impossible to slow down. However, if you follow a healthy diet, maintain physical activity and drink enough water, then the condition of the skin even at this age will be noticeably better.

Decreased muscle mass and bone density

Many gentle sports such as walking, aqua aerobics, cycling, swimming, hiking, dancing and others are also suitable for older people. To maintain muscle tone, it is recommended to exercise at least three times a week, for 30-40 minutes. An excellent result is achieved if classes are held in a group, it is much more fun and gives a good psychological effect.

An important problem for women after 60 years is a high risk of developing osteoporosis. In the early years of menopause, a deficiency of female sex hormones contributes to bone loss of up to 8% per year. For quite a long period of time, thinning of the bone tissue can proceed completely unnoticed, but the result of this process is frequent bone fractures under the influence of the most minor injuries or even the weight of one's own body. If the process of washing out the bone tissue continues further, osteoporosis occurs.

This process is influenced by smoking, low physical activity, excessive weight. Therefore, limiting these factors can improve bone health. You can stop the destruction of bones by preserving calcium in them. Calcium and magnesium preparations, with the assistance of other drugs and moderate physical exertion, can strengthen bone tissue.

Increase in fat mass

The percentage of body fat in most women increases with age. If this percentage begins to grow strongly, due to a sedentary lifestyle, then the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, high blood fat, atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension proportionally increases.

To estimate your weight, you can use such an indicator as BMI (body mass index). But we must take into account that the widely used formula for calculating BMI is designed exclusively for people under the age of 65 years. To calculate BMI after 65, the same formula is used, but there are slight differences. The upper threshold of the result for those under 65 is 25. For those over 65, an upper value of 29 units is allowed. It is quite normal and physiologically determined that an elderly person weighs several kilograms more than he weighed at 40 years old.

Decreased calorie requirement

As we age, our body needs fewer calories that we get from food. The daily norm for women at this age is 1400 kcal for men 1900 kcal. But the need for essential nutrients remains unchanged. The older we get, the more important it is to choose the right foods we eat.

Decreased chewing function

It's good if you have your own teeth, but in most cases this is not the case. It is important to continue to observe oral hygiene, monitor the condition of prostheses, and prevent inflammatory manifestations in the oral cavity. Otherwise, it can lead to problems with chewing food, and hence with digestion in general. Many older people have become accustomed to denying themselves certain foods because they are difficult to chew. But hard and solid foods include many healthy vegetables, fruits, nuts. This should not be allowed, nutrients must be supplied to the body in full.

It is necessary to look for a way out of this situation. You can grate raw vegetables or fruits on a fine grater, soak whole grain oatmeal overnight to soften them. Stew or steam vegetables.

Decreases the feeling of thirst

Many people know that drinking water is vital. Most are also aware of the need to drink 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day. However, one can often hear the remark: “I don’t drink much because I don’t feel like it!”

This is especially common in older people, as the feeling of thirst decreases due to age. Lack of fluid in the body causes fatigue, decreased concentration, memory impairment, dizziness.

Try writing down in a notebook how much water you actually drink. It only takes three days to understand what your water regime is like. If you get at least 1.5 liters per day - great! If the value is less than 1.5 liters per day, you must correct it. Set a goal for yourself to drink more water and practice self-discipline. Make yourself reminders. Your body will definitely appreciate it.

Ways to slow down old age

In the fight against age-related changes and deterioration in health, a balanced diet will help, which must necessarily include the following components:

A) Vitamin D and calcium for bone strength

Calcium, in addition to vitamin D, is essential for maintaining healthy bones and slowing bone loss. Even in old age, the positive effects of increased calcium intake persist.

To provide the body with calcium, it is necessary to consume low-fat dairy products, mineral waters (with a calcium content> 400 mg Ca / l) or fruit juices enriched with calcium. Also important is the use of calcium in the form of dietary supplements, because. With food, you are unlikely to get enough calcium to provide all the needs of the body.

