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How and what to achieve hair shine. How to make hair shiny and smooth at home? Mask with olive and linseed oils

We all dream of beautiful and healthy hair, but unfortunately, this is not given to everyone. Constant stress, busy working days and the ecology of big cities that leave much to be desired contribute to a gradual weakening of the immune system and a significant lack of vitamins and nutrients. All these troubles are reflected in the appearance of a person.

With regards to hair, then you need to remember - if they are healthy, then the shine will be on its own. If the hair needs treatment, then they can be given shine artificially, and appropriate treatment is necessary to maintain the effect.

What is glitter itself? Glitter creates a reflection of light coming from a surface. Straight hair reflects much better than curly hair. Also, the shine is more clearly visible on dark hair than on light hair. But now you can find a huge number of products that allow even blondes with curly hair to gain a beautiful shine.

First of all, you need to understand that in order to acquire a beautiful shine, you need a flat surface, in other words, the scales must be aligned, the damaged parts must be healed.

  • wash your hair with warm water, and rinse better even with cool. Hot water, which many people use when washing their hair, severely damages the hair structure due to the effect of temperature;
  • after shampooing, you should always use a conditioner, and ideally carry out this procedure while still in the bathroom. Under the influence of elevated temperature, the composition is better absorbed, sharing vitamins and nutrients with the hair;
  • with frequent use of shampoo, it is better to dilute it slightly, or stick to the use of the same company, this will be much less harmful to the hair than variety;
  • it is imperative to use nourishing hair masks, and at least once a week. You need to use them regularly, otherwise you will not be able to achieve any effect;
  • the use of hair dryers, curling irons, etc. is undesirable. devices for drying and styling hair, as they severely damage the structure. If possible, it is better to let the hair dry on its own;
  • during styling, it is recommended to use mousse, because in addition to the fixing property, they have the ability to protect the surface of the hair;
  • split ends should be cut off, they should not be spared;
  • after bathing in salt water, it is necessary to rinse the hair, otherwise it will dry out.

There are many ways to add shine to your hair. One of them is the use of masks.

Several ways to prepare hair masks for shine

Method number 1

In a ceramic bowl, mix a teaspoon of cinnamon and nutmeg, crushed oatmeal is added to them. The mixture is poured with warm boiled water, mixed until a homogeneous mass.

This composition must be applied to the head, insulated and kept for at least half an hour. After the specified time, the mask should be washed off with shampoo, rinsed with slightly acidified water.

Method number 2

Strong brewing of black tea is placed in a ceramic container, three tablespoons of fat milk, one egg yolk should be added to it. The resulting mixture must be beaten, after which one teaspoon of honey is added to it, and again everything is mixed.

The composition must be distributed on the scalp and hair, evenly distributed, insulated and kept for about an hour, washed off with shampoo.

Method number 3

To prepare this mask, you need a banana, butter and yogurt. Banana should be well kneaded, add butter to the resulting mass, then yogurt, and stir well. It is best to take burdock or castor oil.

Using a comb, the resulting mixture should be distributed on the scalp and hair, insulated, kept for at least half an hour, and then rinsed thoroughly.

Method number 4

Very fresh recipe for summer. To prepare this mask, you need to chop several pieces of watermelon, strain the juice. The resulting slurry must be applied to the scalp and hair, spreading over the entire length, then insulated and kept for at least 20 minutes. When rinsing, add watermelon juice to the water, this will help make your hair not only shiny, but also silky.

In addition to masks, you can use sprays for hair shine. Of course, to get the result, they need to be used regularly. The composition of the spray includes substances that create a protective film that smoothes the scales of the hair. A tool such as a spray is not able to cure hair, but outwardly it can give it smoothness and shine, masking imperfections. When applying the spray, you need to keep a distance - the product is sprayed at a distance of about 30 cm from the head, onto a ready-made hairstyle.

There are also folk remedies to restore and maintain the natural shine of hair.

