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Message blue blood. Blue blood - myth or reality... Does she exist?

Anyone who has ever heard the history of the kings and aristocracy of Europe has come across the interesting combination of “blue blood”. What did the ancestors mean by these words, does it exist in nature and how should we relate to such a phenomenon?

Representative of royal blood

What is blood?

Blood is the most important fluid in the body. Transports oxygen and nutrients to cells, removes waste, and makes internal organs function. In every human body it performs the same tasks, but not in the same way.

According to the popular ABO system, blood is divided into four groups, according to the combination of antigens and antibodies.

  • The first, common type, which does not have antigens and, if necessary, is transfused to another group.
  • The second, with antigen A, is only suitable for subtypes with the corresponding antibodies.
  • Third, with B antigen and suitable antibodies
  • The fourth is rare, in which both antigens are present, but no antibodies.

To understand what blue blood is and what blood group belongs to this phrase, you also need the Rh factor. It is a protein on the surface of red blood cells. Depending on whether it is present or not, Rh is positive or negative. The royal indicator is Rh negative for several reasons.

The concept of group and rhesus

Where did the concept of "blue blood" come from?

The phrase itself originated in Medieval Europe. Only we were not talking about the essence of such a liquid; the blue blood group did not exist, since there was no division into groups. Blood groups were discovered in the 19th century. This concept meant the aristocratic whiteness of the skin, which gave off a certain cyanosis due to the veins approaching close to the surface of the skin.

“Dirty” blood was considered to be a mixture with residents of non-European countries, people with a skin color different from white. The more tanned the skin, the less visible the “blue blood” is, and the rank of such a person in society is lower.

Do people with blue blood exist?

When remembering blue blood in a person, the blood type does not always matter, because there are people who have liquid of this shade. There are few of them on the planet; scientists are inclined to believe that there are several thousand of them and they call such people kyanetics.

There are few people with blue blood

This is explained simply - the red blood cells of such representatives of humanity contain a blue pigment, which gives the liquid a corresponding shade. As a result, their blood is purple with a bluish tint. In medicine, this is not considered a pathology, since it does not affect the life of the carrier in any way. The difference with ordinary red blood is insignificant and is positive:

  • Such people cannot get sick from a number of common blood diseases due to the copper they contain.
  • They have improved blood clotting, which allows you to quickly stop bleeding.

It is very rare to be a representative of kianeticists. This parameter is not inherited, doctors do not understand why this happens, so this phenomenon is considered unique.

What groups are called blue?

The concept of “royal blood type” is a thing of the distant past. At the moment, this phrase means several opposite meanings. There are superstitions that almost every subspecies is called blue.

It is possible to figure out which blood type is considered blue only based on a certain “calculation system”. In China, they developed something similar to a horoscope, only based on the type of blood, and endowed each with special features. In different conditions, blue is called a different group. Based on this criterion, a person may be denied a job or an engagement because management or parents did not like the forecast compiled from such an unusual “horoscope.”

Let's look at the two main meanings that this phrase has and the reasons why these groups are special.

Fourth negative

The fourth negative blood group can be called truly golden. In the AB0 system, it occupies the last place and has two antigens, A and B, without antibodies. The special status is due to several factors:

  • The rarest and occurs in 8% of the population. The fourth positive is more common, therefore negative Rh in this subspecies is considered the most peculiar.
  • It was formed not as a result of evolution, but through the mixing of two other groups - the second and third.
  • Doesn't suit anyone. Such a group can only be transfused to people with the fourth negative subtype and to no one else. This makes it quite rare at donor sites, which creates problems when there is an urgent need for transfusion.

Characteristics of group 4

Bleeding with such a group can be fatal, since it is almost impossible to quickly find a suitable species.

First negative

For many doctors, the golden blood group is the first negative. In the AB system, zero takes first place and has both antibodies without antigens. This makes it a universal donor material. The absence of lipoprotein protein, which is the Rh factor, allows it to be transfused to any recipient. This can be done due to the lack of an immune response to the protein.

Characteristics of group 1

This subtype of blood is classified as royal because of its versatility, but in modern medicine it is customary for each recipient to receive a transfusion of its group. This is due to better compatibility and easier adaptation of the injected fluid. In case of urgent need, for example: during epidemics, after mass accidents or natural disasters, the first negative is actively entered in order to save as many lives as possible.

