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How to change your life by changing your social circle. How to expand your social circle How to change your social circle

How to change your social circle

Sometimes there comes a time in life when a person ceases to be interested in communicating with his friends and acquaintances.

The general topics for conversation end and in general the understanding comes that you are different, there is no understanding, and there is nothing to talk about.

Many people continue to communicate with old friends “for show.” Because of some unwritten duty to continue the relationship. They meet, try to talk, but do not receive satisfaction from such communication - their interests are different. Others simply stop going anywhere and communicating with anyone. They sit at home and feel sorry for themselves because they don’t have “quality” friends.

In fact, this is a completely normal situation for people who develop themselves, learn more and more new aspects of life and, as it were, make a big leap from other people, ordinary people who are not interested in anything except work, family and their stomach.

Some of us try to motivate our old friends by explaining to them that there are other interesting things in life, investing a lot of time and energy into it. More often than not, this doesn’t work, because people think that you are imposing something on them, but they already feel good and don’t want to change anything :)

Is this situation familiar?

In my opinion, there are some simple tips on how to find like-minded people and new friends. First, decide what interests you. Write a list of what you want to do and improve at. It can be anything: cooking, dancing, yoga, science, volunteering, etc.

Now in every city there are different interest organizations and they are easy to find on the Internet. Usually interesting events, seminars, master classes and just meetings are held.

For example, if you are interested in photography, go to a lecture about it. If yoga, sign up for courses. If you want to be useful, do good and meet people like you, sign up for some volunteer project.

Also, if you like to travel, then it’s easy to make new acquaintances while traveling. Especially abroad. If you have no difficulty meeting strangers, then you can do this anywhere: on the street, in a cafe, on an airplane...

But if you are an introvert and it’s difficult for you to just start talking to a stranger, but you really want to make new friends, then you should find a project in which you will be involved for a shorter period of time (2 weeks is enough). It is best that this is a program that includes shared accommodation, meals and leisure. During this time, you will have time to take a closer look at people and choose those who you think are right for you.

And don’t worry about your old friends! Most likely they will see that you are doing something interesting and will join in too. But if not, don't despair. People come and go in life. Nobody obliges you to be friends forever, and perhaps it will be easier for both parties to simply stop communicating than to communicate for the sake of decency and play this game.

For the formation of a person’s personality, the environment in which he is located is extremely important, because it is the people with whom each of us communicates who paint us a picture of the world, determine our perception of this world, behavior, value system, and so on. The people around us are the environment in which we grow, and to a certain extent a person is a reflection of all those people with whom he is constantly in contact. Often people do not perceive some information that goes against their understanding of this information. Moreover, beliefs can be so strong that people do not change their point of view even if there is an obvious mistake on their part. Let's say that when some of those with whom I communicate begin to argue with me and claim that I am wrong, I always ask them why they think so, based on what beliefs, knowledge, facts, and so on. And of course, we come to the conclusion that it’s simply that the primary source from whom they received knowledge about something at one time told them that this is so and not otherwise, so they carry this belief with them throughout life. That is, a person carries someone else’s knowledge within himself and thinks that it is true, without questioning it.

Therefore, if the people around you are mistaken, then you will also be partly mistaken, even if you do not perceive everything, even if you clearly express your own individuality. A person’s mental state depends to an even greater extent on the circle in which he communicates; some may see everything in a bad light, while others, on the contrary, are overly optimistic, and you absorb the mood of these people.

In this case, the real infection is the people who are always doing poorly, who are constantly whining and finding a million reasons why life is simply terrible, and you can die, but everything is bad for them. I strongly recommend that you stay away from such an infection, it’s worse than the flu, since these energy vampires drain your vitality, preventing you from realizing yourself as a person, because you simply won’t have the strength for it. But most of all, I advise you to stick with successful and energetic people so that you can adopt their habits. Let your childhood not be under your control, because a person cannot choose his parents, cannot determine his environment in childhood, with the exception of certain moments with friends, he is forced to live with those people who surround him, no matter what they are, he is forced if it is required to endure them. But your adult life is entirely in your hands.

And no matter who you are now, what your beliefs and values ​​are, if you want a different life, then surround yourself with those who live this life. Once upon a time, I myself was a person with beliefs inherent in most people, for example, that all rich people are certainly bad people, they are greedy and cynical, and all politicians are soulless egoists who only steal and deceive. In general, this whole set of stereotypes of most people in society was also in my head, until I personally joined a new team, until I actually began to communicate among the rich, until I met with politicians, which reconfigured me, so to speak. And the point is not that I changed my views, but that I supplemented them and derived from all this a general picture of how people perceive other people. Each person argues primarily from the position of his own selfish interests, the only difference is that some of these interests can defend, while others cannot, but not everyone has the desire to fight, it is easier to take the position of a person offended by life, who is very good from his point of view sight, but unhappy, since everyone does nothing but take advantage of his kindness.

