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Hydrolate: what it is, how to choose and use, self-preparation. Everything you wanted to know about hydrolates What are hydrolates for?

Plant hydrosols have become a real must-have for lovers of natural cosmetics. A special production process allows you to preserve beneficial substances from plant materials, which perfectly moisturize the skin and saturate it with vitamins. Manufacturers claim that hydrolate is several skincare products in one bottle. Before purchasing, you should understand the composition and features of using the new product.

Review of the best hydrolates for face, hair and body

Like any other cosmetics, hydrolates need to be selected depending on the skin type and the problem of concern. But there are also universal varieties of flower water that are suitable for absolutely anyone. And some hydrolates will help cope with a problem that other cosmetics have not helped solve. The top 15 includes the most effective and versatile varieties of medicinal plant distillates.


Ideal for the eye area. Quickly relieves fatigue and redness, tones the skin and makes it more elastic. Cornflower blue water is suitable for those who are bothered by dark circles and bags under the eyes. Beneficial substances from cornflower extract will slow down skin aging and prevent the appearance of deep wrinkles.


This hydrosol is considered royal. And it's not about the cost, but about the magical effect. Rose can rejuvenate the skin and improve its tone; with regular use, it brightens and evens out the complexion. Hydrolate heals small wounds, and when used on the scalp eliminates dandruff.


The name of the plant speaks for itself: flower water from immortelle is one of the best remedies for premature skin aging. For those with normal or dry epidermis, it is better to choose immortelle essential oil, and for girls with oily or problematic epidermis, a light hydrosol will be a great help.


Chamomile flower water is an excellent remedy for soothing irritated skin. Chamomile cleanses well and whitens the tone, doing it gently and delicately, unlike chemical agents. This hydrosol can be used to treat gum or eye diseases.


The main cause of skin rashes in girls is increased levels of male hormones. The phytoestrogens contained in sage help normalize hormonal levels and reduce the number of rashes. The distillate can be either applied topically or taken orally. Sage will perfectly help with women's problems: PMS, amenorrhea, painful menstruation.

Green tea

A real storehouse of antioxidants and tonic substances. Aromatic water with green tea should definitely be in the purse of every owner of oily and problem skin. Regular use of the liquid will help get rid of oily shine, disinfect the surface of the epidermis and reduce the risk of new acne.


Another good product for problem skin. Pine extract is famous for its antibacterial properties, so it will improve the situation with acne of any degree. For maximum effect, it is recommended to mix clay masks with pine hydrosol and spray the liquid over the face during the procedure, not allowing the clay to dry.

St. John's wort

The plant is valued for its powerful calming effect. St. John's wort has a good effect on both the nervous system and the skin. It is recommended to use the distillate from this plant for irritated or dry skin. It is no less useful to regularly spray your face for those with enlarged pores; flower water will help narrow them.


The plant is suitable for any skin type. Horsetail perfectly whitens and evens out the complexion, and gets rid of dark circles under the eyes. Cosmetologists recommend applying horsetail distillate to your hair, with special emphasis on the roots. This will help strengthen the hair follicles and make the strands smooth and soft along the entire length.


The plant tones the skin, reduces the amount of sebum produced, improves complexion and removes inflammation. You can apply mint water directly to insect bites to reduce itching and disinfect the wound. To make your hair soft and shiny, after washing you need to distribute the hydrosol over the entire length.


Ideal for older women. The effect of beneficial components of cistus tones the epidermis and smoothes out wrinkles. It is useful to use flower water to gently cleanse the skin. If you spray cistus on your face during a massage, you can improve the outflow of lymph and stimulate the process of cell renewal.


Another versatile aromatic water. Jasmine is well suited for both very young and older women. The plant tones and deeply moisturizes the skin, evening out the color and preventing the appearance of wrinkles. Can be used for any type of epidermis.


The ideal solution for those who are tired of fighting acne. When sprayed on the skin, rosemary water dries out pimples, kills bacteria and heals small wounds. Rosemary is no less effective in the treatment of oily seborrhea. If you regularly rinse your hair, the roots will stop getting dirty so quickly.


Using eucalyptus distillate will help reduce the number of acne and eliminate the inflammatory process. Eucalyptus fights not only the consequence - acne, but also the original cause, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and narrowing pores. It’s also a good idea to use it on your hair, especially if it’s falling out a lot.


The citrus liquid has a bright aroma that remains on the skin for a long time. You can apply hydrolate not only to the face, but also to the body, especially to areas with cellulite. Orange is no less useful for older women. Thanks to its tonic effect, orange water helps maintain skin tone and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.

Video: Review of hydrolates for the face and scalp

How to prepare hydrosol yourself

Yes, if you can’t find the right flower water or have doubts about the quality, you can prepare it yourself. The process takes a lot of time and effort, but the result is guaranteed to be effective and natural.

First of all, you need to prepare a medicinal plant, a saucepan with a lid, a small deep bowl, a mesh for steaming, and food foil. The water used for distillation must be filtered.