Stinging nettle

Nettle is a medicinal plant, everyone knows this. It copes with many diseases, including, it is very useful for hair health. To give the curls shine, you need to collect fresh nettles, grind it until juice is obtained, and add the resulting solution to the water while washing your hair.

If it is not possible to collect fresh nettles, you can buy dried nettles at the pharmacy and insist on a decoction. It should be borne in mind that this method is more suitable for owners of hair of dark shades.


This product is suitable for hair of any shade, but looks most impressive on blondes. Squeeze out the juice from a fresh lemon. It should be added when washing or rinsing hair. Lemon will give hair strength and a mirror shine.

birch leaves

To prepare this decoction, you need to find birch leaves covered with resin. They should be cut as small as possible, pour boiling water and let stand for about 20 minutes. Rinse your head with a ready-made broth after washing. This tool perfectly strengthens the hair and gives them shine.


Last on the list, but far from the last in terms of its magical qualities. To add shine to hair, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of olive oil (it can be replaced with burdock or castor oil), mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, then apply to wet hair, evenly distribute, insulate. The composition should be kept on the hair for half an hour, then washed off with shampoo.

Healthy and beautiful curls can be seen in any light, the glare of light beautifully shimmers on them, the hair looks like a smooth and even single canvas reflecting light. Looking at such beauty, few people will think about other problems such as cross-section, fragility or baldness. Can you boast of such beauty? Naturally, after visiting a beauty salon, where liters of care products are poured onto your crown, your hair has no other choice but to become shiny, but this option is not economically viable for most of the female population. There is another option, special shampoos and balms, plus hot styling with forceps also give a radiant effect, but for how long? In this case, masks for hair shine come to the rescue, which can be made from familiar products at home.

The main causes of fading hair

In fact, there are a lot of reasons why hair becomes dull and lifeless, roughly speaking, they can be divided into internal and external. Let's try to consider them in more detail.

    1. Genetics. Many suffer from dull hair simply because they were awarded this by nature. In this case, there is no other choice but to regularly apply natural do-it-yourself shine masks.
    2. Environment. Too long exposure to the sun without a hat or in the cold dry out the strands. As a result, smooth hair begins to fluff, break, fall out.
    3. Aggressive styling. It includes not only the use of numerous hot appliances that help tame curls, but also devices in the form of clothespins, hairpins, curlers, even combing too aggressively can break the integrity of the hair shaft, causing the hair to lose strength and shine.
    4. Wrong nutrition. A diet that includes meager amounts of vitamins, trace elements, and water causes damage to the hair. In order for the curls to have a healthy shine, it is important to use foods rich in vitamins of groups B, C, E and A. In this case, the treatment will be carried out from the inside, the hair will receive good nutrition, due to which the shine will be restored.
    5. Stress and hormonal imbalance. When there is a malfunction in the work of the endocrine and nervous systems, this affects the state of the whole organism, including hair. Curls begin to crumble strongly, fade. To avoid this, prepare a mask that gives shine to the hair, but this only solves the problem visually and not for long. Try to pay more attention to your health, sleep more and be less nervous, especially over trifles.
    6. Wrong makeup. Oddly enough, but the wrong choice made when buying shampoo also affects the condition of the hairstyle. If the shampoo and, of course, the balm are not suitable, the hair loses its appearance, fluffs, splits.
    7. Chemistry. Frequent treatment of the hair with dyes depletes the hair, due to which it deteriorates greatly.

Rules for the use of masks

Masks that can restore shine to hair must be applied correctly so that later there are no complaints about the source. There are few rules on how to take care of your hair to get super shine, but it is important to consider them.