Racism and "blue blood"

Having figured out what blue blood is, what blood group and rhesus may belong to it, it is worth saying that, in essence, this mobile connective fluid has the same functionality in any person. He does the same job, and the now outdated grotesque concept of “aristocratic blue blood” has sunk into oblivion, making all people equal. This is important to overcome psychological barriers and racism based on the color of people's skin in different regions of the world.

At the moment, in the scientific world, positive meanings are attached to this concept, referring to the rare fourth and universal first negative groups as blue blood. However, the European race retained some snobbery about this, which led to the emergence of the fascist theory and Hitler's campaign. Many altruists around the world hope that the concept of “blue blood” in the racist sense will finally become a thing of the past after the lesson and victims of World War II.


Prescription of immunoglobulin for Rhesus conflict, indications and contraindications

Probably everyone still remembers from childhood that fairy-tale princes and princesses have blue blood. In folklore and in the same fairy tales it appears as a sign of nobility. However, in reality, blue blood does not flow from the most noble creatures...

Red blood flows in the veins of almost all living organisms. The red color of blood is given by a special pigment - hemoglobin, consisting of gland and protein. The main function of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen through blood vessels.

Blue blood flows in my veins spiders, scorpions, crabs, crayfish and all cephalopods(squid, octopus...). Unlike red blood, blue blood contains a pigment called hemocyanin. The basis of hemocyanin is another metal - copper, it gives the blood a blue color.

Since blue blood carriers do not have blood vessels, hemocyanin has many more functions than hemoglobin. In addition to the fact that the blue pigment very accurately measures and supplies portions of oxygen to the organs, it also regulates body temperature in accordance with the state of the environment.

The carriers of the most unique blood in the world are several species of sea worms. The main pigment of their blood consists of ferrous iron, therefore such blood has bright green color.

In the legendary film “The 5th Element,” the main characters and the viewer were lucky enough to hear the aria of the diva Plavalaguna. The vocal work turned into a real calling card of the film, and the statuesque representative of an upright alien race, who performed the goosebump-inducing composition, became one of the key prototypes for years to come of an unfamiliar, but such an attractive creature from another planet.

It is noteworthy that Plavalaguna had not only blue skin, but also... Blood! The unusual color of the connective tissue was explained, firstly, by the fantastic nature of the picture itself, and, secondly, by the presence in the body of hemocyanin (from the combination of the ancient Greek words “heme” - blood, “cyana” - azure) - a substance that is found mainly in the bodies of mollusks , arthropods and onychophorans. Of course, this can be reduced to the director’s usual artistic invention, but the question still arises: “Are there people with blue blood on Earth?”

Literary materials

If we turn to books, it will become obvious that the most famous work describing the existence of an extraordinary person is the “Blue Bloods” series, designed in the genre of mysticism and horror, by the American writer Melissa de la Cruz. Alas, here too we will have to deal with fiction and fantasy - creating fantastic creations mostly for youth, the woman introduced not ordinary people, but vampires into the story. They coexist in modern New York not only with ordinary residents, but also with their own kind.

The story of the family and, in particular, the main character Skyler Van Alen has unfolded on the pages of 8 novels and 1 collection of short stories. Moreover, here the pale blue connective tissue is presented as a physiological feature of immortal creatures. Even if this sounds interesting, it still does not bring us closer to a practical solution to the riddle, which means we can move on.

Historical term

The concept of “blue blood” can be found even in historical sources. Was it really possible that in the old days, someone found a person with an unusual color of blood cells and decided to leave a document for posterity indicating that such a phenomenon really happens? In fact, the explanation turns out to be much more prosaic. This phrase has southern European roots. In the Middle Ages, it denoted aristocrats belonging to noble families. Noble origins, closeness to the royal court, learning and knowledge of manners - all this in those distant times distinguished the elite of society, which wanted to have its own poetic name.

