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How can you tear a girl's pleura? A condom breaks during sex: should you panic? Emergency contraceptive pills

The condom is considered one of the most reliable means of contraception. It protects against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. But what if the condom breaks in a fit of passion? Should we panic or is everything not as scary as it might seem?

Condoms often break due to poor quality. The easiest way to avoid this trouble is to buy products from trusted manufacturers.

A condom can break not only due to the fault of the manufacturer, who uses low-quality materials. This can happen for many reasons.

Reasons for condom breaking:

  • expired;
  • violation of the rules for opening the packaging (for example, it was opened with teeth and the product was accidentally touched);
  • from fat contained in creams or oils, which are often used instead of lubricants;
  • if two are put on for greater reliability, they may tear due to friction against each other;

The contraceptive remained in the vagina

If the condom breaks and remains in the vagina, what should you do then? Such situations are not uncommon. The main thing is not to panic, because panic is a bad help in any situation.

All necessary measures must be taken to remove the condom from the vagina. The only thing you need to remember: you should not try to get the contraceptive using various objects, for example, tweezers, scissors, tweezers, etc. These objects can make further removal difficult or even injure the woman.

Actions when a broken condom remains inside:

  1. Squat down, tense your pelvic muscles as much as possible and use your thumb and index finger to remove the condom.
  2. Lie on your back, press your legs to your chest, tense very hard and ask your partner to remove the contraceptive.

If these two methods do not bring results, you need to contact a gynecologist. It will quickly and safely remove the foreign body from the body.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with a condom stuck inside the vagina. There is no need to be afraid that it will get into the uterus; this will not happen. But you can’t leave it there for a long time either.

What are the risks of pregnancy?

If a condom breaks during sex before ejaculation occurs, then do not panic. If a problem in the form of a torn condom is discovered after the end of sexual intercourse, then the risk of conception is high.

If the condom breaks, but the guy does not ejaculate or the partner does not ejaculate, the risk of getting pregnant also remains, although not as great. The fact is that during sex a small amount of sperm is always released, so after unprotected intercourse you need to take pills that prevent conception.

The risk of becoming pregnant also depends on the day on which sexual intercourse was performed. The safest days are considered to be 5 days before the onset of menstruation and 5 days after it. However, you should not rely on safe days and not use a condom at all. These days do not exclude the risk of becoming pregnant.

How to avoid unwanted pregnancy:

  • rinse the vaginal walls (this is called douching), it is not effective, but it can help;
  • take special pills - .

Regardless of what measures have been taken to prevent pregnancy, it is worth visiting a doctor who will assess the situation and give the right recommendations.

How to avoid getting an STD?

The situation with a broken condom looks much worse if the partner is unfamiliar and there is no confidence in his health.

What problems may arise after unprotected sex with an unfamiliar partner:

  • genital herpes;
  • chlamydia;
  • HIV infection;
  • ureaplasmosis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • and etc.

What to do if the condom breaks in this case?

The first thing you need to do right away is go to the toilet. Urine will wash away some of the bacteria. You should also wash your genitals with soap. Women need to douche to avoid HIV and other diseases. If there are no special chemical solutions at hand, you can rinse with boiled water.

An excellent antiseptic for both women and men is a proven remedy for decades - Miramistin. This remedy is better than any pills.

All methods to prevent sexually transmitted infections must be applied immediately after sexual intercourse. They are effective only in the first couple of hours after sex. Then they will be useless.

If all existing measures to prevent infection are taken at the right time, you should still visit a venereologist (a gynecologist will not help in this case). The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests (including HIV markers) to make sure that the consequences have been avoided.

How to prevent a condom from breaking?

As practice and numerous surveys show, condoms often break. About every tenth couple. Why is this happening?

What to do to avoid this trouble, which leads not only to pregnancy, but also to more serious consequences, such as HIV and other infections?