The hydrolate is prepared as follows:

  1. Hot water is poured into the pan at the rate of a liter for every 200 g of plant.
  2. A mesh for steaming is installed inside. It is important that water does not seep through the holes and wet the raw materials.
  3. A bowl is placed directly on the pieces of the plant. It is desirable that the distance between its edges and the walls of the pan be minimal. This will help collect more liquid.
  4. The saucepan is covered with a lid and heated. As the water evaporates, droplets will condense on the lid and flow into the bowl.

The resulting product can be stored for 3-4 months, preferably in the refrigerator.

Hydrolate is a magical remedy given by nature itself. Beneficial substances and vitamins quickly penetrate the skin, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and nourishing the epidermis and dermis. But you shouldn’t rely only on hydrosols. Proper comprehensive care will help you get rid of annoying problems and join the ranks of those with ideal skin and hair.

Video: How to make your own herbal water

You can take care of your facial skin using different means. Particularly effective and beneficial are those that contain natural ingredients and natural extracts.

Hydrolates are considered an excellent skin care product. They are a slightly colored liquid, which is saturated with extracts of medicinal plants. Useful components are presented in their original, unprocessed state, which allows them to provide the most beneficial effects for the skin.

Many people are interested in what hydrosol for the face is? Hydrolate is considered distilled water, which contains essential oils that do not dissolve in water. It is produced through steam distillation at temperatures from 70 to 90 degrees.

The product is also often called floral or aromatic water, because the following raw materials are used:

  • various flowers and their petals;
  • aromatic herbs;
  • leaves;
  • citruses;
  • berries;
  • roots, as well as other parts of plants.

The most popular of these is rose water, which is made from the petals of the rose flower. There are also many other plants that have different medicinal properties.

The characteristics of hydrolate are very similar to natural essential oils, but it is much safer. Natural, concentrated oils intended for skin care cannot be used, as they can leave burns and cause allergic reactions. Hydrolate has a gentle effect. It contains no alcohol or artificial ingredients.

Basically, flower water is used as a toner to cleanse the face of cosmetics. Hydrolate soothes the skin and restores its cells. It can even be used for children's sensitive dermis.

Beneficial properties of the product for the skin

Using this water, you can get rid of various skin problems. It gives the following positive effects:

The composition is necessary in order to improve the condition of the skin and provides the following effects:

  • elimination of inflammation and irritation on the skin;
  • cleansing from impurities;
  • stimulating the process of cell renewal;
  • refreshing and evening out tone;
  • antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • healing and restorative effect.
  • elimination of dryness and oiliness;
  • preventing peeling and redness;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • narrowing of pores.

Such floral waters are used not only for facial skin. Special ones have an excellent effect on both the structure of curls and the scalp. Let's look at the main positive aspects.

In its properties, it also resembles bioactive cosmetics, which cannot be used for a long time, but hydrolate can be used, since it contains a lower concentration of useful substances.

Flower water is very suitable for sensitive skin and does not cause allergies or irritation. Compared to essential oils, it has a gentler effect on the skin and mucous membranes. The substances in the composition do not cause burns, even when using high concentrations.

The product is an antioxidant that helps fight premature skin aging. The antioxidants included in the composition are completely absorbed by the epidermis, which improves the process of cell restoration.

Flower water has many positive properties. It can be produced in different forms, and is also often made at home.

The variety of plants and natural extracts allows manufacturers of natural cosmetics to make a wide range of products, among which you can choose the best option. Each flower water is used for a specific type of epidermis and gives its own positive effects.

What are the most common types of funds?

With cornflower

Water prevents the appearance of the first wrinkles and sagging skin, and has a softening and regenerating effect. If used regularly, it can eliminate existing problems with the dermis, as well as reduce the signs of aging.

Daily rubbing of the face will protonate lifeless skin, lighten the tone a little and refresh it.

Cornflower hydrolate for the eyes can be used instead of moisturizer, moisten cotton swabs with it and apply to the area under the eyes for 10-15 minutes or use for washing. Water with this extract removes fatigue and redness.

If you mix 15 ml. cornflower and chamomile water, add 50 ml. olive or almond oil, a few drops of vitamin E, you will get an excellent composition for removing makeup from eyelashes and eyelids.

With sage

Sage hydrolate is considered a phytoestrogen and antioxidant, which has an anti-aging effect and helps fight acne. This is the best product for cleansing pores, preparing the dermis for further application of creams or oils and enhancing their properties.

Sage-based water starts the process of cell regeneration and has an antioxidant and tonic effect. As a result, the skin becomes firmer and fresher, and the pores become smaller.

This product is perfect for oily, normal and combination skin.

With rosemary

Rosemary hydrolate for face is great for oily skin types. It eliminates pustules and inflammation, making the dermis much healthier and looking good.

Compresses based on rosemary water help improve blood circulation and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The composition protects the epidermis from the influence of free radicals, deeply tones cells and heals small wounds, tightens the oval of the face and fights the first signs of aging. It is often combined with anti-cellulite products.

With immortelle

Immortelle hydrolate is considered one of the best, as the composition starts the regeneration process, tones the skin and makes it elastic.