But why did noble people choose the color blue in order to differentiate themselves from the common people? Everything is quite simple - the aristocrats of Spain, who were among the first to use the expression “la sangre azul” in speech, were incredibly proud of the pallor and thinness of their skin. Veins appeared through it, which gave the whole body a bluish tint. A tan was considered a sign of low, peasant origin from a poor family and indicated belonging to a Moorish family. Subsequently, the fashion for paleness migrated to other European lands and even spread to Russia. Suffice it to recall the numerous “Turgenev young ladies” of the 20th century, who continued to monitor the milky, slightly blue tone of their skin, and also constantly took refuge from the sun under umbrellas. One could not envy the naturally dark-skinned girls, who had to regularly use whitewash in huge quantities. And yet this is not the answer to the question of whether people have blue blood or not, because in this case the phrase is used not in a direct, but in an indirect meaning. Therefore, it remains to consider the last aspect – the biological one.

Scorpions, shellfish and kyanetics

It is well established that in the natural environment blue blood definitely occurs, for example, in octopuses, snails, octopuses, spiders, scorpions, mollusks and insects. The reason for this natural beauty is the already mentioned hemocyanin, which exists not only in fantasy worlds, but also in real life. An unusual substance that colors the connective tissue of some living organisms in an unusual color was first studied in 1878 by a scientist from Belgium, Leon Frederico. It was he who correctly suggested that this respiratory pigment is an almost absolute functional and structural analogue of hemoglobin, with the only difference being that hemocyanin contains copper, and hemoglobin contains ferrous ions. It is the latter iron-containing substance that gives human blood its red tint and has been shown to do the best job of supplying the body with oxygen.

And yet, even though hemocyanin is 5 times inferior to hemoglobin in providing respiratory functions, in the context of the general functioning of the body this turns out to be insignificant, and therefore the pigments can easily replace one another! At first, such a conclusion was made based on the fact that the scientific community was able to establish: mollusks of the same families and species can have both red, brown, and blue blood, which depends on the presence or absence of certain metals in it. And only after that the world learned about the existence of kyanetics - people with blue copper-containing blood, which is not a disease or defect, but is a normal variant.

Appearance and role in the evolutionary process

Today, scientists believe that kyanetics may not have existed at all. It’s just that a long time ago, the inhabitants of the Earth used objects made of copper too actively: they used dishes made from this material in everyday life, wore jewelry, and created tools from compounds and alloys. As a result of constant interaction, copper accumulated in the bodies of some people, which ultimately led to the birth of children whose connective tissue was rich in this element, and not in iron.

Often the appearance of unusual babies with bluish-purple blood was noted precisely in the families of the rich, where women, apparently, turned to the services of skilled and expensive doctors. Who, if not such healers, knew that copper has amazing healing properties and, at a minimum, is a strong antiseptic.

Blood, which contains a lot of copper, clots quickly and well, as a result of which the kianeticist does not suffer from heavy bleeding even in the case of open injuries, wounds, or cuts. Probably, some knights were obliged to this property of their organisms, the chronicles of whose exploits have been preserved to this day. For example, there is information about clashes that took place in the 12th century between English knights and Saracens. Many British soldiers were simply unable to take the swords and spears of the Arabs, for which hemocyanin was responsible.

Today there are about 5000-7000 kyanetics living on the planet. This may seem surprising, but they also very rarely suffer from blood diseases: microbes are simply not able to infect their copper-rich blue connective tissue.

Based on the analysis of all the unusual properties listed above, some researchers risk making bold assumptions regarding the role of kyanetics in the world. They believe that such inhabitants were not created by nature by chance, but appeared as a separate, so-called. “spare”, “reserve” branch of evolution in case terrible catastrophes on a global scale occur on Earth and unfavorable conditions for survival are established. It should be recognized that hemocyanin carriers will have a much better chance of survival than hemoglobin carriers, and, therefore, they will be able to revive the human race.

Another representative of the palette

However, in the end, one more final, but reasonable question arises: “Does a person have blood that is not red or blue, but some other color or colors?” It turns out yes. Another possible shade of it is green. Connective tissue acquires such a pigment extremely rarely and only temporarily, and the very situation of its establishment in the body is artificial, not natural. Thus, this can occur as a result of the abuse of medications that are green in color and contain sulfur in large quantities. This element easily combines with hemoglobin, forming the compound sulfohemoglobin. Typically, the changes that have occurred do not bother patients, but doctors still order them to refrain from taking excessive pills, with the result that after a while everything returns to normal.