  1. To avoid rupture, it is necessary to use water- or latex-based lubricants. The likelihood of a condom breaking directly depends on the amount of lubricant. The more it is, the less chance you have of getting into an unpleasant situation. Numerous studies have proven that in order to reduce the risk of latex rupture during sex, you need to apply lubricant both to the condom itself and to insert it into the vagina.
  2. Condom size. You can reduce the risk of rupture by choosing the right size. In addition to the fact that a smaller product can tear, it also contributes to a decrease in erection. To begin with, you should try using the standard size. If you feel discomfort, then you need to purchase another product, larger or smaller.
  3. If sexual intercourse lasts a long time, then in order to avoid breaking the condom, you should change it after half an hour of use.
  4. The condom cannot be stretched. In order to avoid trouble, it is necessary to roll out the condom on the penis, and not stretch it. Any tension greatly increases the risk of rupture.
  5. You cannot use two condoms at once. Because two condoms are much more likely to break than one. They can tear due to friction against each other.
  6. Proper storage. Humidity, increased heat and direct sunlight all cause condoms to break. The question automatically disappears: is it possible to store contraceptives in a trouser pocket, car glove compartment or wallet. The answer is no.
  7. Air must be removed before use. Often when putting on a condom, air accumulates in it. It must be removed from there, otherwise rupture of the contraceptive during sex is almost guaranteed.

When a condom breaks, it's not such a tragedy. If partners do not intend to have a child, then it is important to take all necessary measures in time to prevent conception. In order not to worry about contracting infections, you need to avoid sex with untested partners.

The bridle is an elastic fold of leather, longitudinal in shape. It is located on the lower part of the penis and is designed to “return” the skin to the head of the penis after it has been exposed.

The bridle has good extensibility. With a normal length, it does not cause any trouble to its owner. According to some estimates, shortened one occurs in 30% of cases. During sexual intercourse, due to intense movements, the shortened frenulum may tear or tear completely.

when the frenulum ruptures

If you have a penis, the main thing is not to panic, but to immediately begin providing yourself with first aid. First, you need to treat the wound and stop the bleeding. A cotton swab and hydrogen peroxide solution work well for this. It kills bacteria and bacteria well, unlike alcohol-containing drugs (vodka, brilliant green, etc.).

Using the latter can lead to loss of sensitivity and burns of the skin on the penis, which has many nerve endings. The frenulum is well supplied with blood, so when it ruptures there is long bleeding, sometimes up to several hours. That is why after treating the wound with peroxide, it is necessary to apply a gauze bandage. Don't forget to leave a hole for urination.

Further care

When the bleeding has stopped, the bandage can be removed. Don't be alarmed by a burning sensation when you empty your bladder - this is normal with this injury. Over the next few days, you need to make baths with manganese. Of course, you should abstain from sex for 7-14 days.

Visit to the doctor

This step is necessary because the healed frenulum scars, becomes even shorter and will cause you a lot of inconvenience. These include pain during sexual intercourse, possible repeated impulses, and the likelihood of contracting an infection through an open bloodstream. Also, due to strong tension, premature ejaculation and inability to have long-term intimate relationships are possible.

Because of the fear of a second impulse, a man may restrain himself in his movements, and sexual intercourse will be constrained. Fortunately, a good andrologist can fix this. Remember: if you have torn the frenulum of the penis, this is not a life sentence.

What does modern medicine do in this case? A simple operation under local anesthesia, lasting 30 minutes, allows you to restore and lengthen the frenulum of the penis. This is achieved by making transverse cuts along the entire length of the frenulum. Due to the holes formed, the bridle is extended in length. Then it is sutured longitudinally with cosmetic sutures without scars.

After two weeks you can already have sex. And don’t let a feeling of shame or some psychological issues prevent you from being healthy in this area.

The frenulum of the male penis is a leathery fold that connects the top of the head of the penis to the foreskin. As a rule, in men from birth the frenulum is elastic and quite stretchable. However, if it is too short and inelastic, there is a fairly high chance of it breaking.

Causes of frenulum rupture

If in a man, this could happen due to congenital causes or due to failure to comply with safety rules during sexual intercourse. This pathology occurs in approximately 20% of the stronger sex.

The causes of frenulum rupture may be:
- intense sex;
- short frenulum from birth;
- ;
- insufficient hydration of the partner.

During an erection, the frenulum pulls the skin off and exposes it. Also, this leathery fold curves downward for better contact with the walls of the woman’s vagina. If the frenulum is not long enough, it becomes problematic to completely expose the head of the penis. This negatively affects the process of sexual intercourse.

The frenulum of the penis is torn: what to do

It is in the frenulum of the penis that lymphatic and blood vessels pass through which it is supplied with blood. That is why when this fold is damaged there is so much blood.