Water is known for its effectiveness in treating bruises and hematomas, eczema or allergic manifestations. It is often used to cleanse the skin after ear piercings, chemical peels, shaving or tattooing to relieve swelling and redness.

The composition nullifies inflammatory processes and has a bactericidal effect.

With green tea

Green tea water is considered one of the best antioxidants, and the use of this product prevents the aging process of the skin. It is used as a prophylactic against wrinkles.

It can be used regularly several times a day, then the effect will be most noticeable. Most often, the composition is used in the form of masks, tonics and compresses. Green tea also protects well from harmful ultraviolet radiation. It is used for acne, making the dermis clearer and healthier.

With mint

Peppermint hydrolate works great for problematic, contaminated and inflamed skin. It eliminates acne, removes oily shine and lightens old acne marks.

The composition effectively removes traces of plant “bites” and makes the skin fresh, removing paleness. It is recommended to spray it on the dermis after shaving or using a scrub to restore damaged areas.

Mint water provides gentle care, gently cools and soothes the dermis.

With parsley

Parsley hydrosol whitens the skin well and effectively fights acne. Using aromatic water with parsley extract you can eliminate dilated capillaries and sebaceous shine. It also has a rejuvenating effect, relieves eye fatigue and bags under the eyes.

There are many types of water, these are just a few. It is necessary to select a product based on your skin type and existing problems.

The product is selected depending on the skin type. There is a certain classification that allows you to choose the most effective type of flower water.

Hydrolate for combination and problem skin should be from the following plants:

  • lemon balm and mint;
  • tangerine and lemon;
  • rosemary and juniper,
  • tea tree and coriander;
  • string and thyme;
  • linden, birch, hibiscus and pine;
  • parsley and nettle;
  • celandine, wormwood and yarrow.

Such extracts have a good effect on the epidermis, improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands and preventing various rashes.

Hydrolate for dry skin consists mainly of plants such as rose, lavender, immortelle, hops, fennel, etc.

The best facial hydrolates for oily skin are those that contain ginger, grapefruit and tangerine, lemon and hibiscus, tea tree and pine, juniper, etc.

There is also an effective remedy that allows you to get rid of various inflammations on the skin - hydrosol for rosacea. The most effective are those containing: parsley, rosemary, witch hazel, calendula.

As for normal skin, it is better to care for it with floral water, which contains:

  • lemon balm, nettle, lavender;
  • mint, chamomile, rose;
  • grapes, currants;
  • cucumber, parsley.

In order for the effect of floral water to be as effective as possible, it must be selected correctly according to your skin type or first consult with a cosmetologist.

In order for your skin to become better and more beautiful, you need to know how to use hydrosol correctly. Here it is necessary to consider for what purpose the product is used. It is used in various ways, which you can read more about below.

  1. A two-phase specialized product for cleansing the face of cosmetics. You need to take flower water (2 parts) and add oil (5 parts), which is most suitable for your skin type. The components are poured into a bottle and shaken well. It is good for wiping the face, applying it to a cotton pad.
  2. Tonic. Any flower water is already a tonic, so you can wipe your face with it after washing. It improves skin nutrition and renews cells.
  3. Ice cubes are considered a very effective way to use aromatic water. You need to pour the product into molds and freeze, then wipe your face with ice cubes after washing. The effect will be much better than using lotion. Please note that this option is not suitable for rosacea.
  4. Spray. You need to pour the flower water into a spray bottle. Can be sprayed after cleansing the skin several times a day. This will help protect your skin from the negative effects of UV rays and sun exposure.
  5. Compresses are a very good way to use when caring for the skin around the eyes. They will help prevent the appearance of wrinkles, remove bruises and dark spots under the eyes. Simply wet a cotton pad or cloth with water and place it on the eye area or entire face, then remove after 15 minutes. You can also dilute regular masks with water.

You can also use hydrolate instead of cream. Water provides the skin with complete care. It has many useful components that provide the skin with everything it needs. It is simultaneously a means of cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and restoring.

Reading more and more horror stories about the harmful components of cosmetics, I am slowly returning to my old hobby - aromatherapy and making homemade cosmetics.

To be honest, my achievements in this area are not great at all. Despite the fact that in the house there is still a mini-warehouse of oils and other natural things from different countries of the world, I have not taken on complex recipes. But what to do now, you have to master...

My acquaintance with them happened unplanned - the online store messed something up and sent me 10 different flower waters, instead of 5 ethers... I don’t know bad English (the online store is foreign), so I decided to forgive them the jamb and started looking for him information.

I found out that hydrosols (hydrosols, distillates in other words) are a by-product of the distillation of essential oils - steam condensate formed during the evaporation process, into which all the benefits from the herbs “come out”.

Dilute masks, use instead of lotion and tonic, make compresses, rinse for hair and mouth - this is an incomplete list of what you can do with them. The concentration of esters in them is small, so hydrolates can be used without dilution and on very delicate areas of the skin, and what is important is that they can be consumed internally.

Hydrolates are affordable (on average from 110 to 350 rubles), and in the case of expensive oils it is better to buy them - this way you will protect yourself from buying counterfeits.