We have all heard the expression “blue blood” many times, what could it really be? I found this opinion. Who knows...
Here we will rely on such a phenomenon that has come down to us in legends as “blue blood”. It was “blue blood” that served as a sign of “chosenness” and confirmed the right to reign, but in ancient times only gods (and their descendants in the future) could reign. Could the gods actually have blue blood in a literal rather than figurative sense?.. And what is “blue blood” anyway?..
One of the main functions of blood is transport, i.e. transfer of oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2), nutrients and waste products. Oxygen and carbon dioxide were not isolated from the total by chance. Oxygen is the main element necessary for a living organism to function and provide it with energy obtained as a result of a whole complex of complex chemical reactions. We will not go into detail about these reactions; It will only be important for us that as a result of these reactions, carbon dioxide is formed (in fairly decent quantities), which must be removed from the body.
So. To ensure life, a living organism must consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which it does in the process of respiration. The transfer of these gases in counter directions (from the external environment to the tissues of the body and back) is carried out by the blood. For this purpose, special elements of the blood are “adapted” - the so-called respiratory pigments, which contain metal ions in their molecules that are capable of binding oxygen molecules and, if necessary, releasing them.
In humans, the respiratory pigment of the blood is hemoglobin, which contains divalent iron ions (Fe2+). It is thanks to hemoglobin that our blood is red.
But even on the basis of iron, there can be a different color of respiratory pigments (and, accordingly, a different color of blood). Thus, in polychaete worms, the pigment chlorocruorin is green; and in some brachiopods the pigment hemerythrin gives the blood a purple hue.
However, nature was not limited to these options. The transfer of oxygen and carbon dioxide, it turns out, may well be carried out by respiratory pigments based on ions of other metals (besides iron). For example, the blood of sea ascidians is almost colorless, since it is based on hemovanadium, containing vanadium ions. In some plants, molybdenum is used as a pigment among metals, and in animals - manganese, chromium, and nickel.
Among the respiratory pigments in the living world, there is also the blue color we are looking for. This color is given to the blood by the copper-based pigment hemocyanin. And this pigment is very widespread. Thanks to it, some snails, spiders, crustaceans, cuttlefish and cephalopods (octopuses, for example) have blue blood.
Combining with atmospheric oxygen, hemocyanin turns blue, and giving oxygen to tissues, it becomes discolored. But even on the way back – from the tissues to the respiratory organs – such blood is not completely discolored: the formation of the copper-based respiratory pigment hemocyanin provides another factor that additionally colors the blood blue. The fact is that carbon dioxide (CO2), released during the biological activity of the body’s cells, combines with water (H2O) and forms carbonic acid (H2CO3), the molecule of which dissociates (breaks up) into a bicarbonate ion (HCO3–) and a hydrogen ion ( H+). The HCO3– ion, interacting with the copper ion (Cu2+), forms blue-green compounds in the presence of water!
Note from the site author: Blue blood may also be based on perfluorocarbons (it was created in the USSR back in the 80s), but that’s another story -

