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About laser pointers. Laser pointer Laser pointer dimensions

About laser pointers in general: A laser pointer is a portable device that generates a narrowly directed laser beam in the visible light range. In most cases, it is made on the basis of a laser LED, which emits in the range of 473 - 650 nm. The LED radiation is focused into a line due to a biconvex lens. Due to the fact that the diode does not emit directionally, a significant part of the radiation falls on the inner walls of the case and is absorbed. In this regard, the efficiency of the laser pointer is low. However, with high-quality focusing of the beam (which can be done independently by tightening the lens clamping nut), the pointer can be used to conduct experiments with a laser beam (for example, to study interference)
The spot of light produced by a laser pointer attracts cats (and dogs), causing a strong desire to catch it, which is often used by people in games with these pets. We should not forget that a laser pointer beam directed into the eyes of a person or animal can damage the retina.

Using laser pointers: Laser pointers are widely used in offices for various meetings and presentations. In planetariums, green laser pointers have long been used so that even a person not versed in astronomy can show any star and constellation. Also, stargazers can point out any celestial body to their friends.
Psychologists have long proven the influence of a color stimulus on decision-making; green color will create calm and harmony. Your presentations will be more impactful and effective, and you will easily outperform your competitors. This comfortable and elegant item can also be a good gift for your loved ones or partners. The compact laser pointer consumes very little battery power and has a long service life of 3000-5000 hours.

But are they all safe? Can laser beams cause harm? What are the consequences of their harmful actions? Unfortunately, all these questions have to be answered in the affirmative. Contrary to popular belief, laser pointers are not toys, and not only can they have harmful effects on people or animals, but they can also get you in trouble with the law. Just don’t react too emotionally to this and don’t rush to get rid of laser pointers. All you need to do is understand and remember a few rules for using laser devices.

Attention! First of all, never, under any circumstances, point a laser pointer at vehicles with passengers, people or animals. The beam can be distracting and can even temporarily blind a person, which can lead to disaster if a person blinded by the beam is driving a vehicle at a speed of 100 km/h, and there are concrete barriers around. Don't forget about it! If you direct a laser beam at an airplane, you are definitely breaking the law, and subsequently it will be difficult to wriggle out of the accusation. Therefore, always watch where you are pointing the laser pointer beam.

The laser revolution is slowly but surely sweeping the world as more and more people purchase laser pointers for themselves. If you are not already the proud owner of a laser pointer, you are, in a sense, still living in the stone age. Never before have such advanced devices been so accessible (not to mention that many high-energy laser pointers are capable of lighting matches, burning through film, exploding balloons, and the like). The evolution of the laser was rapid and did not stop for a moment. Laser technology covers many applications, from simple presentation pointers to high-powered military installations with concentrated laser beams. It has never been so easy to join the advances in laser technology and buy a laser pointer. The main thing is to never forget about safety rules when using laser devices.

Applications of lasers

The advent of the laser in 1960 marked the beginning of the rapid development of various fields of science and technology. But not only. Lasers led to the emergence of fundamentally new, previously unseen devices and such areas of science as integrated and nonlinear optics, holography, and laser chemistry. The word “laser” itself comes from the English definition “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation”.

      Lasers are:
  • Gas (argon, helium-neon, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide, excimer).
  • Solid-state (Alexandrite, ruby, crystalline with ytterbium doping, aluminum-yttrium, titanium-sapphire, microchip).
  • Semiconductor laser diodes (in pointers, printers, CD/DVD).
  • With the help of laser technologies, it has become possible to weld, cut, drill, and harden materials without the appearance of internal stress in them, which was impossible to achieve with mechanical processing. The accuracy of such processing literally reaches a micrometer, and the laser does not care what exactly it processes - metal or diamond. In microelectronics, it is preferable not to solder connections, but to weld, and the laser beam does its job perfectly. There is also laser cooling and magnetization. The emitter is still very successfully used in thermonuclear fusion.

