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Areca chrysalidocarpus: features of care and cultivation. Chrysalidocarpus home care Transplanted chrysalidocarpus how to care for it now

Chrysalidocarpus (Chrysalidocarpus) is an ornamental palm tree, very popular among flower growers due to the exotic beauty of the leaves and undemanding care. This is a tropical heliophyte, that is, a light-loving plant, originally from the Comoros and Madagascar. The name translates as "golden fruit", in Greek "chryseus" and karpos". Belongs to the palm family and the type genus Arekov.

Chrysalidocarpus in nature has about 20 species, for breeding in room conditions only one of them is cultivated - Yellowish Chrysalidocarpus. Palms from the genus Arecaceae are both single-stemmed and multi-stemmed bushy plants with straight, non-branching, smooth shoots, growing to more than 10 m in height. It has carved pinnate leaves, long and wide, paired, 40-60 pieces per stem. Numerous stems of chrysalidocarpus form a lush crown, the beauty of which will add charm to any interior.

Location and lighting

Accustomed to the tropical sun, the Chrysalidocarpus plant tolerates heat and bright light well. Pots with a plant can be safely placed on the southern and southeastern windows, but in summer it is better to shade them from the midday heat.

Too much lighting can harm the leaves, they begin to bend and curl, and turn yellow and die from the resulting burns. Young palms are especially sensitive to excessive light, but after the age of six, chrysalidocarpus are more resistant, and react only with yellowed leaves.

To maintain symmetry, 1-2 times a month, the palm tree needs to be rotated around its axis by 180 gardus.


Warm air is optimal at 22-25 degrees in the summer months, in winter it is slightly lower - about 18-23 degrees, but not less than 16 degrees. The older the plant, the calmer it reacts to changes or lower temperatures. However, drafts should be avoided.

Air humidity

Humidity in a room with a growing chrysalidocarpus should be high. In the summer months it is necessary to provide the plant with regular spraying with soft, clean water, and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge. In winter and autumn, you can not spray.


For good growth and development of a palm tree, it must be watered abundantly enough, but not allowing excess moisture. It is unacceptable to use hard and chlorinated water, only settled or bottled. In the autumn-winter period, watering is reduced, allowing the substrate to dry out, but not overdrying.

The soil

The soil for chrysalidocarpus should be acidic or neutral, well-drained. This is a mixture of clay-turf (2 parts), humus-leaf (2 parts), peat (1 part) soil with the addition of coarse sand (1 part) and charcoal (1 part). Ready store soil for palm trees is also suitable.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Chrysalidocarpus need to be fertilized throughout the year. In spring and summer, 2 times a month with special dressings for palm trees or ordinary fertilizers for decorative leafy plants. In autumn and winter - less often, 1 time per month is enough. Additional foliar top dressing with microelements is carried out monthly during the growing season.


For a successful transplant, it is necessary to save an earthen clod, part of the roots can be cut with a sharp knife for better placement in a new pot. Drainage is replaced, part of the earth is filled up. The best time to transplant is mid-spring. Young palms are transshipped annually, older specimens - 1 time in 3-4 years.

Chrysalidocarpus can reproduce in two ways - seeds and basal processes.

Reproduction by seeds

In order to propagate chrysalidocarpus with seeds, you must first soak them for 2-4 days. For soaking the seeds, a solution of sulfuric acid or ordinary warm water (about 30 degrees) is used. The optimum germination temperature is 25-30 degrees, at lower temperatures, seedlings will appear much later. For the growth of seedlings, a well-lit, moist place is required; after the appearance of the first leaflet, they are transplanted into small pots. young plants will appear in about 3-4 months.

Reproduction by basal shoots

In a vegetative way, chrysalidocarpus can reproduce at any time of the year. With the help of a sharp knife, a shoot is separated at the base of the plant, which already has a small root, and is planted in moist soil. The optimal landing time is spring and summer.

The plant can be affected by fungal infections of the genus Helminthosporia - dark spots with a yellow rim appear on the leaves all over the leaf, subsequently forming significant necrotic areas. This leads to damage, including new, healthy leaves.

How to fight: the disease manifests itself on those plants that are often sprayed. To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to treat the chrysalidocarpus with a fungicidal solution and stop excessive moisture and watering.

The worms can infect the leaves from below, damaging them and causing yellowing. How to fight: wipe the leaves with alcohol and treat with an insecticidal preparation.

If the leaves dry and yellow dots appear on them, these are mites. How to fight: an acaricide is applied, and the humidity in the room rises.

Growing problems

  • The ends of the leaves dry and darken - dry air and substrate; low temperature and mechanical damage.
  • The leaves turn yellow - too much sun; irrigation needs to be increased.
  • The leaves are covered with brown spots - the soil is waterlogged; a sharp temperature drop; watering with hard or tap water.
  • Darkened foliage on the whole plant - too abundant watering; decay signal.
  • The ends of the leaves are brown - too dry air; low air temperature; lack of moisture.

