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You have this opportunity. Where is my runway? Yu.a. Fomin, academician Rnan

Many people don't realize that America is not only entering a new year, but within the next month we will also be entering a new economic era. At the beginning of February, Janet Yellen is going to leave the chair of the Federal Reserve Chairman, and she will be replaced by a new candidate for the post of head of the American monetary regulator, Jerome Powell. Now, to clarify the rest of the narrative, the Fed Chairman does not, together with the governors of the Reserve Banks, shape central bank policy. The policies of most central banks around the world are dictated by the Bank for International Settlements, based in Switzerland. Fed chairmen such as Janet Yellen are mere puppets carrying out the policy initiatives they specify. This is why we see central banks around the world now acting in unison, first providing stimulus and then tightening monetary policy.

However, it should be noted that each new Fed chairman typically signals a new shift in central bank policy. For example, Alan Greenspan chaired the Fed during a phase of low interest rates and easy money, which created market conditions favorable for derivatives and a credit bubble, resulting in a massive crash in 2008. Ben Bernanke oversaw the stimulus and bailout phase, and he flooded the markets with massive amounts of fiat money and engineered another larger bubble in stocks, bonds, and virtually every other asset except perhaps some commodities. Janet Yellen presided over a tightening phase in which stimulus was gradually tapered off while keeping the stock market euphoric.

Now is the era of Jerome Powell, who will oversee the final stages of monetary tightening, a shrinking Fed balance sheet, faster economic growth, and the final collapse of the “everything bubble.”

As I warned before Trump won the election in 2016, there will inevitably be an economic crisis during Trump's presidency, a development that will be facilitated by the Federal Reserve cutting off the power to the life support machine that has maintained the illusion of economic recovery over the past several years. It is important to note that the mainstream media consistently refers to Jerome Powell as “Trump's nominee” for the Fed or as “Trump's Pick” (as if the president actually has much choice in the list of candidates for Fed chairman). Public opinion is being shaped to view Powell as a member of the Trump administration.

This statement is an absolute lie. Powell and the Fed are autonomous from the government.

As Alan Greenspan openly admitted several years ago, the Fed is not accountable to the government and can act independently and without oversight.

So why is Powell being portrayed by the mainstream media as some kind of Trump agent? Because Trump, and ultimately all the conservatives who support him, will have to take the blame when the “everything bubble” destroys our financial fabric. Jerome Powell is the “Trump guy” at the Fed; therefore, any actions taken by Powell to destroy the economic recovery narrative will also be linked to the Trump administration.

But is there any confidence that Powell will drive the final nail into the coffin of “economic recovery”? Yes. Last Friday, the Fed finally released transcripts of its 2012 monetary policy meetings, and the transcripts included some interesting admissions from Powell himself. After reading these transcripts, I am fully convinced that Powell is the man who will serve as the central banker during the final phase of the US collapse.

Here are some of Powell's most surprising quotes from these transcripts, along with my comments on them. These quotes are further evidence to support my position regarding the Fed creating the biggest bubble in human history:

Powell: I have concerns about more purchases. As some here have noted, the dealer community now believes the balance sheet will be around $4 trillion and purchases will continue through the end of the first quarter of 2014. I admit that this is a much stronger reaction than I expected, and I feel uncomfortable for several reasons.

First, the question: why stop at $4 trillion? The market will likely push us to do even more. The market will never have enough. Our models will always tell us that we are helping the economy, and I will probably always feel that those benefits are overestimated. And we will be able to tell ourselves that the function of markets is not weakened and inflation expectations are under control. What can stop us other than much faster economic growth, which we probably cannot bring about?

Commentary: By all indications, the Fed has done more, MUCH more. Including QE3, various stimulus packages and consistently low interest rates for many years. The Fed essentially came to the rescue every time stock markets indicated an intention to return to their natural state of decline. Powell is fairly honest in his assessment, saying that these palliative measures are in fact temporary, and that the Fed cannot generate real economic growth to maintain the market optimism that its intervention has created. He openly states that markets will only remain optimistic if they have confidence that the Fed will continue its interventions.