    • Effective homemade recipes will be really effective if you use shampoo and balm marked: “For shine”, “For dull hair”, “For rich color”.
    • During the period of using home masks, it is recommended to minimize styling with a hairdryer, hot tongs and other “barbaric” hair devices.
    • To wash your hair, it is better to turn on warm or cool, not hot water. The fact is that a hot stream only opens the scales, making the hair fluffy, while a cool one gives a smoothing effect.
    • When making homemade mixtures, pay attention to the contraindications of certain products. To avoid harm from the treatment, test for an allergic reaction by applying a drop to a tender area of ​​the skin. Very carefully you need to handle esters and other products of plant origin. Any plant is useful in moderation, and any of them can cause allergies.
    • To mix the masks, it is better to use a blender. This is important, since the mixture should not contain lumps or lumps of components, which, subsequently, can dry out to the curls or wash out poorly.
    • It is important to warm up products such as oil, kefir and honey before mixing them into a mask by placing them in a water bath. No need to boil, just warm up to a comfortable temperature.
    • Most often, any mask for shine is recommended to be applied to the hairline, but if the composition contains nutritional components, you should pay attention to the roots. The procedure for processing the hair is simple, with the help of hands, a comb or a brush for dyeing hair, each strand is coated, combed if necessary.
    • After treatment with a therapeutic composition, the strands are fixed on the top of the head with hairpins, they put on a shower cap and something on top for warmth, a scarf or a terry towel will do.
    • The minimum exposure time of the mixtures to the hair is 30 minutes, depending on the components.
    • Washing is performed as usual with shampoo, but there is a little secret here. After washing, it is important to rinse the head of blondes with chamomile decoction, brown-haired nettles. This will strengthen the hair and enhance the effect of the mask.
    • Dry naturally. Light fluffiness of just dried hair is normal, they will settle down.

And yet, how often to make such masks is an individual question. You can always do it before washing your hair, if the effect lasts for several days, you can do it once a week. After 10 procedures, it is worth giving the hair a rest and temporarily switching to other care products.

Homemade hair mask recipes

Returning the radiance of folk remedies is not so simple, but it is quite possible. The main thing is patience and perseverance, since the effect is not always instant, as after salon manipulations. In any case, homemade mixtures are the best choice, because they consist of ingredients of natural origin.

Mask for shine and smoothness

Effect: the mixture is used to thicken the strands and give them a mirror shine.


    • warm water;
    • gelatin;
    • hair balm.

Based on short hair, take 1 tbsp. l. gelatin granules, 3 tbsp. l. liquid and ½ tbsp. l. balm. We ferment the granules with water, let them swell, melt, mix with balm. We coat each strand with the resulting viscous composition, stepping back from the roots about 2 cm. Place the head in a plastic bag with a towel, wear it for 1 hour, rinse.

Mask for shine and silkiness

Effect: makes the hair soft and silky, used to strengthen the roots.

Would need:

    • 1 st. l. aloe gel;
    • 1 ampoule vitamin: thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin;
    • 2 tbsp. l. balm.
Preparation and method of application:

It is not necessary to use all vitamins together. We mix the balm with juice and vitamins, we process clean, damp hair. Leave the floor with a film for 40 minutes, wash it.

Video Recipe: Apple Peel Shine and Silky Hair Rinse

Mask for shine and softness

Effect: helps in the fight against brittleness, deeply nourishes and moisturizes each hair. To do this, you need yogurt without flavors and additives. We generously spread the fermented milk product at room temperature over the strands, wear it under the film for 40 minutes and go to wash our hair.

Mask for shine and hydration

Effect: a mask with a banana treats dull curls, fills them with shine, softness, improves regrowth.

Important advice from the editor

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades.

But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.


    • 2 tbsp. l. banana pulp;
    • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream.
Preparation and method of application:

We combine the fruit with sour milk, mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps and pieces. We apply on the head, wrap up warmly. Wash off after 45 minutes.

Mask for shine and volume

Effect: the mixture is suitable for the shine of dark and light hair, gives lightness to the hair, accelerates growth.


    • 60 gr. honey;
    • 20 ml castor oil.
Preparation and method of application:

We mix the components, heat in the bath, distribute through the hair. We put on a cap for 1 hour. Wash as usual with shampoo.