Chrysalidocarpus yellowish (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

This type of palm got its name for the yellow-orange stems, densely branching at the base. Leaves of almost the same shade, the so-called fronds, can reach almost a meter wide and up to 2 m long. Furrowed elongated petioles have a scaly dark cover that disappears with the age of the plant.

Yellowish chrysalidocarpus, characteristic of other species of this genus, does not give yellow fruits, in rare cases dark purple ones appear on it, which practically does not occur under room conditions.

Chrysalidocarpus Madagascar (Chrysalidocarpus madagascariensis)

Palm tree with one trunk 20-30 cm in diameter and clearly defined rings on it. It grows more than 8 m, pinnate smooth leaves are arranged in bunches, about 2 cm wide and up to 40 cm long. Branched inflorescence in leaf axils up to 50 cm long. Can be kept in warm rooms.

Chrysalidocarpus - palm care

Chrysalidocarpus - areca chrysalidocarpus, which is an ornamental palm tree, has become very popular among flower growers for some time now. They are attracted by the exotic beauty of foliage and unpretentious care. But still, despite their undemanding growing conditions, not all palm fans can grow it. For this reason, it is worth knowing all the nuances of how to care for a plant with such a complex name: areca chrysalidocarpus.


The genus of palms of the arec family has more than fifty species. In nature, they grow in China, India, Madagascar, Comoros and tropical Asian regions.

These are usually single-stemmed trees or bushes. In their usual environment, the areca sometimes reaches a height of 6-10 meters. But in room conditions, it has a height of no more than 2 m. It grows very slowly. Approximately adds no more than 30 cm in height per year.

The long leaves of the plant on a dense, upright petiole do not form lateral shoots. The leaves are peculiar branches, on each of which 40-60 pairs of narrow lanceolate lobules grow. Such palm branches are called fronds. Leaf plates are dark green or bright green in color and have smooth edges and pointed ends.

The stem of the areca is thin, has ring-shaped scars at the base. Smooth light brown shoots grow from it. These shoots are erect and do not branch, swollen in rings, from which offspring can grow.

Areca leaves are pinnate, having about 50 pairs of lanceolate leaves, which are dissected and located at the tops of the stems. The petioles of the leaves are thin. Sometimes the leaves grow near the stem, merging with those growing on the stem.

Few people know that this palm also blooms, although indoor areca pleases with its flowering very, very rarely.

Flowering usually begins in May and ends in June. Paniculate inflorescences are shaped like cobs. They form in the axils of the leaves at the site of scars that remain from dead leaves. The flowers that make up the ears are small, bisexual, bright yellow in color, capable of self-pollination.

After the flowers fade, fruits are formed on the peduncle, which are round yellow berries. The berries contain poisonous seeds. The use of berries and seeds can lead to ulcers or cancer of the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.


This houseplant has two main varieties: yellowish and Madagascar.

The yellowish species of chrysalidocarpus is a bushy palm. The plant has several smooth trunks without branches, but with beautiful leaves in the form of feathers. On the petioles with age, scales appear in place of the spots that are visible on young plants. If this type of palm tree is bought in a store and several shoots are visible in a pot at once, it is not worth digging and transplanting them separately. This plant likes to grow just like that, in a family. If at least one shoot is dug up, the whole plant may die.

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The Madagascar type of areca refers to single-trunked palms. Under natural conditions, this is a tree. Chrysalidocarpus of this type is a classic palm tree in outline. At its base, the trunk is slightly expanded, and then it gradually narrows. Its diameter at the top can be up to 20 mm. Ring marks from fallen old leaves are clearly visible on the trunk. The leaves are arranged in bunches on the palm.

Features of care

Like many types of indoor palms, chrysalidocarpus does not require special care.


Optimally comfortable for areca is the temperature of 22-25 ° C in the summer season. In winter days, it is better for this palm tree to lower the temperature to 18-23 ° C. Temperatures below 16 ° C have a detrimental effect on the crown. Like all palm trees, this one does not like drafts, so it cannot be placed near vents or frequently opened windows, but there must be an influx of fresh air.

Air humidity

In the room where chrysalidocarpus grows, the air must have high humidity, especially in summer. The palm tree is regularly sprayed with soft water, settled at room temperature, and the foliage is wiped with a damp sponge. In the winter and autumn seasons, the palm tree does not need to be sprayed, but a cup of water is still placed next to the plant. But the foliage needs to be wiped all year round.

The plant is accustomed to the bright sun of the tropics, because it easily tolerates sunlight and heat. Therefore, it is placed on the windowsills of windows that face south or southeast. But in the hottest months, it is better to shade the areca from the midday rays. Very strong rays will cause burns to the leaves, from which they can die. Bright light is especially dangerous for young palm trees. But chrysalidocarpus, which have reached six years old, react to the bright sun only with yellow foliage. But it is worth considering that the perennial can also grow on the windows of the northern direction. In order for the palm tree to grow symmetrically, the pot needs to be rotated after about a month or two.