This is probably why it took almost six years before these transcripts were published.

Powell: When the time comes to start selling or even stop buying, the market response can be quite strong. There is every reason to expect a strong response. So there are several ways to look at the situation. $1.2 trillion. sales, you spread over 60 months, you get about $20 billion a month. This is a completely doable thing. At least that's how it looks in the market, where the norm by the middle of next year will be $80 billion per month. On the other hand, it's not so much about the sales and the timing of those sales, but about reducing our short position in volatility.

Commentary: And here we have a shocking admission from Powell, clarifying his previous thesis about a “strong response” being nothing more than a market reversal or bubble burst. He even acknowledges the existence of a “Fed short position in volatility.” This explains the strange behavior of the VIX index, which has dropped to record lows as “someone” continuously shorts it, thereby preventing any decline in the markets.

This intervention in the VIX caused an aberration - artificially induced market calm and investor confidence. This kind of overconfidence, when optimism turns into mania, has been observed before. In fact, the end of the Greenspan era is remembered for the same excessive optimism. And such an obsession always ends the same way - with a crisis.

I would also like to mention here that I found some misinformation in statements made by Powell in 2012 when he claimed that specifically “he was not talking about stock markets.” But this is not so, and you will see this by reading his other statements. But to capture this point, here's a quote from another Fed official, Richard Fisher, who let it slip:

What the Fed did, and I was part of this group, is that we launched a huge market rally starting in 2009.

This is what I call the “reverse wimp factor” - give me two hamburgers today instead of one hamburger tomorrow.

I warned my colleagues: “Don't freak out if at some point we have a 10-20% correction... Everyone you talk to... warned that these markets are greatly overvalued. [Regarding interest rate increases]

So what happens when the Fed stops shorting volatility and stops providing easy money to markets? I think Powell and Fisher just told you what will happen, but let's continue.

Powell: My third concern - and others have also raised this topic - is the challenges of shrinking a $4 trillion balance sheet. We've had a set of principles since June 2011 and we've done some work since then, but I think we may be overly confident that the balance sheet reduction can be done smoothly. Markets can be much more dynamic than we think.

When you turn around and say to the market, “I have $1.2 trillion. these things,” and it's not just $20 billion a month - it's the spectacle of all the events that are coming. And I think there's a pretty good chance that you'll get a pretty dynamic response in the market.

After waiting out the first series of tremors, immediately leave the building! What is there!

The faster you react to danger, the greater your chances of salvation. Very often, tragedy occurs only because people think for too long about whether to crawl under the table or not, whether it will be decent or indecent. The fear of looking funny turns out to be stronger than the feeling of fear at first! And in vain! Moments are lost in thought, often equal to life itself. If the earthquake doesn’t happen, you and everyone else will laugh at the funny misunderstanding, and if a catastrophe happens, praise yourself a hundred times for being reinsurance. The same can be said about cases where disaster finds you in bed, the bathroom or other non-public places.

Don’t waste time getting dressed, frantically searching for and fastening countless toilet items - save yourself as you are, grabbing at the last moment a piece of any fabric that comes to hand (curtain, tablecloth, etc.). It is better to be not fully dressed, but alive, than to be perfectly dressed, but dead. Neighbors and relatives will more easily bear your original appearance than your untimely death. Take my word for it, this is very serious, one can only imagine how many thousands of people doomed themselves to death for this reason during earthquakes, fires, shipwrecks and similar incidents.

When moving inside a building, including on stairs, run along the walls. Cover your head with any available object - a thick book, a board, a pot, a frying pan, a plastic “diplomat”, a portable receiver, etc., wrap it with cloth, put on a winter hat, or better yet, two hats at once.