If the frenulum ruptures during intercourse, it is necessary to immediately stop friction and reduce the erection, which will stop the bleeding. Press the torn fold tightly against the head of the penis with your fingers. This must be done for 5-10 minutes, thanks to this action the blood should stop.

Treat the wound with some antiseptic. It is best to use hydrogen peroxide for this. Upon contact with blood, it begins to foam, killing all microbes, and the bleeding itself stops.

Please note: alcohol-containing products, such as alcohol or vodka, should not be used to disinfect this area. They can cause skin burns, which is most dangerous for the penis. In addition, if you use alcohol, the sensitivity of the head may decrease, which is why sex will no longer be enjoyable.

After washing the wound with an antiseptic, it is necessary to bandage the penis with a bandage (but not tightly!), making sure to leave a hole. The diameter of the latter should be sufficient for urination, so that emptying the bladder occurs without any problems, and the urine itself does not get on the wound.

Then consult a urologist as soon as possible. Experts do not recommend delaying going to the doctor: at the site of damage to the frenulum, a thick scar usually appears, which shortens it even more. This means that new, even more painful ruptures are possible. In addition, such damage, if left untreated, can also cause curvature of the head of the penis and premature ejaculation.

The hymen (pleura, hymen) is a fold at the border between the entrance and the vaginal cavity, covered with a mucous membrane, containing fibrous connective tissue, individual bundles of muscle tissue and elastic fibers. Each girl has individual, unique features of the hymen. Their hymen varies in thickness, density, elasticity, height, shape, individual characteristics of the form, the presence of natural notches and their location, the size of the hymenal opening and the number of openings themselves; differs in surface relief, the state of the free edge, and the degree of extensibility.

At different age periods, a significant restructuring of the connective tissue base of the hymen occurs, followed by (at the age of over 20-22 years) compaction of the base and a decrease in the number of elastic fibers, which leads to a decrease in the extensibility of the hymen as a whole. Therefore, at a young age (from 14 to 20 years), damage to the hymen, rupture with a violation of its integrity during defloration occurs more easily and with less blood loss than at an older age. There are often cases when during sexual intercourse only partial occurs, i.e. incomplete, rupture of the hymen.

The finger of the hand, compared to the size of the erect penis, has a much smaller diameter, so it can usually penetrate the vagina without injuring the hymen. However, in some cases, for example, with certain variants of the structure of the hymen, there is a high probability of stretching or independent damage to the hymen during such a manual experiment.


  • Sexual intercourse (voluntary or forced);
  • Injuries in the area of ​​the external genitalia;
  • Introduction of foreign objects;
  • Masturbation;
  • Petting;
  • Gynecological manipulations (by negligence or according to indications);
  • Some sports (gymnastics, equestrianism, cycling, etc.);
  • Insertion of hygienic tampons of inappropriate diameter;
  • Depraved acts by third parties.

Therefore, if the question of whether the hymen is intact and how to tear it without pain is of great importance to you, you can verify its integrity or damage only by contacting our specialist for a gynecological examination. Virginity test: how to pass?

If the hymen is damaged in one way or another, but its presence is necessary, everything can be corrected. The specialists of our clinic have more than 15 years of experience in this area and have performed hundreds of successful operations to eliminate its rupture. By making an appointment and coming for a consultation with a gynecologist - a specialist in intimate surgery, you will discuss the problem that concerns you and find out the most optimal way to solve it.


There is another reason for applying for surgery. After destruction, the hymen may not look very beautiful: its remains in the form of elongated papillae stick out, one of the halves of the torn hymen may protrude more or less significantly from the genital slit, especially with some variants of the individual structure. This condition is usually not a medical indication for correction, but often causes psychological discomfort in a girl during certain moments of intimacy.

Therefore, if you do not like the way the hymen looks after rupture, defloration, childbirth, etc., you can do simple manipulations to correct its edges and/or remove remnants. After a few days, your vagina will appear in a completely different light for both you and your sexual partner!


Want to know how to break a hymen?

  • Make an appointment with a specialist,
  • At the reception, discuss the situation,
  • Find out a way to solve the problem.

The site is a medical portal for online consultations of pediatric and adult doctors of all specialties. You can ask a question on the topic "how the hymen breaks" and get a free online doctor’s consultation.