It is important to know if the palm tree was bought in a store and kept there not in the sun or it is very young, then it is necessary to accustom it to bright lighting gradually.

Watering mode

Care at home for a palm tree implies proper watering, otherwise it will not grow and develop well. It needs to be watered abundantly, but it is impossible to allow an excess of moisture. Watering with hard water is unacceptable, settled water is needed. In autumn and winter, they water less, allowing the soil to dry out a little, but overdrying is also unacceptable. Watering should be done a day or two after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried.

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Soil selection

The soil for areca should be acidic or neutral, with good drainage. It could be something like this:

  • clay-turf land (2 hours);
  • rotted leaves (2 hours);
  • peat land (1 hour);
  • coarse sand (1 hour);
  • crushed charcoal (1 tsp).

You can also use ready-made palm mix, which is sold in stores.

For young palms of the chrysalidocarpus family, the following mixtures are most often used:

  • turf;
  • leafy or peat soil;
  • humus;
  • sand.

All components are taken in the following proportions: 2:1:1:0.5.

Selection of fertilizers

To feed chrysalidocarpus, you need special fertilizers for decorative deciduous specimens, which can be bought in stores. Areca needs year-round feeding. In spring and summer days, it is fertilized twice a month, and the rest of the time, once is enough. In the spring, foliar fertilizers are also added every month.

Pot selection

Chrysalidocarpus needs a pot with drainage holes. It is selected narrow and deep. The depth should be such that a drainage layer of expanded clay or broken brick is placed at the bottom and the root freely falls down.


Areca is hard to transplant, because it is done extremely rarely, and more often replaced by a simple replacement of the top layer of the earth or transshipment, if the rhizome has grown strongly. At the same time, they try not to damage the thin roots. This procedure will be performed once a year for young plants, and once every three years for adults. If a palm tree grows in a spacious tub, it is enough to change only part of the earth from above annually.

Often flower growers water plants with rhizome growth stimulants, for example, such as Zircon, Root, etc.



If seeds are collected or purchased, they can be used for propagation. For this purpose, they must first be soaked for two to four days in a special solution of sulfuric acid or in soft water at a temperature of 30 ° C. The most correct temperature for seed germination is 25-30 ° C, a lower temperature will delay germination, and may lead to that they won't grow at all. The soil for seeds is light peat. Comfortable for seedlings will be a place well lit by the sun with a high degree of humidity. Under such conditions, the seeds germinate no earlier than after forty days. After the first leaf appears, the seedling is transplanted into a small pot. The first sprouts appear after about three months, or even later.

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Root offspring

With the help of shoots, areca is propagated at any time, but the spring and summer months are still the most optimal. They do it like this:

  1. with a sharp knife at the base of the stem, a process with small roots is separated;
  2. prepare moistened soil, selected according to the rules described above;
  3. the separated shoot is planted in the ground.

Grow such a young plant, like an adult.

Diseases and pests

Home care for a palm tree can be said to be quite simple, but chrysalidocarpus is often affected by fungal infections. . A sign of such a lesion is the appearance of round or oval spots on the surface of the leaves, which increase with time. The spots have a reddish-brown hue, with a light rim, increasing rather quickly, and can destroy the entire plant.
To combat the fungus, it is necessary to treat all parts of the palm tree with a fungicide and temporarily not spray the foliage with water.

  • On the underside of the leaf blades, worms can appear, which cause the appearance of yellowness and damage to the leaves. These pests are disposed of by treating the leaves with cotton swabs dipped in alcohol. And then each leaf is treated with insecticides.
  • They like to "visit" areca and ticks. Especially often on a palm tree, a spider mite likes to settle. . Their appearance is signaled by yellowish spots appearing on the surface of the leaf blades and their wilting. To get rid of such a scourge, it is necessary to treat the plant with an acaricide solution, and then maintain a high humidity regime.
  • Thrips are also frequent visitors to the perennial. Get rid of them with insecticides.
  • Brown dried leaf tips are a sign of dry indoor air and insufficient watering, as well as cold air or damage to the crown from touching it.
  • If the foliage begins to turn yellow, this means that there is insufficient moisture or watering needs to be increased. Often this phenomenon is caused by an excess of sunlight.
  • Brown spotting on the foliage appears in case of waterlogging of the soil or a sudden drop in temperature. Brown spots also appear when watering a perennial with water of high hardness. The lower leaves of the palm turn brown and dry with age. But sometimes this happens when the palm tree rots from waterlogging.
  • If the tips of leaf blades turn brown , this means dry air or lack of humidity. This also happens when the plant is in a cold room.