It is very important to turn off your emotions during a disaster. The element of an earthquake puts the greatest pressure on a person’s psyche through hearing. Most often, earthquakes are accompanied by a strong roar and, of course, the sound of breaking dishes, glass, creaking and grinding furniture, the roar of falling things, screams of horror, and the groans of dying people. Be prepared for this! Do not react to new and new sounds. It is pointless and dangerous to look back at the roar and ringing, observing more and more destruction. We must save ourselves!

The picture of the disaster and the extent of the destruction can be established later.

Do not provoke fear and panic in others. Speak in a loud, but even and calm voice, give commands in short, clearly interpretable phrases. Under stressful conditions, a person perceives not so much words as the confident tone and external calm of the speaker.

Usually the first tremors of an earthquake last only a few seconds. After they stop, you must leave the building, especially if the walls are cracked or askew.

Once outside, you should move away from houses and structures that may collapse. You should only be in the middle of streets and courtyards, under no circumstances go under overhangs (balconies, cornices, hanging debris), and do not get close to electrical wires lying on the ground or hanging down.

If possible, you should take with you from home documents, money, medicines, warm and waterproof clothes or a large piece of plastic film, blankets, canned food, a supply of water, which can be found in the toilet tank if the water supply is damaged, a flashlight, a portable receiver, to listen to messages broadcast by your local station.

In summer, due to the threat of epidemics caused by the decomposition of human and animal corpses, it is advisable to take rubber boots and similar gloves with you.

Immediately after you find yourself on the street, you must begin providing first aid to the victims. Get started as quickly as possible! Medical statistics claim that in such large-scale disasters, out of every thousand victims, an average of twenty people die every hour! That is why assistance provided in the first minutes after an earthquake is most effective. At the same time, people with heavy bleeding and blockage of the respiratory tract require the greatest attention. If you don't help them, they will die first.

In this regard, a warning:

Before you walk or enter anywhere, look around carefully and make sure that you are not in danger. In houses, be sure to check the strength of stairs. Protect your head.

When looking for a safe place, you should not move towards dangerous industries that you know! It’s better on the contrary - from them. To avoid possible chemical, radiation or other.

Try to avoid valleys behind reservoir dams. Sea coasts due to the danger of tsunami waves.

Want to impress your friends with the news that you are now driving a rear-wheel drive, rear-engine turbocharged coupe? You have such an opportunity, and Yegor Bykovsky is exploring it.

Do you think we treated you to such a forced joke in the subtitle? I thought so too at first. Who would expect outstanding speed achievements from a tiny city car of the “microbial” class? Is it just some naive neophyte, but we’ve driven hundreds of cars, we can’t be fooled by marketing fairy tales!

At first, it really seemed like there was no lazier and slower car in the world than this third-generation Smart, which underwent another small facelift in 2012 and at the same time finally came to Russia. What kind of steering wheel is this? Where is the amplifier? If you can still turn the steering wheel in traffic, like on any other modern car, then on the spot it becomes heavy, and in the sand it is almost impossible to turn it at all. What kind of brake pedal is this? It’s so hard to push through, as if I got into a car forty years ago.

What about the gas pedal? Does it perform any actions when pressed or is it here for beauty? And why, if you remove your foot from it, the car immediately starts to slow down, as if the car is electric and the recovery has started? What kind of gearbox is this anyway? Why does the car nod convulsively when changing gears, as if its tail was being pulled?

And two days later, suddenly the scales fell from my eyes and enlightenment descended on me. And I always wanted to drive a Smart car. At least in the city. It was like that. Smart with me inside stood at the traffic light third in the second row. I just turned off automatic gear shifting. The yellow light came on, we gradually began to roll forward, and I asked for the turn signal to move into the left lane. The Land Cruiser standing nearby politely slowed down to let the baby pass. At the same time, the driver of the Kruzak smiled mockingly, and his passenger was already jumping up on the seat with joy, gesticulating, and even with the windows closed, it seemed to me, his perky voice could be clearly heard: “Oh, a microbe has entered the left lane! Cool! He's slower than a snail! Let him through, and then you’ll hit him with a long shot!”