To maintain the required amount of vitamin D in the body, it is recommended to eat fish dishes at least three times a week, and to be outdoors (to synthesize your own vitamin D in response to sun exposure).

b) Vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid for blood vessels

In recent years, special attention has been paid to the level of homocysteine ​​in the blood, as an independent risk factor for vascular (arterial) diseases, such as atherosclerosis. An increase in homocysteine ​​is a signal for alarm. One of the factors to increase the level of homocysteine ​​is the lack of vitamins B6, B12 and folic acid.

To meet the needs of the body with vitamins B6 suitable for the following products:

- vegetable origin: whole grains, yeast, spinach, cabbage and potatoes;

- animal origin: white meat, lean fish, milk, eggs, offal (liver).

Vitamin B12 found only in animal products (meat, fish, eggs and dairy products). An exception is sauerkraut (bacterial fermentation). If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract in the anamnesis (medical history), in particular atrophic gastritis, then this greatly slows down the absorption of vitamin B12. It is worth considering taking the vitamin in the form of tablets or injections.

Folic acid found in large quantities in wheat bran, yeast, nuts and green vegetables.

Principles of nutrition according to the system "fewer calories and more nutrients" are as follows:

  1. Daily meals should consist of 5-6 approaches. Portions should be small, after a meal a feeling of lightness should be maintained.
  2. Fruits and vegetables: The daily diet should contain raw vegetables and fruits. You can grate them, make fruit puree, drink freshly squeezed juice, cook vegetable puree soups.
  3. Bread, grain products: 5-6 slices of whole grain bread (250-300 g per day). If you have problems with chewing, then finely ground whole grain bread will do.
  4. Potatoes, rice, pasta. The use of potatoes and pasta is best kept to a minimum. You can treat yourself to a small portion of potatoes (2-3 pieces of medium size), boiled "in uniform" 2-3 times a month. If you really want pasta, then choose products from durum wheat. But they should not be abused (no more than 1 time per week). But rice is very healthy and nutritious, it can be used as a side dish or a separate dish. Particular attention should be paid to brown and wild rice.
  5. Milk and dairy products: 2 servings per day, for example, 250 ml of low-fat milk and 2 slices of low-fat cheese (60 g) or 100-150 g of low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast and a glass of kefir in the evening.
  6. Fish: 1-2 servings of 150 gr, 2-3 times a week.
  7. Meat: 2-3 servings per week. Preference should be given to white poultry meat or low-fat varieties of red.
  8. Eggs: 2-3 pieces per week, preferably quail.
  9. Fats and oils: fatty meats, butter should be completely excluded from the diet. Vegetable oil (unrefined olive, linseed, sesame) 10-15 ml per day.
  10. Use gentle cooking methods such as sautéing in a small amount of liquid, steaming, or baking in foil in the oven.
  11. Drink enough water: 1.5 - 2 liters per day. Preference should be given to pure non-carbonated water, herbal teas, and sometimes freshly squeezed juices.

A well-chosen diet and moderate physical activity will fill you with energy and vitality.

In youth, a person mostly lives carefree, conducts gastronomic experiments, takes risks on extreme entertainment, spends sleep time on fun, etc. All this affects health, but at the age of 25-30, few people will think about it. And, often, if after such experiments you normalize your rhythm and lifestyle, then the body quickly recovers. The same cannot be said for older people. Recovery is especially difficult for the elderly, whose vital capabilities of the body are far from the same as they were 20 years ago.

Moreover, at the age of 60, in order to restore normal well-being, a surge of vital energy, you will have to “work” in different directions. In particular, for health and youth at sixty, the following is necessary:

  • Rejection of bad habits,
  • Timely visits to the doctor, compliance with his recommendations,
  • Healthy sleep,
  • Minimizing the risk of stressful situations,
  • Active lifestyle, the presence of daily physical activity, morning exercises,
  • Walks in the open air,
  • Proper nutrition.

