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How to light a man a fish. How to seduce a Pisces man: a description of the character, behavioral features, advice from astrologers. What should not be done with the Pisces man, so as not to lose him after you managed to win

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Pisces man how to conquer - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Pisces is the last of the twelve signs of the Zodiac. The properties of this sign endow the man with exceptional intuition and sensitivity. The Pisces man, as a rule, lives in his own fictional world, which is not necessarily completely connected with reality. This means that in love he seeks to find perfection and, most likely, will not want to be content with anything less.

The Pisces man is very romantic and capable of showing true love towards his chosen one. Therefore, if you want to win this man, first of all, be romantic and feminine. In addition, show your man that you are his type and appreciate sincere feelings. Don't be ordinary and avoid typical tricks. On the contrary, try to play a little with this man. A subtle hint, a flutter of eyelashes, a slight flirtation and a mysterious look - this will attract his attention. He will be interested in you if you make it clear that you are not an open book, and there is some secret in you.

How to attract a man - Pisces

If you really want to conquer a Pisces man, have meaningful conversations with him on philosophical topics. He seeks to find someone, with someone you can communicate on a deep spiritual level. With him you can comprehend life on an intuitive level of understanding, it will not be difficult for him to teach you this. His intuition is so perfect that he can easily understand people and situations.

A man - Pisces needs in love one that will become for him unique, unique. Therefore, you must be interesting, bewitching for him. He does not appreciate the monotony in love and relationships, he needs change and excitement. If he loves you, then you will become the center of his world. He is so emotional, through his emotions you can gain power over him. Representatives of this zodiac sign are not inclined to analytical thinking, they listen only to their hearts. Show him that you are the best for him, that you are emotional and passionate, just like him.

When it comes to love, the Pisces man is a little indecisive. He is not sure who is really suitable for him for a serious relationship. He will also have doubts about you, he may hesitate for a long time. He cannot immediately open up and fall in love with the first person he meets. Until he is convinced of the correctness of his choice, he will remain calm, looking at his potential princess. Therefore, if you want this man to love you deeply and passionately, you must open up to him. Show him your devotion, it should be endless, like his devotion. Having fallen in love with you, he will treat you like a queen, support you in everything, fulfill your desires and take care of you wherever possible.

If you want to conquer this man, you must demonstrate a rich imagination, a vivid vivid imagination, then your Pisces man will be fascinated by you. He likes situations that look a little unrealistic, as Pisces are known for being willing to live a life where not everything is grounded in reality. But still, you can’t completely lose your sense of reality, no matter how attracted you are to this man, because your goal is not to live with him in a fantasy world. Make sure you can clearly see the line between fantasy and real life, especially since he can create surreal situations himself. You thus must use your mind to separate what is true and real from fantasy. He can get confused in this, he is usually comfortable in his dreams and for him this is a familiar state of mind. He may even become depressed if the reality disappoints him. Give him some time to figure it all out, but still tell him that life is not just fantasy. There are more pressing things, such as work and other responsibilities.

Because the Pisces man is so sensitive in life and love, he needs a companion who is self-confident and can assist him, be a strong partner and like-minded person who will direct him in the right direction. To win this man, you will need to show him that life is beautiful, which will make him love you forever. His chosen one must provide him, including emotional support, then he will love you with all his heart.

A successful relationship with a man - Pisces can be built by a realist, preferably an extrovert type, who will constantly tell him that fantasies are not for long. He will appreciate your love for him, and together you can create a successful and stable union based on love and affection. He needs a reliable assistant who is always ready to tell him what love and life really are.

How compatible in love is your zodiac sign with Pisces, see here: Pisces Compatibility

How to Win a Pisces Man

These representatives of the stronger sex are very attractive in the eyes of women, so the question of how to win a Pisces man worries many. First of all, it is necessary to take into account that they are impressed by the creation of a couple with a woman who is confident in herself, knows what she wants, and does not hope that her beloved person will lead her by the hand in life. Self-esteem will not allow this man to admit that he needs support, but deep down he knows this very well.

Most often, Pisces men are overly sensitive, and even extremely vulnerable sky fliers are dreamers who live in their own often illusory world. They can be secretive and mysterious, these men themselves often, in general, do not know what exactly they would like from their lives. Extremely indecisive, not courageous Pisces men, as a rule, tend to doubt literally everything, they are extremely rarely able to take at least some more or less responsible actions and take important steps on their own. And why? These men know how to be completely happy, well, in almost any even the most difficult life circumstances, and regardless of whether they have a beloved wife nearby or not ... Pisces men actually don’t need much at all, they don’t need excesses. There is a banal piece of bread on their table - and in principle this is quite enough.

That is why these men are extremely rarely able to take the initiative. They live according to the principle, a wave of happiness and prosperity rolled up, carried them into their expanses of water - this is excellent! Well, if you didn’t roll, it’s also good that you don’t have to protect your wealth from thieves. Just paddling through the warm shallow water. Moreover, this life principle applies literally to everything, including existing relationships with young ladies. If, for example, a certain grasping fisherwoman Sonya caught a man Pisces in a net, then this man will not actually resist. Well, no one hooked him up - this man will calmly frolic in the wild, waiting for his fisherwoman. Therefore, as a rule, solving questions of how to be able to conquer Pisces men, in general, does not present any difficulty, you just need to want it. And, nevertheless, there are some nuances in this conquest that young ladies who want this conquest should be aware of.