    Today, lasers are also indispensable in medicine. It is used in surgery, ophthalmology, gynecology, oncology and cosmetic surgery. For example, during operations on the eyeball, a laser is able to weld the detached retina without injuring the eye itself. The laser can burn out both benign and malignant tumors. It is also successfully used in dentistry for teeth whitening and bloodless implantation. And the prospect of using the beam to stop bleeding in people with poor blood clotting is very exciting.

    Laser astronomy has also been able to take the quality of its research to a completely different level. For example, with the help of ruby ​​lasers, scientists were able to more accurately determine the distance from the Earth to other cosmic bodies. The accuracy of mapping the surface of planets is now up to 1.5 m. And with the help of semiconductor lasers, communication with satellites is carried out.

    A laser is indispensable for geodetic measurements, as well as for recording seismic activity in the Earth's crust. In geophysics, cloud heights are determined with high accuracy and phenomena such as turbulence and contrails are studied.

  • In aviation, laser gyroscopes, altimeters and airspeed meters are used. It is also important that the laser helps to land the plane accurately and correctly, and thereby ensures the safety of the crew and passengers.

    Everyone knows about the laser sight, which increases the shooter's accuracy in hitting the target. The beam is widely used in the armaments of armies around the world. With its help, they not only shoot accurately, but also interfere with the enemy and sniper detection systems, and also develop methods of misleading the enemy.

  • Lasers surround us in everyday life. With their help, we listen to CDs, record data, and print information on printers. Cashiers in supermarkets use lasers to read barcodes from products. With its help, subtitles are added to the screen, and teachers use laser pointers to explain the material. And in the evening young people admire enchanting laser shows at the disco.

    Currently at the development stage are technologies such as holographic recording of information and optical methods for its storage and transmission, as well as projection television.

  • Features and capabilities of modern laser roulettes and levels

    Today laser precision is needed everywhere

    When laying out plots of land, installing communications, constructing buildings, decorating premises and many other works, effective measuring instruments have recently been often used - a laser tape measure and a level.
    A tape measure is necessary to determine the geometric dimensions of objects with high accuracy. Its operating principle is based on measuring the duration of passage of an impulse to an object and back. Levels are used for internal marking work, marking holes during construction and finishing of premises.

    Functional features of roulettes

    The device consists of a laser, a keyboard, a computing device, and a liquid crystal display. Often, an additional tape measure can be equipped with an optical sight. The emitter can be either rigidly fixed or freely fixed (self-leveling). In addition, modern models have built-in memory and, if necessary, the ability to synchronize with a computer.
    Device models can be classified according to certain criteria. First of all, in terms of measurement range, i.e. the maximum distance that a tape measure can measure with high accuracy. Thus, they produce models whose effective measuring length is no more than 50 meters. They are very convenient for taking measurements indoors and have an error of no more than 1.5 millimeters.

    Additional functions include calculating the area or volume of a room, adding and subtracting values ​​from measurements. Among other things, this type of tape measure is compact, easy to use and produces accurate measurements.

    A device that measures distances up to one hundred and fifty meters is often also called a range finder. Using it, you can take measurements not only indoors, but also in open space, as well as measure distances between various objects. The measurement error is no more than three millimeters.

    In addition, it is necessary to highlight a third model of rangefinders, which have Bluetooth function and, accordingly, have the ability to transmit information wirelessly. They can work with other necessary programs and applications, depending on the required tasks.
    You should also consider a digital tape measure, designed for measuring short distances (up to five meters) with high accuracy. Such a device has a digital display, a function for storing the value of the last measurement taken, automatic shutdown, and is also very compact.
    Electronic tape measures are highly accurate instruments for measuring a wide variety of sizes, both outdoors and indoors. The results of calculations and measurements are displayed almost instantly.
    All models of the described devices are manufactured for industrial or industrial use and household use.