In general, you yourself understand everything perfectly well, there are few of us like that, they are the basis of society, and it is people in the position of losers who create that negative background, which is a prison for them. It’s better to get out of this swamp, especially since it’s so easy to do so as not to completely get stuck in it. You just need to join a more promising environment in which big fish live, and not little things complaining about their fate. True, in practice this is difficult to do, because not every environment can be easily integrated into. At one time, I managed to completely change the life of one young man only by directing him to the company he needed; literally a year later he created his own business and got married, and before that he was a lonely worker in a modest establishment for losers. Naturally, when communicating with losers, he was charged with a huge amount of negativity from them and when he came to my sessions he poured out his soul to me like a holy father, mainly focusing on his unfortunate fate, repeating something about his karma until my patience finally ran out.

Yes, most people need a good kick in the butt to get going, and they get it, either from life or from other people. But still, I think that many of you, without any kicking, can determine for yourself the social circle that will be promising for you. I want to say right away that it is more pleasant to be among the slobbering than among the strong and proactive, since in this case you will feel like a complete zero. But this will help you reach for those higher standards that are the norm for people more successful than you. It is very difficult to join some social circles, but if you have a desire, you can do it, and forget about your pride, you don’t need it in this case, if you communicate among oligarchs, you need to listen, ask questions, and clearly express your admiration for these people, who will not only teach you how to live, but will also charge you with energy, but of course, if you want to live like a person, there are all sorts of football clubs to buy and prestigious real estate in London.

In a word, having determined for yourself the social circle in which you want to grow, you will only have to make an effort to join it, but you yourself must change yourself, adapting to this circle as best as possible, because you will also determine the weather in it, being its component part. You will think small, you will gather little things around you, you will think globally, with all the breadth of scope, and one way or another you will find yourself in the appropriate environment in which your psyche will be forged, the appropriate worldview will be formed. This worldview will be the piece of the puzzle that will complement your own picture, not replace it, but complement it, this is more reasonable.

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Social circle is of great importance in the formation and development of personality. This is due to the fact that the people who surround a person largely influence his behavior, determine his worldview and value system. A person is, to a certain extent, a reflection of the people with whom he is constantly in contact.


The influence of the environment on a person is quite obvious. Imagine a man or woman who one day decides to radically change his life. If this is not a momentary desire, but an unshakable intention, he begins to read books that are necessary and useful for himself, tries to think positively and optimistically, outlines a goal and the right direction in order to find his place in life and self-realization.

Consider what the chances of success will be if this person, despite all his determination, enthusiasm and effort, shares his dreams with people who have previously given him negative assessments and expressed exaggerated doubts. In this case, it is very likely that there will be some negative friend or acquaintance who will say something caustic or sarcastic. Other people with whom he constantly communicates will make fun of him or simply ignore what was said in order to force him to come down to earth.

Such people are most likely either jealous or imposing their own complexes. It is also possible that they are simply afraid of change. But as a result, the confidence a person has just gained will quickly give way to previous doubts, concerns and fears. As a result, one day he may return to his previous type of thinking and refuse to realize his dream.

It is not so important what a person’s environment looks like, which affects his life goals. These could be not only friends, but also work colleagues or parents. The influence of the environment is great, and a person's goals or intentions are shaped by the environment in which he lives. It is simply impossible to ignore the goals and assessments of the environment. No matter how wrong his views may seem at first, in the end the person agrees with them. At a subconscious level, he perceives and absorbs the mental attitudes adopted in his social circle.

If you want to change your social circle, answer the following questions: who do you spend your time with, what kind of people are you among; how they act towards you, what they do for you; Do you enjoy communicating with them and is it useful for you? Also ask yourself one more, so-called “control” question: do your friends help you move and develop in the direction that you have chosen, setting a specific goal for yourself?

After you have done this mini-analysis of your environment, the next question will inevitably arise in your mind: what to do if there are people in your social circle who do not contribute or even hinder your movement towards your goals and growth?

Here the answer is obvious - you need to change your environment.

