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Dead hair. The more sex, the more voluminous the hair! Protein is an important element

There is a lot of wonder in the very fact of the existence of human hair. Even without modern scientific discoveries, people have attributed special properties to them since ancient times.

The first strange thing is their dual nature: the entire visible part of the hair (shaft) is dead cells, living cells are contained only in the bulb, which is located under the skin. Why the body needs dead cells in such quantities is unknown.

Man began to fight gray hair in ancient times. Philippe Walter's team at the Center for Research and Restoration Museums of France (C2RMF) has recreated a hair dye based on lead oxide and slaked lime from a 2,000-year-old recipe popular with the ancient Greeks and Romans. After soaking 50 mg of blond human hair in the mixture for three days, the scientists examined the black-dyed hair under a microscope. Lead sulfide crystals with a diameter of 50 nm were found in the hair shaft, which is very similar to the picture that can be seen in hair dyed using the most modern technologies. The lead in lead oxide reacted with the sulfur of amino acids from hair keratins, giving the hair a black color, but scientists cannot yet explain how this happens. Understanding how lead penetrates hair, coloring it, is important not only for the cosmetics industry. Scientists want to better understand how environmental metals can enter human tissue.

Finding your hair again

Until now, people have struggled with baldness using more or less dubious drugs, as well as by transplanting their own hair follicles to the desired area. At the same time, there was a strong belief that the skin of adult mammals cannot produce new hair follicles. Research by University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine dermatology professor George Cotsarelis has shattered this dogma, at least for mice. It turned out that mice with deep skin wounds grew new hair using a molecular process similar to a similar activity in embryonic development. Scientists have discovered that if the wound reaches a certain size, new follicles begin to form in its center, from which hair grows. They are uncolored, but blend in with the surrounding hair and are therefore invisible. Dormant embryonic molecular pathways are activated, directing stem cells to sites of injury. New hair follicles grow from epidermal cells that do not normally produce follicles. Having discovered how to activate the regeneration process, scientists forced mice to grow twice as much new hair by giving a specific molecular signal. One can hope that the development of a qualitatively new way to combat baldness is only a matter of time.

Scientific hair missions

Scientists are interested in the properties of hair that are far from the aesthetic function itself. A team of experts led by Stefano Rosso at the Piedmont Cancer Center (Italy) has developed a new way to accurately and cost-effectively diagnose melanoma risk. Reducing the dose of 2,3, 5-pyrroltricarbossilic acid (PTCA), one of the products of melatonin metabolism in the skin and hair, raises concerns: the lower the level of PTCA, the greater the chance of developing the disease. A study of hundreds of melanoma patients and healthy volunteers showed that when PTCA levels were below 85 ng per 1 mg sample, the risk increased 4-fold, regardless of such significant factors as skin and hair color.

Healing wounds on the skin is a complex problem, which is especially aggravated by diabetes, when wounds sometimes become incurable. Joint research by three Italian universities - Genoa, Pisa and Bari - led by Marco Romanelli has led to a discovery that offers hope for a cure for even the most difficult cases. The technology is as follows: approximately a hundred hairs are taken from the patient (the amount that a person already loses every day) and placed in an incubator in a special culture at a temperature of 37°C. After 15-20 days, keratinocytes emerge from the outer part of the hair follicle - cells that produce keratin (a protein that gives the skin its protective properties). Meanwhile, fibroblasts, skin connective tissue cells from the same patient, are grown in another incubator. The two types of cells are combined and the resulting substance is applied to the wound. An impressive result is achieved precisely because the patient’s “native” cells help heal the wound. The technology is expected to be introduced into mass use in clinics in a couple of years.

Probably, our grandmothers passed on to each of us the main rules of hair care, which do not always correspond to scientific explanations. So, for example, an indispensable condition for luxurious hair is that you need to constantly cut the ends of your hair, and who doesn’t remember the heroines of famous fairy tales who constantly comb their hair? This will also not help their growth and health, but rather harm them and make them weak. So what do we know about how to keep our hair in order, and what is misleading?

It's good to cut your hair

The main myth is that the more often you cut your hair, it will be healthier. And that's not true. If you cut your hair, it will not become stronger or more beautiful, it will just be shorter. And there is no connection to whether a haircut is good for your hair other than the economic benefit to your hairdresser.

Hair is dead cells

This is true. Otherwise, if we cut them off, we would feel pain. Therefore, it is strange to apply such definitions as healthy or unhealthy to hair. It is important to take care of the hair follicles that are located under the scalp, their health is something to be concerned about.