    Main features of laser levels

    Levels are usually produced in two types - a device with an optical system that turns the beam into a plane, and a point plotter. The latest model is often used during finishing and other repair work. This level is effective when laying communications, pouring floors, and laying tiles. A level with built-in prisms that can rotate the beam is more advanced and multifunctional.
    Also levels can be divided into rotary, self-adjusting and building type devices. The latter are used for marking for finishing work, marking holes and other measurements when it is necessary to construct a point at any distance, bypassing existing obstacles.
    The second type of laser level is very convenient, because it saves time on adjusting the rotary base of the level and allows you to adjust vertical or horizontal lines by pressing one button. A rotary level is a device that makes oblique, vertical and horizontal measurements by rotating the beam. It is used more often in open spaces, because its beam is clearly visible at sufficient distances in sunlight. The device has a rotating emitter and two horizontal beams.

    Modern laser tape measures and levels allow you to quickly and very accurately measure various sizes when performing many types of work.

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  • Laser pointers have been banned in Australia

    Laser pointer key fobs have been banned at airports in the major Australian state of New South Wales. This happened after a series of incidents in which airplane pilots were temporarily blinded by these pointers.

    High-powered pocket lasers, including so-called laser-based "star pointers" used by astronomers, have been blacklisted as a prohibited weapon in New South Wales. Passengers who do not have special permission to carry them will receive 14 years in prison if they attempt to transport such “weapons.”

    "Such irresponsible behavior can lead to dire consequences. It only takes a split second to point a pointer at a pilot's eyes to blind him for some time, during which a terrible catastrophe can occur," says state premier Morris Imma.

    Several pilots have recently reported dangerous laser beams streaking through their cockpits during takeoff and landing. The police responded by organizing a special service to combat “laser lunatics,” as the newspapers dubbed them. The latest incident occurred over the weekend when the pilot of a helicopter heading to Sydney's south was struck by a green laser beam.

    A small laser with blue and green beams can burn through thin plastic, explode an inflated children's balloon, set fire to paper and blind a person. These beams are visible even from the side (of course, not in a vacuum), unlike inexpensive “red” pointers, which reveal themselves only by a bright spot on the target. In general, even small red lasers with a weak beam (usually from 0.5 to 1-2, and less often - up to 5 milliwatts, which are widely sold in stores) are dangerous if they come into direct contact with the eyes. The point here is not so much the power, but the small diameter of the beam, which irreversibly damages individual retinal cells. In many countries their sale is already prohibited.

  • A little about laser pointers

    It is difficult to find a person who does not know what a “laser pointer” is. The heyday of the popularity of these devices with a beam power of up to 5 mW in Russia occurred in the 90s - the very red dot resembled the sight of a sniper rifle. Since that time, “laser progress” has stepped far forward. But I didn’t even suspect how much. My acquaintance with the new generation of laser pointers happened by chance, in one of the nightclubs in Beijing. In addition to the DJ, the atmosphere on the dance floor in the club is also created by the VJ - the person who handles the lighting and smoke equipment. Deciding to watch the DJ at work, I saw the VJ take a cigar-sized metal rod from his pocket and point it at the mirrored disco ball. The next second, a thin green beam burst from the tip of the “cigar”, which, colliding with the ball, broke into many smaller beams and illuminated the dance floor. To say that I was surprised is to say nothing. I was shocked. Until this time, I had only seen stationary laser club installations with a similar effect. And here everything fits in a thin “handle”.

    The most important thing about the new generation of “pointers” is that you see not only the point, but the beam itself. It can be of three colors - green, blue or red. In this case, the beam hits a huge distance - up to 5 km. in conditions of urban gas pollution.

    Depending on the power - from 15 mW to 125 mW - you can simply enjoy the spectacle or play pranks, popping, for example, balloons, lighting matches or even cigarettes. The more powerful the beam and the darker the surface the laser hits, the easier it is to achieve a “naughty” effect.

    One of the most famous manufacturers selling lasers online is the Chinese company WickedLasers.com. The prices on the site are fantastic, starting at $150 and ending at $1,700.