It may also turn out that you will need to stop communicating with most of your friends. However, this does not mean that you will have to remain in a vacuum and not make contact with anyone. You need to expand your communication, that is, meet and spend more time with people who are useful and interesting to you. What they should be depends on your goals and objectives. For example, these could be people who think about the meaning of their life, live every minute wisely, and are constantly improving.

Start surrounding yourself with people who have goals similar to yours and those who have already achieved success in areas that attract and inspire you. By doing this, you gain a new circle of communication that will allow you to destroy old attitudes and behavior patterns, change your usual way of thinking, and move to a higher quality level.

Sent by: Shcherbakova Anastasia. 2017-09-18 14:45:12


When the question arises: “How to expand your social circle?” In two cases: either the person himself wished to meet new people, or life circumstances forced him to settle in a new place. Let's look at ways to expand your social circle.

Imagine, just a person wants to change his social circle, and then he moves to another area. His parents (or he himself) saved up for a new apartment. Would you say it's a coincidence? In any case, you will have to look for friends and acquaintances where the person ends up. Practice shows that friendships interrupted by moving to another geographical area do not last long, especially when it comes to the friendship of teenagers.

Adults can still somehow cope with the distance, but children have a harder time coping with the breakup. Therefore, in this case, new friends quickly replace old ones. And yes, food for thought: people don’t move from prosperous areas.

With age, priorities also change. Therefore, the desire to change your social circle seems quite natural. Often a person simply grows out of his old friends and is attracted to new horizons. Here, too, the modernization process does not cause trouble for anyone, except perhaps friends who have ceased to be close people. They are, of course, offended. But life is changeable.

What was interesting to a person yesterday is not interesting today and vice versa. To remain friends for life, you must either develop together or degrade.

There is another option: childhood friends are given a discount, or people communicate only on certain topics. Such relationships do not imply any particular depth, but everyone is happy and no one is offended.

By changing activities, a person will change friends. It’s not necessarily just work that will give you new acquaintances; preparing for it already involves expanding your social circle. Here, of course, the will of man interferes in the natural course of things. For example, a man or woman realized that in the current company they are deteriorating as individuals.

Being in favor with the leader of the current group no longer seems to them the most important thing in life. In other words, a value contradiction arises between them and the rest of the group. The heroes are looking for those with whom to attach themselves and change their social circle. Let's say a man or woman finds such people and joins their flow.

From a passion for something, perhaps, a subject interest grows, and then a lifelong profession (sounds terribly outdated). Thus, on the one hand, changing activities and friends is an almost natural process, but on the other hand, if a person does not apply the will, then nothing will come of it.

We realize that the previous discussions were slightly abstract, so we will give a concrete example. For example, a man went through life without much thought, but once again, when everyone in his company laughed at the “leader’s” vulgar joke, he realized: something needs to be changed. And I started reading popular psychology.

Then, having become smarter, he broke away from his previous company, found a psychological circle and began to attend it. Then he entered the psychology department and became a specialist in the relationship between the leader and the group.

Yes, needless to say, a vulgar joke said at the right time (or at the wrong time, as you prefer) works wonders. After all, it all started with her.

In other words, you can expand your social circle in different ways, but the key here is that a person himself must want to, or rather, he must mature to a new leap of consciousness. Consciousness will change, and life will follow.

Friendship is good, but why hold on to people who drag you down, with whom it is difficult to be yourself, or who do not get along? Maybe it's time to look for friends who match yourself, who are not indifferent to yours, who share yours? Respect yourself. Consider changing your social circle.

Read in our article the top 6 signs of a destructive relationship: you are united only by memories, you have to put on a mask, you notice your own degradation, for some reason the relationship hits your self-esteem too hard, or maybe you are just being used?
Learn to respect your feelings and leave only your own people in your inner circle, and you will be surprised at how...

The environment creates a person

No matter how strong and independent a person you are, the people around you, indirectly or directly, exert their influence. If you are surrounded by optimists with grandiose plans for the future, rest assured that soon you yourself will begin to look at the world through the prism of rose-colored glasses. Well, if communication has a poisonous or depressing effect on you, destroys the nervous system, requires too much energy, most likely such a relationship will not benefit anyone.

How do you know if your people are near you? Read 6 signs of a destructive friendship that you should end!

1. Inability to be yourself.

If for the sake of a relationship with another person you have to put on a mask and comply with some conditions, then you don’t need such “friends”. Well, judge for yourself how long you can maintain the imposed image, which often goes against your personality, and most importantly, why? Does your true face really cause such contempt and irritation, maybe you don’t live up to the title of “the coolest”? To hell with such “friends” and look for your own circle.