And then I suddenly felt offended. His foot sharply pressed the gas, Smart, nodding slightly at the start, flicked his headlights up and jumped into the left lane, like a rubber ball that had been kicked well from behind. Out of surprise, I decided to go to the right and changed lanes back, but already in front of Mazda, which a second ago was standing at the traffic light in front of me. The engine beneath me roared like a big one, but on the steering wheel, which suddenly became calm and clear, there were no reactive moments characteristic of front-wheel drive cars during acceleration. “Well, it’s rear-wheel drive!” - the thought, wobbling, slipped somewhere in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe left ear and disappeared from behind, unable to keep up. On the left there was already a Mondeo, which two seconds ago stood in front of the Land Cruiser. Filled with desperate joy, I turned the steering wheel to the left, cheerfully jumped into the gap in front of the Mondeo, and immediately right again, in front of the Vectra (the one in front of the Mazda). And now I’m already racing at the head of the peloton, and those who were just ahead are gradually disappearing in the rearview mirrors. The tachometer needle, shaking passionately, exceeded 6000 rpm (by the way, before there were no tachometers in Smarts, but now there are).

Four seconds have passed since the start from the traffic light. And it was time to switch to second gear. So I did. However, no, not me: this was done by a completely different person, who already knew that Smart is the driver’s car, you can get serious pleasure from driving around the city if you know how. And the fact that a few minutes later I was overtaken by all those whom I had just so cleverly beaten at the start (proving urbi et orbi that they were still wow, and the microbe was just lucky by chance), no longer mattered.

And then there was a lot more, and other impressions appeared, but the main thing could not be changed - I saw the face of this car and I liked it. What else happened? Traveling out of town, for example. Strong wind and speed of 130 km/h. Given the speed of the car and the wind, I recommend that future testers learn to blink their eyes one at a time so as not to be distracted from the road. But I had so much adrenaline only once, when in a test Porsche I accidentally sneezed heavily at a speed of over 200 and at the end of the sneeze I discovered that in a couple of microseconds I managed to change lanes. There was a trip to the store, and it turned out that 150 liters of juice fit into the trunk (and almost as much more would fit).

Smart’s main problem is that he is not who he wants to seem. This is not a tiny machine for a housewife with intuitive controls. It's actually quite a beefy (and expensive) device for those who understand. However, there are a lot of them too.

Many people don't realize that America is not only entering a new year, but within the next month we will also be entering a new economic era. At the beginning of February, Janet Yellen is going to leave the chair of the Federal Reserve Chairman, and she will be replaced by a new candidate for the post of head of the American monetary regulator, Jerome Powell. Now, to clarify the rest of the narrative, the Fed Chairman does not, together with the governors of the Reserve Banks, shape central bank policy. The policies of most central banks around the world are dictated by the Bank for International Settlements, based in Switzerland. Fed chairmen such as Janet Yellen are mere puppets carrying out the policy initiatives they specify. This is why we see central banks around the world now acting in unison, first providing stimulus and then tightening monetary policy.

However, it should be noted that each new Fed chairman typically signals a new shift in central bank policy. For example, Alan Greenspan chaired the Fed during a phase of low interest rates and easy money, which created market conditions favorable for derivatives and a credit bubble, resulting in a massive crash in 2008. Ben Bernanke oversaw the stimulus and bailout phase, and he flooded the markets with massive amounts of fiat money and engineered another larger bubble in stocks, bonds, and virtually every other asset except perhaps some commodities. Janet Yellen presided over a tightening phase in which stimulus was gradually tapered off while keeping the stock market euphoric.

Now is the era of Jerome Powell, who will oversee the final stages of monetary tightening, a shrinking Fed balance sheet, faster economic growth, and the final collapse of the “everything bubble.”

As I warned before Trump won the election in 2016, there will inevitably be an economic crisis during Trump's presidency, a development that will be facilitated by the Federal Reserve cutting off the power to the life support machine that has maintained the illusion of economic recovery over the past several years. It is important to note that the mainstream media consistently refers to Jerome Powell as “Trump's nominee” for the Fed or as “Trump's Pick” (as if the president actually has much choice in the list of candidates for Fed chairman). Public opinion is being shaped to view Powell as a member of the Trump administration.