    Deciding to search offline, I immediately found an old Nexus model with a 35 mW laser for 200 yuan (about 25 dollars). For this money, in a gift box, I received a laser in black cover in good English (the contents are brief: do not point it at the eyes, change the batteries more often).

    Indeed, it is better to stock up on batteries. At the same time, the most expensive are lithium or alkaline. One pair of batteries will give you 15-20 minutes of bright laser show. Then the beam becomes thinner and disappears.

    Using fresh batteries, the laser easily reached a building two kilometers away. At night the beam is visible clearly and brightly. The spot on the walls is very large. At the same time, a feeling of unreality appears - as if the laser was simply painted onto the surrounding world using Photoshop.

    An incredible effect is achieved, again, in a nightclub. However, the security service immediately responds to unauthorized illumination and asks not to use the laser in the club. In general, they are asking correctly. If a laser hits a visitor's eye, it can cause intense displeasure. Having accidentally hit myself in the eye with a beam from fresh batteries, I felt the hard way that this toy was not a toy at all. Within an hour, vision problems were observed - white spots, blurriness. I was really scared and glad that I didn’t buy the most powerful model. Of course, you can also buy special safety glasses, but they spoil the whole picture - it’s better just not to point the laser at your eyes.

    By the way, there is no need to overuse ordinary “jokes”. I am still ashamed of one incident. Sitting on the balcony and “walking” with a laser around the neighboring house (200 meters from mine), I stopped at one window and drew zigzags on it. The light came on, a Chinese man flew up to the window, began to peer into the darkness, after which he closed the curtains and turned off the light. I wonder how he slept, what he was thinking about?

    Conclusions: an excellent toy, a super find for DJs and VJs, but it can also be useful for professionals. The downside is the short battery life. If you do not live in the Middle Kingdom, the price of the toy will be impressive. At least not a toy at all.

  • Types of lasers

    Optically pumped solid-state lasers

    The laser effect in a solid is achieved due to the presence of an impurity in it (for example, chromium oxide in the case of ruby), the concentration of which is a few percent. Neodymium impurities provide laser lasing in many solid structures, of which glass and yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) are most often used. Such lasers emit short pulses of very high power, the peak value of which is limited from above only by light breakdown in the active medium, causing its damage (for example, local melting). A neodymium glass laser (10 cm rod diameter) with a pulse duration of one billionth of a second can provide a peak power of about a trillion watts. Longer pulses have lower peak power.

    Gas lasers

    Many gases and gas mixtures, when an electrical discharge occurs in them, begin to generate laser radiation. Their beams are characterized by a very high degree of coherence and low divergence, close to the theoretical limit; in these parameters they compare favorably with solid-state laser beams. To solve applied problems, lasers with a gas mixture as an active medium (carbon dioxide with nitrogen and helium, helium with neon, or krypton with fluorine) are successfully used. The first type of laser emits in the infrared region of the spectrum; in continuous generation mode it has high efficiency and high output power. It is widely used in cutting and welding various materials. A helium-neon laser emits visible (red) light; it is used in many research and educational programs. The fluorine-krypton laser is the most efficient radiation generator in the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.

    Chemical lasers

    Some chemical reactions release a lot of energy, and the end products of such reactions contain enough excited atoms to produce laser lasing. The most promising of lasers of this type seems to be a generator based on hydrogen fluoride, which is formed by the direct interaction of atomic components. Due to the nature of chemical lasers, their continuous generation is difficult. But this drawback is compensated by the advantage of their pulsed modifications - they require low energy costs, and the components of the active medium of chemical lasers are easily transported to remote objects where there are problems with mains power (for example, spacecraft). A hydrogen fluoride laser can emit pulses of very high energy (several thousand joules) with a very modest power supply.

    Semiconductor lasers

    If an electric current is passed through a transistor-type semiconductor structure, a laser effect can be achieved. The dimensions and output power of semiconductor lasers are small, but their efficiency is high. Such lasers are mainly made using gallium arsenide or gallium aluminum arsenide; They are used mainly in communication systems.