Split hair interferes with its growth

Another common myth is that split ends of hair interfere with hair growth. This is wrong. Of course, it’s best not to be lazy and go to the hairdresser. However, this is unlikely to help your hair grow faster, but it will definitely add confidence to your appearance.

Proper nutrition is important for healthy hair

Proper nutrition is very important for healthy hair. This is one of the most important factors for maintaining the beauty and shine of your hair. It is important to eat green vegetables, yellow fruits, dates, nuts, eggs, whole grains and oatmeal. These products help prevent hair loss and make your hair shiny and elastic.

It is also important to eat foods rich in protein. Be sure to include turkey, beef, dairy and quinoa in your diet. Drink plenty of water (6-8 glasses a day), this helps strengthen hair follicles. Avoid coffee and alcohol, they delay the absorption of important minerals.

Hair rinses better with hot water

This is wrong. Hot water will not help rinse your hair, but will only harm it. It's best to use warm or slightly cold water, which will help close the pores on your scalp and keep your hair moisturized.

Physical activity does not affect hair health

This is wrong. Like every cell in our body, physical activity is important for hair. They stimulate blood flow to cells, thereby renewing them. Sports and physical activity help improve the condition of facial skin and also make hair roots healthier.

Vitamins and nutritional supplements help hair health

This is true. In order for hair roots to be healthy, they need to be strengthened with vitamins, for example, from group B. You can nourish them with creams containing these vitamins or take nutritional supplements. Hair treatment is impossible without comprehensive care: both through the use of drugs with vitamin supplements and proper nutrition.

The more you brush your hair, the healthier it is.

This is wrong. Brushing your hair weakens and breaks it, and also affects the roots (follicles), creating pressure and ultimately hair loss. Try to comb your hair as little as possible and choose a high-quality comb. Combs with metal or plastic teeth can cause hairs to split. It is better to choose a simple wide-tooth comb instead of a massage comb. Try to comb your hair as little as possible, only when you need to style your hair.

Anyone who switched from black to another color will understand me: you have to go gray-brown-crimson for some time, but the condition of your hair leaves much to be desired. After etching the black color, the hair turned into a terrible tow; it became dry, dull, and brittle. I even had to cut off some strands because they were starting to fall off. The appearance of my hair before applying the dye can be seen in 1 photo: dry, dull straw, and of an indeterminate color.

In order to somehow survive this period without much investment, I decided to paint over my discolored tow with something inexpensive. Since the yellowness was still present in the bleached hair, and I didn’t have much money, I decided to take Fara, the shade Amber is so red!

The paint in the tube is pure mother-of-pearl... There is no smell at all. I mixed everything in the bottle and began to apply. Surprisingly, no matter how hard I tried, I never managed to get dirty, moreover, my ears even remained clean! The paint was applied like some kind of cream, I thought that nothing would stain at all, my head didn’t sting, there was no smell of ammonia (was there any?), I didn’t know whether there was any kind of chemical reaction at all or not, but there was already something to lose nothing. It feels like there is just a soft cream on your head.

I left it on for half an hour and washed it off. It was difficult to determine the color, but the hairs did not fall off, they became smooth, and thank you for that.

I rummaged through the box and found a neutralizing balm. And then miracles began. The hair came to life. I rinsed it. Like a child - silk and satin!

I washed and dried.

But that is not all. In the morning, when I wake up, I, as always, wave my hand and run it over my head. And how do I feel? Oh Gods! Where are my prickly and dry tow? This is not my head!

I jumped up and ran to the mirror. In the reflection I saw shiny, soft hair, light as feathers! My hair flowed merrily and shone, very pleased after yesterday’s procedure... It was so unusual to see shine and live hair, I was already prepared to grow my hair for a year!

Well what can I say. I am surprised. I just wanted to temporarily paint over my ashen-burnt disgrace, but it turned out that it revived and gave a very decent shade and a pleasant shine to my once dry, lifeless tows.

My hair and I are happy, you can safely go outside and not even cut the ends!

It turns out that the kit comes with a very good balm! And the paint itself is not at all aggressive: it does not smell of ammonia, does not stain the skin (at least the shade is amber), does not burn the hair and scalp, but on the contrary, it nourishes.

I don’t know how the color will behave, maybe it will wash off after a couple of times, but the condition of the hair is top five! I already wanted to cut my hair like a boy, and this dye just saved me!

Well, I don’t even mention the fact that I saved on going to the hairdresser.

PHOTO 1: dry piebald tow that has been bleached and painted a hundred times

OTHER PHOTOS: soft and vibrant hair + Clean Line Wheat and Oat shampoo

I still don’t understand what the color is, it seems to give off a reddish color, although in artificial light and under a flash it seems ashy. But in fact the color is light red. I was amazed by the revitalizing effect of the hair, read the topic, dear backers, not a word about color in the title of the topic! The downvotes are probably those who have tow on their heads))

I had a choice: cut my hair or not. So, thanks to the dye, my hair came to life...