I will describe the properties of some of them very briefly:

Cornflower hydrolate

Prevents the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, and with constant use removes existing signs of aging. Compresses with cornflower can replace creams for the skin around the eyes. By the way, they will also relieve fatigue and redness of the eyes.

Immortelle hydrolate

One of the most powerful means for regenerating, toning and increasing skin elasticity. There is information that immortelle essential oil, and partly the hydrosol, have antiandrogenic properties (included in the formulation of very expensive anti-AGA cosmetics).

Sage hydrosol

An antioxidant and phytoestrogen, therefore it gives remarkable results in anti-aging and anti-acne recipes (locally blocks androgens). Internal sage hydrosol is recommended for PMS, amenorrhea, to cleanse the body and reduce sweating - 1 tbsp. spoon in a glass of water, up to 3 times a day.

Mint hydrolate

Externally: acne, oily skin, inflammation, insect bites, pale skin. Very refreshing in the heat! Hair will stay fresh and clean longer if you add mint hydrolate when rinsing.

Can be taken orally (about 2 tablespoons per liter of water) instead of mint tea to improve skin condition and reduce androgens.

Neroli hydrolate

This is the case when, instead of expensive oil, it would be better to try hydrosol. Suitable only for oily and combination skin with increased sensitivity, as a tonic and for diluting masks with clay and honey.

Sandalwood hydrolate

Real (not Egyptian :)) sandalwood is quite expensive, but hydrosol is quite affordable. It has a therapeutic effect on acne, increased oiliness and dryness, heals the hair structure, accelerates skin healing, and refreshes.

Pine hydrosol

Strong lymphatic drainage and antimicrobial effect. For the face, I recommend using it in cases of advanced acne and obvious skin infection. But if you have cellulite, you feel that the tissues are swollen, swollen, then pine will be useful for you too. You can dilute it in clay masks, add it to mud wraps, and simply refresh the skin with light lymphatic drainage self-massage.

Green tea hydrolate

I am often asked what is best to use to prevent aging at a very young age, up to 30 years. So, Green tea hydrosol is simply an ideal remedy in this case. You can use it several times a day - wipe, dilute masks, apply compresses. If you overdo it with tanning, then green tea hydrosol will minimize the damage from ultraviolet radiation.

For acne and hair loss (rub into roots at night), I also advise you to include green tea in your daily care.

St. John's wort hydrolate

Relieves irritation, redness, tightens and drains pores. St. John's wort, when taken internally, has a strong psycho-emotional effect: it eliminates anxiety and disperses dark, depressive thoughts. One famous aromatherapist even advises taking St. John's wort hydrosol (half a teaspoon per glass of water) after waking up throughout the winter, for a great mood all day :)

Cistus hydrosol

It is very useful for older girls: it eliminates wrinkles, gently cleanses the skin, improves lymph flow, which becomes more and more problematic over the years. Inside Cistus is used for endometriosis (2 tablespoons per 1 liter), drunk for 5 days before menstruation.

Chamomile hydrolate

It relieves skin irritation and inflammation faster than others, and can be taken internally instead of chamomile tea.

Lavender hydrolate

It is universal, can be used on any skin type and against any of its problems - there will still be a positive effect. But still, for oily skin with comedones and acne, lavender is more effective - the face will become better with each use. To kill two birds with one stone: fall asleep quickly and speed up hair growth - rub hydrosol into your roots at night.

Rosemary hydrolate

In my opinion, this is the best hydrosol for oily skin and hair that gets dirty easily; it has a good effect on oily seborrhea. I recommend it to everyone who suffers from pustules, some kind of incomprehensible inflammation and likes to put their hand to their pimples.

Rose hydrolate (rose water)

Since Soviet times, rose water has become a favorite skin care product for many women. Traditionally, Crimean essential oil plants specialize in it. Real rose water is rose hydrosol. Please do not confuse it with alcohol-containing rose water lotion.

Suitable for all skin types to keep it in perfect condition, giving it a well-groomed, healthy and fresh look. Replaces moisturizing creams that I don't like so much. Dry skin may be slightly drying, but this is rare.

Rose hydrosol is very beneficial when used internally, another beauty drink, so to speak. You can drink up to 1 liter per day (2 tablespoons per liter).

There is a well-known recipe against excessive sweating, which they say helps a lot: take hydrosols of rose, sage, peppermint and cistus in equal parts, dilute in 1 liter of warm water (1 tbsp) and drink throughout the day. I don’t know exactly when the effect should appear, but you need to drink until the problem disappears...

I didn’t talk about all existing hydrolates, but only about the most useful ones in the household. I think I’ll gradually write about the rest.

You can buy hydrolates in the same place as essential oils, or you can steam it yourself :) - look for technologies on aromatherapy forums (I can also tell you if you’re interested). But not everything should be done at home. For example, our roses are all chemical, Dutch, there is no point in evaporating anything from them, but you can try immortelle, St. John's wort and green tea.

After opening the package, hydrolates are stored only in the refrigerator and for only 1-2 months. As a natural preservative, you can add a couple of drops of grapefruit seed extract (Citrosept), but only in case of a real risk to the life of the hydrolate 8).

Good luck with your experiments!)