2. Obsession with the past.

Of course, the memories you shared made you who you are today. However, the world is not static, and therefore nothing stands still. You develop, sparkle with new dreams and dreams, put them into practice and change. Friends who point-blank do not want to acknowledge your aspirations, who do not want to support you on the path to a new life, are not your allies. They are fixated on the past and see you in a distorted mirror. Look for those who will grow with you.

3. Devaluation of your goals.

Another common type of “toxic” relationship is when one of the friends disrespects the values ​​of his partner: he ridicules his ideals and aspirations, is indifferent to emotional experiences, and makes him doubt the legitimacy of his own desires. Such friendship will only lead to you being disappointed in yourself, acquiring a fungus of complexes and... People who are not able to understand you, who do not breathe in unison with you, are not your people.

4. Feeling “painful” in the relationship.

If you feel that for some reason you are not free in this communication (you are being used, cleverly manipulated, suppressed), the best solution is to get rid of the ropes of oppression and lies to yourself. Is your partner selfish? Do you give your all, put your soul into your friendship, but get nothing, zero dedication? Ask yourself why you are holding on to this relationship, what good has it brought into your life? And if the answer is unsatisfactory, break all ties with this person without regret.

5. Betrayal or unacceptable behavior.

Very often a person makes a fatal mistake: when faced with treason or betrayal, he forgives, and then steps on his own rake. Look, we all have a “moral code”, we all want to make sure that the relationship is sincere, that the friend can be relied on, that we will be respected. When you are faced with betrayal, you should not show miracles of nobility. Remember, once your interests have already been sacrificed for your own benefit, so why can’t this happen again?

6. Your own degradation.

Finally, the last negative type of relationship is one that drags you down. If communication with friends has long turned into a stagnant swamp, which there is no strength to fight (people sit on the back end and do not want to move on, as in the “losers’ club”, where it is so nice to rub out your complaints about life over a bucket of vodka), find in give yourself the courage to break this vicious circle.

Respect yourself! Connect your destiny only with those who are worthy of your attention, and life will fill you with a new key. Remember, you are a direct reflection of the people around you. Good luck.

Imagine your typical day. Most likely, you walk from home to work the same way, climb the same stairs. During the day you have lunch in the same place, go to the same toilet. After work, you visit the same stores. All this becomes like stops on a train schedule. As a result, you see the same people every day.

Try to break this circle. Go to the toilet on another floor, buy coffee in another cafe, leave your car in another place. This way you can meet new people.

In addition, we automatically “filter” people all the time. As soon as we meet someone, we immediately decide: “you are interesting” or “you are not interesting,” “you are important” or “you are not important.”

Think about which of your friends seems least interesting to you, and try to establish contact. Hang up or offer to drink coffee together. Think about places to go or things to do to meet people you might normally filter out. This way you will also expand your social circle.

2. Don't isolate yourself

When we are stressed, we narrow our social circle. Status Differences in the Cognitive Activation of Social Networks., we close ourselves and don’t see our possibilities. We just don't want to make contact with people. How to overcome this?

It's also important to remind yourself of your strengths and your values. We often brush aside the advice of loved ones and listen to the advice of strangers Tainted Knowledge vs. Tempting Knowledge: People Avoid Knowledge from Internal Rivals and Seek Knowledge from External Rivals., because we do not feel envy towards them and do not feel threatened by them. But when we remind ourselves of our skills and positive qualities, it is easier for us to turn to those who seemed threatening to us.

3. Go beyond simple “thank you” and “please”

Think about the last time you helped a colleague. What did you say in response to gratitude, just “please” or “you’re welcome”? You missed a good opportunity to expand your social circle. The famous psychologist and writer Robert Cialdini advises adding after “please”: “I know that you would do the same for me.”

This works in reverse too.

When someone helps you, don't just say "thank you," add, "Let me know if you need my help."

Such phrases help to strengthen your relationship with other people, expressing your respect and willingness to continue communication.

Think about how you can be useful to this person now or in the future. Pay attention not only to what you can get from others, but also to what you can give to them. This will help you expand and deepen your connections.

4 simple recipes on how and where to meet successful people for your growth.

What is the fastest way to change your life? For me, over the years, the best way has emerged: change your social circle. Find/introduce/surround yourself with people who are ALREADY where you want to be. If possible, completely immerse yourself in their “linguistic environment”, and adopt their way of thinking, ways of making decisions, and observe them in the selection process.