The most interesting thing is that in the currently accepted “family tree” of the plant and animal world, it turns out that related groups have different blood, but seem to have originated from each other. Some mollusks have blood that is red, blue, brown, with different metals. It turns out that the composition of blood is not so important for living organisms.
And a similar picture can be observed not only in lower animals. For example, human blood types are a sign of a very low category, since race in the narrowest sense of the word is characterized by different blood groups. Moreover, it turns out that chimpanzees also have blood groups similar to human groups, and back in 1931, blood was transfused from a chimpanzee to a person of the same blood type without the slightest harmful consequences.
Life turns out to be very unpretentious in this matter. It seems that she is using all possible options, going through them and selecting the best...
But can it happen that not only lower animals have blue blood?.. Is this possible for humanoid creatures?..
Why not!?. Science has long established that the environment can greatly influence the elemental composition of living organisms. With their long-term isolated existence in certain environmental conditions, variability arises - the appearance of physiological races, which can occur even without visible external changes. This is accompanied by a change in the chemical composition of the body. Chemical mutants appear with changes in the number of chromosomes in the cell nuclei, etc.; and variability can become hereditary.
It is clear that in conditions of deficiency of any element, evolution will take the path of replacing it with another that is capable of providing the same functions and is in abundance. In our country, apparently, evolution during the development of the living world reoriented organisms to iron, which forms the basis of the respiratory pigments of most living species.
For example, the iron content in the blood of a person weighing 70 kg is 4 - 5 g. Most of the iron is in the blood: 60-75% of this metal is associated with hemoglobin, the protein part of which “blocks” the oxidation of iron from the divalent to the trivalent state, thus maintaining its ability to bind oxygen molecules. Hemoglobin is part of red blood cells - erythrocytes, making up more than 90% of their dry residue (about 265 million hemoglobin molecules in each erythrocyte), which ensures the high efficiency of erythrocytes in transporting oxygen.
Iron, like any other trace element, undergoes a constant cycle in the body. With the physiological breakdown of red blood cells, 9/10 of the iron remains in the body and is used to build new red blood cells, and the lost 1/10 is replenished from food. The high human need for iron is evidenced by the fact that modern biochemistry does not reveal any ways to remove excess iron from the body. Evolution does not know such a concept - “excess iron”...
The fact is that although there is quite a lot of iron in nature (the second most abundant metal after aluminum in the earth’s crust), the largest part of it is in the very difficult to digest trivalent state Fe3+. As a result, say, a person’s practical need for iron is 5-10 times greater than the actual physiological need for it.
And this situation occurs not only at the top of the earthly evolutionary ladder. For example, iron is an essential element for the life of plankton, but it is scarce in surface sea waters, and, in addition, it is almost always present in the form of complex chemical compounds in which iron is tightly bound to the molecules of other elements, and therefore is of little use for absorption by microorganisms.
According to research by the American National Society, this problem is solved by specific bacteria that live in the ocean. They produce molecules that bind to iron and cause them to react when exposed to sunlight. The sun's energy unseals complex molecules containing ferric iron into more loosely bound configurations of atoms. As a result, bacteria, plankton and other microorganisms can snatch individual iron atoms and use them (research results published on September 27, 2001 in the journal Nature; material taken from publications on the website SkyTecLibrary.com).
And yet, despite all the difficulties in the absorption of iron, despite the constant balancing on the brink of “iron deficiency,” evolution on Earth nevertheless took the path of using this particular metal to ensure the most important function of the blood - the transfer of gases. Consequently, respiratory pigments based on iron are more effective than those based on other elements (the high ability of, say, hemoglobin to transport oxygen has already been mentioned; and its other advantages will be discussed further). And therefore, there is still quite a lot of iron on Earth...
Now let’s imagine another situation: on a certain planet there was much less iron than there is on Earth, and much more copper. Which path will evolution take?.. The answer seems obvious: along the path of using copper for the transport of gases and nutrients with blue blood!..
Could something like this happen in nature? To answer this question, we use some data and considerations given in V. Larin’s article “The Earth Seen in a New Way” (zh-l “Knowledge is Power”, No. 2, 1986). According to this article, in the outer shell of the Earth there is slightly more iron than is found in the Sun (in percentage terms), and copper is almost 100 times less than in the Sun!.. At the same time, if we assume that the main Since the mass of reactions occurring on the Sun is reduced to the burning of hydrogen with the formation of helium, then the chemical composition of the sun as a whole should correspond to the composition of the protoplanetary cloud from which the Earth was formed. Consequently, if the excess of iron can still be attributed to a data error, then copper is still clearly “not enough.” We will return to the reasons for this and the conclusions that follow from this later, but now one thing is important to us: there may be a lot more copper!!!
That is, on the home planet of the gods there may well be much more copper than on Earth, and less iron. And indirect evidence that this is exactly the case can be found.
