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Nadezhda Zhukova: Primer. Tutorial. Primer "Lessons of correct speech and correct thinking"

All of us in our lives, sooner or later, are faced with the need to learn to read. A lot of time has passed since the first alphabet appeared, and today there are many different methods for teaching reading. But no technique can do without a primer. We offer you the opportunity to read the primer online.

Teaching letters to preschoolers online

The purpose of this section is to introduce children to writing letters and to teach them to perceive letters by ear.

Reading words by word order - learning to read words using letters

The purpose of this section is to move from letters to reading words. Thanks to this section, children will understand how words are formed from letters.

Skim Reading

A large number of adapted and speaking texts for children.

Read the primer online with your child

The first book to read is an ABC book. The child’s interest in reading depends on the ABC book. If the first experience in mastering the alphabet is difficult and not interesting, then later you will not force the child to pick up a book.

Some tips for parents on teaching children to read:

  • You can begin to learn to read when the child’s oral speech is sufficiently developed.
  • Don't teach your children all the letters of the alphabet at once.
  • Name consonant letters exactly as they sound - by sound, and not in combination with the vowels “SE”, “TE”, “KE”….
  • Don't rush your child. All children learn differently. If you slow down on syllables, do not force your child to read more complex texts.

"A Primer Online" is not just the alphabet in pictures, it is a whole set of exercises aimed at learning letters and learning to read syllables. Having studied the first four letters (A, U, M, C), the child, in parallel with repeating the letters he has learned, becomes familiar with syllables and performs exercises for reading syllables.

Studying each individual letter of the alphabet consists of 5 exercises.

    Introducing the letter.

    Search for words starting with a given letter.

    Search for words containing a given letter.

    Search for the letter being studied among other letters.

    Determine by ear how many given letters are contained in the proposed words. For example, how many letters “A” are there in the following words: ball, ram, eggplant, etc.

We draw your attention to the fact that the basis of learning to read is not the letter, but the sound. Imagine that the child has learned the letters “correctly,” that is, as they are usually called in the alphabet (BE, VE, EN, etc.). Then, when naming letters, he will name two sounds B and E, V and E, E and N. This will make it difficult to merge sounds when reading syllables, as a result of which letter-by-letter reading will be formed. Instead of MA-MA, the child will get "eMA-eMA". Reading some polysyllabic words will become completely inaccessible to the child. It is more correct for a child to name consonant letters in a simplified manner, as we call the hard consonant sound that they represent. Not “EM”, but “M”, not “PE”, but “P”, not “HA”, but “X”...

This method of teaching letters does not mean at all that the child should not know that a letter and a sound are different concepts, that a consonant letter can mean two sounds - hard and soft. But it is not for nothing that all these concepts are included in the literacy curriculum in the first grade: to master them, sufficiently mature functions of thinking are needed - analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction. But a preschool-age child masters these mental operations only at an elementary level. The time will come and your baby will acquire knowledge of the phonetics of the language and learn the names of letters in the alphabet. In the meantime, he can learn to read without this knowledge.

"Aifolika" is an effective, exciting course in teaching reading for preschool children. It is based on a patented method for learning the letters of the Russian alphabet and reading words.

The course consists of separate applications, each of which is aimed at teaching a child to read step by step: pronouncing sounds, memorizing letters, reading syllables, reading words and reading sentences.

The technique is suitable both for children who do not know the alphabet at all, and for those kids who already have basic knowledge.

Modern children are introduced to smartphones and tablets early. And of course, first of all, children play games on them. The online reading course "Aifolika" provides an excellent opportunity to take advantage of this to teach your child to read.

Classes on the “Aifolika” course develop fine motor skills, attention, memory, logical and abstract thinking, speech skills, as well as cognitive activity, independence and creativity of the child.

Why the ABC book “Aifolika”?