    Dye lasers

    Many liquid organic dyes generate laser radiation when pumped by ultraviolet radiation, gas-discharge flash lamps, and continuous-wave (usually gas) lasers. Dye lasers have two important advantages: firstly, they are able to tunable wavelengths and, secondly, they can emit ultrashort pulses - lasting less than one trillionth of a second. In this regard, dye lasers are widely used in spectroscopy methods, including time-resolved spectral analysis.

Illuminated pointers are used for training, industry and as entertainment. Pointers can be battery cells or devices with solid-state lasers inside. Depending on the color, the cost and power of laser pointers vary.

Red light pointer

Red laser pointers are the cheapest to produce, since the color spectrum does not require energy consumption and have the following characteristics:

  • battery - regular batteries;
  • the power of such a beam ranges from 1 to 100 mW;
  • The service life of such products does not exceed 1-2 years.

Over time, the wavelength of the red laser shortens, the beams lose power due to a decrease in the safety margin of the battery cells or due to diode burnout.

Red lasers

Green laser pointers

Devices equipped with green color are more perceived by the human eye compared to all others, however, this rule applies only during daylight hours; at night, green color is perceived worse.

The green beam laser has the following features:

  • the basis for use is solid-state lasers equipped with diodes;
  • efficiency - 20% of rated power;
  • power supply - button battery;
  • production began in 2006 along with other color elements;
  • Green laser wavelength is 532 nm.

Blue laser pointer

Blue laser pointers have a similar control and operation principle to green ones. Such pointers have the following characteristics:

  • beam length - varies depending on the shade and for bright blue it is 445 nm, for dim (turquoise) 473 nm, and for blue 490 nm;
  • the probable harm to human health is the greatest among all the colors used in pointers;
  • efficiency factor - 3%, which is one of the smallest indicators;
  • the main element is solid-state diodes.

LU yellow color

Yellow light indicators are less common among others and have the following characteristics:

  • beam length - 594 nm (one of the largest indicators);
  • efficiency - less than 1% - the lowest in the class;
  • service life - 2-4 years;
  • operating principle - solid-state diodes;
  • development - 2008.

LU purple color

A special type of light pointer associated with the emergence of a new technology for digitizing Blu-ray media. Such pointers have the following functions:

  • light beam length - 405 nm;
  • commissioning date - 2008;
  • service life - 3-5 years;
  • operating principle - high power solid-state diodes.

Applications of laser pointers

The use of laser pointers has a wide range and extends to many areas of life. Most often they are used:

  • for highlighting targets in collimator sights of firearms (pistols, rifles, machine guns), as well as target designators for artillery or aviation operation at short distances;
  • in scientific activities, such pointers are used to detect gas in liquids when it is impossible to recognize it with the ordinary human eye;
  • Chinese green laser is used in astronomical research. Such pointers are used to explore the boundaries visible to the eye and designate space objects and fix them. At night, scientists use pointers of various spectra to determine the direction of stars, fixing it with a directed beam of light;
  • in educational activities, such pointers are used to demonstrate presentations, lectures and scientific seminars that require demonstration using a color pointer;
  • in political and social activities, pointers are used for presentations, to explain patterns of social processes and to concentrate the attention of the hall, public, and meeting.

Laser Safety

The safety of using lasers is an integral part of their daily use; such devices are not harmless and may pose a certain danger, depending on how the laser pointer is designed. The danger of the green ray is the highest.

Negative consequences when using the most powerful laser pointer without observing safety precautions can be as follows:

  • If it comes into contact with the eyes, even for a short time, laser light can cause a burn to the retina of the eye, which will lead to impaired vision or partial loss of it. Such a hit can lead to fatal consequences if such a beam is used on pilots or car drivers (in 2013 in Russia, civil aviation pilots were blinded on approach to cities, which could lead to plane crashes);
  • damage to the skin - when using powerful lasers with a strong light beam for several minutes, a 2-3 degree burn may remain on an open area of ​​skin.