Video: Recipe with live yeast, honey and kefir at home

Shine & Growth Mask

Effect: the recipe allows you not only to add shine to your hair, but also to grow them quite quickly.


    • 2 or 3 yolks;
    • 50 gr. honey.
Preparation and method of application:

Beat the yolks into foam, combine with honey. Apply half of the mixture to the roots, the second half along the length. We collect a bunch at the top of the head, put it under a hat, warm it up for an hour. Wash off with plenty of water without balm and shampoo.

Effect: stops baldness, promotes the awakening of dormant bulbs, gives radiance and elasticity.


    • 100 gr. unfiltered beer;
    • 1 yolk.
Preparation and method of application:

Beat the yolk, combine with beer, apply to curls along the entire length. Leave under the cap for half an hour, rinse.

Shine & Firming Mask

Effect: a universal egg mask that has a general strengthening effect on any type of curls.

Would need:

    • egg;
    • shampoo.
Preparation and method of application:

Beat the egg, mix with shampoo for a one-time wash of the head. We treat the skin with half of the resulting composition, massaging for 3 minutes, rinse, then apply the remaining mixture to all hair, lather well and rinse.

For dry hair

Effect: normalizes the water balance of the hair, fights split ends and dandruff.


    • ½ an avocado;
    • yolk;
    • 3 art. l. orange juice.
Preparation and method of application:

Knead the fruit with a fork, mix with liquid ingredients, apply to the strands. We put on a film and wrap ourselves warmly for the whole night. Wash thoroughly in the morning.

For oily hair

Effect: regulates the work of the glands of external secretion, eliminating excessive greasing of the head, gives radiance.

Need to:

    • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
    • 2 tbsp. l. banana puree.
Preparation and method of application:

We knead the fruit, mix with juice, process the roots and strands along the length. We wear under the cap for half an hour, wash off.

For colored hair

Effect: retains shade, nourishes, enhances shine, softens curls.


    • 1 banana;
    • 50 ml olive oil;
    • ½ avocado;
    • 30 ml of honey;
    • yolk.
Preparation and method of application:

Knead the fruit with a fork, pour in all the liquid ingredients, knead. We coat the head with the resulting porridge, place it in heat for 1 hour. We wash our heads.

With cognac

Effect: tones the bulbs, activating the growth of strands, gives shine, strengthens.


    • 2-3 eggs;
    • 4 tbsp. l. alcohol.
Preparation and method of application:

Beat eggs, add alcohol, beat again. We distribute the mass over the head, wrap ourselves for 35 minutes. Wash out.

With lemon

Effect: eliminates excessive fat on the head, controls the work of the glands of external secretion, smoothes.


    • 1 tsp corn oils;
    • 1 tsp citrus juice;
    • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
    • 1 tsp malic acid.
Preparation and method of application:

We warm up the corn oil, mix it with a fermented milk product at room temperature and the rest of the liquid elements. We cover the hair with the composition, keep it under the cap for half an hour, wash it well with shampoo.

With honey

Effect: gives volume and elasticity, dull strands become radiant.


    • 50 gr. olive oils;
    • 60 ml of honey;
    • 40 ml of onion juice.
Preparation and method of application:

We thoroughly knead all the components of the mask, lubricate the entire length of the strand with the resulting solution, leave for an hour. Rinse with water and shampoo. To eliminate the unpleasant aroma of onions, rinse your head with water with fragrant lavender oil or any other.

with egg

Effect: we nourish the curls with vitamins and minerals, promotes better growth, prevents hair loss and magical radiance.


    • 2 yolks;
    • 50 ml olive oil;
    • 100 gr. water.
Preparation and method of application:

Beat the yolks, oil and water, apply with massage movements. Wrap around with cling film for 25 minutes. Wash off.

Video: Recipe based on eggs, kefir and olive oil at home

with gelatin

Effect: If your goal is thickening and density, this mask is what you need. The gelatin composition envelops each hair, creating an invisible screen, thickening it and increasing volume.