This statement is an absolute lie. Powell and the Fed are autonomous from the government.

As Alan Greenspan openly admitted several years ago, the Fed is not accountable to the government and can act independently and without oversight.

So why is Powell being portrayed by the mainstream media as some kind of Trump agent? Because Trump, and ultimately all the conservatives who support him, will have to take the blame when the “everything bubble” destroys our financial fabric. Jerome Powell is the “Trump guy” at the Fed; therefore, any actions taken by Powell to destroy the economic recovery narrative will also be linked to the Trump administration.

But is there any confidence that Powell will drive the final nail into the coffin of “economic recovery”? Yes. Last Friday, the Fed finally released transcripts of its 2012 monetary policy meetings, and the transcripts included some interesting admissions from Powell himself. After reading these transcripts, I am fully convinced that Powell is the man who will serve as the central banker during the final phase of the US collapse.

Here are some of Powell's most surprising quotes from these transcripts, along with my comments on them. These quotes are further evidence to support my position regarding the Fed creating the biggest bubble in human history:

Powell: I have concerns about making more purchases. As some here have noted, the dealer community now believes the balance sheet will be around $4 trillion and purchases will continue through the end of the first quarter of 2014. I admit that this is a much stronger reaction than I expected, and I feel uncomfortable for several reasons.

First, the question: why stop at $4 trillion? The market will likely push us to do even more. The market will never have enough. Our models will always tell us that we are helping the economy, and I will probably always feel that those benefits are overestimated. And we will be able to tell ourselves that the function of markets is not weakened and inflation expectations are under control. What can stop us other than much faster economic growth, which we probably cannot bring about?

A comment: By all indications, the Fed has done more, MUCH more. Including QE3, various stimulus packages and consistently low interest rates for many years. The Fed essentially came to the rescue every time stock markets indicated an intention to return to their natural state of decline. Powell is fairly honest in his assessment, saying that these palliative measures are in fact temporary, and that the Fed cannot generate real economic growth to maintain the market optimism that its intervention has created. He openly states that markets will only remain optimistic if they have confidence that the Fed will continue its interventions.

This is probably why it took almost six years before these transcripts were published.

Powell: When the time comes to start selling or even stop buying, the market response can be quite strong. There is every reason to expect a strong response. So there are several ways to look at the situation. $1.2 trillion. sales, you spread over 60 months, you get about $20 billion a month. This is a completely doable thing. At least that's how it looks in the market, where the norm by the middle of next year will be $80 billion per month. On the other hand, it's not so much about the sales and the timing of those sales, but about reducing our short position in volatility.

A comment: And here we have a shocking admission from Powell, clarifying his previous thesis about a “strong response” being nothing more than a market reversal or bubble burst. He even acknowledges the existence of a “Fed short position in volatility.” This explains the strange behavior of the VIX index, which has dropped to record lows as “someone” continuously shorts it, thereby preventing any decline in the markets.

This intervention in the VIX caused an aberration - artificially induced market calm and investor confidence. This kind of overconfidence, when optimism turns into mania, has been observed before. In fact, the end of the Greenspan era is remembered for the same excessive optimism. And such an obsession always ends the same way – in a crisis.

I would also like to mention here that I found some misinformation in statements made by Powell in 2012 when he claimed that specifically “he was not talking about stock markets.” But this is not so, and you will see this by reading his other statements. But to capture this point, here's a quote from another Fed official, Richard Fisher, who let it slip:

What the Fed did, and I was part of this group, is we launched a huge market rally starting in 2009.

This is what I call the “reverse wimp factor” - give me two hamburgers today instead of one hamburger tomorrow.