The more such people you have around you, the faster your takeoff will be. If the percentage is 60 or higher, that is, 6 out of 10 people in your constant circle of communication will be “what you need,” then the takeoff will be like a champagne cork - lightning fast. So, in 2012, I found myself in a circle of rich people who realized their dream lifestyle, and first I went on my first independent trip, and after 3 weeks I broke the financial ceiling of $10,000. Considering that before this $3000 was my breathtaking limit! I also started choosing countries and continents.

So, the right environment is what removes your glass ceilings and sweeps away limiting beliefs.

Where can we get people to grow? Where can I meet them?

1) Firstly, social networks. Yes Yes! Nowadays it is extremely easy to reach successful people you are interested in. You can observe, read posts, study the character of this person and one day invite him to have a cup of coffee with you. This is how I met the awesome queen of illustrators Sasha Kru and the founder of the application Lil World, and we drank something delicious in a cafe in Kaliningrad.

And I have many such examples. I suppose that just the thought of WRITING YOURSELF AND ASKING TO communicate with successful people has already washed you away in a wave of low self-esteem. But we will return to this illness of yours a little later, but for now - the second method!

2) Another way to gain a new circle of friends and change your life is to take part in trainings or purchase personal consultations. Norna puts on her Captain Obvious cap! For example, I buy a personal consultation from a ruble millionaire. Or dollar. How else can you touch the ways of thinking of such people? Where else if not there, you will hear that you are dreaming shallowly, swimming - in a basin and with your potential it is time to surf the expanses of space. But how can we navigate this space? And they tell you: well, take step 1-2-3. And you walked - to your first $5,000 in business. Or knock-knock-knock to dates with quality men, and not with those with whom I had an affair a month ago. Goodbye glass ceiling!

In general, trainings are a very powerful thing in terms of breakthrough power, because here people like you walk shoulder to shoulder with you. When a coach tells you that he ate the same peck of salt, well... you believe it, of course, but that’s the coach!!! Figure! Success! And when suddenly you see how ordinary Masha and Vasya listen to the coach, repeat after him once, twice, three times, and suddenly get a cool result, then their success is sometimes more inspiring than the coach’s motivation. New energies, new inspiration, new acquaintances - and now you YOURSELF are in the center of such a group of like-minded people! Yes, of course, you can run into trainings that will not give results. But what I'm talking about here is the right group for growth. Go for it!

3) Now about the third way. Ask successful people to help you! Or become useful to such a person! You can bring coffee in the morning, sit with your children, or take papers to the office! Your task is to find yourself in the space of this person and study manners, reaction style, decision-making algorithms! A clear illustration of the benefits of such cooperation is shown in the film “The Devil Wears Prada.” At first, the journalist from the province was “you’re nobody and there’s no name for you,” without core and style, but look who she turned into after working with the heroine Meryl Streep!

Many people underestimate the way to “be hired as an apprentice” (pride does not allow it) and do not understand that the way to volunteer with a leader is an amazing opportunity to rise beyond your limits! No return to the dull past!

4) The fourth way: of course, build relationships. But in my opinion, this is not always environmentally friendly. If this is the only reason, then there will be a big “failure” in karma. Therefore, dating with an interesting object or native speaker - yes! And I personally would not have gone further without deep feelings.

Will successful people want to communicate with you?

Of course, many of you have thoughts: “Why, they need me! What will I give them?” Then Norna shook her flour-covered hands on her apron, straightened her pince-nez with her clean little finger and said: “These are the machinations of low self-esteem, baby.”

So, now an expert on the topic of self-esteem will give a complete breakdown. If you speak like you, then logically this means that you have no talents at all, you are a complete nobody and you have no valuable life experience. I mean, of course you have it, but it's all you (Norna sneezed in agony) devalued and forgotten in the attic of my destiny.

So, I go with riches to the man. Perhaps I will simply save someone from a boring evening, maybe someone was in a creative crisis at the time of receiving my letter and I will inspire him to a new project. There are a million options. And what kind of benefit a person will receive through me in the end, I have no idea and am not even going to guess! When you come to a meeting with such conviction, you notice how truly the person begins to rejoice at you! The main thing is my confidence that we will both become richer from this meeting. And so it is.

Write your stories in the comments to the article: how did you meet successful people who, by their mere presence, helped you change your life?

In the photo: Even one acquaintance can incredibly change your life and turn it into a fairy tale - as happened with Ben Stiller’s hero.
(Still from the film “The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty”, 2013)

Communication is the exchange of experience, knowledge, thoughts, feelings, and without it it is impossible to know either the world around us or oneself. Without communication, “sensory hunger” arises—a lack of impressions, information, and emotions. How to learn to communicate and expand your circle of friends? Angela Kharitonova, a practical psychologist, will tell you.