Natural ingredients are always superior to those of an artificial nature. By adding various extracts, essential oils, and extracts to cosmetics and personal care products, the manufacturer cannot always guarantee a positive effect from its use. A new step in the search for natural ingredients that can not only provide a wonderful aroma to a cosmetic product, but also make it useful are hydrolates.

What is hydrolate?

People call hydrolates differently. Most often - flower water, fragrant (aromatic) water. But it’s difficult to call a hydrosol that simply smells like water. Although it is transparent and colorless (in most cases), hydrosol contains many useful substances. It is called distillate due to the process of its preparation. There is another name - hydrosol.

Hydrolate is obtained through the operation of a special unit - an alambik (plant distiller). To get such water, you can use flowers, leaves, berries, fruits, and roots. If water is extracted from the tender parts of the plant (flowers, leaves), then use the steam distillation method:

  1. a perforated sheet or mesh is placed above the water and filled with plant material;
  2. the distiller heats up some heat source from below (open fire, heating element);
  3. water boils, producing steam. It passes through the plants, capturing some of the volatile esters, the beneficial components of the plants, then condenses and flows down the tube into the vessel.

The resulting liquid is hydrolate. But using coarser material (for example, berries), the steam method will be ineffective. The water method of distillate extraction is relevant here:

  1. The necessary plants are initially placed in the water;
  2. heat it up and collect the condensate.

Hydrolates are used both in their original form and added to medicinal and cosmetic products. Hydrolates are often used for home cosmetics (cosmetic masks, ice, tonic). Plant distillate cannot be compared with the properties and capabilities of essential oils, since these are two different products.

The quality of raw materials plays an important role. It is advisable that the plants are grown away from industrial zones, highways, chemical disposal sites, etc.

Beneficial features

It is not for nothing that hydrolates can often be found in personal care products (shampoos, gels, creams, mouth rinses), cosmetics, and medicines. This is all thanks to their unique properties:

  • hydrosols contain light ethers, which, depending on their origin, can solve various cosmetic problems;
  • the water in the base of the hydrolate is completely purified from minerals and metals harmful to the skin, suitable for any skin type, especially sensitive;
  • a small amount of esters in the distillate will not oversaturate problem skin with fats and will not require rinsing;
  • hydrolates have a light texture, and the liquid itself has the maximum amount of benefits that could be taken from a plant.

The aroma of a high-quality hydrosol does not always correspond to the smell of essential oil, which is extracted from a similar plant. Natural floral or fruity notes should not be too cloying with a hint of flavoring. If this is the case, then the purchased hydrosol is of low quality.

How to choose the hydrosol you need?

We are not always offered exactly the hydrosol we want. After all, in order to make any cosmetic product, you only need a high-quality distillate. This one will contain not just an aromatic substance, but also active components. To choose a quality product, you should follow this procedure:

  • Request a quality certificate. It is this formality that will protect you from a dubious purchase. Companies that have such a document a priori adhere to the hydrolate production technology and you can rest assured about the quality of the product.
  • Purchase the product only in specialized stores or pharmacy kiosks. In such places of purchase, all documents for the goods are likely to be available, and storage conditions will be met. This cannot be said about spontaneous markets.
  • View composition. The bottle may say “hydrolate”, and the composition is rich in essential oils. It shouldn't be this way.

You can make the distillate yourself. The distiller unit itself (alambik) has a cost ranging from low (for an aluminum apparatus) to higher (for a copper one). In this case, you can control the quality of plant raw materials.

To choose the best product for your skin, you should pay attention to the properties of the plant itself from which it was obtained.

Composition, properties, purpose and methods of use

Essentially, hydrosols are water-soluble plant components loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and other benefits. This water has certain properties for the skin, hair, as an inhalation, etc. It all depends on the plant that became the basis for obtaining the hydrolate. Purpose according to this principle may also differ.

Hydrosols are used for various purposes:

  • aromatic bath base;
  • makeup remover (the effect is similar to using micellar water);
  • liquid for inhaler (nebulizer);
  • like eau de toilette;
  • enriching complex for home cosmetics;
  • remedies to eliminate runny nose, sore throat, cough and other diseases that can be solved using traditional methods of treatment.

Having understood the possibilities that plants provide us, we can effectively select hydrolates for specific purposes. Store hydrosol water in a cool, dark place. Can be diluted with water before use, since hydrosol is a concentrate.

To tone the skin in the morning, plant distillates can be frozen into cubes to wipe over the face.

This distillate is popular for use in natural creams, tonics, and other cosmetics.

Value: soothes the skin, fills it with missing moisture, bactericidal, universal remedy for any skin type.

Thanks to these properties, the distillation product is used as a good tonic that refreshes the skin and has a delicate aroma. It also moisturizes dry skin. Also used as a lotion after a bath or shower. “Rose” water rejuvenates the skin, gives it a healthy color and makes it velvety.

Lavender hydrolate

Lavender distillate is especially valuable among lovers of natural cosmetic products. It has a lot of unique effects on the skin.

Value: good cleansing (pores and the entire skin in general), optimization of the sebaceous glands, moderate moisturizing, an excellent remedy against acne.