Chrysalidocarpus yellowing is a small palm tree with long yellow leaves with small black dots resembling an arc. Chrysalidocarpus is native to the Comoros and Madagascar. It is called the "golden fruit" or butterfly palm. Palm trees of this group are called the outdated name - areca.

In nature, there are twenty species of this plant, but only one grows at home - Chrysalidocarpus yellowish. If you carefully consider the structure of a palm tree, then it does not have a central trunk, and the leaves grow in a bush.

Flower growers fell in love with an unusual palm tree, because it takes root well at home. Here, all the advantages are on the face: the exquisite beauty of large feathery leaves that can create a semblance of arches, undemanding care. Finely cut leaves, together with numerous stems, give a luxurious crown that can decorate any interior.

Popular types

On sale you can find two types of chrysalidocarpus:

  • Chrysalidocarpus yellowish has yellow-orange stems, densely branching at the base and leaves of the same shade.
  • Chrysalidocarpus Madagascar is a palm tree with one trunk. Grows up to eight meters. It can only be kept in warm rooms.

Chrysalidocarpus care at home

Location, lighting

How to care for Chrysalidocarpus lutescens palm? Accustomed to the tropical scorching sun, the butterfly palm tolerates heat and intense light well. But excessive lighting can harm the leaves. They, having received burns, will begin to bend, turn yellow and die. Young palm trees are vulnerable. After they reach the age of six, the sun is unable to harm them. Containers with palm trees can be safely placed on the southern and southeastern windows from May to June, and at other times it is better to shade from the midday heat.

All flower growers dream of having leaves on a palm tree neatly and evenly arranged in a circle. To do this, you should not be lazy, rotate the beauty around its axis once or twice a month.


Drops and temperature drops do not frighten plants that have stepped into the second decade. They can only withstand short-term temperature drops. A completely different picture with young Chrysalidocarpus. They fully enjoy the warm air from 22 to 25 degrees in the summer months, in winter a little lower - about 18-23 degrees, but not less than 16.

A prerequisite for proper care is the systematic ventilation of the room in the absence of drafts.

Air humidity

The room in which Chrysalidocarpus grows must necessarily be with moist air. Regular spraying is vital. Moreover, the sprayer should work both in summer and in winter. In the hot season, spray the plant at least twice a week and once every seven days in winter. Water should be soft and clean. It is important to wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. A pallet with wet pebbles will not be superfluous.


Although the exotic beauty loves well-humidified air and requires it, you should not abuse watering. Excess moisture can lead to root rot. If the soil is too dry, the leaves will begin to turn yellow. Optimal watering option:

  • spring-summer period - only when the topsoil dries up;
  • autumn-winter period - watering is halved, but the substrate should not be overdried (slightly damp).

Water for irrigation should be settled or bottled. The ideal option is rain.

The soil

For the soil, take fertile clay soil, mix with peat. Now you can safely use it for the plant. For an adult Chrysalidocarpus, you will need to add some sand and humus.

Top dressings and fertilizers

The plant must be fertilized constantly. In the spring-summer period, twice a month, and in the autumn-winter period - once. Special dressings are used for palm trees or ordinary ones for ornamental and deciduous plants of ordinary concentration. An exception is the growing season, when top dressing with microelements is carried out monthly, regardless of the time of year.

How to transplant chrysalidocarpus?

Significant stress for the palm. Therefore, when replanting, it is imperative to preserve the earthen clod. Cutting with a sharp knife is allowed only part of the roots. The drain is simply replaced. With older plants, this procedure is carried out no more than once every 3-4 years. Young palms are transshipped annually. In general, without the need, it is better not to expose Chrysalidocarpus to transplants. If the need nevertheless arose, the best time is spring. And from the dishes, the plant is completely satisfied with plastic pots.

Chrysalidocarpus transplant video:


Yellow flowers, collected in a panicle, which are replaced by dark purple fruits, many flower growers may never see. After all, at home this happens very rarely.

How fast does chrysalidocarpus grow?

Chrysalidocarpus grows slowly, the annual growth is only 15-20 cm vertically. This is an excellent choice for rooms with a small area where there is no extra free space.

Reproduction of chrysalidocarpus

The most favorable period for breeding is spring or summer. How to propagate chrysalidocarpus? Seeds and root division are two ways that Chrysalidocarpus can be propagated.

Reproduction by seeds

To begin with, the seeds are soaked using a solution of sulfuric acid or plain warm water, about 30 degrees, for 2-4 days. Then they are planted in a semi-dark room of a mini-greenhouse. The soil should be quite damp, with a temperature regime of at least +23 0 C. After a month and a half, the first shoots will appear, which are transplanted into small pots. It will be possible to admire young plants in 3-4 months.

Reproduction by basal shoots

Or, as they also call it, it can be carried out in a vegetative way at any time of the year, but April-May is better. The shoot should be separated only from the plant that already has a small root. Seedlings are planted in containers, watered, placed in a semi-dark place without drafts at high humidity and a temperature of + 20-25 0 C.