I warned my colleagues: “Don't freak out if at some point we have a 10-20% correction... Everyone you talk to... warned that these markets are greatly overvalued. [Regarding interest rate increases]

So what happens when the Fed stops shorting volatility and stops providing easy money to markets? I think Powell and Fisher just told you what will happen, but let's continue.

Powell: My third concern - and others have also raised this topic - is the challenges of shrinking a $4 trillion balance sheet. We've had a set of principles since June 2011 and we've done some work since then, but I think we may be overly confident that the balance sheet reduction can be done smoothly. Markets can be much more dynamic than we think.

When you turn around and say to the market, “I have $1.2 trillion. these things,” and it’s not just $20 billion a month—it’s the spectacle of all the events that are coming. And I think there's a pretty good chance that you'll get a pretty dynamic response in the market.

Currently, there are many psychics, magicians of white and black magic, fortune tellers, traditional healers, etc., who, by the way, act legally, have licenses and are popular. People turned to religion, to God, various sects and beliefs were revived, many previously prohibited. And they find consolation, inner complacency and harmony!

This is quite understandable, given the state of our society, uncertainty about the future, and constant mental stress. "All diseases come from nerves", says popular wisdom, and " money can't buy health", even for a lot of money, which most of us do not have. Hence the pathologies, high mortality, population decline and not even gradual, but rapid degeneration of the nation. We are "ahead of the rest of the planet" in alcohol consumption, low level and life expectancy , and indeed according to many vital criteria.

The lives and health of our children are especially at risk. The future of the country and the future of our children depend on us. Look at what percentage of healthy children come to school and leave after graduation? And what about the state of our army, one of the foundations of statehood? Currently, the volume of incoming information doubles approximately every 5 years, and a normal person, especially a child, is not able to process it, or even be aware of modern life in all its aspects.

So is there no way out? It turns out there is. Each of us is to some extent a psychic, a magician, and even God!

You and I live in the third millennium and do not know that by nature we have perfect, phenomenal capabilities and abilities. Modern science has proven that all human diseases and inabilities are directly dependent on the state of development of brain structures and the harmony of energy processes in the human body and the surrounding nature. Scientists state that only 3-5% of human brain resources are used, the rest remains unclaimed. The harmony between man and nature has been disrupted. There is a huge number of different kinds of spiritual practices and psychotechniques that have come down to us from ancient sources and times. These practices are very valuable, but, unfortunately, they are not able to interest modern people and give them a simple and accessible way of self-development and improving the spiritual and material quality of life.

Today there is such a way! This is a unique method “Information Human Development”, developed by academician, Ph.D., professor, world-famous specialist in the field of human studies Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bronnikov. The method is based on simple natural principles and natural patterns, its origins in ancient knowledge about man.

Vyacheslav Bronnikov created a unique, extremely effective system of human improvement based on the activation of the superconscious function of the body and its development in harmony with the functions of consciousness and subconscious.

Trained according to the method of V.M. Bronnikov is seen with his eyes closed, while he is well oriented in the surrounding space and reads texts. The blind gain alternative vision (the visually impaired improve their vision), the deaf - alternative hearing, the paralyzed begin to move and take care of themselves, patients with diabetes stop the growth of complications and reduce insulin dependence. Vyacheslav Bronnikov himself believes that there is nothing special about this. He says: "We are simply developing hidden abilities...". Academician Bronnikov’s method is based on one of the areas of sacred Taoist yoga - a set of special exercises adapted for modern people.

The method allows you to develop the energy structures of the body, improve blood circulation, activate the work of the brain and autonomic nervous system, strengthen the immune system and, as a result, rejuvenate the body. The uniqueness of the method is that it reveals human abilities and is accessible to everyone. For a child and an adult. It does not require separation from family and work. On the contrary, it only enhances success, both in personal and social life. Everyone who practices the Bronnikov method is sure to find in it what they need. Improved health, success in personal and social life, improved quality of spiritual and material condition awaits you if you start studying according to the method of Academician V.M. Bronnikova.