Women after 60 years old often forget about the last point, but at the same time they complain that they have grown three sizes, compared to "with themselves at 40." However, it is nutrition, for those over 60, that can become an effective prevention of the development of many diseases.

The benefits of proper nutrition

Usually people after 60 are difficult to convince to change some of their habits, in particular, nutrition. For a 60-year-old lady, questions are more likely: what then to eat, or how a delicious homemade pie can harm, rather than the question of what benefit today's breakfast brought to the body.

Moreover, those who are over 60 do not see the enemy in food, and believe that they cannot shackle themselves in this. But for women over 60, such negligence is fraught with many negative consequences, primarily the appearance of excess weight, the development of obesity. In addition, malnutrition of a woman leads to the development of diseases such as:

  • Obesity,
  • atherosclerosis, vascular fragility,
  • High blood pressure (hypertension),
  • Violation of the digestive tract, the appearance of ulcers, gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.,
  • The appearance of diabetes, etc.

To prevent the development of these unpleasant diseases, you can use a specially selected menu of proper nutrition. It is selected taking into account the age-related individual characteristics of a person, but the general principle is universal for everyone at this age.

Proper nutrition for a woman after 60 is also useful in that it helps to normalize metabolism, and also increases the body's resistance to aging processes. Conversely, if nutrition at 60 is based on fried, spicy, fatty foods, then aging will occur at this age instantly.

In addition, a woman needs the intake of various vitamins, microelements that are needed for health and for cell rejuvenation. Of course, you can drink special vitamin complexes for those over 60. They are often sold in pharmacies and can contain all the vitamins and trace elements necessary in old age (zinc, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, etc.). But doctors often focus on the fact that these substances are better absorbed with products in their natural form. Moreover, since a person still takes food, he regularly receives some groups of vitamins. If you add artificial vitamins, then the body may become saturated with them, which is also not a positive sign.

Vitamins for the elderly are needed to normalize the functioning of muscles, including the heart, strengthen bones, joints, increase physical and mental activity, and normalize the functioning of all systems and organs.

The basis of the diet

timely changed nutrition after 60 years for women can improve her health and prevent the development of age-related diseases. The diet is not complicated and does not imply hunger strikes or exhaustion of your body. Proper nutrition for a woman should be balanced and healthy.

The most important thing is to exclude all junk food in catering after 60 - fried, sausages, smoked, salty, canned food. These products can attract many in terms of taste, but they are of little benefit. Moreover, such food provokes an increase in harmful cholesterol in the blood, the appearance of plaques in the vessels. As a result, the risk of heart attack and stroke increases. A balanced diet involves the complete exclusion of these products and the introduction of a large amount of vegetables, fruits, fish, dairy products into the diet.

nutrition after 60 years for women involves the rejection of meat, sweets, salt. Regular salt should be replaced with sea salt. Also meals at 60 years old (should be frequent - about 4-5 times a day, but in small portions.

And starvation, which will lead to exhaustion of the body, is strictly prohibited. A woman's diet should include calories, and not be lean. By the way, those who like to sit on strict diets run the risk of completely ruining their health. At 60 and older, a diet that promises instant weight loss can be detrimental to the health of the body.

indicative menu

The 60-year-old beauty will have to create a daily menu for herself and stick to it all the time. Proper and balanced nutrition should consist of 4 - 5 meals, in small quantities. A sample menu for the elderly will be useful, namely:

  • For breakfast, green tea, juice or kefir, a handful of raisins, nuts, cottage cheese,
  • For the second breakfast - an apple, steamed vegetables,
  • For lunch - light soup or porridge with meat,
  • For an afternoon snack - green tea, yogurt, fruit,
  • For dinner - porridge, a piece of fish, a salad of fresh vegetables.

This principle of nutrition after 60 is not very scarce for delicious dishes, but it is very useful for both a 60-year-old grandmother and her grandchildren.

Proper nutrition for the elderly is based on foods that are the least likely to be hazardous to health.