How to transplant chrysalidocarpus babies video:

Diseases and pests

Chrysalidocarpus can infect infections:

  • Helminthosporium, appearing on the leaves, forms dark spots that envelop the rim of the leaf, forming necrotic zones. It is necessary to carry out the treatment with a fungicidal solution, temporarily stop moistening and watering.
  • The worms infect palm leaves from below, from which they turn yellow. For the fight, alcohol is suitable, with which you need to wipe the leaves.
  • Another enemy is the tick. It appears as yellow dots. The first step is to raise the humidity of the air and treat the beauty with acaricide.

Chrysalidocarpus dries: why and what to do?

Butterfly palm is a chic decorative flowerpot that does not require special care in good light and humidity. But difficulties cannot be avoided.

Chrysalidocarpus leaves tips dry

Tips, edges - these are the most common problems. The first reason is the lack of humidity (dry air and substrate). As well as low temperature and mechanical damage. With such problems, you need to increase the number of sprays of the plant, remove it from the battery, and install a container with water nearby.

Chrysalidocarpus leaves turn yellow and die

The tips of the leaves can not only turn yellow, but also turn brown, and then die off. The reason may be an overabundance of top dressing, which contains fluorine, superphosphates.

The leaves become covered with brown spots if a full bouquet of unfavorable conditions is collected: a sharp temperature drop, water for irrigation is too hard or taken from the tap. If the leaves have darkened completely, this is a signal of decay. Watering must be stopped immediately.

Yellow-brown spots will tell you about a plant getting a sunburn. The palm urgently needs to be moved to partial shade. The second sign of excess lighting is the wrapping of the sheet, the appearance of straw spots on it.

Signs and superstitions about chrysalidocarpus

Sometimes people ask themselves: can the chrysalidocarpus palm be kept at home? Based on research conducted by scientists, yellowish chrysalidocarpus, along with aloe vera and chlorophytum, is able to purify the air of harmful substances, including formaldehyde and even heavy metals. Increases air humidity, enriches the air with ozone, oxygen.

For those who are fond of Feng Shui, the butterfly palm will support a favorable environment in the house. It is dual, therefore it can give positive energy and take away negative, especially from sharp corners.

This beauty can develop a sense of natural bushiness even in the smallest space. And in general, it is pleasant to take care of her, because the green color has a positive effect on the psyche, it calms.

It is also important: you should be careful with the fruits and seeds of this charm. They are poisonous! In no case should you use them for food, self-medicate. Can cause significant harm to the body!

A well-groomed, healthy indoor palm tree is a great decoration for a large room, hall or office. A large plant with rich green carved leaves will bring even the most modest dwelling a particle of the tropical atmosphere.

One of the hardiest palm trees, often found as a houseplant chrysalidocarpus. The simple home care this palm tree requires is rewarded with fast and vigorous growth.

The genus got its name from the ancient Greek words chryseus - golden and karpos - fruit. And indeed: branched inflorescences of chrysalidocarpus cover small yellow fruits. In nature, these palms can be found in Madagascar, the islands of Oceania, in the countries of Tropical Asia.

In total, about 20 species of palms belong to the genus Chrysalidocarpus. If we consider the genus Dipsis, to which chrysalidocarpus are often attributed, then this figure becomes even more impressive: botanists count 162 species in it. Among them there are monoecious and dioecious palms with smooth, hairy and thorn-covered leaves and petioles. Basically, these are quite large plants that grow quickly upwards and therefore are not suitable for indoor cultivation.

Popular varieties and plant species with photos

At home, two types of chrysalidocarpus are grown.

Chrysalidocarpus Madagascar (Chrysalidocarpus madagascariensis), also known as Dipsis Madagascar. In nature, this palm tree grows up to 9 meters; when grown indoors, it reaches a much more modest size, but, nevertheless, remains a very large plant. Single straight trunk has a ringed structure. The leaves are pinnate, the leaves of which they are collected in bunches. Their length reaches 45 centimeters. Petioles and young stems are smooth. The homeland of the plant and its habitat is Madagascar.

Chrysalidocarpus Madagascar

Chrysalidocarpus yellowish (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens), aka Dypsis yellowish (Dypsis lutescens). This plant at home reaches 2 meters in height. It belongs to the so-called reed palms, which grow in a dense dense bush, formed by young shoots plentifully extending from the roots of the mother plant.

Leaves of chrysalidocarpus yellowish pinnate, collected from 40-60 narrow lanceolate leaves about one and a half centimeters in width. As they grow, they curve in an arcuate manner, creating a sprawling lush crown.

If a palm tree likes growing conditions, their width can reach up to 80-90 centimeters, and their length can reach almost two meters. The stems and petioles of the leaves of the plant are yellowish-green (for which the palm got its species name), at an early age they are covered with a dark brown scaly shell, which comes off with time, leaving behind small black dots.