These consequences have led to a legal ban on the possession of laser pointers in some countries, and they also lead to precautions when using such devices:

  • don't shine in the eyes- when using a pointer, it is prohibited to direct the light beam into a person’s eyes, even for a short period of time, in order to avoid burns to the retina;
  • do not point at open areas of the body- when using powerful lasers, this can also cause burns to the surface of the body;
  • do not irradiate vehicle drivers - this can lead to transport accidents and property damage, even death.

Photo of a laser pointer

Which laser pointer is the most powerful?

The laser pointer market is becoming saturated every year with new models, the tendency of which is to increase power through the use of modern LEDs.

What is a laser and who invented it?

We are so accustomed to the word laser that many do not realize that it is actually an abbreviation. The word "laser" or "laser" consists of the initial letters in English: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation - translated into Russian as "light amplification using stimulated emission of radiation."

History has proven that two Russian scientists Basov and Prokhorov are considered the inventors of the laser. In 1958, they were able to create the world's first laser, for which they received the Nobel Prize in 1964. Another of the inventors is the American Townes, whose work Prokhorov used to create the laser. Townes also received a Nobel Prize. However, the Americans were the first to launch serial production based on rubies. The company that began mass production was called Hughes Aircraft. Although even earlier, Albert Einstein in 1916 predicted the very theory of the possibility of inducing atomic radiation by an external electromagnetic field, on which all lasers began to work in the future.

Main types of laser pointers.
Red laser pointer- is the first of the family of pointers, as it has low power . Begins from 5 mw to 500 mw. Ideal for presentations, lectures and demonstrations in small spaces. The glow range is from 30 meters to 3 km, depending on the laser power. If your child asks to buy a laser pointer, this will be a great choice as it is absolutely safe.

Blue laser pointer - is the most powerful in the laser family. Laser power 10000mw. It is difficult to name the purpose of this laser, since its beam is very powerful and is capable of burning through plastic, fabric, and wood. Beam range up to 30 km. This laser should only be used by persons over 18 years of age and may cause burns or harm to your health. Should only be used with special glasses.

Example of blue laser pointers:

There are many other laser colors: such as purple, orange or pink. Such lasers have not been widely used in everyday life, so we did not describe them in detail. That's probably all we could tell you about lasers. If you want to add to our story, leave your comment below.

The full range is presented on our website.

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A laser pointer is a fashionable modern gadget of the 21st century!

There are a lot of options for using a laser pointer in everyday life:

  • A laser pointer is an inexpensive, portable laser that is similar in appearance and size to a regular pen. It is superior to older pointing devices because only a laser pointer can be used over a distance of several hundred meters, producing a bright spot of light that is very visible to the human eye.
  • Laser pointers are widely used in offices for various meetings. Now the presenter does not have to get up and go to the board on which the slides are displayed.
  • In some schools, teachers use laser pointers instead of regular wooden ones.
  • In many institutes, teachers use only laser pointers during lectures because the board at the institute is much larger than at school.
  • In planetariums, green laser pointers have long been used so that even a person not versed in astronomy can show any star and constellation.
  • Laser pointers are commonly used in educational settings and business presentations instead of regular pointers. Red laser pointers can be used indoors and outdoors in the evening. Green laser pointers can be used in the same conditions, but green laser pointers, unlike red ones, are clearly visible on the street during the day and at long distances.
  • The spot of light produced by a laser pointer attracts cats (and dogs), causing a strong desire to catch it, which is often used by people in games with these pets.
  • Green laser pointers can be used for amateur astronomy. On a moonless night, the beam of a green laser pointer can be used to point to stars and constellations.
  • A precisely positioned laser pointer can be used as a laser sight to aim firearms or air guns.
  • Laser pointers are used in their designs by radio amateurs as an element of communication within visual range.
  • A pointer with the collimator removed is used in home holography. This is the only known use of a laser in everyday life, where the most valuable property of a laser is used, which fundamentally distinguishes it from an LED - the monochromaticity of the radiation.
  • Psychologists have long proven the influence of a color stimulus on decision making; it is the green color that will create calm and harmony. Your presentations will be more impactful and effective, and you will easily outperform your competitors.
  • This convenient and elegant item in a beautiful case can also be a good gift for your loved ones or partners. The compact laser pointer consumes very little battery power and has a long service life of 3000-5000 hours.