Adhering to a healthy diet at 65 years old can be no different from 50 year old colleagues. Only the feeling of envy, alas, is irreversible. Indeed, after 65 years, not everyone can look young, with toned skin and improved complexion.

There are also plenty of recipes on the net on how to prepare a healthy meal so that nutrition helps to resist aging, and not speed it up.

Skeptics will say that with a slow metabolism, it is unrealistic for women in their 60s to lose weight. But the arsenal of beautiful women after 60 proves the opposite: Jacqueline Smith, Sophia Loren, Irina Allegrova and many, many others amaze with their appearance and make you admire mature age! How to lose weight in adulthood without damage to the body - read below.

Why you need to lose weight

Extra pounds - ballast, which worsens the general condition of the body. The only reason why it is difficult to lose weight is endocrine disorders. If everything is in order with the hormonal fund, you can and should lose weight. Cleansing the body will protect you from many potential diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • cardiac pathology (hypertension);
  • malignant tumor;
  • heart attacks and strokes;
  • sleep apnea syndrome (stopping of respiratory processes during sleep);
  • inflammation of the gallbladder and others;
  • depression and others.

Over time, a balanced and healthy diet will improve your mood and physical fitness. Take care of the condition of hair, nails and skin. Remember, we are what we eat. Before making a diet choice at 60, make sure you follow the general recommendations for daily nutrition and regimen. And at 20 years old, and for weight loss after 60 years old - they will help not to retain water in the body, and will contribute to a good sense of self.

  • Drink a day from one liter of non-carbonated water, preferably mineral. Start with a glass of water on an empty stomach;
  • Do not combine food and drink. Drink 20 minutes before meals, and an hour after eating;
  • For those over 60 years old, you need to eat often, but in small portions. This stimulates the female accelerated metabolism;

  • Smoking and drinking alcohol is not a good idea. Moreover, any alcohol is very high-calorie. Any diet for women excludes alcohol;
  • Get up early, go to bed too. No one is immune from the nightly “I want to eat right now”;
  • For those over 60 years of age, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of fatty, fried meat. Cholesterol is excreted from the body more and more difficult with age. Try switching to fish. But if you can not do without this product, give preference to the bird.
  • Try to remove coffee, semi-finished products, sparkling water from the daily menu;
  • Lots of fruits, vegetables and greens are always a good idea;
  • Spend more time outdoors, remember what exercise is;
  • Dressings, sauces, mayonnaise - chemicals that stop the removal of water from the body. Try not to buy such products;
  • A contrast shower is not only good for metabolism, but also promotes skin elasticity.
  • And also do not forget about fresh juices instead of soda and natural yoghurts.

Generally accepted recommendations will help normalize weight over time. But if you want to get results as quickly as possible, try going on a small diet. This is cleaning the body of everything superfluous, a calorie deficit and, as a visual result, losing a few kilograms. During the diet, out of habit, you will want to eat a lot, but together with mashed potatoes and meatballs, try to dull your hunger with fruit, salad.

Diet after 60 years for women from Sophia Loren

It lasts only three days, and was not invented by Madame Lauren, but by the young girl Sophie, which she used to be. In addition to losing a few kilos, the program is useful... and delicious! The main ingredient of every day is spaghetti. Here is a preliminary diet that can be tailored to your tastes:

  • First day. Breakfast is a boiled egg and a glass of orange juice. For lunch - a salad of vegetables, cheese and turkey (you can chicken). Dinner - about 150 grams of spaghetti with shrimp (you can also chicken) and a salad. A dessert that can be eaten throughout the day is one apple. So this diet for women begins.
  • Second day. We have breakfast with oatmeal or wholemeal cereals with low fat milk. Lunch should consist of their fruits and cottage cheese. For dinner, we cook spaghetti with meatballs and a salad. Daily dessert - pear.
  • Finish. The morning menu is a small piece of cheese and a bun. A dietary lunch should be from a salad and boiled chicken breast (approximate weight - 150 grams). We have dinner with durum wheat lasagna, add chopped vegetables. For dessert - two small peaches.