How to Win the Love of a Pisces Man

A woman who wondered how to fall in love with a Pisces man should be prepared for the fact that he is unlikely to be the first to take a decisive step, so the initiative at the beginning of the development of relations should belong to her.

From these creatures with a fine mental organization, one should not demand too much. When they are encouraged to take more action, they see it as an attempt to suppress their will. They tend to do as they please, and really dislike it when women try to openly indicate what and how they need to do. Let them do it in a way that is not obvious. Therefore, the initiative of a potential chosen one should be very unobtrusive and delicate.

The Pisces man will certainly appreciate the spiritual impulses of a woman who will try to give him tenderness and care as much as possible, will comfort and encourage in moments of weakness and pessimism. Pisces are often despondent, their self-esteem constantly suffers, so they will gratefully accept the help of a woman who will help to stay afloat, without allowing themselves even a hint of a partner’s weakness. For an understanding, sensitive girlfriend, Pisces men are ready to do very, very much.

It is impossible to conquer a Pisces-man if the relationship initially seems too boring and mundane to him. You need to try to create a comfortable atmosphere for him - relaxing, not replete with bright lights and loud sounds; he loves calm melodies and muted colors. The opportunity for such a pastime should be found even in the daily bustle.

Pisces men really need sincere confirmation of warm feelings for themselves; such a man is not at all embarrassed by declarations of love, he is ready to hear these words again and again.

People of the Pisces zodiac sign tend to attach great importance to their personal holidays, solemn dates, and this is a good chance to attract favorable attention and take another step towards conquering the Pisces man. You can prepare a sincere congratulation, not forgetting to mention the merits of the hero of the occasion, to pay due attention to this event - this is very important for sentimental Pisces.

In general, a woman who plans to conquer a Pisces man needs to be able to combine poorly combined qualities: to be both gentle and delicate, and at the same time decisive; take initiatives and at the same time refuse attempts to manipulate; demonstrate perseverance, but without a hint of impoliteness, let alone rudeness; be soft, but insist on your own. But only in such a winding way can one come to happiness with a representative of the male half of the Pisces sign with a complex, contradictory character and a mysterious inner charm.

Pisces Man with other Zodiac Signs

How to win a Pisces man?

You liked a man, but you understand that it is not so easy to take possession of his heart? In this case, astrology can help you. The location of the stars at the time of birth really has a very serious effect on the character of a man. You can find out the necessary details, get to know the hero of your dreams closer quite easily and quickly: the main thing is to know the date of his birth. By remembering the characteristics of the zodiac sign, taking into account all the nuances, weaknesses and strengths, you will be able to conquer the Pisces man. Do not forget anything, pay attention to every detail, be sociable and smart, approach the task creatively. Your future happiness is worth it!

So, you have learned that your chosen one is a fish according to the sign of the zodiac. To begin with, it is important to familiarize yourself with its main features. Pisces - the sign of Neptune, is under the influence of the planet, which gives a person contradictory, contrasting character traits. Pisces often experience longing, suffer from self-doubt, worry and are often in a state of permanent stress. Jupiter gives them wisdom, the opportunity to live life happily and in harmony with themselves and the world around them. The Pisces man is able to be very kind, to sacrifice himself. However, the lack of integrity of nature often harms the representatives of the sign, prevents them from finding their golden mean in life and aspirations and stop worrying.

At the initial stage of forming a relationship with a Pisces man, you will lay the most important foundation. You need to immediately take into account all the nuances, not to make mistakes. Pisces are vulnerable, touchy, quickly gaining prejudice. If you upset the representative of this sign with something, show insufficient spiritual softness, then it will be very difficult to convince him of your merits.

  • try not to ask him direct questions, he does not like to reveal himself and answer unambiguously;
  • always be tactful and careful;
To win a Pisces man, you do not have to put in too much work. However, for many women it is quite difficult to decide what exactly needs to be done for this.

What to do to win a Pisces man

If you really want to see a man of this zodiac sign next to you, first of all, you need to understand that he is attracted to strong and confident women. Moreover, such confidence should be real, not ostentatious.

Why exactly like this? Because deep down he feels his weakness, although most likely he will never admit it, so as not to offend his male pride.

Therefore, in order to win his heart, it is necessary to develop the most optimal model of behavior and not be afraid of possible difficulties on the way to your happiness.

Be prepared for the indecision of such a man and for his "breakaway" from reality. If you want to conquer a Pisces man, be active and energetic and take the initiative.

Don't try to make a strong personality out of him and don't demand too much from him. Since such men perceive any coercion to active actions as an attempt to violence against them. In addition, they do not tolerate when they are told what they need to do and prefer to do only as they themselves want it.