In nature, yellowish chrysalidocarpus, like its Madagascar relative, as well as many other representatives of the genus Dipsis, is found exclusively in Madagascar, being among the numerous endemics of the island.

The subtleties of caring for an exotic chrysalidocarpus palm tree at home

In order for any indoor plant to feel good, the florist must take into account the natural conditions familiar to him and create an environment close to natural for his green friend. Chrysalidocarpus , Also known as the areca, it lives in the warm, humid tropics. This is what you need to focus on.

Site selection and lighting

Chrysalidocarpus likes the bright sun. He is able to endure partial shade and even grow in conditions of constant shading, but he will become truly strong and beautiful only when he is given a bright place.

Chrysalidocarpus loves bright lighting.

However, it is better to shade it from direct sunlight. Young plants, which in nature develop in the canopy of leaves of older brothers, are afraid of the midday sun, and without light shading they will begin to turn yellow and fade. Mature palms are more tolerant of excess sun, but their leaves become discolored and lose their brightness.

In order for the crown of the palm tree to develop symmetrically, from time to time it is turned to the sun with its shaded side. You should not immediately turn the plant 180 degrees, it is better to rotate the pot a little every 2-3 weeks.

Drafts lead to wilting of the leaves, so they are best avoided.

Temperature regime

Chrysolidocarpus loves warmth and does not like sudden changes in temperature, which it never encounters in natural conditions. The most favorable for the growth and development of the plant is a constant temperature of 20-22 ° C throughout the year. It can be a little cooler in winter, when the plant is sleeping, but a decrease to 15 ° C and below is fraught with the death of the leaves, and with prolonged cool content, the death of the plant.

Mature palm trees easily cope with short-term cold snaps.

An adult strong specimen is able to survive a short-term drop in temperature to -6 ° C, and young plants will not tolerate even low positive temperatures.

Increasing the temperature to 30 ° C chrysalidocarpus tolerates without problems, even if the heat lasts a long time. But higher temperatures, like cold, lead to wilting of the leaves.

Reference. In their homeland, these palms bloom in March-April; it is almost impossible to achieve flowering under room conditions. You should not be upset about this: the flowers and fruits of chrysalidocarpus are rather inconspicuous.

Watering and air humidity for the plant

Excessive watering can lead to rotting of the root system of chrysalidocarpus

Chrysalidocarpus is afraid of overdrying, with a lack of moisture, its leaves, especially young ones, begin to dry from the tips and eventually die off.

Overflow is no less dangerous for him. Very often, plants die due to stagnant water and rotting of the roots: the grower, confused by the tropical origin of the palm tree, arranges a real swamp in a pot. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to provide the plant with good drainage and drain the water from the pan under the pot or tub a few hours after watering.

The next watering should be arranged only when the soil has time to dry. It is better not to pour water on the bases of the stems so that it does not flood into the gaps between the petioles.

Palm is demanding on water quality. Tap water that is too hard and contains a lot of chlorine can lead to a variety of diseases. Therefore, before watering it must be defended. Better yet, use rainwater or bottled water.

Like any inhabitants of the tropics, chrysalidocarpus loves moist air. Regular spraying of the leaves will allow them to show themselves in all their glory. Excessive dryness of the air will slow down their growth, young leaves will dry out at the edges, become pale and small. Therefore, in spring and summer, during the period of active growth, every 2-3 days, the plant should be “rained” with a spray bottle. In autumn and winter, the palm tree does not need frequent spraying, but you should not completely forget about it, especially if the air in the room is very dry.

As for irrigation, for spraying it is necessary to defend or buy purified water.

Soil, transplant and top dressing

Palm grows well in slightly acidic soil

The soil for chrysalidocarpus needs light, fertile, rich in humus. The plant does not tolerate alkaline soils, slightly acidic soil is the best option.

On sale you can find ready-made soils for palm trees, but it is better to make a mixture of two parts of deciduous-humus and two parts of clay-turf light earth with the addition of one part of rotted manure, one part of sand and one part of peat. It doesn't hurt to add some charcoal to it.

Like all palm trees, chrysalidocarpus has a powerful root system, the damage to which reacts very painfully. Therefore, it is better not to transplant, but to transfer the plant, keeping the old earthen ball and adding fresh soil and drainage to the new container.

Young palms cross every year, adults - once every 3-4 years.

Important. Since the roots of all palm trees grow in depth, and not in breadth, chrysalidocarpus needs a tall pot. Wide and flat containers are not suitable for it.

Chrysalidocarpus is fed once every two weeks from March to September with a complex fertilizer for ornamental foliage plants. Sometimes it is necessary to loosen the soil by watering the plant with slightly acidic solutions.

The subtleties of reproduction of the domestic palm chrysalidocarpus

Propagation of chrysalidocarpus is quite simple. Young plants in good conditions grow quickly, becoming large and beautiful.