The first is indirect evidence. According to mythology, the art of metallurgy was transmitted to people by the gods. So here it is. If you carefully analyze the texts of ancient myths, you will notice that this applies specifically to non-ferrous metals, and not to iron. The Egyptians, for example, knew copper for a very long time and already under the first pharaohs (4000-5000 BC) copper mining was carried out in the mines of the Sinai Peninsula. Iron appears in people’s everyday life much later – only in the 2nd millennium BC.
Of course, the currently accepted explanation for the later development of iron by the greater labor intensity of its extraction and the complexity of processing is quite logical. But it is not without flaws.
For example: for centuries, cutting down huge stone blocks (for tombs, palaces, etc.), processing them, applying carved decorations - and at the same time using only copper tools, without trying to find a more effective material for tools!?. How do you imagine this?.. And even with the advent of bronze - a much more durable alloy of copper and tin - it has been used for a long time only for the manufacture of luxury items and jewelry!.. Straight out - scenes from some masochistic film...
Imagining such scenes, one is involuntarily inclined to think that the myths are not so fantastic. The secrets of metallurgy could indeed have been passed on to people by the gods, whose technologies were adapted to the conditions of their home planet - a lot of copper and little iron...
Even the gods on Earth had little iron. In mythology you can find descriptions of literally single objects made of iron; these objects were of “heavenly” origin and belonged only to the gods.
The second is indirect evidence. In fairy tales (as works that arose directly on the basis of myths), “golden” objects very often appear as a characteristic of a certain “magical kingdom” or a certain “magical country”. Here is what, for example, the famous fairy tale researcher V. Propp notes:
“Everything in any way connected with the thirtieth state can take on a golden hue. We have already seen that the palace is golden. The objects that need to be obtained from the thirtieth kingdom are almost always gold... In the fairy tale about the Firebird, the Firebird sits in a golden cage, the horse has a golden bridle, and the garden of Helen the Beautiful is surrounded by a golden fence... The very inhabitant of this kingdom, the princess , there is always some kind of golden attribute. She sits in a high tower with a golden top. “He looks, and Princess Vasilisa is sailing across the blue sea in a silver boat, kicking with a golden oar”... She flies in a golden chariot. "Doves swooped into that place, apparently and invisibly, the whole meadow was covered; in the middle stood a golden throne. A little later - both heaven and earth lit up - a golden chariot flies through the air, in harness there are six fiery serpents; on the chariot sits the princess Elena the Wise - so beautiful indescribable, whatever you think of, guess, or say in a fairy tale.” Even in cases where the princess is represented as a warlike maiden, she rides on a stately horse “with a golden spear.” If her hair is mentioned, it is always golden. Hence her name “Elena Golden Braid Uncovered Beauty”. In Abkhaz fairy tales, light comes even from her face: “And I saw a beauty glowing without the sun, standing on the balcony... light came from her, like from the sun, even when there was neither sun nor moon”... Gold appears so often, so brightly, in such diverse forms that one can rightfully call this thirtieth kingdom the golden kingdom. This is such a typical, strong trait that the statement; “everything that is associated with the thirtieth kingdom can be golden in color” may also be correct in the reverse order: “everything that is painted in a golden color thereby indicates that it belongs to another kingdom.” The golden color is the seal of another kingdom” (V. Propp, “Historical Roots of a Fairy Tale”).
But is it gold?..
Manuscripts found during excavations of one of the tombs in Thebes contained the secrets of “producing” gold from copper. It turns out that all you had to do was add zinc to copper, and it turned into “gold” (an alloy of these elements - brass really resembles gold). True, such “gold” had a drawback: greenish “ulcers” and “rashes” appeared on its surface (unlike gold, brass oxidized).
According to ancient historians, counterfeit “gold” coins were produced in Alexandria. 330 years BC, Aristotle wrote: “In India, copper is mined, which differs from gold only in its taste.” Aristotle, of course, was wrong, but one should, however, give credit to his powers of observation. Water from a golden vessel truly has no taste. Some copper alloys are difficult to distinguish from gold in appearance, such as tombac. However, the liquid in a vessel made of such an alloy has a metallic taste. Aristotle obviously speaks about such counterfeits of copper alloys as gold in his works.
Thus, in the homeland of the gods, rich in copper, much could be made from such “gold”...
But what are the consequences of the fact that on the home planet of the gods there is little iron and a lot of copper?.. Let's return to biochemistry. However, let us now apply it to the gods. Can we apply “terrestrial” biochemistry to alien biochemistry?.. Again: why not!?. After all, the laws of chemistry are the same everywhere!..
We have already given one indirect confirmation: the gods ate earthly food.
There is another indirect confirmation of the applicability of “earthly” biochemistry to the gods. I mean the version that “the gods created people.” The description of this creation in ancient myths can be reduced to the following procedure: the gods took some earthly “blank”, mixed it with something of their own, made some changes (possibly at the genetic level) and got the result - a person. Would it be possible to do this if the biochemistry of the earthly “blank” was completely incompatible with the biochemistry of the gods?.. Hardly... And if it worked, then the result - a mixture - should all the more bear elements of similarity with the “divine component”.
The presence of compatibility of human biochemistry (the final “mixture”) with the biochemistry of the gods is also indicated by the fact that later the gods entered into sexual relations with people, and at the same time completely healthy children were born - the descendants of people and gods, who later replaced the latter on the thrones...