The aroma of lavender is used to eliminate moths in places where clothes, wool, and fur are stored. To do this, soak crusts of dry bread with lavender hydrosol and wrap them in gauze, then place them among clothes.

To pacify oily skin, alcohol is added to the water. Plant extracts regulate the formation of sebum, and alcohol eliminates oily sheen.

Lavender water is often used to care for babies (a remedy for diaper rash, redness and rashes), for intimate hygiene, and to combat dandruff. It is also sprayed in the room as aromatherapy for nervous excitability.

Cornflower hydrolate

Cornflower is a plant with a rich “inner world”, therefore the hydrosol obtained from it is incredibly rich in all sorts of useful components.

Value: anti-inflammatory, regenerating, tonic, rejuvenating, restorative effect.

The cosmetic use of cornflower blue water for the skin has a “cooling” effect. Prepared compresses from cornflower distillate are useful for the skin of the eyelids, for the skin of the neck and décolleté.

This natural tonic is suitable for rinsing hair after washing to make it healthier and “cure” dandruff. It is also useful for oily hair.

Various types of dermatitis, skin inflammation, and rashes can be eliminated with chamomile water. It is optimal to use it to add shine to hair.

Value: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, healing, tonic, restorative agent.

Chamomile inhalations are used to remove phlegm from the bronchi; if you have a sore throat, you should rinse with chamomile distillate at least 5 times a day.

Baths with the addition of aromatic water will relieve problems with the skin of the face and body and reduce the amount of dandruff.

In infant hygiene, such water is especially valuable: it quickly relieves inflammation and diaper rash, and heals small affected areas.

Sage hydrolate

Water with sage will be useful both in self-care and in eliminating unpleasant symptoms.

Value: relieves inflammation of varying degrees, has an antifungal and antibacterial effect, restores the skin, tones.

Used in hair and face masks, body lotions. It is important to use water as a mouth rinse if you have a toothache. She also treats stomatitis and other oral lesions.

Rosemary hydrolate

Rosemary distillate is useful for those who take care of the condition of their hair. It is also relevant to use if you have problem skin.

Value: skin cleansing, regulation of sebum production, antifungal effect, antibacterial.

To restore skin after shaving, use rosemary water. It should also be used after washing your hair to stimulate hair growth and get rid of dandruff.

Mint water has a strong but refreshing aroma. Used for skin diseases, oral care, hair care.

Value: anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, tonic, antibacterial effect.

The presence of mint hydrosol in hair cosmetics ensures high-quality hair cleansing. Mint water can give your facial skin a healthy appearance and reduce the appearance of rosacea.

Neroli hydrolate

Neroli hydrolate has a regenerating and rejuvenating effect on the skin, but it also has a lot of benefits.

Value: restoring, regenerating, moisturizing, rejuvenating effect.

Hydrolate from delicate orange tree flowers is used as a “controller” of sebum production, while caring for the skin, giving it a healthy appearance with each use.

If you spray some water at home, it will have an anti-stress and harmonizing effect on the nervous system.

It has a large amount of vitamins, they have a healing effect and nourish the skin.

Value: anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, restorative, regenerating agent.

Water provides comprehensive care for hair, face and body. After a long stay under the sun, it has a healing effect on the skin.

Calendula hydrolate

When it comes to caring for skin problems, calendula water has no equal.

Value: a good antiseptic, ensures normalization of sebum production, treats acne, cleanses hair and cares for the scalp.

The beneficial components of water can replace an expensive facial tonic, and the skin will get rid of redness, inflammation, and rashes. Rinsing your hair after washing with calendula distillate will relieve dandruff and scalp problems.

A unique distillate for effective action on inflammation of the oral mucosa and hair care.

Value: anti-cellulite, tonic, cleansing, anti-inflammatory effect.

Used as a mouth and hair rinse. As part of anti-cellulite products, lemon balm distillate restores elasticity to sagging skin. A small amount of lemon balm hydrolate in creams for daily use will provide the skin with matte, velvety texture.

Tea tree hydrolate

Tea tree water contains powerful antioxidants. That's not the only thing she's good at.

Value: anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating, bactericidal, moisturizing, cleansing effect.

If you use water as a tonic, the skin will be cleared of inflammation and acne. If it is included in face creams, the skin will rejuvenate and become healthier. When caring for your hair, tea tree water gives it a healthy shine.

Ylang-Ylang Hydrolate

Provides complete care for combination and oily skin types.

Value: rejuvenation, regulation of the sebaceous glands, healing, cleansing, toning.

Mixtures of hydrolates are also used to achieve the most effective effect: with “rose”, “chamomile” water, etc.

Witch hazel hydrolate

It is useful to use witch hazel water for skin of different ages.

Value: antibacterial, rejuvenating, nourishing, anti-inflammatory agent.

Witch hazel water can provide complete care for skin of any age: when teenage acne appears, it can “cure” young skin from it, but if the water is used by a middle-aged woman, the problem with fine wrinkles and nutrition will be solved.

Immortelle hydrolate

From valuable properties Immortelle hydrosol has anti-inflammatory, healing, bactericidal, and soothing effects.