In order to learn to read, so that the child’s mind performs complex mental operations: comparison, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization and concretization. By performing game exercises with our online primer, the child uses all these types of mental operations. Exercises in “Aifolika” are based on a combination of logic and association, which activates the work of both hemispheres of the baby’s brain. The methodology of the “Aifolika” course is built on this psychological basis.

When developing the course, the basic pedagogical principles were observed: consistency, accessibility, clarity, adequacy.

Techniques for teaching reading are based on the principle “from sound to letter”, starting with a phonetic block and ending with reading exercises.

The study of each letter of the alphabet consists of 18 detailed stages with game exercises aimed at correct pronunciation of the sound, memorizing and reproducing the visual image of the letter, correlating the sound with a graphic image of the corresponding letter, finding this letter among others, composing and voicing syllables with the letter being studied.

The course consists of a set of applications that include:
1. Studying letters and the sounds they represent. The announcer methodically pronounces the sounds correctly, then the child, on the instructions of the announcer, performs game exercises and repeats the sounds. The image on the screen helps the child understand the articulatory position of the lips and tongue. These are exercises such as pronouncing and singing sounds, finding various objects whose names begin with the sound being studied.

2. Memorizing the graphic representation of letters. The child learns to remember and reproduce graphic images of letters, perceive the sounds denoted by letters by ear and pronounce these sounds. Using specific game examples, the child will learn to associate the graphic image of a letter with the corresponding sound; will be able, by looking at pictures, to pronounce words and by ear determine the place of a specific sound in a word; will develop phonemic awareness, speech skills and will pronounce sounds and form the corresponding letters - from “A” to “Z”. By playing apps, your baby will learn to recognize letters by composing them from various objects, looking at pictures whose names begin with the letter being studied, matching the same and different letters, and solving interesting riddles.

3. Composing and reading syllables. In a playful way, the child learns to form open and closed syllables from already familiar (studied) letters and recognize these syllables in words. As you learn new letters of the alphabet, online ABC exercises will become more difficult. Exercises for reading syllables are introduced already on the third letter being studied.

4. Reading words. The child gradually begins to put syllables into words, moving from simple one- and two-syllable words to constructions with different types of syllables. While playing, the child will learn to associate the sound of a word with its spelling. At the stage of learning to read words, the child will become familiar with such applications as composing a word spoken by the speaker from the suggested syllables, reading words syllable by syllable, composing words based on the name of a drawn object.

5. Reading sentences. First, the child is asked to read simple sentences with words divided into syllables. Gradually the tasks become more complicated and punctuation marks are introduced. As a result, the child will learn to read simple texts consisting of several sentences.

The methods we have developed for teaching reading also contribute to the intellectual development of the child as a whole. The “Aifolika” course will be your child’s first primer, which will open up to him the magical world of books.

The course was prepared by a team of practicing teachers, philologists and psychologists, specialists in preschool education.

The ABC book technique is patented as a useful invention by Rospatent.

The course "Aifolika" is suitable for children from 3 years old.

For pilots in flight - For those in the sky At work!

For those at the stoves - No hot work!

To the tractor driver -

Glory in the field

And your job is at school.

Your work is also visible.

Honest work!

Goats and wolf.

Once upon a time there lived a goat. She had seven children. She made herself a hut in the forest. Every day the goat went into the forest for food. She leaves on her own, and tells the children to lock themselves tightly and not open the doors to anyone...

When the dog approaches the swamp, the lapwing flies off the nest and lures the dog with it. He runs in front of the dog. The dog rushes after him, wants to catch him. And the lapwing takes the dog away from its nest.

Friendly guys, they read and draw, play and sing, and live happily.

Yura and Yulia play chess:

And I know another game!

Learned son.

The son came from the city to his father in the village. The father said: “Today it’s mowing, take a rake and let’s go, help me.” But my son didn’t want to work, so he said: “I studied science, but forgot all the peasant words. What is a rake? As soon as he walked across the yard, he stepped on a rake. He grabbed his forehead and said: “And who threw the rake here?”

Let's play echo.