(In fairness, it should be noted that here we are avoiding the question of the time of “creation”. It is unlikely that it was the same as the “overthrow of the gods from heaven to earth.” But the gods could visit the Earth even before some of them them stuck on our planet for a long time.)
So, biochemistry in relation to the gods...
The gods found themselves on a planet with a deficiency (by their standards) of copper and an excess of iron. We must somehow adapt to these conditions.
Firstly, you need to continuously replenish your own body with copper. After all, let’s say that the lifespan of human red blood cells is only about 120 days, which requires constant replenishment of the body with iron, which goes primarily to hematopoiesis. It should be the same for the gods, only instead of iron there is copper.
Secondly, iron is more chemically active than copper. Therefore, getting into the blood of the gods, it must inevitably strive to displace copper from its compounds. In simple terms: excess iron is very harmful to the body of the gods, and they should have avoided this excess.
The easiest way to alleviate these problems is to follow a specific diet, consuming foods high in copper and low in iron. And here it turns out that the version of copper as the basis of the blood of the gods is capable of quite comprehensively explaining the “grain choice” of the gods!!!
For example, especially a lot of iron is found in legumes, vegetables, berries (for example, strawberries, cherries), and meat products. And there is a lot of copper in cereals, cereals, and bread products. It would seem that there is no point for a person to move from hunting and gathering to agriculture, because the necessary iron is in abundance literally “under his feet and hands.” But still, under the influence of the gods, man turns towards the production of food products that are poor in iron, but rich in copper, although a person has enough copper (for example, practically nothing is known about cases of copper deficiency even during pregnancy - a period when the need for all elements increases sharply). And now we can say that this turn is taking place not only under the influence of the gods, but also in their personal interests.
And they didn’t just impose some kind of tribute on people for their own food, which could have been collected from them without a radical change in a person’s way of life. What could be collected from people was not suitable for the gods, so a transition to a “civilized way of life” was needed, without which it would have been difficult to organize agricultural work on the scale required by the gods.
Some details of the transition to agriculture and a sedentary lifestyle allow us to confirm these conclusions.
For example, the yield of tuberous vegetables is many times higher than the yield of grains. But such vegetables contain a lot of iron, and humanity turns specifically to grains, making it difficult for itself to both solve the issue of providing food in general, and iron in particular. And even now in developed countries it is generally accepted to additionally enrich bakery products with iron in order to compensate for the imbalance of elements.
Moreover. Cereals are not only low in iron, they contain substances phosphatine and phytin, which form sparingly soluble salts with iron and reduce its absorption by the body.
But, as mentioned above, man not only followed the path of grain farming, but also chose the most difficult path of crop processing. The grain is thoroughly cleaned, then ground, and the resulting flour is used to prepare food products. Although it is much easier to cook, for example, spelled from unrefined grain... But here is what one of the manuals for pregnant women writes:
“You need to know that refined grains do not contain substances that the expectant mother needs. Even if they have additives, they are constantly lacking fibrin, many vitamins and minerals that are found in natural products.”
Isn’t it true that all this no longer looks so disjointed and incomprehensible in the light of the conclusion received?..
The same conclusion allows us to make a couple more interesting observations that explain some of the “oddities”.
Firstly, the specificity of the range of sacrifices. The gods, who gave people agriculture and taught them metallurgy and crafts, demanded sacrifices from people in the form of plant products and their derivatives. (Note that here we are talking specifically about the “civilizing gods.” And besides: a very small number of “bloody” sacrifices - animal or human - can be attributed to the “meat food” of the gods. The overwhelming majority of these bloody sacrifices require from a person, first of all, the fact of committing a murder, the meat of the victim does not have much significance for God and is eaten by the person himself. But in general, the topic of sacrifices is a big separate issue.)
Secondly, the vegetarian lifestyle, rooted in ancient times, in its “philosophical essence”, is based on the desire to “become like the gods” (“to achieve enlightenment”, “to touch higher knowledge”, etc. - in the eyes of our ancestors it was one and the same). But as is now clear, not everything that is useful to the gods is also useful to man. This can be illustrated with another excerpt from a manual for expectant mothers:
“...vegetarian women usually give birth to healthy children. But women who do not eat meat should pay attention to their diet in terms of the following substances: protein, calcium, vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, vitamin D.”
The version of the blood of the gods based on hemocyanin (or other copper compounds) also makes it possible to take a different look at some mythological data.
Firstly, copper has strong antibacterial properties. Many peoples attribute healing properties to copper. Nepalese, for example, consider copper a sacred metal that promotes concentration of thoughts, improves digestion and treats gastrointestinal diseases (patients are given water to drink from a glass containing several copper coins). In the old days, copper was used to treat helminthic diseases, epilepsy, chorea, anemia, and meningitis. Copper can kill germs; for example, copper factory workers never suffered from cholera. At the same time, Ohio State University scientists recently found that an overdose of iron in the diet can contribute to a tendency to intestinal infections.