Diet for weight loss after 65 years does not last long, but you will see the effect immediately. You should not keep it longer than three days, but if you wish, you can practice such nutrition once a month.

The main principle that a women's weight loss diet should reflect after the sixty mark is weight loss without stress for the body. You should not feel acute hunger during the day. If this happens, you have chosen the wrong diet for yourself. It can help you lose weight, but the price is health.

After the onset of menopause, many women experience a sharp or gradual change in weight - some lose weight, but most still gain weight. Since a modern woman at this age leads a very active life, she is not satisfied with a plump figure. The desire to look attractive pushes her to extreme methods of rapid weight loss, which leads to undesirable consequences. How to lose weight after 60 without harm to health?

No matter how many years the passport shamelessly declares, at heart we remain flirtatious at any age and crave confirmation of our attractiveness. After sixty years, new perspectives open up for many: children have become adults, you can devote more time to yourself and catch up!

For women with a high level of intelligence, it is extremely important to feel not only experienced and wise, but also beautiful, so such a round date is not seen as an excuse to give up and stop caring for yourself. The attention of men is one of the indicators that a woman looks great and is desirable.

To help us today, there are many different ways to keep fit and beautiful: these are beauty salons, fitness centers, and plastic cosmetology, but the most important way to stay beautiful is to feel interesting and self-sufficient. To do this, you need to be in the center of events all the time, not to be alone and not to seize longing with kilograms of sweets.

Proper nutrition after 60 years

Nutrition at this age should be given even more attention than before - with age, the body becomes more sensitive to food, which is associated with a gradual decrease in the level of female hormones, which inhibits other processes in the body, including regenerative ones. That is why the liver and gallbladder, unable to cope with the intake of harmful substances, are reborn - the liver cells no longer filter the blood so actively, cholesterol accumulates in it and excess weight inevitably accumulates, liver and gallstones appear. The pancreas also suffers, and it is during this period that diabetes mellitus can suddenly sneak up.

By choosing a reasonable diet and removing excess fatty, smoked, spicy and sweet, you can restore the functions of internal organs and make the body slowly but surely lose the gained kilograms. It is not worth it, as in youth, to rush headlong into newfangled express diets, losing several kilograms a week - this way the body will quickly weaken, and the appearance will not change in the best way. The skin is deprived of hormonal replenishment to the extent that it used to be, and therefore is not protected by collagen and elastin, which means.

Slow weight loss is more beneficial in all respects - the body does not experience stress, the skin gradually reduces. To help her, you can use various creams that help tighten aging skin.

Changing the diet in the direction of fruits and vegetables will normalize the functioning of the intestines, which also begins to fail - systematic constipation will pass, which will immediately affect both the condition and appearance. The skin will acquire a healthy color, it will look much fresher.

Be sure to include in your diet fermented milk products that will restore the intestinal microflora.

At this age, the time comes to limit animal protein - we are even talking about lean chicken meat, which can be replaced with seafood and fish rich in trace elements and omega 3.

You should not completely exclude any foods, but you need to eat them carefully and it will not hurt to periodically cleanse the intestines on fruit decoctions, kefir and herbs. But such strong methods as lemon juice and olive oil do not need to be used enough - they can provoke severe malfunctions in the functioning of internal organs and even the dangerous movement of "silent" stones in the gallbladder and biliary tract, the presence of which may not be suspected for a long time.

Including bran and bread in the diet, you can reduce the consumption of bread, and this will immediately lead to weight loss.

Sample menu: how to eat tasty and healthy

At this age, it is no longer possible to drastically reduce the calorie content of foods or lose weight by removing certain foods from your menu. The only thing you should definitely say goodbye to forever is alcohol, tobacco, freeze-dried and ready-made meals, semi-finished products, canned food, fast food and other types of harmful artificial food. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of red wine to maintain the density and integrity of blood vessels, so this type of alcohol can be left, but make sure that the drink is natural and of high quality, and the dosage does not exceed a glass.