As we see nowadays, laser pointers are used everywhere.

The most frequently asked questions and detailed, accurate answers to them:

Question : Tell me, how much does the brightness of a laser pointer beam depend on its power?

Answer : A beam with a power of up to 20-30 mW is quite poorly visible even at night, but from 50 mW the situation changes dramatically and further increase in power no longer gives such stunning indicators. Those. if you had a 5 mW pointer and you changed it to 50 mW, then your joy and surprise will be much greater than if you change the 50 mW to 200 mW. And although the brightness of the beam of 50 mW and 200 mW is not so different, in terms of its burning, incendiary and other similar abilities, 200 mW should not be compared with a 50 milliwatt pointer.

Question : Tell me, to what extent does the power of the pointers written on them correspond to the real state of affairs?

Answer : It often happens that the pointer says 200 mW, but when measuring the power it turns out that it somehow produces 100. Such situations happen quite often. The Chinese are very fond of gluing stickers with a power that is obviously higher than it actually is. Moreover, it is very difficult to distinguish the power of 200mw from 100mw with the naked eye and is only possible if you place two pointers next to each other - 200 and 100 mW. If you just turn on a pointer with a power of 50 mW, give it to a person and say that this pointer has a power of 100 mW - everyone will believe it. Here you have to rely on experience.

Question : There are many stores online that sell these pointers. How are they different from yours? And why are your prices suspiciously cheaper than others?

Answer : When in any store they tell you - “Our laser pointers are the best!” - don’t believe this because in China (where these pointers come from), the laser diodes that are used in these pointers are manufactured at one plant . And all manufacturers of laser pointers (and there are a lot of companies selling them in China) buy these diodes for their products from one manufacturer, and metal cases are not particularly important in these devices. Therefore, our pointers are no better or worse than those in other stores. Absolutely the same.All pointers are the same! Regarding the price, selling laser pointers is not our priority, so we do not set ourselves the goal of making as much money as possible from these laser pointers.

Question : Tell me, is the beam of your green lasers completely visible or just a point?

Answer : During the day, the beam is completely invisible from any pointer! Only a point is visible, the brightness of which, however, depends entirely on the power of the laser diode. But with the onset of twilight, everything depends on the power of the pointer. The greater the laser power, the earlier in the day you will be able to enjoy this spectacle - a bright, juicy beam. Starting with a power of 50 mW, the beam from the pointers will be visible already in the early twilight, and in the dark it will appear as a thick green rope and plow the sky over a radius of several thousand meters. At a power of 150-200 mW, the beam will hit distant clouds, and from 300 mW it will travel many tens of kilometers.

Question : What is the continuous operation time of the laser? Well, that is. Here you press the button and the light shines.

Answer : Firstly, it all depends on the power of the laser pointer, and secondly on the type of batteries or accumulators used. Thirdly, in any case, the manufacturer does not recommend using the pointer continuously for more than 2 minutes, because the laser diode gets very hot during operation and this deteriorates its characteristics, and fourthly, the current flowing through the diode is quite large, and therefore the battery will discharge very quickly soon if you shine your pointer continuously. The recommended operating mode is as follows: We shine for 30 seconds - rest for 20 seconds. or we shine for 20 seconds - rest for 7-10 seconds, so that during this time the diode can cool down and the battery can restore its performance characteristics. In the mode, we light for 5-6 seconds and then rest for 1-2 seconds - continuous operation until the battery is completely discharged. It is this mode that will be the most interesting and optimal for you.