I recently moved to Tula. I live alone, setting up my own business. For the first time I encountered the lack of communication. Life follows the work-home route. I miss communicating on social networks, and I don’t know how to make new friends and acquaintances as an adult. I'm also a little shy around strangers. For my business I need to expand my circle of contacts. Tell me how to do this?

Anton, 32 years old, Tula.

Interference in communication

The paradox is that there are a huge number of people in the world, the population of Tula is almost half a million people, yet many people manage to remain lonely and suffer from a lack of communication. The whole problem lies in the limits we set for ourselves. If you delve into your inner world, you will probably “dig up” many beliefs that limit you in communication.

The most common:

  • If I talk to a stranger, they will think that I am intruding (I have problems)
  • You cannot look into the eyes of strangers (or barely familiar ones) or smile “for no reason”
  • I don't look very good, it's unlikely that anyone will be interested in me
  • After 25-30 years it is impossible to find friends at all, all friends from school (university, work, etc.)
  • I am a serious person, frivolous communication is not for me
  • To get to know a person and become friends, you need to comply with many norms and rules
  • It’s better to pretend that I’m busy all the time and don’t need communication

That's it - the circle is closed! You are serious, busy all the time and “sit in your shell.”

What to do?

Analyze all your limiting beliefs; your parents or grandparents probably told you all this. Now the rules are completely different: it is fashionable to be open, sociable, make new friends and new contacts. New popular direction no-

working talks about this. Networking is about making many new interesting and useful contacts, as well as “necessary” connections. Your social circle becomes wider. Your life is full of new colors, you receive a lot of emotions and new information. But not only. With the help of a large circle of acquaintances, you can solve many problems, both work and personal. This is also true for those who have not met their soul mate. If you are running a business, then you will be interested in meeting people who may be interested in your products and services.

Many successful people take networking very seriously. This direction is based on the theory of “six handshakes”. According to it, every person knows every other inhabitant of the planet (even the Queen of England) through a certain number of mutual acquaintances, a kind of chain, which on average consists of five to six people.

How to become a successful communicator

  1. Tula hosts many interesting events every week: festivals, concerts, creative meetings, presentations, business lectures, trainings, games, etc. Make a plan for yourself, what events you will attend and how you will receive information about them (for example, on certain websites or social networks). By subscribing to news from various interesting groups, you will receive invitations to various meetings, including free ones.
  2. Pay attention to your appearance, clothing style, image, because the rule “you are greeted by your clothes...” has not been canceled. It will be much easier for you to meet people if you make a pleasant impression on the outside. If you don’t know what you need to create an attractive image, ask your friends and colleagues. It’s always clearer from the outside! We get used to ourselves and sometimes don’t notice obvious annoying flaws in our appearance.
  3. Learn to smile at strangers, ask questions or ask for help. Do this exercise: every day 5-10 smiles in a store, at a bus stop, in any public place. If this is too easy for you, try saying something unplanned and informal to a stranger.
  4. Practice feeling people. This is done through looking into the eyes (it is not necessary to look for a long time, you can look away). For example, on a bus, in a queue, looking at a person, try to determine what his character is, what he wants from life, what field he works in, what kind of family he has. You can mentally “give” him what you think he is missing. If a person’s state changes (for example, he smiles or somehow shows his activity), consider that you have hypnotic abilities!
  5. Prepare your business cards in advance. Even if you are the most ordinary person, you can always figure out what to write on a business card. After all, you have hobbies - cycling, swimming, fishing, fashion, etc. You can come up with any club or community and reflect it on your business card.

Making acquaintances

  1. Be positive, smiling and open. Come up with a short self-introduction. Let’s say, “Igor, I fix laptops and any equipment” or “Ivan, he’s just a good person.”
  2. At each event, make two or three acquaintances and exchange business cards. Do not try to immediately arrange a meeting, cooperation, sell something, etc. Later, you can call and make an appointment.
  3. Find people with whom you can share common interests and topics of conversation.
  4. Try to do something useful for the interlocutor, but only if you have been asked to do so - unsolicited advice is often annoying.
  5. It is not necessary to shine with intellect or humor, it is enough to simply listen to the other person and be sincerely interested in him. And you will become the best interlocutor for this person!
  6. Maintain the contacts you make. Sometimes call, meet, communicate on social networks. But don't be intrusive.