Give your chosen one understanding and tenderness, give him as much attention as possible. Comfort and encourage him as often as possible, as he needs it very much. Help him improve his self-esteem and overcome discouragement. And try not to scold him or make fun of his mistakes. He will appreciate all this and will do his best to make you happy.

Pisces like a relaxing environment, subdued lights, quiet melodic music. Try to create such an atmosphere more often, even if there seems to be no significant reason for this. Avoid casual relationships and tell your man that you love him as often as possible. Most Pisces are insecure and they need such sparkling confirmation of feelings.

The Pisces man does not forget the birthday of his chosen one, because his own holiday means a lot to him. So try not to forget about this important day.

If you managed to win the Pisces man, do not forget the ten rules for an ideal relationship with Pisces men. So that he loves you, you must be: delicate, sympathetic, polite, decisive and gentle. In order not to lose him, you should not be rude, manipulate his sensitivity, follow the circumstances, be indecisive and offend him.

How to Win a Pisces Man

For girls who are interested in how to conquer and conquer the Pisces man, the characteristics of this sign from the point of view of astrology can be a good support. In general, if you are an interesting conversationalist and an easy-going person, creating a relationship with Pisces will not be a problem for you. The main thing is to realize that this man puts his own freedom above all else and become not a burden for him, but a friend and companion.

What is the Pisces man hiding?

From childhood, Pisces hate to obey others and are completely unable to adapt to other people's interests, putting them above their own. Such a man never sits still: he is full of different ideas, the implementation of which he never puts off. He does not at all strive for stability and a measured life; men of this sign, even being already aged, are not at all eager to start a family and spend time doing only work and home.

Being an active person, Pisces is nevertheless reliable and always keeps his promises; another thing is that he will never promise to abandon his plans for the sake of another person. You can hardly count on a quiet life with him, but you can be guaranteed to find adventures and get vivid impressions with Pisces.

Pisces hate any kind of prohibitions and often come into conflict with superiors and loved ones: from childhood, they do not accept any restrictions on themselves. With a beloved woman, the Pisces man is very attentive and caring, but they are somewhat wary of marriage: in relationships, they also value the freedom that a partner gives them and will not be able to maintain an alliance in which they are oppressed or driven into certain limits. Marriage seems to them like a prison in which an interesting life ends, so a girl who wants a serious relationship with a man of this sign must take this into account and bring it to certain points gradually and extremely carefully.

How to win a Pisces man

It is worth remembering that this person is not looking for a housewife at all, who will delight him every day with a delicious dinner and a cleaned apartment: he will be more willing to take his beloved to a restaurant, but at the same time he will see that she is not locked in four walls and has various hobbies .To attract Pisces, you should be on the same wavelength with her. In principle, it is not necessary to initially have common interests with him: if you are ready to sincerely share his ideas, this will be quite enough.

Appearance as a whole does not play any role: of course, every man is pleased to see a pretty girl next to him, but he is one of those people who seem beautiful not only outwardly attractive women, but rather those with whom it is good and comfortable. If you forgot to go to the hairdresser or for a manicure, but took part in a joint trip to the mountains with pleasure, Fish will not even notice your disheveled hair or unpainted nails. In order for Pisces to want to spend more time with a woman, she must be interesting to him as a person.

If you are aiming for this man to propose to you one day, show him that marriage with you will not be a heavy burden. It will be good if, using the example of some acquaintances, you unobtrusively point out to him that you would not be satisfied with a too possessive attitude in a relationship or complete dissolution in everyday problems: this will interest Pisces, and he may well decide that such a woman would be an ideal companion life.

Pisces also likes the manifestation of feelings and emotions on the part of the girl: he appreciates sincerity much more than an intriguing game or hinting flirting. Do not be afraid to tell him that you like him and show your love: in the case of a Pisces-man, the principle “The less we love a woman, the more she likes us” does not work.

What should not be allowed

It is not easy to win a freedom-loving Pisces, but it is quite easy to lose. He rarely falls in love so much that he cannot get rid of a relationship that strains him, so you need to monitor your behavior.

Pisces will not tolerate scenes of jealousy or requests to stay home more often. Relaxing "on the couch in front of the TV" will literally kill all his passion for you, so often become the organizer of interesting trips or activities. Trying to limit his communication with someone he knows is a waste of time, so you will have to accept all his friends and loved ones.

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How to Win a Pisces Man

Pisces men are by nature real dreamers and romantics. He prefers to contemplate rather than act. Such a man is very vulnerable, moreover, he is a sensual person. They believe in everything supernatural, and peaceful matters are of little interest to them.

Such men very often like to reflect on philosophical questions, they constantly think about what is distant and sublime. If the sign of the Zodiac is Pisces, then you should not interrupt him and talk about something earthly, otherwise he may consider you an ill-mannered person who distracts him from very important matters.

Pisces is the element of water. Such a man is literally attracted to everything mystical, very mysterious and mysterious. He may be interested in some stories about aliens, the occult sciences and other phenomena that have not yet been studied and uncovered.

It is very important for him to be understood. The lady of the heart of the Pisces man must fully and completely share his interests, with great respect for what he is fond of, and support him in everything. This is a rather subtle nature that will not tolerate ridicule or disrespect in its direction.