    • 6 art. l. water;
    • 1 st. l. unrefined sunflower oil;
    • 2 tbsp. l. gelatin granules.
Preparation and method of application:

We soak the gelatin, drown on the bay, combine with oil. Lubricate the crown, leave under the cap for half an hour. Wash off.

With glycerin

Effect: gives an incredible shine to the hair, makes the strands stronger.


    • 2 tsp Apple vinegar;
    • 2 tbsp. l. castor oil;
    • 2 tsp glycerin;
    • yolk.
Preparation and method of application:

We combine warm oil with the rest of the ingredients, coat the hair. Stir under a cap warm for 40 minutes. We wash our heads.

From cocoa

Effect: ideal composition for dark hair, makes a pleasant shade, strengthens, fills with shine.


    • 1 tsp cocoa powder;
    • 100 gr. kefir;
    • egg.
Preparation and method of application:

Beat the egg, add the fermented milk product and powder. We apply part of the mask to the curls, wait for it to dry, apply again, until the solution runs out. We cover the top of the head with polyethylene, wait another half an hour, go to wash off the head.

From coffee

Effect: Gives a pleasant aroma and shade to dark hair, saturates with shine.


    • 2 tbsp. l. ground coffee;
    • 500 ml of boiling water.
Preparation and method of application:

We brew coffee, insist an hour, filter through gauze. Rinse the head with the resulting drink after washing, do not rinse.

from mayonnaise

Effect: moisturizes, gives shine, elasticity, improves regrowth.


    • mayonnaise;
    • 1 clove of garlic.
Preparation and method of application:

Pass the garlic through the press, mix with mayonnaise, process the strands. Leave under the cap for half an hour, rinse.

With olive oil

Effect: the ideal solution for weakened dry hair recipe from oils, restores, moisturizes.

Need to:

    • 100 gr. olive oil;
    • 2 tbsp. l. calendula oils.
Preparation and method of application:

Mix, apply on the head along the entire length of the hair. We wear under the film for 1 hour, wash with shampoo.

Video: Effect after the first application - olive oil and avocado

With burdock oil

Effect: like any other mask with oils, it effectively moisturizes the strands, improves growth, and heals split ends.


    • 2 tbsp. l. aloe gel;
    • 20 gr. burdock oil;
    • 1 st. l. cognac;
    • 30 ml of honey.
Preparation and method of use:

We mix all the ingredients, the resulting composition is distributed over the curls. Wear under a warm hat for 1 hour. Wash off.

With coconut oil

Effect: moisturizes, smoothes, restores and intense shine.

It will take

    • 2 tbsp. l. coconut oil;
    • yolk.
Preparation and method of application:

Beat the butter with the yolk, coat each strand with the resulting mixture, cover with polyethylene for 1 hour. Wash with cool water and shampoo.

Every woman tries to carefully take care of her hair so that it is always healthy, strong and beautiful. But what to do if the hair suddenly becomes dry, brittle, dull, poorly combed, split ends?

Every day, the health of our hair is undermined by the impact on them of various factors. Procedures such as perm or dyeing, sun or cold cold, frequent hot styling. How to restore the hair to its former elasticity, density and shine?

Eat the right foods.
If you have color-treated hair, you should use a shampoo, conditioner and mask for color-treated hair. They take care of your hair, keep the color as long as possible and make your hair shiny. Be sure to use a conditioner after washing your hair. 2 in 1 shampoos don't really help. To care for colored hair, use special products for colored hair containing extracts of honey, milk and oil.

Diet change.
A one-sided diet will definitely affect the condition of your hair, skin and nails. On the other hand, a diet rich in unhealthy fats does not make your locks the crown of beauty. The best way to restore lost hair shine is to change your diet. Enjoy fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (tuna, salmon, mackerel), pumpkin seeds, nuts, olive oil, avocados. Getting the necessary nutrition from the inside, the hair will soon delight you with its beauty and vitality.