When healing large wounds, it is worth rinsing with immortelle hydrosol to avoid large scars. Systematic use of products based on this water will help get rid of dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

Linden hydrosol

Natural linden flower hydrosols “awaken” dull skin, nourish it and restore its protective functions. They have medicinal properties against colds.

Value: when used externally – relieves redness, inflammation, has a bactericidal and restorative effect. Internally – antipyretic, analgesic, sedative.

Used to care for the entire body. Colds are treated by using linden water in inhalers. To saturate the body with vitamins, you should drink linden water as a generous drink.

Unique water for complete hair care. Burdock not only cleanses hair from impurities well, but also stimulates their growth.

Value: bactericidal, nourishing, cleansing, anti-inflammatory agent.

Burdock root hydrosol can be found in shampoos and conditioners, but the greatest effect is obtained from it if used in its pure form. It also relieves the symptoms of seborrhea and eliminates dandruff. For the skin it is used as an anti-acne product.

Mulberry hydrolate

Mulberry hydrosol will help make your skin healthy without rashes, redness and give it a healthy appearance.

Value: antimicrobial, cleansing, moisturizing, restorative properties.

Mulberry water will restore a healthy appearance to the skin, even out tone, and eliminate signs of aging. A hair mask with this water will restore your hair, give it vibrant shine and volume.

Nettle hydrolate

The water of this plant has a detrimental effect on skin diseases.

Value: improves oxygen exchange inside skin cells, thereby toning it and giving it a healthy appearance, moisturizes and nourishes.

Using nettle distillate for a bath, the skin will become more elastic and firm. Nettle has a strengthening effect on hair and gives it shine. At the same time, the scalp becomes healthier, dandruff and epidermal diseases are eliminated.

Orange hydrolate

Can be used for any skin type and age. A special vitamin product for solving many problems in cosmetology.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

Modern cosmetology offers many effective personal care products. Most women prefer natural remedies, one of which is hydrosol. Another name for the product is flower water, and it is produced from a variety of plants. Before using the product, it is important to know how it is made, used and what properties it has.

What is hydrolate

Not everyone is familiar with this unique product, which is widely used in cosmetology. Hydrolate is a liquid product containing essential oils and incorporating a lot of the beneficial properties of the plant. The second name of the product is flower water. Product Features:

  • It is distinguished from perfumery by its natural origin. The fragrant liquid does not contain synthetic or alcohol additives.
  • Flower water goes through several stages of distillation, due to which it absorbs a lot of useful substances.
  • Hydrolate is made from various herbs and fruits: wormwood, green tea, horsetail, orange, rose, oregano, St. John's wort, fir and others.

Water is used to evaporate oils from plant materials, and their concentration in the finished product is no more than 0.5%. This makes the hydrolate light and gentle. Additional beneficial substances in the composition turn it into a nourishing moisturizer for facial skin care. Many manufacturers of fragrant liquid pass off essential oil dissolved in distilled water as a hydrosol. It is important to differentiate these two products. They have different production technologies, compositions and properties.

Methods of using hydrolate

In home cosmetology, the product is considered universal. Due to the lightness and tenderness of floral water, it can be used for any skin type, unlike essential oils. The liquid base facilitates the penetration of beneficial substances into the cells of the epidermis and hair, and absorption when ingested. Through regular use, the aroma of hydrosol becomes part of a person’s own scent.

Flower water helps restore the psychological background, normalizes the emotional state, relaxes, soothes, and gives strength. Specific properties depend on the components. Depending on the components, the product is used in different ways:

  • for application to the skin in its pure form;
  • as an aromatic additive during bathing;
  • in therapeutic inhalations;
  • as a filler for moisturizing body sprays;
  • for cleansing and toning facial skin;
  • for enriching cosmetics (creams, foams, shower gels);
  • as an analogue of perfumery;
  • as an additive to shampoo or hair conditioner, makeup remover;
  • to eliminate peeling in skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, allergic rashes).

Also from such water are prepared:

  • vitamin face masks;
  • compositions for the treatment of burns, abrasions, wounds;
  • useful additives in tea;
  • decongestant;
  • composition for eliminating stretch marks and scars on the skin;
  • skin whitening product for severe pigmentation;
  • anti-wrinkle product.

Properties of popular hydrolates

In pharmacies and specialty stores you can find a huge number of different types of flower water. Each product has a unique composition and is used for different purposes. Below is a table with the properties of known types of flower water:

Name of hydrolate

Therapeutic effect

Cosmetic properties

  • Has a sedative effect;
  • relieves pain during menstruation in women;
  • treats burns;
  • normalizes hormonal levels.
  • Moisturizes the skin;
  • rejuvenates;
  • launches cell regeneration processes;
  • gives elasticity;
  • improves complexion;
  • eliminates dandruff.
  • Relieves headaches;
  • improves memory;
  • provides a diuretic effect;
  • strengthens blood vessels.
  • Tones the skin;
  • gives elasticity, firmness;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • protects against sunburn;
  • strengthens facial contours.
  • Relieves stress;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • helps fight conjunctivitis;
  • treats gums;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Relieves skin irritation;
  • cleanses;
  • whitens skin;
  • treats burns.