As for relationships with the opposite sex, such a man is quite timid, shy and somewhat timid. He is afraid to meet an impudent and rather rude person. He prefers gentle girls, loving, caring and understanding.

As for matters of love, then in this case this man is very romantic. Very often he prefers platonic relationships. He will never become a tyrant, because violence has nothing to do with such a person. Such men treat women with great respect. They are very delicate personalities, which can be a pleasant surprise.

Man - Pisces is in no hurry to take any decisive action. He prefers to dream about his beloved. But, if we are talking about intimacy, then in this matter such a man will do absolutely everything and deliver the most unforgettable sensations to his chosen one. It is such a man who is quite sensitive and gentle lover.

How to make a Pisces man fall in love with you

To win a man - Pisces you need:

  • Surround him as much as possible with warmth, care, affection and attention. If you want to win the heart of such a man and keep him near you, then you simply have to take care of all domestic issues and show that you are the real mistress and keeper of the family hearth.
  • To please a man - Pisces, a woman must share all his interests and, like himself, awaken an interest in everything unusual and unknown.
  • Try to give him time to be alone with himself and with his own thoughts. He will certainly appreciate it.
  • If you want to fall in love with such a man, then you should not demand any decisive actions and actions from him. Don't be too pushy. - In no case do not laugh at your man and do not joke.
  • Don't rush him. He himself knows perfectly well what and when he needs to do.
  • Whatever the horoscope and zodiac sign of a woman is, in a relationship with a man - Pisces, she simply has to be more decisive.

Aries woman

This is a rather difficult union. The Aries woman is a rather active and energetic person who will always be one step ahead of her chosen one. In order to win the heart of such a man, she must show herself to be the mistress and in no case rush her man. You should not expect courage and assertiveness from him, as this is simply not about him. A woman - Aries should not express her dissatisfaction towards a man - Pisces.

Taurus woman

To attract attention, even a married man, a girl - Taurus will succeed in her poise, prudence and practicality. Because they don't have enough of it. It is you who will be able to create for him that coziness and comfort that a man - Pisces simply needs.

Gemini woman

It will be very difficult for you to fall in love with a representative of this sign, and if he is married, even more so. This is a rather complicated union. These people are simply not able to understand each other. Girl - Gemini is quite fussy, and a man constantly wants peace and tranquility. You will be able to conquer such a man only if you show exactly the same interests that he represents.

Cancer woman

The vulnerable nature of such a girl and a man - Pisces are simply made for each other. A woman - Cancer will even be able to beat off a busy representative of the Pisces sign. You can conquer him with your tenderness and care. Your romance and fragility are able to conquer such a man in three ways. In this pair, they will be truly happy together. None of them even wants to seek solace on the side or think about breaking up.

Leo woman

This union is quite complicated, since there will be no mutual understanding in this pair. This union can only be held if the Lioness is active enough. To lure such a vulnerable and shy man, the Lioness will succeed only with her determination. If you quickly take it into circulation, then everything will be fine in your pair. Even if later the Pisces man realizes that the Leo woman is not his person at all, he simply does not have the courage to part with her.

Virgo woman

This is a good and very stable union. Even if he is not around, he will feel you. You are able to conquer such a man by the fact that, ideally, you are able to create coziness and comfort in the house. The Pisces man will even consider that you are the real ideal of a woman. There is absolutely no threat to such an alliance.

Libra woman

This union is not easy. You have completely different interests. No one knows how long such a relationship will last. If you are determined that you simply need this man, then you should be as gentle and caring as possible. If the Libra woman constantly compromises and smooths out all the sharp corners that have arisen, then it is quite possible that their union will be long and lasting.

Scorpio woman

Even if he has a girlfriend, a Scorpio woman can beat him off with ease. The fact is that these people are the most suitable for each other. They will be happy and calm together. Scorpio does not have to strain to win the favor of Pisces, you just have to be yourself: quiet, calm, passionate, fatal and mysterious. This couple is compatible and understands each other perfectly.

Sagittarius woman

A very unfortunate alliance. You can achieve the location of such a man only if you are attentive to him, begin to take care and give the warmth of your heart.

Capricorn woman

These individuals are very different from each other. It is very difficult for them to be together. But if you really want to conquer the Pisces man, then you need to be not only gentle and caring, but also sometimes go for tricks and cause tears in yourself. The gentle and sensual nature of the Pisces man will not be able to offend his chosen one.

Aquarius woman

You will be able to captivate the heart of such a man with your kindness, ability to endure and be gentle. Such a woman is not capable of criticism, she will not argue and sting. The Pisces man will notice the bewitching beauty in you, and will also appreciate your understanding and sincerity.

Pisces Woman

This union is just wonderful. They get along great with each other. The Pisces girl is able to conquer the Pisces man with her calmness, kindness and gentleness. This man will immediately feel that he has finally found his soul mate.

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It is necessary to attract a Pisces man delicately: he is annoyed, and even frightened by rude obsessive women. Respect his right to his own choice. Do not succumb to the stereotypical opinion that all men love with their eyes. With regard to the Pisces man, this rule works less than half. Of course, he, like every representative of the stronger sex, is fascinated by the ability of a woman to profitably “apply herself”, but it is unrealistic to keep him with one bright appearance for a long time.

