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Rules for arranging office furniture, expert advice. all about beauty and fashion Cabinet location according to Feng Shui

Office building

Businessmen spend a huge portion of their time at work - in the office, in the store. The environment in the workplace has a tremendous energetic and psychological impact on us and the state of our affairs. Therefore, if you begin to have difficulties or uniformly low incomes, turn around and look where your store or office is located, what surrounds it, where the windows and doors of the building face, in which building it is located.

Any business begins, be it opening a store or an office, with choosing a location for it. It turns out that almost half of the success of the entire endeavor depends on the location of your office. Therefore, if you are looking for a new office, be sure to take the advice of Feng Shui masters and be very careful when choosing a location for your office. Pay attention not only to the beauty and cleanliness of the street, which is certainly very important for your spiritual comfort, but also to a number of other subtleties:

  1. Energy stagnates in pyramidal buildings - choose a building of the correct shape for your office.
  2. It is bad to locate offices in buildings where the area of ​​the upper floors is larger than the lower ones, there are protruding cornices and the like - this will lead to currency problems or management dictatorship.
  3. According to Feng Shui, the office should not be located at the end of a long corridor, elevators should not be located opposite the entrance to the building.
  4. The office itself should not be located next to an elevator or a frequently used staircase - funds will simply flow through these energy holes.
  5. Do not arrange an office above the garage (active traffic below always destroys financial stability).
  6. There is no need for the facade of the office to look at the facade of the building opposite.
  7. Do not locate business premises in buildings with mirrored windows - this makes it difficult for the appropriate Chi energy to pass through.
  8. Beware of empty space at the back of an office building - things won't go well in such an office. Ahead, the vacant lot, on the contrary, will be very useful, creating space for activity and development.
  9. Beware of buildings very close to your office, especially if they “look” at your doors with their entrances, or sharp corners or disproportionate facades directed at your store.
  10. The office should not be located near areas associated with death (cemeteries, funeral parlors); diseases (hospitals); prison.
  11. Your office should not be located at a V-shaped or T-shaped intersection - they create a powerful flow of negative, destructive Sha energy.

Cabinet equipment

Placing cabinets in an office

In an office, as in an apartment, everything starts with the hallway, the role of which in modern office centers is played by the reception area. Once there, your client immediately forms a memory of your company. In fact, the reception area serves as a buffer for negative energy. Therefore, it should be spacious, and try to arrange a small fountain opposite the entrance. To strengthen the barrier to negative energy, temporary partitions and huge flower pots - large ficus or palm trees - are also used. It's also a great place to hang mirrors and windchimes in the reception area.

The same laws apply in the hallway of the office as in the hallway of the apartment. There is no need to have many doors facing each other in one corridor. All this will cause confusion and irritation for your guests. Doors should be spaced at regular intervals. If this happens and such an arrangement cannot be avoided, then the same mirrors, decorative plants, paintings, lighting fixtures, and wall cladding will help smooth out this effect.

All this applies to ordinary offices, and not open space offices, without corridors and doors, where sometimes 20-30 employees work at once. A modern office with an open plan, where there are many tables at once, is much more suitable for performing Feng Shui tasks. Here you can use screens and partitions, creating small office areas for employees. Here it is easier to correctly arrange hanging flowers, mini-greenhouses, mirrors, paintings.

Feng Shui office: furniture arrangement

Office interior

The main furniture of the office is the tables, at which employees spend a huge part of their time. The most important thing about desk placement is to avoid standing with your back to the door. The most correct position is a free view of the entire room, allowing constant control of entry and exit.

If there are two or more tables in the room, it is better to place them diagonally relative to the door in the corners of the room, overlooking the door. There is no need to place tables opposite each other, in a straight line with the door. Employees who constantly exchange glances throughout the day may begin to clash together. In any case, tables should not be placed on the same straight line as the door. If you still cannot avoid the position with your back to the door, you can hang the mirror to the right of the person sitting with his back to the door. Or separate the person sitting with their back from the door with a screen, partition, or closet. This blocks negative energy from the front door.

There is also no need to sit in the office with your face or back to the window - there is a “brain drain” and the health of employees. Also, this situation creates a feeling of insecurity, and to avoid it, the window needs to be covered with at least a curtain or blinds.

Office furniture according to feng shui

Let us recall the image of an official (chief) that wanders through movies, sitting at a huge dark-colored desk, dozing or shifting pieces of paper from place to place. This is because the table is the main furniture of any office. The effectiveness of your work depends on its correct choice and location.

Light wood tables represent reliability and creativity. Square or rectangular tables are almost always used in the office. These tables support the earth element. Round or semicircular tables are more suitable for creative work. Dark-colored desks are not very good for Feng Shui, as they slow down your reaction time.

Chairs and armchairs in the office should have high backs and be comfortable. The color of the chairs can be used to stimulate the work energy of each employee. Thus, brown, white color suits Metal people (concentration), blue and black color suits Water people (affects communication skills, strengthens positions), Green suits Wood people, red suits Fire people, brown and reddish shade suits Earth people (dynamism).

It would be a good idea to apply the principles of the Bagua sectors to your table. Mentally mark your desktop according to the Bagua compass and design each of its zones in accordance with its meaning.

Bookshelves and archival cabinets are another indispensable attribute of the office. It should be borne in mind that an unlimited number of folders and papers, which are visible in such cabinets, have a bad effect on the creation of positive Qi and visually increase the amount of work. Therefore, cabinets and shelves should be closed, with doors or screens, and there should be no unnecessary papers on the tables - only those that are needed.

You should be careful with mirrors in your Feng Shui office, because... reflective surfaces and mirrors also visually increase the volume of work.

A common attribute of the office is a safe. It should be in the left corner, the accounting department should be on the right side of the office. It would be great to have a picture of mountains hanging behind the director’s back.

Bagua sectors of the feng shui cabinet

Green Dragon - a talisman for business

If we consider the office by zones according to Feng Shui, then they can be stimulated depending on what result you want to achieve. If you want to remove the emerging confrontation, stimulate the southwest zone; activation of the north-west develops team thinking and leadership (it’s great to hold meetings here); activation of the Western sector compensates for the lack of creative abilities and creativity; the south is fame and recognition, the southeast is the sector of material well-being.

Stimulation of these zones occurs in the usual way for Feng Shui: these are fresh flowers, plants, signs, crystals.

Because the east is growth, development, spring, creativity, here you can put paintings with landscapes, flowers, wood products, wooden trinkets. The east is guarded by a green dragon; you can place his figurine here. You can also use all the signs to attract wealth that have already been mentioned. The East is a family zone in a broad sense, so it’s a great place to hold various gatherings, celebrations, tea parties; it’s a great place to set up a relaxation room or at least a quiet corner for office workers to relax.

It is much better that the appropriate side for each employee is selected individually according to his Gua number. Everyone will benefit from this, so if you cannot influence the change in the position of your own workplace, at least sit in the direction that suits you.

Wall color in the office

Because Yang energy (business activity) predominates in the office, it is better to use soft, pastel colors for the walls in the office. This activity is caused both by the activities of the people themselves and by the energy of working computers and office equipment. In itself, this bias towards Yang is appropriate in the office, but it is better to smooth out the Yin-Yang contradiction. This can also be done through neutral, soft tones of curtains, floors, etc. With all this, it is useful to highlight separate colorful areas on the wall (paintings, photos) in order to stimulate the work activity and imagination of employees.

Feng Shui talismans for the office

Owl is a mascot for business

It’s hard to imagine a Feng Shui office without symbols and talismans. Those Feng Shui talismans for the office that, for example, help increase income would be appropriate in the office: a three-legged Feng Shui toad with a coin in its mouth, an owl, a money tree.

Three Chinese coins, intended for good luck in trading, or 6 coins will not work unless they are placed with the Yang side up (Yang side - 4 characters, Yin - 2). These coins need to be glued in the office to all important folders with contracts, accounting books with the yang side up to increase the level of sales and turnover. Such coins can be glued to cash boxes and safes. And most importantly, don’t forget to give them to all your sales and marketing managers.

It doesn't matter what kind of retail company can stick these coins to store doors, put them under the front door mat, stick them to a lock. For example, one popular English company puts such coins under the floor of each sales area in all its supermarkets, and he does not blame the income. These coins must be changed on the eve of each new lunar year.

They say that Feng Shui works even when you don’t believe in it. Therefore, why not try using it to change your life for the better by making Feng Shui in your office? Feng Shui experts assure that you won’t even notice how your business will go this year, and all this very quickly. Perhaps you simply will not notice the changes that have occurred in your life after the introduction of Feng Shui methods, or you will not correlate them with the possibilities applied. But, most likely, you will be simply amazed at how quickly and perfectly the principles of proper redistribution of energy that Feng Shui teaches us will begin to work, miraculously changing life for the better.

In this article you will learn:

Whatever field you lead, listen to Feng Shui recommendations for organizing your workplace. The ancient teaching is based on simple common sense; its principles are understandable to people brought up in any culture, and do not contain anything magical. Proper organization Feng Shui workplace in the office– is to ensure harmony with nature and the free flow of cosmic energy Qi, which carries life force. Such a room has a special atmosphere in which it is easy to find a common language with clients and subordinates.

Feng Shui cabinet color

The color scheme of the office should set the mood for work - not irritate or tire. The walls are painted depending on the location of the office in the building. To enhance the influence of the elements, choose the following shades:

  • if the workroom is located on the south side - green;
  • in the north - white;
  • on the west - yellow;
  • in the east - gray-blue.

Color is especially important for the space near the front door. In order to quickly tune in to work, hang a talisman on its handle that attracts Yang energy - any transparent stone or a piece of mahogany.

Feng Shui of the office excludes indigo, cornflower blue, cobalt and turquoise colors for walls, because they relax and lead to apathy. Cold colors are not suitable for an office - it means a stop in business, a cessation of development, but a large number of bright shades (red, pink) are also not suitable, because... they will soon lead to energy depletion.

The best Feng Shui colors for office walls are:

  • green (no shades of blue);
  • grey;
  • pale orange;
  • light beige.

The brightness of a particular shade is selected depending on the natural lighting of the room: the less it is, the lighter the walls should be.

The colors of the walls should smoothly transition from one to another; one shade or another can be used to highlight any area of ​​the office, sector, or part of the wall. Moderation and restraint of the general background is set off by brighter interior items.

Rules for arranging furniture

The main rule feng shui office– furniture should be arranged so as not to sit with your back to the door. For calm, focused work, it is important to see who is entering the room and what they are doing. Otherwise, you will constantly experience tension. If there are 2 doors in the room, position your workspace so that you can see both. The layout of the furniture should resemble the outline of the Bagua octagon (“great symbol” in Feng Shui).

It is better to place the table not opposite the door, but a little away from it - against the wall, which will give confidence to the person sitting with his back to it. If the table faces east or southeast, it will attract wealth and popularity. You cannot place it in front of a window that faces west, and sit with your back to the west. If there is no other option, hang a mirror opposite the window.

To ensure that your office space complies with Feng Shui, do not purchase the following furniture:

  • tables of unusual or irregular shapes with a large number of sharp corners, L- or U-shaped;
  • cabinets with open shelves - they carry the negative energy of “sharp arrows”;
  • bulky furniture that does not correspond to the size of the office.

It is best to sit at your desk in an office chair or on a chair with a comfortable backrest, so that you can sometimes lean back and give your back a rest.

Doctor's office

It is better if the practitioner's office is located next to the entrance door to the building. The workplace is placed as described in the previous chapter: to sit with your back to the wall. The size of the table should be such that the specialist does not “get lost” behind it and does not feel cramped.

Patient chair should be comfortable, and the energy of the office is conducive to dialogue. Snow-white walls in a doctor's office will not look boring. And if you add shades of purple colors to the decoration, it will be easier for patients to relax - this color is associated with healing, meditation and introspection.

Items that are important attributes of the doctor should occupy the main places in the favorable zones of the Bagua, for example, in the health zone (to your left). In the sector of success and glory, place things that stimulate work - certificates, diplomas of competition laureates, letters of gratitude that confirm the high level of your professionalism and stimulate upward mobility.

Arrange your office so that when you are at your workplace, the background and all the objects around you are pleasant.

The success of the entire department depends on the work of the boss. That's why Feng Shui manager's office should be comfortable and at the same time strict and personable, but its atmosphere should not be overwhelming. A favorable environment in the workplace will bring success in your career.


The boss's office should have particularly strong energy, so it is better to place it in the northern part of the building: the north helps professional growth, the north-west - the ability to lead, and the north-east - the acquisition of knowledge. The worst option is to place the office in the west and southwest. This can lead to overload and reduced performance.

The Feng Shui director's office should not be located at the very end of the corridor. And if the boss works in the same office with his subordinates, his desk should be located as far as possible from the front door, otherwise his subordinates will control him.

Cabinet shape

The best shapes are square and non-elongated rectangle. It is recommended to divide the L-shaped room into 2 parts, for example, a working and a guest room, in order to avoid the influence of Sha on working in the office staff.

Furniture arrangement according to Feng Shui

In addition to the desk, the boss’s office may have a conference table. According to Feng Shui, they are not connected in the form of the letter T, workplace location should be located away from the meeting area. It is better if the meeting table is round, oval or octagonal. The manager's chair should not be in the corner. According to Feng Shui, the triangle is a symbol of Fire, which can destroy health, success and prosperity.

If it is not possible to place the table in accordance with the cardinal directions, as required by Feng Shui, the desired effect is achieved by changing the color of the furniture or walls to a lighter one, for example, by replacing the tabletop with white.

The chief's office may contain cabinets, a sofa, armchairs for visitors, a coffee table and other office furniture, which is not recommended to be placed in straight lines along the walls. Properly decorate your office with a hairdryer-Shui will help with the Bagua form.

If the boss and subordinates have a common office, tables are placed in rows, then during work the employees’ views will be directed in one direction, which will lead to coherence and success of the company.

Feng Shui home office

The office is placed near the front door or a separate entrance is made from the street. The home office is more closely connected with the outside world, so it has more Yang energy. When registering, you must consider the following recommendations:

  • deflect the “sharp arrows” of furniture corners with the help of mirrors;
  • If the table is close to the door, place a low plant on its corner to protect against negative flow.

For greater focus on your work, paint your walls in neutral tones and use layered lighting. Luck, money, positive energy to your home office will bring the following items:

  • an expensive vase made of metal, stone or porcelain;
  • objects that enhance the element of Water - oval, round and metal products, for example, bells, an aquarium with fish;
  • flowering plants.

To implement the plans, it is necessary to stimulate the eastern sector of the cabinet.

Paintings in the office

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, most suitable for an office paintings and illustrations, depicting the following:

  • sea ​​and any bodies of water;
  • waterfall, rain;
  • flowering meadow;
  • open green field;
  • boats or ships on the water.

They are placed above the desktop, in the negotiation area. If your work desk is located so that you are sitting facing the wall, hang on it a portrait of the person from whom you are taking an example, and if your back is not protected by the wall, it is better to hang a picture with a mountain landscape in the work area.

Paintings with negative energy, for example, depicting the following, are not suitable for classrooms and offices:

  • straight road;
  • desert;
  • bare trees.

Feng Shui cardinal directions in the office

To arrange your office harmoniously, you need to draw up a floor plan, noting which side of the world the door and window are facing. Separately, a little larger, draw a Bagua octagon, which represents 8 sectors corresponding to compass directions. Apply Bagua to your office plan and you will see how to better distribute zones. Each of them is responsible for the following areas of life:

  • south - for fame, fame and reputation;
  • southeast - money, wealth;
  • east - pleasure;
  • northeast - friends;
  • north – relatives;
  • northwest - children;
  • West – education;
  • southwest – happiness, relationships.

Chi energy enters the room with other energies, which it captures along the way from all directions. According to Feng Shui, different directions of the world are associated with animals that give Qi the following characteristics:

  • south – Red Phoenix – fun and good luck;
  • north – Black turtle – sleep and mystery;
  • West – White Tiger – unpredictability, destructive force;
  • East - Green or Golden Dragon - wisdom and culture.

Plants and flowers

The flow of Qi energy can be too fast - then it becomes destructive, sweeping luck past, or too slow, which stagnates in the corners and does not have sufficient strength. The goal of Feng Shui is to fill the room with smoothly flowing energy as much as possible. Plants and flowers help regulate its flow.

The office should be dominated by plants with Yang energy - stretching upward - they accelerate the movement of positive energy, promote development, flexible solution of complex issues, success and creation, for example, such as:

  • fatsia;
  • lyre-shaped ficus;
  • philodendron;
  • Dieffenbachia.

Particularly important plants for office, located in the southwestern or southeastern part of the building.

Plants with thorns and hard leaves (for example, cacti, yucca, pike tail) carry heavy energy. But they can be grown in the office to block harmful Sha energy created by furniture corners, square columns, ceiling beams and bulky wall shelves. Such plants cannot be placed closer than 1 m from the workplace or relaxation area in the office.

To create a favorable climate, several female plants are needed - creeping, with rounded leaves. This is, for example, hoya, peperomia or Crassula (money tree), which is considered a symbol of material well-being, so a pot with Crassula is placed in the wealth zone.

Among flowering plants, positive energy is inherent in the following:

  • Chinese rose;
  • amaryllis;
  • whole;
  • spathiphyllum;
  • cyclamen.

When choosing flowers for your office according to Feng Shui, consider their color. If you don’t feel comfortable enough in some area of ​​your office, place a white flower there. Negative energy changes to positive, passing, for example, through a stem of bamboo - it is placed in the corner of the office. But it should be taken into account that excessive activation of Qi can lead to unreasonable expectations. Cut or dried flowers cannot correct the flow of Qi because... there is no life in them.

Houseplants should not be placed in a draft, in one row, in a straight line between the window and the door.

Some tips on how to properly Feng Shui your office. Since the southwest influences health, the north affects professional growth, the northwest affects leadership and a sense of responsibility, and the northeast affects knowledge, you have a wide choice of places where you can place your office. All these parts of the house have such qi energy, which has a beneficial effect on work in the office.

In addition, you can activate various elements: metal - to give strength, soil - to expand knowledge and wood - to strengthen ambitious aspirations.

If the room is not in the most favorable part of the house, you need to determine what influence the various elements have on this sector, and use the power of the elements to the greatest benefit by arranging furniture and decorating the room.

You can activate certain parts of the room using light sources or crystals. You can also place a computer or other electrical appliances in the appropriate part of the room. The north promotes steady professional growth, and the east helps fulfill desires.

The office is intended for active activity, so the balance should be shifted in favor of yang. This will most likely happen automatically, since office furniture is usually more angular, usually houses a computer, telephone and other electrical appliances, and you will decorate the office in bold rather than pastel colors. In addition, blinds, more than heavy curtains, enhance the influence of yang.

It is necessary to use natural light as much as possible, and in general the office should always be well lit. And not only for reasons of expediency. Light strengthens chi energy and creates a favorable working atmosphere. Care should be taken to ensure that the overhead light is not directly above the head of the person sitting at the desk, otherwise it will have a negative effect on mental performance.

Feng Shui of the office. Desk position

The person at the desk should have a clear view of the door from his seat and should be facing one of his favorable directions. If you want to take full advantage of certain properties of qi energy, you can place the table in the appropriate part of the room. If the room is small and you have to sit at the table with your back to the door, then hang a mirror on the opposite wall. You cannot sit facing a bare wall, as this creates a feeling of enclosed space and prevents you from achieving your goal. To avoid this, you need to place a painting of a landscape or a beautiful figurine in front of you.

In offices, there is a high risk of striking arrows, the source of which is open bookcases and angular furniture. They ruin all efforts to create positive chi energy by cutting it and weakening its power. If possible, bookcases should be glazed or closed with doors, then reference books, books and stationery will not create clutter in the room, thereby having a negative impact on qi energy. In addition, closed cabinets have a calming effect on the qi energy inside a person, since disorder and chaos in the room impede clarity of thought. But if it is impossible to close the cabinets, the office should still be kept in order and excess trash should be disposed of in a timely manner. Sha Qi should be withdrawn with the help of mirrors and creeping plants.

There should always be order on the desk, and a crystal paperweight should be placed on the right hand, which will remove negative energy.

Every component of our living space influences us and the events in our lives. The workspace in which we spend most of our time is no exception. A harmonious atmosphere, which will be provided by the correct flow of favorable Qi energy, will fill with energy and help in work, bring good health and satisfaction, dispel irritability and squabbles, promote fruitful interpersonal communications, recognition and career advancement.

In order for your work to be productive, bring the desired results and opportunities for growth, it is very important to properly arrange your workplace and, in particular, correctly position your desktop, which we will talk about in this article.

As you know, in Feng Shui the principle of the dominant arrangement of priority furnishings in rooms is very common. It also exists in the office and is most favorable for success in the service. The most favorable place for a desktop should meet the following principles:

  • the location of the desktop relative to the entrance door to the office is considered more important than the location in space in accordance with the cardinal directions;
  • if possible, the table should be as far away from the door as possible;
  • a person sitting at a table should be able to see the entire room;
  • the door to the office should be clearly visible in order to control the entrance to the room;
  • the desktop should not be opposite the entrance, but slightly diagonally from the door, then you will not be attacked by energy moving in a straight line, and you will be able to see everyone who enters the room.

Being in a dominant position provides an excellent overview of the entire room and especially the entrance door to the office. This arrangement symbolizes the ability to control ongoing processes and, ultimately, success. The one who has his back to the door is in a vulnerable position, which in Feng Shui symbolizes the location of the victim. This may also mean that many important things and events will happen behind your back. Sitting sideways to the door is also considered unlucky, although less vulnerable.

If it is impossible to place your work desk so that you can see the door - that is, without changing your body position, or this position does not suit you, distracting you from work, you should put a small mirror on it or, even better, hang a large mirror on the opposite wall, which will allow you to It’s good to see the door and everyone entering the room. This remedy is very effective and affordable.

Also it is important to stay as far away from the door as possible- this symbolizes control over the situation in the workroom and the availability of sufficient time to react to incoming people. Compliance with this condition leads to calmness, confidence, ingenuity and, as a result, better quality of work performed.

Another desktop recommendation is maintaining freedom of access to it- this will have a beneficial effect on the work process, expand your prospects and opportunities, and on a subconscious level give you a feeling of security. Sitting at a table facing a blank wall can lead to isolation. Do not move the desktop or one of its sides towards the wall. If there is not enough space in the room to provide free space on both sides of the table, it is advisable that the passage on one side be at least 50 cm wide. You should not place furniture or stack books in this place, as this deprives its owner of the opportunity to use the passage, especially thereby weakening it energetically.

Also It is not recommended to sit down too much close with your back to the wall and put something behind the desktop. This is only acceptable if you work in a large office. It is advisable that there be a distance of at least 90-100 cm between you and the wall. If the chair touches the wall from time to time, this can cause disappointment and causeless anger.

Desk location back to the window or door creates a certain vulnerability according to feng shui, although this is not a negative factor. The positive effect of this arrangement is good lighting. If a feeling of anxiety arises in this situation, it is recommended to hang a faceted crystal sphere or bells on the ceiling at a distance of about one-third of the height of the window. If the window is too large, it is recommended to hang curtains or blinds to visually reduce it.

Much more dangerous the situation is considered to be when there is a door behind the seated person. Using the recommended bells and spheres as protection here is clearly not enough. In this situation, it is better to hang one of these products above the chair at your desk. In addition, to hide the door, you can hang a curtain, tapestry or put up a screen (the most dangerous is an external door located behind your back).

Don't clutter your office heavy and large furniture- it takes up a lot of space, and this prevents the free movement of both people and energy flows in it. This may take the form of depression or fear. Remove any unused large items or replace them with smaller items. This will solve the problem.

Success in business is a delicate thing, but as in any area of ​​life, we can provide ourselves with some support with our own hands and attract favorable Qi energy to our aid, which will make the process more comfortable and open the doors to new opportunities and prospects.

Read with this article

A properly furnished office in a house or apartment is the key to good performance. Therefore, many, sitting in terribly uncomfortable offices, make numerous rearrangements. But in the end the result is the same - a bad mood, an unwillingness to work. It's all about the energy of the room. We invite you to use our advice. It is the Feng Shui office that will create the ideal atmosphere for hard work.

Let's talk about the workplace according to Feng Shui

The workplace is one of the most important places in the office. Therefore, maximum attention must be paid to its location. You should not place your workplace so that you sit facing the front door and your back to the window. In this case, you will be in the path of the energy brought by all the guests of the room, which is not always positive, and you will be fenced off from the life-giving sunlight. Practice shows that working in the position “facing the door and back to the window” is the most common mistake. Don't repeat it. Ideally, the table is positioned in such a way that the door and window are on either side of it.

Let's sort everything out in order

Remember that the first goal of Feng Shui is balance and harmony, so perfect order should become your faithful companion. Optimize your workspace in such a way that you do not make unnecessary movements, do not look for necessary items and, accordingly, do not waste valuable energy.

Let's discuss the general interior of the study according to Feng Shui

Try to avoid irregularly shaped furniture and interior elements, as they are sources of harmful sha chi energy. The design of the office should not contain torn lines, since they symbolize the shadow yao. Open cabinets and shelves with books or binders are also inappropriate. All cabinets should have doors, and it is better to place pots with climbing plants on top of the cabinets, which subdue negative sha-qi, also called “poisoned arrows.”

Size always matters

If you have a very small office, visually expand it with a mirror or a painting that depicts larger spaces. For example, mountains or meadows. But by no means city landscapes.

Lighting as a magnet for good luck

It is also important that workplace lighting attracts good luck and favorable emotions, which lead to job satisfaction. Sunlight carries living, favorable energy, so natural lighting is preferable to artificial lighting. If the room you work in has no windows at all, hang a picture of a sunny day on the wall.

Protective shell

In order to compensate for the daily flow of negative energy that various visitors can bring into your office, place crystal objects that suit the decor in your immediate vicinity. They will create a protective shell around you and give vitality.

Here, however, are all the most important rules, following which you will provide your office with favorable energy. Your performance will increase. The old work routine will no longer seem endless to you. You will find peace and good mood. You will have incentive and motivation, which is the main thing in good work.