You can take as a dietary supplement special vitamins containing zinc, designed to strengthen nails.

Be sure to make hair masks. This mask helps to add shine to hair very well: Mix 100 grams of olive oil with 1 yolk, apply the mixture to the ends of the hair, wrap in cellophane and leave for one hour, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. It is also good to mix the pulp of one avocado with olive oil and apply to the hair for one hour, then rinse. Masks make hair soft, manageable and shiny.

Beware of heat.
We mean not only temperature changes, but also the use of various devices for straightening, drying and styling hair. First you need to limit the use of various tongs and a hair dryer. If you can’t do without drying and styling, use the minimum temperature conditions and heat-protective sprays and creams.

For shiny hair, in addition to changing the diet, you can use various gels, sprays and other cosmetics. Today on sale a large range of products designed to increase the shine of hair. Shampoos, conditioners, masks, foams, aerosols and varnishes, thanks to which the hair simply shines. Buy products that do not contain alcohol. The presence of alcohol in hair care products dries out the hair and makes it brittle.

Shiny hair is the hallmark of healthy hair. Healthy, well-groomed hair is what everyone strives for. Therefore, in this article we will tell you how to add shine to hair at home using folk recipes.

How to get shiny hair at home

One of the eternal trends that will always be fashionable is luxurious shiny curls. But not everyone gets the desired result. The negative impact of the environment, constant stress and an unhealthy lifestyle leave their mark on the hair in the form of a dull color and lack of a healthy shine. In order to get a luxurious look, you need to follow the advice of professionals.

Shine hair at home

Special cosmetics

The dazzling shine of the hair is given by a special shine cream, which contains components that care for the health of the hair and protect it from the negative effects of sunlight. Due to its special composition, it contains light-reflecting components and anti-aging antioxidants. Regular use of the cream allows the hair to be silky and soft.

The advantages of the product include the fact that it gives the hair volume, ideally protects against high temperatures during blow-drying. Such cosmetics are suitable for dull and.

Aerosol spray

Thanks to the use of these cosmetics, the hair acquires a deep color and healthy shine. Today, manufacturers offer a wide selection for different types of hair with UV filters. The composition of the product may include extracts of medicinal herbs that provide nutrition and silkiness to the hair. Spray is used after styling or hairstyle.

Laminating gel

One of the most effective means of providing luxurious shine to curls at home is a laminating gel. Its function is to seal the hair cuticle, allowing it to be voluminous and thick. Dyed hair becomes bright and saturated. Also suitable for damaged hair. The gel is applied to the palm of your hand, and distributed over clean, damp hair, combed. Hair shine will be provided.

Folk remedies for hair shine: conditioners


The components that make up the nettle make the hair shine. In addition, this decoction fights dandruff perfectly. If possible, it is advisable to squeeze the juice from fresh nettles, diluting it with purified water. The resulting liquid is rubbed into the hair roots and rinsed with curls. If this is not possible, you can use dry herbs, from which to make a decoction according to the recipe.


This conditioner is suitable for owners of blond hair. A couple of tablespoons of flowers pour a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, the broth is filtered and the curls are rinsed.


Birch leaves not only make hair shiny, but also strengthen them. To prepare the remedy, take a couple of tablespoons of fresh leaves, pouring them with boiling water (200 gr.). Infuse for 25 minutes and after filtering use as a rinse.

apple peel

The shine of the hair will enhance the peel of apples. The content of natural wax in the peel of apples makes the hair silky and shiny. The peel of 4 apples is enough to prepare one portion of the rinse. The raw materials are boiled in a liter of water and after the broth is infused, they are used for their intended purpose.

Masks for hair shine

From coffee

For the procedure, you need to take a couple of tablespoons of ground coffee for 200 hot water. The raw material is brought to a boil and allowed to brew a little. The resulting cooled mass is applied along the entire length of the hair and kept for about half an hour. It is worth noting that the tool is more suitable for brunettes.