To win a representative of this Watermark, you need to become a mother to him to some extent. For the Pisces man, the ideal of a woman is precisely the mother, and from the second half, he expects, first of all, care and guardianship. A freshly baked homemade pie on the table or a carefully ironed shirt will impress him no less than erotic lingerie. But in the manifestation of maternal care for the Pisces man, it is important not to go too far. He will be very touched if during the working day you send him an SMS like “How was the meeting with the client? I'm worried about you, "but if you call him every hour, inquiring about his affairs, this can confuse Pisces. Be tolerant of his personal time, do not impose your attention - and everything will be fine.

The Pisces man is very captivated by the positive "interaction" of his chosen one with his social circle. Therefore, if you set yourself the goal of conquering this guy, try to become “your own” among his friends and family. Even if they turn out to be rare bores, it is strictly forbidden to show your unwillingness to join their circle! The family for the Pisces man is sacred. In no case should he be given the choice of “either me or them” - this can plunge a man into a deep depression. So grit your teeth and - smile! Anyway, after a while, the Pisces man will sail to the shore, on which his betrothed is waiting for him, that is, you; communication with friends will become a secondary matter.

All Neptunians, and Pisces in particular, love to be praised. However, the Pisces man is insightful, and will be able to immediately distinguish compliments seasoned with sugary flattery from sincere ones. Therefore, you should not try to charm him with a stream of flattery; on the contrary, it will repel him. It is much more effective to praise and approve not the specific qualities of the Pisces man, but the results of his activities. For example: “You look so stylish when you put an iPhone to your ear” is not the best compliment for a Pisces man, but “I really liked your selection of music” is much better.

At the same time, let the man express admiration for you in return. The Pisces man is not very eloquent anyway, and when it comes to compliments, he is sometimes lost, so if he says nice things to you, let him know that you are in seventh heaven with happiness. The response to his words or deeds is very important for a fish, therefore, if you set out to win his heart, throw the mask of the iron lady away. Sincere, genuine emotions are what the Pisces man expects from the woman he chooses. No need to try to "educate" him with indifference or ignore - the result of a "boomerang" may turn out.

Another important point: the Pisces man does not tolerate brutal women. No, strong, strong-willed representatives of the fair sex cause him sincere admiration, however, both in behavior and in appearance, his ideal should be feminine. A girl cursing or drinking a glass of whiskey in one gulp will never attract this Neptunian, he may be interested in her as an interlocutor, but not as a future soulmate. Therefore, in order not to get into a mess, read in advance about the compatibility of Pisces with other signs of the zodiac.

Most often, Pisces men are overly sensitive, and even extremely vulnerable sky fliers are dreamers who live in their own often illusory world. They can be secretive and mysterious, these men themselves often, in general, do not know what exactly they would like from their lives. Extremely indecisive, not courageous Pisces men, as a rule, tend to doubt literally everything, they are extremely rarely able to take at least some more or less responsible actions and take important steps on their own. And why? These men know how to be completely happy, well, in almost any even the most difficult life circumstances, and regardless of whether they have a beloved wife nearby or not ... Pisces men actually don’t need much at all, they don’t need excesses. There is a banal piece of bread on their table - and in principle this is quite enough.

That is why these men are extremely rarely able to take the initiative. They live according to the principle, a wave of happiness and prosperity rolled up, carried away into their expanses of water - this is excellent! Well, if you didn’t roll, it’s also good that you don’t have to protect your wealth from thieves. Just paddling through the warm shallow water. Moreover, this life principle applies literally to everything, including existing relationships with young ladies. If, for example, a certain grasping fisherwoman Sonya caught a man Pisces in a net, then this man will not actually resist. Well, no one hooked him - this man will calmly frolic in the wild, waiting for his fisherwoman. Therefore, as a rule, solving questions of how to be able to conquer Pisces men, in general, does not present any difficulty, you just need to want it. And, nevertheless, there are some nuances in this conquest that young ladies who want this conquest should be aware of.

How to initially charm a Pisces man?

In most cases, men who were born with the sign of Pisces can be distinguished by softness, some meekness of disposition and considerable friendliness. These men seem to many to be extremely sincere, in fact, therefore, quite often they cause real sympathy for all those around them. Pisces men simply cannot stand the feeling of loneliness, they always strive to be among a large number of people. These are unusually charming, very sociable personalities who enjoy incredible success with most women. At the same time, the men of this sign themselves try not to fall in love at all - as a rule, Pisces is frightened by the emergence of strong feelings, since this can create chaos and something incomprehensible in their beautiful, but illusory world, which exists according to strictly defined his own, and no one else knows canons and rules.

In general, Pisces men are able to perfectly dust the ladies, creating a kind of feigned image in the eyes. But what these men really think about themselves and what exactly they keep deep in their souls, probably no one knows at all. Really spiritually fragile these men often suffer from excessive emotional overstrain. Naturally, in such a state, these men can become incredibly touchy and can even react extremely inappropriately to seemingly the most trifling questions or phrases.