Losing weight over the age of 60 can be achieved by cutting portion sizes, not reducing calories by cutting out certain foods. On the contrary, at this time, it is very important for the health of the body to eat fully, eating healthy and tasty food, rich in vitamins, trace elements and other substances necessary for the full functioning of the substances.

The approximate menu contains everything you need, and each woman can adjust the serving size according to her desire and needs:


  • Breakfast

Fried eggs, fresh vegetable salad, black coffee without sugar.

  • Lunch

Pea soup, roast with veal, sauerkraut, compote.

  • afternoon tea

Fruit salad.

Cottage cheese casserole, kefir.


  • Breakfast

Oatmeal with dried fruits, a glass of milk.

  • Lunch

Fruit and a handful of nuts.

Borsch with sour cream, buckwheat porridge with mushrooms, salad.

  • afternoon tea

Cottage cheese with raspberry jelly.

Stewed vegetables, drink from rose hips.


  • Breakfast

Cheesecakes, an apple, a glass of orange juice.

  • Lunch

Salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage, dressed with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, tea with lemon.

Chicken broth with croutons, steam cutlets with boiled rice, salsa sauce, berry jelly.

  • afternoon tea

Nuts and dried fruits.

Cold boiled meat with mashed potatoes and sauce, a glass of milk.


  • Breakfast

Two soft-boiled eggs, black tea with honey, toast with a slice of cheese.

  • Lunch

Fruits and berries with cottage cheese.

Soup with mushrooms, spaghetti, fried fish, vegetable salad, juice.

  • afternoon tea

Milk with cookies, apples.

Seafood risotto, berry jelly.


  • Breakfast

Cheese toast, fruit salad, black tea with lemon.

  • Lunch

Soft-boiled eggs, orange juice.

Kharcho soup, buckwheat porridge, meatballs, tomatoes, green tea.

  • afternoon tea

Sweet curd mass.

Vermicelli, baked fish, compote.


  • Breakfast

Oatmeal, fruit salad, vegetable juice.

  • Lunch

Black coffee and sandwiches with turkey and salad.

Bouillabaisse soup with seafood, fried beef liver with mashed potatoes, stewed mushrooms, multifruit juice.

  • afternoon tea

Berry pudding, green tea.

Soufflé and stewed vegetables, fruit drink.


  • Breakfast

Fried eggs, cheese sandwiches, coffee with milk.

  • Lunch

Baked apples with cinnamon.

Ukha, oven-baked potatoes, stewed meat in sour cream, cabbage and carrot salad, green tea.

  • afternoon tea

Milk with cookies.

Spaghetti with bolognese sauce, meatballs, rosehip broth.

Selection of feasible exercises

Given the age, heavy physical activity can only cause harm, but in no way cause weight loss, as in youth. It is best to choose such loads that will burn excess fat, tighten the skin, and strengthen the muscles. Yoga or Pilates is best suited for such purposes. These are very good types of fitness that you can “dose” and choose a set of exercises based on your age and physical fitness.

It should be noted that people involved in sports not only look better than others at the same age, but also have fewer health problems, including mental health. Playing sports causes the production of endorphins - hormones of pleasure, so such people are more satisfied with their lives, feel happiness and complete harmony with others.

Speaking about how to lose weight after 60, it should be recalled that physical activity is also desirable, but many of them should be considered dangerous. So, you can work out with weights in gyms, but only if you protect your joints with special bandages and warm up well before classes. Such loads perfectly stimulate the tissues, and they remain in good shape and young.

Being engaged on simulators, you can maintain the shape of the chest, arms and legs, buttocks. It is also good to stimulate homework with dumbbells and on an exercise bike, morning jogging (walking). If the joints are sick, then you should definitely visit the pool or water aerobics classes - both of which spare the back and joints, but allow you to keep the body fit and young!