Children and adults can perform simple and safe exercises at home. In a short time, the abilities of the brain begin to manifest themselves, primarily in its right hemisphere. Memory and attention develop. By developing the sensitivity of your body, increasing energy exchange in it, you can restore the immune system and practically stop getting sick, as well as get rid of many existing disorders.

Thus, by developing himself, a person masters new tools for perceiving the world. For example, the biocomputer vision method allows you to see the surrounding space based on a new property of the brain (as dolphins and bats see) and, conversely, see yourself, your internal organs.

A blind person, having mastered the Method, can learn to see even without eyes. The consequences of cerebral palsy can be overcome by developing virtual forward and reverse biological connections between the brain and muscles.

Patients with diabetes mellitus significantly improve their condition. Schoolchildren and students, with the help of exercises according to the method, can develop the unique abilities of bio-computer and photographic memory, operate in their minds with large flows of information embedded in various “files” of memory, similar to a regular computer.

The achievements of those trained using the Bronnikov method are reflected in the films “I See with My Eyes Closed,” “Awareness of Knowledge,” and “Who Are You, Doctor Bronnikov,” television programs, magazine and newspaper articles, and materials of scientific conferences.

The study groups include professors, businessmen, teachers, doctors, parents with children and teenagers. Everyone studies together, changing roles: student - teacher. And children win in this competition by developing the necessary leadership qualities. Children, for the most part, are already born with demonstrated extraordinary properties, but, not finding application, these qualities fade away in our aggressive environment.

If you have any questions about what age you can start such training, where such classes take place and how long they take, we answer:

optimally - from childhood, but for the initial course there are no age restrictions: It's never too late to develop your abilities.

“Bronnikov’s method is consistent and proven.

I testify that people trained to see without using their eyes are indeed able to read texts previously unknown to them and to perform a variety of other activities that normally require vision. The results showed that trainees are not required to have any special qualities.

I saw, first of all, the presence of a training system, where there is always a movement towards making the most of the body’s capabilities. The formation of a new vision is quite possible for the blind. Research emphasizes its physiology for the human brain.".

N.P. Bekhtereva, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Russian Academy of Medical Sciences,

Laureate of the USSR State Prize, Scientific Director of the Institute of the Human Brain of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg.

“The formation of a new biological species of man on Earth has already begun!

Children trained according to V.M. Bronnikov’s system bear the beginning of what will happen in 20-30 years. Their capabilities coincide with the qualities of a superman that we calculated long ago. Many speak of what Bronnikov does at his Academy as fantastic: he teaches children the possibilities of self-diagnosis, rehabilitation of themselves and others with complex diseases; volumetric perception of information; creates new concepts in the education system, where the child should be a seeker of knowledge, and the teacher should be a director, analyst and politician in this process. These are only the first steps on the path of human development. The calculations have begun to be put into practice!”

Yu.A. Fomin, academician of the Russian National Academy of Sciences.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bronnikov - Doctor of Philosophy, professor, academician.

The method develops in Man unique abilities of life, fantastic creative possibilities based on the disclosure of unclaimed qualities of the brain, inherent in nature, necessary for tomorrow's scientific and technological progress.

Bronnikov’s new scientific school transforms a reasonable person, living empirically, into a conscious person, building his life on the basis of knowledge of the results of future events.

New qualities of Man also create a new science - the science of a conscious person, new education, new medicine, which is based on the ethics of a conscious person living spiritually. Spirituality is the path of knowledge of the laws and principles of the beginning and end of the Divine Idea - “Man”.

Founder of the science "Cosmopsychobiology", connecting the achievements of natural and exact sciences, as well as knowledge about the superconscious of man into a single system of laws.

Author of the International Project "Information Social Ecology of the 21st Century" and head of a number of research programs: "Geography of the Subtle Material World"; "Life medicine: design and support of human health and life"; “Brilliant abilities for every child”, “Minus one year” (training parents on how to work with their child a year before birth); "Technology of business success of a Conscious Man."

Creates a complex of unique museums of esoteric knowledge about Man, Nature and Space in the Crimea in Feodosia.