That young lady who can like a man of the Pisces sign should initially take into account such incomprehensible features of the psyche of these men. If, for example, a male fish suddenly became too withdrawn, and even retreated into himself, and perhaps suddenly, for no reason at all, flared up for no apparent reason for you, it would be better to leave this guy in absolute peace for a while. He just needs a short break. Otherwise, the most serious quarrel may well happen. At the same time, you will have to build your relationship after such a quarrel only on your own, a man will definitely not be your assistant in this. This happens because Pisces men, as a rule, absolutely do not care whether he has these relationships or not. These men are able to do without any relationship.

And by and large, always and in everything with Pisces men, you young lady will have to take the initiative exclusively into your own hands. And moreover, even acquaintance with a man of such a sign, and any further communication with such - everything will directly depend only on the activity of a woman. The Pisces man himself is extremely indecisive, he is subject to constant doubts and any foreign influence from outside. Definitely not even worth wasting your own time on coquetry with this incomprehensible person. After all, he is unlikely to notice you and is unlikely to turn his attention to your behavior. As a rule, for Pisces men, the most important thing is that loved ones accept and understand them. That is why the best way to please this man will be the ability of a woman to listen, simply by maintaining a certain conversation and, of course, while showing the warmest possible friendliness to a man.

Catching a Pisces man on your female hook can be quite easy. To do this, it will be enough, in the simplest way, to start a pleasant conversation with this man on any of the philosophical topics. Pisces men simply do not feed bread, but let me philosophize at least a little about the essence of our being, about its possibly mystical influence directly on human society. Naturally, in order for a man of the Pisces sign to be able to swallow a woman’s hook one day, and deeper, it will be enough just for him to hint about a certain fatefulness of your meeting with him and even make it clear about some of its karmic background. Believe me, this man will certainly be hooked by such phrases, and he will certainly begin to think about the fatefulness of your meeting himself. Further, you will only need to gently guide the Pisces man on the path you need. And be sure that he will very willingly step onto this path, especially if you act as gently and no less delicately as possible when directing.

You, dear young lady, when communicating with a man of this sign, you need to learn how to almost instantly catch all the differences in his mood, of course, if you want to keep this man near you. After all, the inner world of Pisces men can be very mobile and even unusually vulnerable. And, unfortunately, this man cannot be remade. Actually, therefore, a young lady who intends to completely conquer the man of the Pisces sign must, in essence, be very sensitive, incredibly impressionable, and somewhere romantic. It is simply vital for such a woman to be able to accurately guess all the impulses of the soul of the chosen one and, of course, treat them as carefully as possible, and with full understanding. Indeed, otherwise, the Pisces man will simply sail away, as they say, into the open sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife. The slightest rudeness, or earthiness, as well as excessive pragmatism, the soul of this man simply cannot stand and does not accept.

Well, let's say all is well. You have learned to understand and feel the Pisces man, you take care of his difficult inner world, you grow old with genuine interest in discussing with him certain books by Blavatsky or the works of scientists on parapsychology ... But does all this mean that the Pisces man is firmly stuck in your networks, and is it possible to celebrate the victory at this stage? Most likely not. Indeed, in order to be able to finally conquer such an inveterate bachelor, it is not at all enough to be just an exalted, and rather subtly sensitive nature. So what else does the young lady need to have in addition to all that has been said?

So what should be a woman capable of becoming a life partner for a Pisces man?

The ideal for a man born under the sign of Pisces can be a delicate, incredibly gentle, really very tolerant and at the same time reliable and quite strong woman. A woman for such a man should be able to soberly assess the reality around her, and not soar in the clouds. She must be able to literally get out of the most difficult or dangerous life situations with brilliance and dignity. Unfortunately, the Pisces man cannot become a protection and reliable support for a woman, they are ready to entrust this role to a lady. Such men are not able to navigate in the real outside world. So, for example, if, under some pressure from outside, these men decide to rush to fight with any real problems, they are unlikely to be able to win at least something. Actually, perfectly aware of this, Pisces men try to look for a young lady who is enterprising, as enterprising as possible, and, of course, completely self-confident for marriage. However, at the same time, the really strong-willed character of the lady will have to be combined in her with absolute femininity and even lyrical romance.

As for intimate relations with a young lady, here Pisces men may have somewhat unusual and even strictly specific desires and preferences. Such men are usually attracted only to the most active dreamers, and even enterprising partners they will definitely like ladies who have some degree of sadistic inclinations, although without fanaticism in this area. Here, in fact, Pisces prefer that the lady show these inclinations only occasionally, to a greater extent playing the role of an overly temperamental, and very sensual dreamer. And moreover, all this can be extremely important, since the representatives of this sign simply cannot stand young ladies, for whom high-quality physical intimacy can be more valuable than the spiritual side of the same relationship. Pisces men generally believe that that very sublime true love will in no way have to depend on base carnal lust. Pisces does not at all belong to the type of men, primarily those who are fond of sex. As a rule, these people still prefer that the physical merger that is planned occurs only after the couple finds something more when your heart gives its voice.