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Questions and answers on: how the hymen breaks

2008-01-08 02:02:38

Lara asks:

A week ago, my boyfriend and I had sex for the first time. It was very painful for me when I was torn hymen but I didn’t notice how it happened and I don’t know if there was any blood at all, because during this process my period started... although it was pleasant at times, after this we made love a couple more times, but I get very painful the feeling is in the middle. It’s already been a week.. I love my boyfriend very much and I really want both of us to have the most enjoyable sex experience. And I don’t know what to do. I can’t stand this pain, maybe I should go to the doctor? please advise me something.
Thank you

Answers Karapetyan Eliz Martinovna:

Good afternoon
It is well known that sexual relations during menstruation are strictly prohibited. During menstruation, the inner surface of the uterus is an open wound, and the mucous plug, which prevents infection from entering the vagina into the uterus on other days of the cycle, is washed away with blood and secretions. This could be the reason for the significant pain that you experienced during the first and repeated attempts at sexual intercourse. In addition, it is recommended to return to sexual intercourse after defloration no earlier than after several (5-7) days.
Sexual intercourse at the initial stage of sexual life should be started carefully, since, even without taking into account the pain in the area of ​​the broken hymen, movements of the penis in the vagina can be painful in the absence of a sufficient amount of lubricant to reduce friction. This lubricant is released involuntarily, as a result of a woman’s sexual arousal, and arousal at first may be absent or insufficient.
To make sure that everything is fine with you, that an inflammatory process has not developed due to sexual intercourse during menstruation, it is really better for you to visit a doctor. In the future, don’t rush, everything will get better with time.
And don’t forget about contraception if you are not planning a pregnancy in the near future.
You can find a lot of interesting things on topics that interest you. Good luck to you!

2014-08-01 12:34:15

Maria asks:

Good afternoon I am 20 years old, I lost my virginity at 19, this was the first and last time (after that I never had sex). I know that there was a partial rupture of the hymen. I went through a medical examination to get a job; when examining a gynecologist, the doctor used mirrors; she ignored my words about one time and an incomplete rupture, and said that she had chosen smaller mirrors. It was terribly painful, I felt as if something was tearing. After the examination, when I came home, I independently examined my genitals and noticed that the entrance to the vagina had become much larger and a gap was visible. I feel discomfort inside. And I really wanted there to be at least a partial rupture of the hymen. I was terribly upset and even burst into tears, it was very disappointing. Tell me, did the doctor do the right thing and what should I do now?


Hello Maria! You are in vain focusing on the condition of the hymen and worrying about this issue. Once you have already had sexual intercourse, you are no longer a virgin, and in this situation the size of the tear in the hymen does not matter at all. If, nevertheless, the condition of the hymen is critical for you, contact an intimate plastic surgery specialist and schedule surgical restoration of the hymen (hymenoplasty). Take care of your health!

2010-03-13 13:15:22

Dmitry asks:

I have the following questions:
1) My girlfriend and I have already had sex many times, but her hymen has not ruptured, how can this be explained (I am her first, 100%)? During intercourse, my penis does not fully erect, this could be the reason that the hymen does not break?
2) If for some reason the hymen is missing, then what sensations should the girl have?
3) When I insert my penis completely, she feels a little pain, what is this? Will it always be like this?

Answers Medical consultant of the website portal:

Dmitry, how did you find out that the hymen remained intact? If you made such conclusions only because the girl did not bleed after her first sexual experience, then this is not an absolute indicator of virginity. I suggest you read the article. All the best!

2009-12-03 15:35:56

Zhanna asks:

Please tell me how you can still numb the hymen so that the rupture would be less painful? After all the painful attempts at sexual intercourse, I experience severe pain, but the hymen does not break (((. Maybe there are some pain-relieving ointments or tablets. And if you pour novocaine on the hymen, will there be any effect or do you have to inject it??? Thanks for the answer.

Answers Shevchenko Venera Nadirovna:

Hello, Zhanna! You didn't indicate your age. Before deciding on pain relief, it is necessary to evaluate the structure of the hymen. In some cases, when the dense and fleshy hymen ruptures, large blood loss is possible. To make it easier for some girls to begin sexual activity, medical specialists make a small incision to enlarge the opening in the hymen. Perhaps the reason lies not in the structure of the hymen, but there is a psychological problem - vaginismus (involuntary contraction of the muscles of the vaginal walls). Therefore, I advise you to discuss this problem with a gynecologist, who, after examining the vulva, will give you the right recommendations. Be healthy!