Question : At what power do the “burning” and “incendiary” abilities begin?

Answer : Pointers with a power of up to 100 mW do not burn or set anything on fire. In reality, these properties appear on laser pointers with a power of 200 mW or more. But keep in mind that the further the distance to the object, the weaker these properties are. A green laser from 300 mW, and a violet laser from 200 mW, already fully burn and set fire to dark and red objects. Keep in mind that you will not set white objects on fire with any laser pointer! The white color reflects the laser beam and you will not get anything other than a bright spot of light.

Question : How much pointer power is required for wood burning?

Answer : If the tree is painted black, red (or a very dark color), then with a power of 200 mW you will already be able to burn through the tree, and from 300-400 mW the smoke will come out immediately as soon as you start shining the light on the piece of wood.

Laser pointers have long ceased to be a newfangled curiosity. This bright and unusual gadget has many different uses. The operating principle of a laser pointer is based on the continuous passage of a beam, which is generated by an infrared LED, through a system of special lenses and crystals. As a result of optical conversion at the output, the radiation is concentrated into a beam and turns into a powerful laser stream visible to the human eye.

Theoretically, the color can be very diverse, but in practice it turned out that using a laser in everyday life and at work can be a risky endeavor: not the entire range of laser radiation is safe for humans. Currently, pointers with green, blue and red luminescence are being mass produced and put on sale. Let's get creative with the question: what is a laser pointer for?

Science at the service of people: the most common areas of laser use

  • The first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word pointer is a school or any other educational institution. Of course, a laser pointer can also be used for educational purposes in order to focus the audience's attention on a specific object. Particularly relevant will be use in large lecture halls and on large projected screens.
  • In high school or university physics classes, a laser pointer can be used as a visual aid to demonstrate the capabilities of a laser beam.
  • Business presentations. The laser pointer does not take up much space and fits easily into your pocket. However, this small device will help you to effectively present the developed project and make the presentation layout more visual. Do not hold the target at one point for a long time to avoid jerking.
  • In adventure films and action films, you may have repeatedly noticed a red dot, with the help of which a sniper keeps a potential victim in his sights. A laser pointer is a powerful target indicator that has long been used by the military for firearms as well as air guns.
  • Green laser pointers are often used in scientific laboratories: they help detect impurities or liquids in transparent substances, and when combined with appropriate light filters, they effectively detect fluorescent emission associated with contamination of surfaces with residual amounts of organic compounds.
  • The bright laser light is a great aid for miners developing new passages and tunnels.
  • Why do you need a laser pointer in astronomy? They are actively used in the process of adjustment - setting up telescopes and studying the surface shapes of their mirror systems.
  • Unlike red beams, green beams of laser pointers are clearly visible during the day at fairly long distances, so tour guides actively use them not only indoors, but also in open spaces.

Recreation and hobbies: what is a laser pointer for?

If you are a fan of the good old radio communication, it can be used in designs as a communication element in the field of view.

Astronomy enthusiasts will appreciate the bright green beam, which can be used to point to stars and comets on a moonless night. The contrasting glow of the laser in the starry sky will create an additional romantic atmosphere for a couple in love. You can also instill an interest in learning the constellations and planets in your children by entrusting them with a pointer under close supervision.

By removing the collimator from the red pointer, you can use the gadget in amateur holography.

Fans of hiking and mountain passes can use laser pointers as indicators of the planned route and a signaling device in case of falling behind the group. Also, the laser pointer easily lights matches and dry wood chips.

Fishermen who prefer boat net fishing can easily operate on the water in absolute darkness with the help of bright laser beams.

A DJ with a laser pointer in a nightclub will quickly attract the visual attention of an appreciative and enthusiastic audience.

Pets, especially cats, love to play with the light spot. Be careful not to scare the animal with the bright glow.

Household use of a laser in any case requires caution: direct exposure of the beam to the eyes of a person or animal can cause damage to retinal cells and even cause temporary blindness.