Remember also that men born in this zodiac sign categorically cannot be criticized and certainly cannot be mocked at their failures. And this is not at all because they have too painful pride. Rather, this should not be done, since Pisces men are already not too sure of their own correctness and infallibility. And, imagine, if you also add fuel to the fire, constantly pointing out to a man his shortcomings, believe me, his self-esteem can generally fall below zero. And then it is unlikely that after that you can expect from the Pisces man, well, at least some increased attention to yourself or a truly masculine act. This man will most likely just hasten to withdraw into himself, initially deciding that he is simply unworthy to be at least someone's companion in this life, because he is so bad for life in this world.

In fact, Pisces men always need almost constant confirmation of their own importance of being needed or significant for at least someone. It is categorically impossible to make fun of them, and even more so, it is impossible to be ironic. But a woman who wants to be next to this type of man in life will need to try to instill a sense of reliability and security in his head for almost all her life. Although completely open domination over such a man, as well as over his life, is also categorically unacceptable. Still, he is the same man as other zodiac signs. Female dominance can be as tactful as possible, with full understanding and a sense of the necessary measure.

Summing up, in general, in order for a young lady to be able to bind to herself such a type as a Pisces man, she only needs to be able to prove her own enterprise and real ability to solve all life's problems. However, as you might guess, it is necessary to prove all this not at all when this man can cope with the question or problem that has arisen on his own, but in completely opposite cases. The young lady should demonstrate her own versatility, resourcefulness, and even efficiency in resolving those situations that will frankly cause difficulties for this man. Moreover, all this should be done as easily and even to some extent as fun, so as not to accidentally scare the Pisces man with his own tough assertiveness, and also so as not to offend with the slightest hint of his insolvency and weakness.

In simple words, in order to completely and forever conquer the heart of a man like Pisces, a young lady must always be romantic, very sensitive, sublime and delicate. However, at the same time, the girl will simply have to be decisive, very persistent and even enterprising, even in the most difficult situations. And in no case will the young lady be too harsh in her judgments and even conversations, rudeness, complete tactlessness, as well as the inability to overcome the difficulties that arise and the complete unwillingness to help the man in solving the most difficult and painful issues are unacceptable. Believe me, all this can completely destroy the trust of such an impressionable man as the Pisces man, and then he will simply go into his own illusory world, and for a very long time. And sometimes it may even go away for good.

And the last thing to say is that even if a certain woman does not quite correspond to that ideal of a bachelor born under the sign of Pisces, which we described, this man will still be able to fall in love and marry her. Indeed, for this, it will be enough for a lady at the right time to simply show great perseverance. Remember, men of this sign are incredibly malleable and very easily suggestible. These men are able to see a person exactly the way he shows himself and the way he wants to look. And this means that any young lady, even a pragmatic, and completely devoid of spirituality and sublimity, person can catch a Pisces man in her own nets. However, why does she need this, and is it all worth it? A very big and controversial issue.

For girls who are interested in how to conquer and conquer the Pisces man, the characteristics of this sign from the point of view of astrology can be a good support. In general, if you are an interesting conversationalist and an easy-going person, creating a relationship with Pisces will not be a problem for you. The main thing is to realize that this man puts his own freedom above all else and become not a burden for him, but a friend and companion.

What is the Pisces man hiding?

From childhood, Pisces hate to obey others and are completely unable to adapt to other people's interests, putting them above their own. Such a man never sits still: he is full of different ideas, the implementation of which he never puts off. He does not at all strive for stability and a measured life; men of this sign, even being already aged, are not at all eager to start a family and spend time doing only work and home.
Being an active person, Pisces is nevertheless reliable and always keeps his promises; another thing is that he will never promise to abandon his plans for the sake of another person. You can hardly count on a quiet life with him, but you can be guaranteed to find adventures and get vivid impressions with Pisces.

Pisces hate any kind of prohibitions and often come into conflict with superiors and loved ones: from childhood, they do not accept any restrictions on themselves. With a beloved woman, the Pisces man is very attentive and caring, but they are somewhat wary of marriage: in relationships, they also value the freedom that a partner gives them and will not be able to maintain an alliance in which they are oppressed or driven into certain limits. Marriage seems to them like a prison in which an interesting life ends, so a girl who wants a serious relationship with a man of this sign must take this into account and bring it to certain points gradually and extremely carefully.

How to win a Pisces man

It is worth remembering that this person is not looking for a housewife at all, who will delight him every day with a delicious dinner and a cleaned apartment: he will be more willing to take his beloved to a restaurant, but at the same time he will see that she is not locked in four walls and has various hobbies .To attract Pisces, you should be on the same wavelength with her. In principle, it is not necessary to initially have common interests with him: if you are ready to sincerely share his ideas, this will be quite enough.

Appearance as a whole does not play any role: of course, every man is pleased to see a pretty girl next to him, but he is one of those people who seem beautiful not only outwardly attractive women, but rather those with whom it is good and comfortable. If you forgot to go to the hairdresser or for a manicure, but took part in a joint trip to the mountains with pleasure, Fish will not even notice your disheveled hair or unpainted nails. In order for Pisces to want to spend more time with a woman, she must be interesting to him as a person.