It is most convenient to propagate chrysalidocarpus with the help of "kids"

Reproduction by seeds

Since chrysalidocarpus does not bloom in rooms, seeds cannot be obtained on their own. Finding them for sale is easy.

Seeds are soaked in a weak solution of inorganic acids or simply in warm water, and kept at a temperature of about 30 degrees for 2-3 days, after which they are planted in peat tablets or cups with light soil. It is better to keep them in a greenhouse with a temperature of 27-30 ° C. Sprouts appear after 6 weeks. A decrease in temperature leads to a slowdown in seed germination.

Vegetative way

Chrysalidocarpus abundantly gives "babies". To get a strong young plant, you need to wait until the daughter shoot acquires its own roots, and, carefully separating it from the parent, plant it in a separate pot. It is better to plant offspring during the period of active growth - in spring and summer.

Pests, diseases and possible problems

  • spider mite;
  • thrips;
  • worms;
  • whitefly.

The fight against them often requires the treatment of the entire flower collection with insecticides and acaricides.

Chrysalidocarpus can be affected by various pests

Excessive moisture causes fungal diseases and bacterial rot, and a lack of nutrients is manifested by a wide variety of symptoms: the leaves dry, discolor, and become covered with dry necrotic spots.

Timely identification and elimination of the causes of malaise will help save the plant. Chrysalidocarpus is very hardy and recovers quickly once it is provided with the right conditions.

You can get acquainted with the intricacies of palm transplantation in the video material. Enjoy watching!

At the moment, chrysalidocarpus - (Chrysalidocarpus Lutascens) - is one of the most popular plants among lovers of decorative palms.

This popularity is explained by the fact that, despite its exotic origin, chrysalidocarpus, which is not difficult to care for, is not a rather capricious plant.

Chrysalidocarpus care and features

Chrysalidocarpus belongs to the genus of areca palms. In its homeland, on the territory of the Comoros and Madagascar, this genus has twenty species. Only one of them acts as a home plant - Chrysalidocarpus yellowish.

This plant got its name because of the yellow tint of the stems. The palm leaves themselves are very juicy green. Their shape resembles feathers, and many stems that begin to branch at the rhizome make the plant voluminous and fluffy.


The maximum height that chrysalidocarpus can reach in a city apartment or office reaches one and a half to two meters.

Zamioculcas is also a beautiful flower, you can read this article about caring for it. Zmioculkas Care at home.

Chrysalidocarpus Care at home. plant location

The ideal place for keeping chryhalidocarpus in the house will be a room with windows facing south, but it is important to observe one condition here: in the summer, the plant must be covered from direct sunlight from 11 am to 3 pm.

Over time, the palm tree can be moved to rooms with a northern location, as the plant adapts perfectly to partial shade. In the first hours after buying a plant, it is not recommended to immediately expose it to the bright sun. It would be better if it gets used to the light climate of the room a little, otherwise the palm leaves will get burned.

It is necessary to regularly, (about once a week), turn the flower 180 degrees so that the symmetry of the arrangement of the leaves is preserved. Particular attention should be paid to the temperature regime of the room in which the palm tree will grow. The most comfortable chrysalidocarpus - care for which is not difficult, feels at a temperature of 18 to 23 degrees. But in the summer, these figures should be higher: 23-25 ​​degrees.

For a prosperous existence, a constant supply of fresh air is necessary. An open window or an open window will suffice. But not in the immediate vicinity, as this can lead to a decrease in the permissible temperature thresholds. You should also protect the palm tree from drafts.

Chrysalidocarpus Care. Content Rules

One of the important conditions for the proper maintenance of this plant is regular watering. In this regard, chrysalidocarpus is very capricious. In particular, the water that is best to moisten the soil should be bottled or filtered. If the use of running water is supposed to be used, then it must first be defended for a day. This is due to the fact that this plant is very sensitive to various impurities and chlorine.

Chrysalidocarpus should be watered only when the soil remains dry for one or two days. In other words, the soil in a pot with a plant should not be constantly moistened: it is necessary to wait for a slight drying. If you water the plant too often, then its roots can begin to rot and the plant dies. During watering, avoid getting water on the base of the stems. And excess water must be removed from the pan 2-3 hours after watering. Also, the soil should not be allowed to dry out.

The lack of moisture leads to the death of the leaves and the plant cannot be saved.
Chrysalidocarpus Care and watering

Like any tropical plant, chrysalidocarpus requires additional care, the most important thing is moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly, once every 2 days, spray palm leaves from a spray bottle. For this I use the same water as for irrigation - bottled or purified. Adult palm trees (4-6 years old) on hot summer days can be sprayed 1-2 times per season from the shower. But this must be done carefully, controlling the pressure of the water so that the stems and leaves are not damaged. After such moistening of the leaves, it is necessary to remove excess water.

For this, a flap of soft, well-absorbing moisture fabric is suitable. As the leaves and stems of the palm tree grow, they can dry out and must be removed with sharp scissors or a knife, cutting them off at the very base, in no case damaging the trunk of the palm tree. This will ensure the fastest growth of new, young stems. But it is worth remembering that you need to trim only completely dead leaves. And the leaves, slightly yellowed or dried up, must be left, since until a certain time they remain a source of nutrients for the whole plant.

Transplant and top dressing

With proper care, chrysalidocarpus grows very quickly and as the pot is filled with the roots of the plant, it must be transplanted. This should be done in the spring, from late March to mid-April, no more than once every 2 years. Each time, the container for transplanting palm trees should be 1-2 sizes larger.

And it is better to use tall pots for this, since the root system of chrysalidocarpus is vertical.


It is very important to provide chrysalidocarpus with additional nutrients. It is better to feed him from the beginning of March to the end of September. It is better to use a special complex fertilizer for palm trees for this. As a rule, it is liquid and is added to water for irrigation at the rate of 10 ml per 1 liter of water.

Feeding frequency - 2-3 times a month. Sometimes there is a need for foliar feeding of the plant. For this purpose, you should also use special fertilizer complexes designed for indoor plants. The need for additional fertilizer may arise when the soil for chrysalidocarpus is not properly formulated.

A properly formulated mixture for keeping this plant should include pumice, pine bark, crushed dolomite or pebbles, perlite and charcoal, taken in equal parts. The main component of the soil mixture - coarse peat - is taken in an amount equal to two parts. One tenth of bone meal is also added to this mixture.

Since the degree of soil moisture should not be too high when growing chrysalidocarpus, all components for the soil mixture should not have a soft structure, otherwise excess water during irrigation will linger in the soil, which threatens to become waterlogged.

In general, the soil for chrysalidocarpus, as for many ornamental palms, should have a neutral acidity or be acidic. Ideal pH indicators are 6.0-7.5.

Chrysolidocarpus Care and Disease

With improper care or a lack of useful trace elements, the plant may begin to wither. For example, stopping the growth of a palm tree indicates a nitrogen deficiency in the soil. Necrosis of the leaf edge, as well as the appearance of pale yellow and orange spots on older leaves, indicates a lack of magnesium and potassium.

Manganese deficiency is primarily reflected in young leaves: they do not develop quickly enough, the stems are sluggish, necrotic stripes appear on the leaves. Necrotic spots also appear with zinc deficiency.


All this indicates a high acidity of the soil. The solution to the problem is to mix a small amount of ash or lime into the soil. At the same time, you need to regularly check the acidity of the soil and ensure that the pH is below 7. Foliar fertilizers will also help solve the problem. But both do not lead to a quick result.

Often, in violation of the temperature regime, namely at low temperatures (16-17 degrees), the growth and development of the plant may slow down or stop. This leads to a slowdown in root activity, which means that nutrients do not enter the plant in full.

To solve this problem, it is necessary to provide the necessary temperature conditions for chrysalidocarpus. For several days, the soil temperature should be 25-27 degrees. Excessive watering can cause leaf edge burns. But these symptoms appear after the root system has suffered. To help the plant, you need to introduce a substrate into the soil or transplant the plant into a completely renewed soil mixture. At the same time, it is necessary to strictly monitor the volume and quality of irrigation.


Chrysalidocarpus can be propagated in two ways: by seed and by cutting off shoots.

In the first case, the seeds of the plant must be soaked in warm water for 2-3 days. Then the seeds are sown in soft peat soil. During this period, it is very important that the temperature regime be within 27-30 degrees. To do this, you can sow the seeds in a mini-greenhouse. Watering should be carried out as the soil dries up, but without waiting for it to dry out.

From the moment of sowing to the appearance of the first sprouts, most often a month and a half passes. But if the temperature regime is not observed, the germination time increases two to three times. After the appearance of the first sprouts, you can start feeding, but not more than once every three months. For this, complex liquid fertilizer for indoor plants or special fertilizer for palm trees is also used.

Calculation of fertilizer per 1 liter of water - 5 ml. Lighting for seedlings should not be too bright, diffused light is best. You can transplant seedlings into pots after the appearance of the first full-fledged stems.

The second method of propagation, vegetative, is good in that it can be used at any time of the year, while propagation by seeds can only be done in late autumn. So, only a very bushy plant is suitable for reproduction in this way. The process is removed at the very base with a thin curved knife.

It is very important not to damage the main stems. Having cut off a small process, it is cleaned of leaves and the cut site is lubricated, first it is lubricated with a fungicide, and then a root formation stimulator is applied. As for the cut on the mother plant, it must be dried for two to three days.

The shoot is planted in the substrate. It is best to use coarse sand for this. Watering should be regular, the temperature is within 27-29 degrees, the light regime is partial shade. The roots of the plant are fixed in a period of up to 3 months.