  • Increases immunity;
  • cleanses the body;
  • improves metabolism.
  • Gives skin elasticity;
  • helps fight cellulite;
  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Increases immunity;
  • treats skin diseases;
  • eliminates diaper rash;
  • relieves toothache.
  • Promotes skin cell renewal;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • prevents acne.

Green tea

  • Improves mood;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalizes digestion;
  • promotes weight loss.
  • Reduces hair oiliness;
  • prevents acne;
  • gives the skin firmness and elasticity.
  • Has a hemostatic effect;
  • promotes the removal of kidney stones;
  • reduces swelling;
  • eliminates bleeding gums.
  • Strengthens hair;
  • tightens pores;
  • improves complexion.


  • Relieves inflammation;
  • fights infections;
  • relieves pain;
  • treats burns, wounds, frostbite.
  • Stops hair loss;
  • prevents acne;
  • whitens the skin.
  • Provides a diuretic effect;
  • used for douching for diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Tones;
  • prevents the appearance of wrinkles on the face;
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • adds shine to hair.
  • Relieves stress;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • improves metabolic processes in the body.
  • Moisturizes;
  • gives elasticity and firmness to the skin;
  • tones.


  • Improves appetite;
  • normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminates sore throat;
  • fights infections and viruses.
  • Treats acne, blackheads;
  • tones;
  • smoothes out wrinkles.

St. John's wort

  • Removes toxins from the body;
  • eliminates colic;
  • normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • helps fight constipation.
  • Regenerates skin cells;
  • calms;
  • tones.

Hydrolate for face

Before using flower water, you need to choose the right product for the specific purpose. List of popular facial care products:

  1. To get a moisturizing balm for thin skin around the eyes and face, you can use hydrosol of rose, chamomile, lavender, rose hips, cucumber, grapes, clover. Floral water from these plants has a delicate texture, helps make the skin smooth, soft, velvety, promotes collagen synthesis, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. To care for oily skin, hydrolates of tea tree, fir, citrus fruits, spruce, string, wormwood, oak, parsley, rosemary, and juniper are used. These plants help eliminate oily shine, acne, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and prevent the appearance of acne.
  3. Hydrosols of chamomile, burdock, nettle, birch, celandine, lemon balm, pine needles, thyme, jasmine, and currants are well suited for normal skin. With the help of fragrant water from these plants, you can quickly cleanse pores, start the process of regeneration of epidermal cells, and give your skin a fresh look.
  4. Combination skin is cared for using hydrosol of lavender, verbena, hops, viburnum, laurel, string, yarrow, horsetail. Flower water from these plants helps maintain a healthy complexion, tighten pores, and prevent the formation of acne and blackheads.

Hair hydrolate

A natural product with essential oils and other beneficial substances will help not only preserve the beauty of your skin, but also take care of your hair. Each type of floral water solves one or more problems. Problems that can be resolved by these means are described below:

  1. If your hair is weak and falls out a lot, hydrosol of rosemary, ylang-ylang, laurel, nettle, patchouli, sage, citronella, acacia, and coniferous trees will help.
  2. To cure dandruff, hydrolates of ginger, lavender, string, citrus fruits, yarrow, celandine, thyme, oak, pine, wormwood, rowan, juniper, plantain, and hops are used.
  3. Hydrosols of lemon, tea tree, mint, fir, ginger, rosemary, parsley, sage, spruce, oak, and tangerine are well suited for caring for oily hair.
  4. Hydrosol of cornflower, rosemary, grapefruit, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, and sage will help give your hair shine.
  5. Hydrolates of jasmine, sandalwood, and lavender are used to smooth hair.
  6. Protect strands from the negative effects of hair dryers and styling irons using rose hydrosol and lavender.
  7. Floral water from linden, chamomile, rose, and ylang-ylang helps to moisturize dry and weakened hair.

How to prepare hydrolate at home

A valuable natural product can not only be purchased at a pharmacy or specialty store, but also prepared independently. The process is labor-intensive, but the resulting liquid will bring many health benefits. In addition, you will be sure that your own homemade flower water will be a natural product that has all the necessary properties. You need to use homemade hydrosol as soon as possible before the product deteriorates.

To make hydrolate at home you need to prepare the following:

  • raw materials (fruits, flower petals, herbs, etc.);
  • saucepan with lid;
  • food foil;
  • bowl with high sides;
  • mesh for steaming dishes;
  • filtered water.

The process for preparing homemade flower water is as follows:

  1. Place the prepared raw materials on the bottom of the pan.
  2. The mass is filled with water in a ratio of 1 l/200 g of raw material.
  3. A mesh for steaming dishes is placed on the pan, and a bowl is placed on top of it to collect condensation.
  4. Cover the pan with foil for complete sealing and a lid.
  5. Bring everything to a boil over intense heat.
  6. Reduce the flame to minimum and simmer the broth for about 2 hours.
  7. Take a bowl with the flower water obtained as a result of distillation and use the product for its intended purpose.