Quite often it happens that hair needs to be grown to the desired length urgently: for a wedding, prom, meeting with the groom's parents, or to hide the consequences of a bad haircut. Is it possible? Can short hair become long in a few weeks?

There is no miraculous universal recipe. Of course, you can turn a short bob into long curls quite quickly, but with reservations. Hair extensions, wigs - all this will help you create a stunning hairstyle... for one evening.

Rest in peace dead hair

Unfortunately, not everyone knows that hair, even if it looks quite healthy, is not capable of renewal, and therefore, in fact, consists of dead protein. The average person has about 100 thousand hairs on their head, the average growth rate of which is no more than 3 centimeters per month.

Thus, by the time the hair reaches the shoulders, its age reaches approximately two years. Amazing! Two years is quite a long time, and all this time the hair is inevitably exposed to daily tests: environmental influences, washing, drying, combing and exposure to chemicals. What would happen to the fine silk material after two years of such treatment? Even with excellent hair care, your hair is still subject to the natural aging process, which can have a noticeable impact on its growth.

How to Maximize Your Hair Growth Cycle

Certain vitamins and minerals play a huge role in maintaining hair health. With their deficiency (occurring, for example, as a result of poor or improper nutrition), the hair inevitably becomes thin, sparse, and may even fall out completely.

It is well known that an underactive thyroid gland can lead to brittle hair, while an overactive one can lead to increased oiliness and weakening. Thus, the condition of the hair unmistakably reflects the state of health in general. In order for the appearance of your hair to bring joy and be a reason for pride, you need to adhere to proper nutrition and take care of your health. If your general health is good, then the hair growth cycle can be prolonged by taking amino acids and vitamin B.

Vitamin B-6, biotin, inositol, folic acid and certain minerals such as magnesium, sulfur, silica and zinc also stimulate hair growth and promote healthy hair. Beta-carotene is also necessary for hair growth: from it the body synthesizes vital vitamin A, which supports normal growth and development of bones, protective sheaths of nerve fibers, and also promotes healthy skin, hair and nails. Beta-carotene is found in green and yellow vegetables and fruits .

Protein is an important element

Since hair is made up of protein, a lack of protein in the diet can cause hair loss or slower growth. Accordingly, the result of a high-protein diet is likely to be improved hair growth. Some nutritionists suggest the following list of foods that promote hair growth and strengthening: calf liver, brewer's yeast, wheat germ and two tablespoons of granulated lecithin daily.

Other rich sources of protein include fish, eggs, beans and yogurt. In addition, it has been proven that the vegetable protein contained in soy stimulates hair growth. According to research, the presence of soy in the diet promotes not only strengthening, but also active hair growth. Soybeans are used in the production of some products such as tofu.

Factors that slow down hair growth

Excessive stress and taking certain medications have the most negative impact on hair growth. However, if you have diseases that require the prescription of these medications, you should definitely take them, regardless of their effect on the hair.

A preliminary consultation with a doctor before starting any vitamin, mineral or homeopathic course is mandatory for those who constantly take any medications, in order to avoid drug incompatibility.

But you can and should get rid of stress and extreme fatigue. Meditation and rest help a lot, and it’s good for your hair.

Nutritional Supplements for Hair Growth

Proper nutrition, regular physical activity, increased resistance to stress, rest and healthy sleep are the surest way to significantly increase hair growth.

You can also start taking quality nutritional supplements that contain all the vitamins and minerals needed for hair growth.

The fact is that even a perfectly balanced diet does not guarantee that the body will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, so nutritional supplements will be an effective addition to a healthy lifestyle. The following substances promote hair growth:

    B vitamins (including folic acid, biotin and inositol) - 50 mg per day;

    vitamin B6 - 50 mg per day;

    vitamin C and flavonoids - 1-2 mg per day;

    vitamin E - 400-800 IU per day;

    beta-carotene - 10,000-15,000 IU per day;

    magnesium, sulfur, zinc;

    silicon dioxide (silicic acid; found in large quantities in horsetail) - 300 mg per day;

    nettle - 250 mg three times a day;

    linseed oil - 1 tbsp. l. or 1 tablet per day.

Tips to speed up hair growth

Hair loss experts have found that hair grows faster in people following a low-calorie zone diet. This opinion is supported by many experts.

Here are some rules that will speed up hair growth:

However, remember: there is no remedy that will miraculously make your hair grow back immediately.