The site is a medical portal for online consultations of pediatric and adult doctors of all specialties. You can ask a question on the topic "Is it possible to damage the hymen with a finger" and get a free online doctor’s consultation.

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Questions and answers on: can a finger damage the hymen?

2008-01-17 23:33:40

Asks Sad sun!:

I had the following problem: I didn’t have sex, so I was confident that my hymen was intact. But my boyfriend inserted his finger into me while having oral sex, and I didn’t feel any discomfort and he didn’t have any obstacles either, so he began to doubt that I had a hymen... I’ve used a tampon once in my life, maybe that’s the reason? And is it possible to avoid damaging the hymen by inserting a finger? there was no blood either...And can a doctor confirm the absence of sexual intercourse if it is disrupted? Help me please!

Answers Karapetyan Eliz Martinovna:

Good afternoon Due to the fact that the hymen is quite stretchable, it is difficult to say for sure whether you are a virgin or not without examination. In addition, the hymen can have different shapes (oval, triangular, semilunar, etc.), it can be underdeveloped, it can be completely absent or have large holes in it. Theoretically, insertion of tampons and masturbation could damage the hymen. When the hymen ruptures, in 90% of cases bloody discharge and pain appear; if you have not had any discharge, perhaps the hymen is not yet damaged. Or you are one of the remaining 10% of the lucky ones. If the issue of the integrity of the hymen is of fundamental importance to you, contact a gynecologist for an examination; the doctor will pay sufficient attention to any of your questions and, believe me, will not be surprised by anything. Be healthy!

2009-11-19 22:37:13

Svetlana asks:

Please tell me, is it possible to have first sexual intercourse without blood and pain? The fact is that during the first sexual intercourse I had no pain or blood. Before this, I had not had intimate relationships and I did not use tampons, so in my opinion I could not damage the hymen in any way. True, there is one “but”: my sexual partner inserted his finger into me, and when he did it for the first time, it was very painful for me. Tell me, is it possible to lose my virginity with my finger and if not, then why didn’t I bleed the first time?

2008-04-01 16:42:30

Anton asks:

Hello. My girlfriend and I are still virgins (but we are already adults). While we are doing petting. She uses tampons and recently I inserted my finger into her vagina. I didn't feel much resistance. She also said it was nice. Is it possible to damage the hymen in this way? Is it possible to insert a finger if the girl is still a virgin?

Answers Karapetyan Eliz Martinovna:

Hello. The hymen can be damaged by aggressive actions in the area. If treated with care, it is problematic to cause harm to it, since it is quite elastic and stretchable. As for the insertion of the finger, firstly, it must be clean so as not to cause any infection and, secondly, it should not contain your sperm in order to avoid the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy. Virginity does not protect against pregnancy in any way.

2008-10-25 20:37:30

Andrey asks:

Hello. My girlfriend and I had sex, she is a virgin. The caresses took place a week ago, there was no sperm, lubricant was released, it could have gotten into the vagina from my fingers, the hymen was not damaged. Now the girl has a delay of about 2-3 days. What is the chance of pregnancy? The girl is 18 years old. What do you advise? Can I already use a pregnancy test? And what is the chance of getting it right? Thank you.

Answers Karapetyan Eliz Martinovna:

Good day, Andrey! A test won't hurt. If sperm gets into the vagina (and the lubricant contains sperm), pregnancy is possible.

2007-12-07 17:46:17

Olga asks:

Hello! I’m 17 years old. I haven’t had sex with my boyfriend, but after the next... I don’t know what you can call it, simulated games, something started sticking out of my labia a little... I’m just in horror!!! And about virginity... I’m already starting to doubt it!.. I just didn’t expect this from myself!!! I didn’t EXPECT IT!!! So... this “something” came out a little from the inside, but it doesn’t hurt. ..what could it be? The remnant of a torn hymen? Although I didn’t see it at all, or what? Maybe he hurt me with his fingers? I repeat: it doesn’t hurt... I just feel discomfort... And also, when I read that the hymen is located 2-3 cm from the outer labia... I’m just hysterical! This is the 1st time this has happened to me! Maybe it’s nothing?