When you walked in the forest or to the river in the evening, you heard an echo. You screamed, but the echo answered you, and you only heard the end of the word.

Let's try to play this game.

The car is a tire.

Laughter is meh.

Scythe - wasp.

Screen - faucet.

Deer is lazy.

Across the river here and there

Someone is wandering through the bushes.

Echo, echo, is that you?

The echo answers: - You.

Where did you have lunch, sparrow?

Where did you have lunch, sparrow?

At the zoo with the animals. I had lunch first

Behind bars by a lion. Took some refreshment from the fox.

I drank some water at the walrus's. I ate carrots from an elephant.

I ate millet with the crane.

Stayed with a rhinoceros

I ate a little bran.

I went to the feast

In tailed kangaroos.

I was at a festive dinner

At the shaggy bear.

A toothy crocodile

Almost swallowed me.

The old man was planting apple trees.

He was told to:

Why do you need these apple trees? It will take a long time to wait for fruit from these apple trees, and you will not eat an apple from them.

The old man said:

I won’t eat it, others will eat it and they’ll thank me.

One is pouring, another is drinking, the third is growing.

They grow in summer, fall in autumn.

December ends the year, winter begins.

Winter guests.

Fields, forests, parks, gardens were empty. The first snow flutters like fluff. The finches left their native places.

They are cold and hungry.

Winter guests will appear soon - red-breasted bullfinches.

The children went up the mountain, took a sled, and sat astride it. The mountain was very slippery. The sled went very fast, hit other sleds and knocked out all the guys.

A. S. Pushkin.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is a great Russian writer. The whole world knows the name of Pushkin and reads his works. A.S. Pushkin is the glory and pride of our Motherland.

Do you know which Pushkin fairy tale these lines are from:

The squirrel sings songs

Yes, he keeps nibbling on nuts,

And nuts are not simple,

All the shells are golden...

The wind blows on the sea

And the boat speeds up;

He runs in the waves

With full sails...

When compiling the Primer, the author used his 30 years of experience as a speech therapist, which for the first time made it possible to combine literacy training with the prevention of writing errors that arise at school age. The primer is based on the traditional approach to teaching reading in Russian, complementing the traditional approach with an original way of teaching a child to understand the letter combination as an integral graphic element - the syllable as a unit of reading (hereinafter writing). The primer is not of an entertaining or entertaining nature; its task is to provide the child with the fastest possible mastery of reading techniques, which should give children joy and pleasure as a reward for their work. We hope that our children, having mastered reading without much difficulty, will pick up a book as an instrument of culture and a source of knowledge.
Recommended by the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation.

For more than 10 years, "Primer" N.S. Zhukova is in the TOP-50 retail sales; the total circulation of the Primer is more than 5 million copies. The author of the classic primer is a speech therapist with 30 years of experience, a candidate of pedagogical sciences. She carried out original research on the progressive processes of speech development in preschool children. "The Primer" is an example of a classic textbook that three generations of children have successfully learned from.

Should a child learn to read before school? Is it worth it, is it possible, and is it even necessary to teach a child to read if he still doesn’t really know how to speak correctly? Teachers' answers to this question vary greatly. Some people believe that learning to read should occur and is generally possible exclusively within the framework of the school curriculum. But there are a huge number of examples that refute this point of view. Many children learn to read well even in preschool age, while they go to kindergarten. Moreover, if you work with a child, if you teach him to read at an early age, then in the pace of his development he will always be ahead of his peers. We invite you to download the primer, which appeared as a result of many years of work (over 20 years) of one talented teacher and well-known child development specialist Olesya Stanislavovna Zhukova.

The experience of her work has shown simply amazing results. Even the smallest people who have just begun to speak their first words can be taught to write and read. The proposed primer contains both traditional and original author's methods, which makes it an indispensable assistant for both parents and teachers.

All kids love to learn and need to take advantage of it! Colorful, funny pictures of the ABC book will allow you to turn lessons into a desired and favorite activity for your child.

Download the ABC book for free in PDF format: