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Basic techniques of Kobido facial massage. Japanese facial massage Kobido is an ancient recipe for skin rejuvenation. Indications and contraindications for Kobido facial massage

An ancient way to preserve beauty

Kobido massage is one of the most effective therapeutic methods that can naturally significantly improve the condition of the skin and minimize the aging process. Massage enhances the regeneration of skin cells and deeper tissues, helps to relax and relieve tension from the muscles of the face, head and neck, and has a general healing and rejuvenating effect. As a result, the face begins to glow from within.

From the history of Kobido...

Kobido massage was first mentioned in 1472. An ancient Japanese chronicle describes that one of the empress’s cosmetic procedures at that time was Kobido massage. As a result, this massage technique has become more famous and in demand. The tradition was passed down from generation to generation. Thus, thanks to its high efficiency, the technique of this massage has reached our times through many generations, being improved from master to master.

Natural rejuvenation.

Experts are confident that Kobido massage is a therapeutic procedure that is not only significantly different from a regular facial massage, but also leads to amazing results. Today, this procedure is one of the most popular in Japanese spas and costs from $350 to $400 per session.

During the procedure, the specialist pays close attention not only to the color, structure and turgor of the skin, but also to the strength of energy flows, as well as the psycho-emotional state of the patient. It is believed that harmonizing the flow of vital energy - Qi (Ki) - automatically balances emotions and the state of the physical body. During the procedure, acupuncture points in the face, neck and head are activated. Massage helps relieve tensions trapped in muscles and connective tissues, thus restoring free blood circulation.

Features of Kobido massage

The procedure consists of three stages:

cleansing, moisturizing and stimulating the meridians, which normalize the condition of internal organs, using acupuncture and lymphatic drainage techniques.The main energy meridians pass through the face area; there are also several points on the face where energy flows from one meridian to another.

Unlike conventional cosmetic facial massage, the Japanese Kobido massage technique is much more diverse and uses many techniques to influence both the surface of the skin and deep tissues. The technique of using hands and fingers when performing massage techniques differs. The superficial percussion method is combined with effects on the muscles and fascia of the face. As a result, blood circulation and collagen production increase, skin color improves, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, in addition, Kobido massage promotes general relaxation and improved mood.

The combination of shiatsu techniques with stimulation of facial nerves improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage, activates the distribution of nutrients in tissues, and allows for more effective removal of toxins and dead cells.

The result of several Kobido massage sessions is not only beautiful and rejuvenated skin, but also overall health.

During the massage, very light strokes are used in combination with fast and rhythmic finger tapping (percussion technique). Depending on the condition of the skin, a deep tissue technique may also be added, which increases blood flow in the muscles and fascia, saturating the cells with oxygen and nutrients. Thus, the mechanism of regeneration, self-renewal and self-rejuvenation of tissues is launched.


  • treatment of dry or oily skin,

  • acne,

  • wrinkles,

  • age spots,

  • headache,

  • depression

Like all methods of Eastern medicine, Kobido massage is preventative. In the East it is well known that maintaining good health and beauty is much more profitable than restoration and treatment...

Main effects of Kobido massage:

  • facial skin becomes smoother and more elastic;

  • facial muscles are strengthened and tightened;

  • the face acquires a pleasant shade;

  • blood circulation is stimulated and cellular metabolism is optimized;

  • activates the lymphatic system and promotes the removal of toxins;

  • the skin moisture balance is normalized;

  • muscle tension is eliminated;

  • thanks to the use of acupuncture points, there is a gentle effect on the entire body as a whole;

  • the circulation of Qi energy improves;

  • general deep relaxation;

  • The effect of natural lifting and radiant beauty is achieved!

After the session, you look great and are in complete harmony with the world around you.

To achieve the best result, the recommended course: 10 sessions, 2 times a week.

Contraindications to massage:

  • infectious skin diseases, as it can contribute to the spread of infection;

  • recent surgical operations on the face and neck, Botox, etc. (less than 1 month);

  • neck injuries;

  • psoriasis, eczema and other facial skin problems;

  • the first three months of pregnancy (as this type of massage can evoke emotional memories);

The massage is performed on a massage table using a small amount of oil. The session lasts from 60 to 80 minutes. Includes neck work (back and front), face work, lymphatic drainage, shiatsu (optional), hair work, and finally, some attention is also paid to the arms and legs.

Japanese anti-aging and healing facial treatments have been known for a long time. Along with European and American methods, they are considered the best in the world; they are used by women who want to preserve youth not only of the body, but also of the spirit. Oriental massage techniques, which have been developing over hundreds of years, are especially good. Japanese facial massage is a popular, pleasant, painless rejuvenation procedure.

Video about the secrets of the effectiveness of Japanese massage

Advantages of Japanese massage techniques

What Japanese women can be proud of is their blooming appearance, which they manage to maintain until old age. At the same time, they do not resort to drastic measures, for example, plastic surgery, and do not rely only on the magical power of miraculous creams. Eastern women retain their inner strength and beauty thanks to their special attitude towards their body.

If you turn simple facial skin care into a daily ritual, do it with love and a positive attitude, the results will appear immediately. Using massage techniques, we stimulate the natural processes occurring in the body, and ultimately get the desired effect:

  • morning swelling disappears;
  • metabolism returns to normal;
  • the tone of the muscles and skin of the face increases;
  • complexion becomes fresher;
  • wrinkles become less pronounced, the process of new ones appearing slows down.

The secret lies in special movements that increase blood circulation in the tissues and stimulate the movement of lymph along a given channel. It’s worth watching how Japanese facial massage works: a video shot by Alena Sobol reveals the essence of the movement technique.

The most famous all over the world are three Japanese techniques that have been adopted by many cosmetology clinics: Kobido, Shiatsu and Asahi. Possessing unique techniques, each of them is used for the sole purpose of maintaining youth and freshness of the face.

Facial massage is a pleasant and safe procedure to restore youth

Kobido technique: secrets of antiquity

The ancient Japanese facial massage kobido has been known since the 15th century, when it was successfully used in the palaces of Japanese empresses. Thanks to ancient technology, women's faces glowed with youth and beauty, regardless of their age. Now many beauty salons offer services based on Kobido techniques.

This technique has two sides: it relaxes the facial muscles while stimulating blood circulation in the tissues. This technique is useful if the muscles are “tired”, weakened, have ceased to perform their main functions, and as a result the skin has become gray and flabby, wrinkles have appeared and an unpleasant “sagging effect” has arisen.

The various techniques of Kobido differ from traditional ones. With their help, internal processes are activated both in all layers of the skin and in deeper muscle tissues. Under the influence of the massage therapist’s fingers, blood circulation increases, due to which collagen cells begin to be produced. The result is elastic, fresh, smooth skin and an even oval of the face.

A kobido session includes several important stages that relate to cleansing the skin, moisturizing it and treating all areas along meridians and special treatment lines. Massage therapists consider it advisable to prepare the skin of the face and neck immediately before the procedure, and at the final stage make several soothing movements. The main stages of the Kobido technique:

Finally, a few soothing movements, including massaging the scalp. After several sessions of Kobido, the skin seems to be renewed: it becomes more toned, fresh, and elastic. Usually the first course is more intensive - 10 procedures over 5 weeks, then to maintain tone - 1-2 per month.

Shiatsu acupressure: features of the technique

The ancient little-known Japanese technique of amma has been transformed over the centuries into the popular modern Shiatsu technique based on acupressure. Collected and summarized the best techniques of Takiyuro Namikoshi. Shiatsu is a great way to boost your immunity, improve your appearance, and add a little positivity to your life.

Shiatsu points are different from accepted acupuncture points. They are located in different parts of the body, including on the face. During the session, the same areas are affected - consistency is one of the secrets of Shiatsu. The main movement is pressure, while the others (stroking, rubbing) are practically not used.

If the Shiatsu technique is supplemented with daily cleansing, moisturizing, and nourishing masks, your facial skin will soon become elastic, healthy and fresh. Who should perform the massage? Some people like the services of professionals, others master self-massage techniques - it can be done at home, at a convenient time.

Biologically active points are located in different parts of the face

Shiatsu complex of several exercises

The right time affects the quality of exercise. It is better to perform a Japanese shiatsu facial massage early in the morning, when the rested facial muscles are relaxed. One session takes about 15 minutes. In Japan, shiatsu facial massage is performed using hands or balls called ki-gong, which are pressed against the skin and gently rotated in one direction - clockwise. In other countries, only the fingers are preferred.

Important!During any impact on the face, you should treat the skin with care: stretching, rubbing, or moving it is prohibited. Every action should be confident, but soft.

The preparatory period includes hygiene procedures, taking a comfortable position and complete relaxation.


  • Massaging the so-called “pain” points on the temples. Circular movements are directed from the nostrils towards the temples.
  • Pressing with your fingertips on the inner corner of the eye. A little effort won't hurt.
  • The index and middle fingers, with some effort, should be drawn from the center of the forehead to the edge of the temples. The action should last about 30 seconds, the movement should be in a spiral.
  • Lightly massage the corners of the lips with your fingertips. This exercise prevents the appearance of folds in the mouth area.
  • Gently stroking the neck from the center to the sides. For gentle action, it is better to use the back of your hand.
  • Perform frequent point pressure in the area of ​​the wings of the nose.
  • Gently massage the point between the eyebrows with the tip of your index finger.
  • Pressing with your thumbs on the part of the lower jaw located in the area of ​​the root of the tongue.
  • Gently massage the pits under the cheekbones with your fingertips.

Point presses should not be too short or long. Typically each action lasts 5-7 seconds. The neck area is a special zone; pressure should not exceed 3 seconds. After exercise, you can devote a few more minutes to your skin - cleanse it, apply cream, and only then do makeup.

Cleansing the skin before the session and care after it are no less important than the massage itself

Yukuko Tanaka technique: Japanese Asahi technique

The roots of this technique go back to ancient times, when the Japanese facial massage zogan was popular. The translation of the word reflects its essence - the creation of a face. Yukuko Tanaka, a famous cosmetologist and stylist from Japan, collected and processed materials from the ancient teachings of beauty and created her own technique - Asahi facial massage.

The result of theory and practical exercises was the book “Face Massage”, which was scattered around the world. Even more understandable material is a course of video lessons in which she shows the basic exercises of the zogan technique. In many countries, including Russia, Japanese facial massage by Yukuko Tanaka is called Asahi.

According to thousands of fans of the technique, Japanese Asahi facial massage can not only improve the properties of the skin, but also slow down the aging process. This happens thanks to two fundamentals of the methodology:

  1. Movements that activate lymph flow. Toxins leave tissues faster, excess fluid leaves, and skin cells become more fully nourished. As a result, puffiness disappears, including bags under the eyes, the grayish tint of the skin disappears, and wrinkles are smoothed out. The years recede, youth continues.
  2. Thorough study of the facial muscles. Using traditional manual therapy techniques, each muscle is affected individually, which strengthens it and makes it healthy and more active.

Important ! The Asahi session involves some force on the skin and muscles, during which areas located in the area of ​​the lymph nodes should be avoided.

Some techniques are well demonstrated in the video: Japanese Asahi facial massage has a beneficial effect on both the appearance of the face and the deeper muscles. They say that 10 minutes a day is enough to make you look 10 years younger.

Video lesson on performing Asahi massage

Features of the Asahi technique that you should pay attention to:

  • During the session, internal processes in the skin become more active, so the final stage of the procedure should be repeated cleansing of the skin.

Important! The paths of lymph flow should be ironed from the edges to the center - in the direction of the lymph flow.

Lymphatic drainage, to which Yukuko Tanaka paid so much attention, is performed literally at all stages, in every exercise. Even the last massage movement (down the neck) is aimed at regulating lymph flow. How to perform an Asahi facial massage: a video with the participation of the founder of the technique herself perfectly demonstrates all the stages.

What do fans who prefer Asahi facial massage think? Reviews on the Internet and periodicals, numerous and varied, are mostly filled with positive emotions and impressions. The main thing they highlight is improving the appearance of the skin, increasing its elasticity, preventing the appearance of wrinkles, and correcting the shape of the face.

Contraindications to the use of various types of massage

The process of returning facial skin to its natural elasticity, firmness and freshness should not conflict with certain prohibitions. Massage techniques are effective - this is their strength, but they can also be destructive if the activation of certain points provokes the development of any disease. For this reason, the very first thing you should do before a treatment session is to visit a doctor and consult about contraindications. The same should be done if you decide to self-massage. Contraindications mainly relate to various diseases and physiological processes associated with them:

  • high blood pressure or low intracranial pressure;
  • diseases caused by viruses or infections in the acute stage;
  • skin diseases that have manifestations in the face area: rosacea, dermatitis, consequences of an allergic reaction, rash;
  • serious diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys;
  • pain syndrome;
  • tumors and formations of unknown origin.

You should carefully study the technique and contraindications for Japanese massage. This will help you avoid unwanted problems

If there are no contraindications, and the desire to become more attractive is growing every day, you should study in more detail what Japanese facial massage is: reviews from friends, special literature, videos, articles on the Internet will reveal the secrets of traditional Japanese techniques.

Read in the article:

One of the most common Japanese massage techniques is Kobido: many women use it not only for rejuvenation, but also to moisturize dry skin.

What is Kobido massage: benefits and effects for the skin

Kobido facial massage is a unique technique that incorporates the principles of Japanese medicine and therapeutic techniques, thanks to which it is possible to quickly rejuvenate the skin and improve well-being.

The benefit of Kobido massage for facial skin is that during its implementation, acupuncture points are affected by grasping, stroking, stretching and patting. As a result, the most positive changes occur:

  • The skin is renewed and restored;
  • The aging process slows down;
  • The processes of elastin and collagen production are launched;
  • Blood flow increases;
  • The outflow of lymph improves;
  • The muscles of the neck and face relax;
  • The level of hydration is normalized;
  • Toxins are removed.

Kobido massage: pros and cons

The main advantage of Kobido facial massage is the ability to perform it independently, as well as some other details:

  • Simple movement pattern;
  • High efficiency;
  • Impact not only on the skin, but also on the entire body, due to which migraines and various pain sensations go away;
  • Minimum list of contraindications.

The disadvantage of Japanese Kobido facial massage is that it can only be fully performed if you have professional skills and a high level of technique - only in this case it gives the maximum result.

Kobido facial massage: technique, indications, contraindications

Indications and contraindications for Kobido facial massage

  • Too dry or oily skin;
  • Pigmentation and wrinkles;
  • Depression;
  • Headache;
  • Acne.

When the use of Kobido massage for rejuvenation and treatment of other cosmetic defects is prohibited:

  • Infectious skin diseases;
  • Eczema and psoriasis;
  • Facial plastic surgery performed less than a month ago;
  • Injuries in the neck area.

Kobido facial massage: diagram

Kobido facial massage against wrinkles is performed according to the following scheme:

  • From the center of the chin to the earlobes;
  • From the center of the face to the ears and back;
  • From the edges of the lips to the ears;
  • From the bottom of the cheek to the ears;
  • From the middle of the face to the ears;
  • From the wings of the nose to the ears;
  • From the hollow under the nose to the earlobes;
  • From the bridge of the nose to the area between the eyebrows;
  • From the bridge of the nose to the temples through the eyebrows;
  • From one side of the forehead to the other and back;
  • From the center of the forehead to the temples.

Kobido facial massage: how to do it correctly

Kobido massage technique:

  • Pat the neck and chin line from bottom to top for 2 minutes;
  • We stroke and slightly stretch the facial muscles from the center of the chin to the sides, perform it with both hands 5 times;
  • Repeat the previous 2 steps;
  • We pat the area from the middle of the cheeks to the ears with our fingers and return back. Do it 2-3 times;
  • Using your fingertips, we pick up the skin and muscles from the middle of the face, move towards the ears, go back, and so on no more than 10 times;
  • With our left hand we hold the skin in the mouth area, with our right we make stretching movements from the same point to the ears;
  • Pat the skin from the center of the cheeks to the ears and back, do it 5 times;
  • With one hand we hold the skin in the area of ​​the wings of the nose, with the other we smooth it to the temples through the cheekbones 5-10 times;
  • We grab our lips with our index and middle fingers and perform sideways movements;
  • Using your fingertips, we seem to beat the skin in the area from the bridge of the nose to the area between the eyebrows;
  • Massage the forehead area so that the eyebrows are between the index and middle fingers, starting from the middle;
  • We pat our forehead, moving from side to side;
  • Knead the skin along the same line;
  • Smooth the face from the middle of the forehead to the temples.

Japanese Kobido massage for facial skin: reviews

The Kobido technique is very popular in many salons, and clients have to pay 1 thousand rubles or more for one procedure, because... in fact, self-massage differs significantly from professional massage in terms of effectiveness and complexity of implementation.

In general, the results of Japanese Kobido massage, even when performed independently, are impressive:

  • The skin is tightened and visibly smoothed;
  • Headaches go away;
  • Improves mood;
  • Dryness disappears;
  • The activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • The tone of the face is evened out.

Kobido facial massage: reviews

Tatyana, 43 years old:

Daria, 24 years old:

“I did a Kobido massage to get rid of acne, and I was able to do it without any expensive products! True, I often use homemade masks, and it is possible that the effect appeared precisely because of the complex treatment.”

Galina, 54 years old:

“I didn’t spend money on a salon, but decided to master the Kobido technique at home. I managed to do this only the third time, because... It was difficult to remember the correct pattern of movements. Now I do it at a quite decent level, and I’m quite successful in fighting wrinkles.”

Just a century and a half ago, Japan was a country closed to Europeans, and the rare travelers who visited there invariably shared with the inhabitants of the Old World many stories that bore little resemblance to the truth. Warriors clad in colorful armor, a cult of worship of the emperor, marvelous architecture and men portraying women on stage. Another good example, shrouded in many myths and legends, is the kobido facial massage, thanks to which the Japanese empresses allegedly gained power over time. After all, they managed for decades, in modern terms, to maintain the freshness and elasticity of the skin. But the technique of performing this type of massage was unknown to European women in those distant times. With the development of trade relations and the end of the era of self-isolation, most of the secrets of the Land of the Rising Sun have become a thing of the past, thanks to which Japanese kobido massage has received a “registration” in many beauty salons, acquiring a very immodest price tag.

It remains popular today, although it no longer has the status of a cult and elitist. So, in the majority of salons, one session will cost you about 10-15 dollars (prices in Moscow and St. Petersburg are 2-3 times higher). The technique for performing it has been developed to the smallest detail, thanks to which some women even manage to do Japanese kibido massage at home on their own (which, let us clarify, cosmetologists categorically do not recommend). Are you ready to spend that amount? We cannot say this. But if you decide, you are unlikely to regret it. After all, having gotten rid of the cult halo, Japanese massage nevertheless remained just as effective, pleasant and safe.

Reader reviews: I have always been interested in the traditions and customs of the Land of the Rising Sun, but I have never looked for practical application for them. However, when I realized that age was taking its toll, I decided to try Kobido massage, which I had read a lot about. I never became an empress or a geisha (just kidding), but the condition of my facial skin has improved significantly. Olga, 42 years old.

Basic properties

The principles of oriental medicine are fundamentally different from those professed by domestic doctors. Therefore, you should not expect that Japanese massage can instantly cure you of certain skin diseases. The technique of its implementation involves a preventive rather than a therapeutic effect on the skin. But in practice this approach turns out to be very, very effective.

Indications for use

  • Oily and dry skin.
  • Network of facial and age wrinkles.
  • Headaches (let us be especially clear: Kobido massage can reduce the severity of an attack, but is not able to eliminate the cause that caused it).
  • Acne.
  • Age spots.
  • Chronic depression.

Cosmetic effect

  • Normalization of complexion.
  • Stimulation of the lymphatic system.
  • Effective removal of toxins and waste from the body.
  • Elimination of muscle spasms.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation.
  • Strengthening the facial muscles.
  • Improving cellular metabolism.
  • Excellent moisturizing and relaxing effect.
  • Soft face lift.

It is also believed that Japanese massage helps improve the circulation of Qi energy, but analysis of such theories is beyond the scope of this material.


Many people believe that Kobido massage is a universal procedure. In fact, this is not at all true: it has plenty of contraindications. Therefore, before starting treatment, consulting a doctor would be highly advisable. But we regret to say that most beauty salons are silent about this. Or they outright lie, providing the potential client with distorted information. For what pathologies can Japanese massage not be used?

  • Infectious skin diseases.
  • Neck and head injuries.
  • Eczema, psoriasis.
  • Any operations and traumatic cosmetic procedures (if less than 3 months have passed since them).
  • First trimester of pregnancy (most obstetricians and gynecologists recommend that expectant mothers refrain from such procedures for at least 2 years: 9 months of bearing the baby and the entire period of breastfeeding).

It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to massage their facial skin on their own (and at the same time, note, relax). But the idea of ​​calling your best friend to help you will appeal to many. Indeed, why not save money? But don’t be surprised if after the procedure your husband sympathetically asks what happened to your face (hematomas, puffiness, severe swelling). Therefore, we remind you once again: Kobido massage should be performed exclusively by a qualified specialist!

Execution technique

Most massage therapists do not follow a strictly defined scheme for carrying out this procedure, but do not go beyond what is reasonable and acceptable. Therefore, the execution technique may differ slightly. But the general principles and rules (which, we note, provide a wonderful cosmetic effect) do not change because of this.

  • The area between the eyebrows and the hairline. Treatment vector: first from the center of the forehead to the temples, then in the opposite direction (with slightly less pressure).
  • Eyelid area.
  • Treatment vector: outer area of ​​the lower eyelid - bridge of the nose. The reverse movement is carried out in a similar way along the upper eyelid with force (along the brow ridges).
  • Mouth area.
  • Treatment vector: dimple on the chin - corners of the mouth - a point just above the center of the upper lip. Recommended number of steps: 2-3. We perform the movements with effort.
  • Nose area.
  • Treatment vector: lateral wings (up and down, movements should be fast) - zygomatic arch - temporal region. Cheek area (stage 1).

  • Treatment vector: dimple in the center of the chin - corners of the mouth - nose - eye socket area. It is highly advisable to use both hands alternately, with one making massage movements, and the other fixing the skin in the lower jaw area. Special instructions: the pressure should be maximum, to the point of pain. Cheek area (stage 2).
  • Treatment vector: wings of the nose - zygomatic arches - temporal region. Special instructions: movements are slightly weaker than at stage 1. Zygomatic arch area (stage 1).
  • Treatment vector: medial parts of the face - temples. Special instructions: the movement is performed by the thenar (pad under the thumb on the inside of the palm). Zygomatic arch area (stage 2).
  • Treatment vector: corners of the mouth - temporal region. Mandibular bone area.

Special instructions: see recommendations regarding the treatment of the zygomatic arches.

  • Complex facial skin treatment (stage 1).
  • Japanese massage should begin with steaming the skin. It is never done “dry”. Therefore, do not be surprised if you are offered to make a facial bath based on medicinal herbs and lightly rub your neck. Set yourself up for success, relax and think about something good. After this, a warm (but not hot!) towel will be placed on your face.

  • Next, the specialist will apply a cleansing tonic and some natural essential oil to your skin.
  • We have already described the massage procedure itself. Movements can be very different: tapping, stroking, pinching and even stretching. Report any unpleasant sensations to your massage therapist immediately, especially if you feel severe pain: this should not happen.
  • At the very end of the procedure, your scalp will be lightly massaged. It is believed that thereby energy flows will be directed in the right direction. You can be very skeptical about this, but since you have agreed to a Japanese massage, it is better not to be indignant. In the end, you get exactly what you paid for.
  • The duration of one procedure is from 60 to 80 minutes. The standard course of treatment is 10 sessions, they are carried out 2 times a week. To consolidate the achieved result, you may be offered single maintenance procedures.

When choosing a suitable salon, the last thing you should focus on is reviews from “grateful clients”. Most of them are biased, and some are completely paid for and do not represent any practical use.

Review from a cosmetologist

Japanese massage is considered one of the most effective among our women. But popularity is not always a good thing. More precisely, the methods by which it is supported are questionable. Thus, in some beauty salons, potential clients are greeted by employees dressed in kimonos, and the design of the premises itself is more reminiscent of a medieval Japanese hut. The massage session itself is like a ceremony of some closed secret society. Needless to say, the therapeutic effect of the procedure does not depend in any way on these “bonuses”. And, moreover, such methods are most often resorted to by salons trying to hide the insufficient qualifications of the massage therapist himself.
Why did I bring this up? The author of the article focused the reader’s attention on the fact that you should not rely solely on customer reviews when choosing a salon. In fact, it is worth adding such surroundings to the list of factors that are not decisive. But it’s worth asking whether the massage therapist has a specialized education.

Kobido massage is an intense, at the same time gentle and delicate effect on the skin of the face. The basis of this technique is the principles of oriental medicine. This procedure helps to quickly eliminate facial and neck tension resulting from accumulated tension. Using the Kobido technique, you can achieve noticeable rejuvenation, skin renewal, restoration of its structure, strengthening of defense mechanisms and improvement of overall well-being.

The Japanese term “kobido” translated into Russian literally means “the way of preserving beauty.” The first mention of it dates back to the chronicles of ancient Japan, to the 15th century. This technique already existed then. Perhaps Kobido is even more ancient.

This massage was the favorite procedure of one of the empresses of Japan, and they were very well versed in all the intricacies of preserving beauty. Following the example of the empress, ladies close to the court also resorted to the Kobido procedure. In those days it was available only to a narrow circle of people.

Over time, Kobido massage began to be used by ordinary women.

For many centuries, massage techniques, with all their nuances, have been passed down from generation to generation. Currently, the technique has changed somewhat, but only for the better. In the form in which it has survived to this day, it is no less effective.

In Western countries, Japanese kobido massage began to develop only from the end of the 20th century. Its distribution is associated with the name Shogo Mashizuki. He became the founder of the first Kobido massage school in the United States.

In addition, he owns developments in the field of facelift. Mashizuki added methods of Shiatsu, carried out by pressing with the fingers and palms of the hands.

One of Mashizuki’s successors, V. Kogan, contributed to the popularization of kobido in Western countries.

The effect of Kobido massage

Today, Kobido massage is considered one of the most effective rejuvenation techniques. It helps to get noticeable results after just a few sessions. Results after massage sessions:

  • The process of cell renewal occurs much faster;
  • Structural improvements of the skin reaching the deepest layers;
  • Relaxation of the facial muscles, as well as the muscles of the neck and head;
  • The effect of rejuvenation, healing, affecting overall well-being;
  • Elimination of the effects of stress and tension;
  • Relaxation of the whole body, harmonization of the emotional background.

The essence of the Eastern technique is to provide a targeted effect on a specific point.

After this, the skin begins to glow from the inside, literally “glows.” There is no magic here. The reason for this is the stimulation of metabolic processes in the skin. Lymph outflow also improves. The effect on blood circulation reaches the deepest layers.

Cosmetologists confirm the effectiveness of Kobido. It is unique and stands out significantly from other rejuvenation procedures, which include traditional effects on the skin, which are sometimes very aggressive and can cause harm.

In contrast, Japanese Kobido massage triggers natural, natural rejuvenation mechanisms.

In Japanese spas, kobido is the most common procedure that is in great demand among oriental beauties. They shell out up to $400 for one session.

The procedure is carried out delicately, which has an overall positive effect on the emotional background. The specialist not only has mechanical skills in carrying out the procedure, he has knowledge of acupuncture, the directions of movement of the flow of energy “qi” in the body, and also takes into account the characteristics of the client’s skin.

This is the main difference between this technique. All Eastern philosophy is aimed at harmonizing energy flows, preserving and maintaining their balance.

Indications and contraindications

Kobido massage has its own indications and contraindications. You should familiarize yourself with them before the procedure.


  • Excessive dryness of facial skin;
  • Intense sebum secretion;
  • Acne, blackheads;
  • Wrinkles;
  • Pigmentation formation;
  • Pain in the head area;
  • Tension, inability to relax;
  • Depressive states.

There are contraindications for massage:

  • in the presence of a skin infection;
  • after some cosmetic procedures, surgical procedures;
  • for cervical injuries;
  • for skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema);
  • In the first three months of pregnancy.

Massage technique

Kobido includes three sequential mandatory stages:

  • Cleansing procedure;
  • Using special products to moisturize the skin;
  • Activation of energy movement along the meridians.

It is the last stage that explains the therapeutic and cosmetic effects of the procedure and distinguishes it from other cosmetic procedures.

There are many important points on the face area, the proper stimulation of which can lead to the improvement of the entire body.

Check out the following video about the Kobido massage technique:

During the session, the deep layers of facial skin are affected, which activates blood circulation and collagen production. As a result:

  • A “glow” of facial skin appears, which gives a healthy appearance;
  • Increases firmness and elasticity;
  • Wrinkles and folds disappear;
  • Muscle relaxation.

After just a couple of sessions, the skin is noticeably transformed: fresh and renewed, it simply “glows” from the inside.

The cells are filled with oxygen and nutrients, and a self-healing process occurs.

Kobido massage is a unique Japanese massage technique that promotes rejuvenation and restoration of the entire body. The best effect will be achieved by a massage performed by a specialist.