If you are aiming for this man to propose to you one day, show him that marriage with you will not be a heavy burden. It will be good if, using the example of some acquaintances, you unobtrusively point out to him that you would not be satisfied with a too possessive attitude in a relationship or complete dissolution in everyday problems: this will interest Pisces, and he may well decide that such a woman would be an ideal companion life.

Pisces also likes the manifestation of feelings and emotions on the part of the girl: he appreciates sincerity much more than an intriguing game or hinting flirting. Do not be afraid to tell him that you like him and show your love: in the case of a Pisces-man, the principle “The less we love a woman, the more she likes us” does not work.

What should not be allowed

It is not easy to win a freedom-loving Pisces, but it is quite easy to lose. He rarely falls in love so much that he cannot get rid of a relationship that strains him, so you need to monitor your behavior.
Pisces will not tolerate scenes of jealousy or requests to stay home more often. Relaxing "on the couch in front of the TV" will literally kill all his passion for you, so often become the organizer of interesting trips or activities. Trying to limit his communication with someone he knows is a waste of time, so you will have to accept all his friends and loved ones.

Only in fairy tales love is initially mutual, and feelings flare up at the same time. Most often, those who have fallen in love are left with two options: “achieve” or just go with the flow.

And sometimes this battle for attention turns into a real battle.

If it so happened that you liked the Pisces man, you don’t have to wait for the weather by the sea. Take action! Only gently and femininely - then he will have no chance not to fall in love.

You can help him fall in love.


If you liked the Pisces man, you can applaud yourself - you have found a man with the most interesting and controversial nature.

It is not in vain that this sign closes the zodiac circle - it seems as if it has collected the qualities of each of the previous ones.

The Pisces man almost intuitively understands those around him, unravels the motives of their behavior, but at the same time he himself remains a complete mystery to others. To win him over, you have to solve this puzzle.

Pisces are sensitive natures. They love the incongruous. True, they carefully hide their emotions, reactions and opinions from others and even those closest to them.

If you achieve your goal and he will literally burn with love, you will find out about it at the last moment. Pisces is not just characterized by secrecy, it is their lifestyle, an integral character trait.

There are two types of Pisces men. Some go with the flow for the prevailing circumstances, humbly and measuredly. Others row with all their might, with the flow or against it, it already depends on the situation.

The reaction to love for both will be radically different.

And most importantly, you definitely won’t be bored with the second one, because only falling in love already organizes an internal revolution in him. And before surrendering to you, he will declare war on himself.

The best thing you can do in this situation is not to interfere. Let his feelings for you be his decision, not yours.

With this category of men it is rarely easy, but with your man you definitely will not be bored. Sharpness of sensations and unpredictability. Do not forget that you are trying to understand the Pisces man.

Seduction Rules

By the way, for those who were born under the auspices of Pisces, intellectual intimacy is more important than physical, so do not rush the man you like, it is better to occupy his head with thoughts about yourself at first.

Since Pisces highly value freedom and their personal space, relationships that began with intimacy mean little to them.

It is necessary to ensure that the first few dates leave a vivid sexual impression on him. No need to act literally defiant, but keep the lion's share of yours with you.

Love, as an emotion, will be very important for this man, he is touched by the atmosphere of communication with a girl and the very fact of his desire for her.

Make yours filled with emotions, then he will definitely not forget him.

Pisces do not fall in love spontaneously and at first sight. Sometimes not even from the first, albeit very successful, date. These men need time to transform into a hero-lover.

Since the representatives of this zodiac constellation are very compassionate people who try to help everyone, you can portray yourself as the embodiment of helplessness and weakness.

Let your chosen one feel next to you as a true savior. This is a surefire way to make a Pisces man fall in love with you.

Who is he looking for?

Pisces is interested in intrigue and mystery in a woman. But here, too, it is important not to overdo it with inaccessibility.

He himself will not reveal all his secrets to you, but he will want to guess you. He is attracted to a woman by the reflection of his character.

With all this, the most ordinary qualities in a woman are also valuable to him: the ability to care, kindness, affection and thrift.

Treat him with a homemade pie, make him delicious tea - create a situation in which you can show your femininity and see the result. Here you do not need to act according to the instructions, you need to catch the moment.

You can use the kindness inherent in men of this sign in another way - helping others. Involving him in charity is one of the surest options.

He will appreciate the quality, and in his eyes you will already receive the status of “interesting”.

Slippery type?

Not at all. Stereotypically, Pisces are considered unemotional, cold and aloof introverts. It's not like that at all. Many of them are the most artistic natures and creative personalities.

The only question is to overcome the zone of his alienation and indecision. Become his friend, find out what he is interested in and what he is fond of, and share with him. Step into his comfort zone and he'll be ready to fall in love.

Forget about criticism and be ready to never reproach him for his silence - this is his true nature, you can only accept it if you want a relationship with a Pisces man.

And most importantly, with Pisces - do not be afraid to take the initiative: gently and femininely.

Good luck,
Olga Zafo, astrologer Phase of Growth.