Thus, the increased copper content and decreased iron content in the diet of the gods allowed them to enhance the antibacterial properties that their blood already possessed thanks to the copper in its composition. This could well protect against earthly infections and contribute to the “immortality” of the gods.
Copper, as it turns out, is also effective for treating other diseases. Blacksmiths belted with copper wire never suffered from radiculitis. For radiculitis, red copper coins are secured with a plaster on the sacrum or placed on the lower back and a belt made of dog hair is worn. For the same purposes, you can use a copper rope or antenna wire that is wrapped around itself. To treat joint pain and salt deposits, an ancient remedy is used in the form of a copper ring, which is worn on the finger for several months; the pain decreases and mobility in the joints increases.
Copper bracelets are especially popular. But they are effective if their copper content reaches 99%. A bracelet on the right hand helps to heal or soothe headaches, insomnia, physical and mental fatigue, diabetes, impotence. Wearing a bracelet on the left hand is recommended for high blood pressure, hemorrhoids, heart failure, and tachycardia. Pure Peruvian copper bracelets are appreciated all over the world...
Secondly, the blue color of blood gives the corresponding shade to the skin color. And how can one not remember the “blue-skinned” gods of India!..
Thirdly, in nature, copper deposits contain quite a lot of silver. Silver literally accompanies copper almost everywhere. This is so evident that even a significant part of modern silver mining is carried out along with copper mining - almost a fifth of all silver is now mined from copper deposits. Consequently, there should also be a lot of silver on the planet of the gods (chemical and physical laws also apply there).
But silver, like copper, has a strong antibacterial effect.
“Silver water” is a suspension of tiny particles of silver in water. It is formed when water is stored in silver vessels or when water comes into contact with silver items. Silver particles in such water, even at a concentration of 10-6 mg/l, have antiseptic properties, since silver can block the enzyme systems of microbes.
Alchemists believed that silver was one of the seven metals that they endowed with healing powers. Silver was used to treat epilepsy, neuralgia, cholera, and purulent wounds. The waters of the sacred Indian river Ganga have a high silver content. The high disinfecting properties of silver are superior to the same properties of carbolic acid, sublimate and bleach. Specially prepared silver is used for headaches, loss of voice in singers, fears, and dizziness. If you wear silver on yourself, it calms the nervous system.
And this again works for the “immortality” of the gods!..
In addition, it is known that with prolonged introduction of silver into the body, the skin can acquire a blue tint, which, together with the blue blood of the gods, inevitably enhances the effect of blue skin.
An excerpt from A. Sklyarov’s book “Motherland of the Gods?”