To prepare the mask, you need to take 75 grams of cognac or rum, mixing it with a fresh chicken egg to a homogeneous consistency. The mass is kneaded and rubbed into the scalp, distributed through the hair. It is important to wrap your head with a towel and keep the mask for half an hour.

For express shine

You need to take a chicken egg, mix it with a teaspoon of vinegar and the same amount of glycerin, add a couple of tablespoons of castor oil to the mass. Grind all the ingredients well into a homogeneous mass and distribute through the hair. It is important to wrap your head with a towel and hold for 30 minutes. The curls will become silky and elastic, which will facilitate the styling process.

Important care rules

  • Do not use hot water while washing your hair. It makes hair dull and lifeless. Wash your hair only with warm water, and rinse with cool.
  • At the end of the procedure, experts recommend the use of air conditioning. It can be applied during bathing procedures, as steam promotes the penetration of the necessary components into the hair structure.
  • It is advisable to apply a professional mask at least every 7 days.
  • In the process, under the influence of high temperatures, it is important to use special lotions that create a protective barrier on each hair.
  • Combs and brushes should always be clean, without nicks. You should mainly comb with products made of artificial material without sharp teeth (read more about choosing a comb).
  • Silk bed linen also contributes to the shine of hair.

About nutrition

When caring for hair, one should not forget about the diet, which allows the hair to be filled with vitality from the inside. We must not forget about the drinking regime, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body. In spring and autumn, it is advisable to drink vitamins and supplements. In the daily diet, seasonal fruits and vegetables should be present in sufficient quantities. Low-fat sea fish that can be baked or steamed is also useful.

A real storehouse for hair is vitamin B, which is found in chicken eggs and liver. It can be bought in pharmacies in the form of ampoules and added to masks.


Life keeps us in good shape, we do not always have enough time or energy to care for our hair. It is better for us to relax in a comfortable chair for an extra 10-15 minutes or do something else. As a result, our hair becomes dull, weak and does not please us with its appearance. Yes, you can go to the salon and leave a tidy sum there and get an instant effect for a few days. But it’s better to invest a little time in yourself and enjoy the chic look of your hair every day. By the way, hair care at home is also saving money at salons.

If you want instant hair shine, coconut oil is the best option. Rub a few drops of pure coconut oil into your hair with your palms. This oil moisturizes and adds shine to the hair.

Lemon rinse

Another easy way to restore shine to your hair is to rinse with lemon. Dissolve one tablespoon of lemon juice in 1 cup of water. After washing your hair, rinse your hair with lemon water. Make sure that the rinse aid has “walked” through the entire length of the hair, then finish rinsing with cold water. Don't leave lemon water on your hair for too long as it can affect your hair color.

Almond oil

This happens to many people with curly hair: the humidity in the air makes the hair frizzy and unruly. How to calm curly hair? - Massage your scalp with warm almond oil. Leave the oil on the skin and hair for 30-45 minutes, then wash it off with a mild shampoo. Massaging the scalp with warm oil leaves your hair shiny and soft to the touch.


Another easy way to add shine to your hair is to simply comb your hair with a brush. Before going to bed or in the morning, brush through your hair; this will not only add shine to the hair, but also distribute sebum along the entire length of the hair. Choose a soft hairbrush that spreads the oil evenly from roots to ends and also removes dead hair.

Wash your hair with vinegar

Vinegar is one of the ingredients that can add shine to dull and tired hair. You can use any vinegar for hair, but apple cider vinegar is especially recommended. If you have an empty and clean spray bottle at home, fill it with vinegar and spray all over your hair. Leave the vinegar on your hair for a few minutes, then rinse with water. You will be surprised by the result! The shine of your hair will intensify with every shampoo. Definitely worth a try!

Mayonnaise hair mask

Do you love mayonnaise? And try to treat it to your hair. Make a mayonnaise mask once a month, and your hair will thank you with its silkiness and softness. If you can't stand the smell of mayonnaise, you can add a few drops of vanilla oil.