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What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger! Makes us weaker makes us stronger

What makes a person stronger? Why do we literally feel that some unknown force comes from some people, while others, no matter how they puff themselves up and try to look like strong and integral individuals, but nothing works out for them?

  • It's all about a person's beliefs, habits and behavior that make him either strong or pathetic...

Successful people do something that allows them to make a certain impression on their interlocutors, and to feel stronger and more confident than those around them. They view themselves a little differently than most losers.


1. Victory.

The more victories a person wins in life, the stronger he becomes! But that is not all! What matters most is how one feels about them. Does he consider them something valuable and worthy of attention, or treats them as insignificant events from his past, which are not worth mentioning... What can come of it if you do not appreciate every small and big victory from your own of the past .

2. Defeats, failures.

Oddly enough, failures can make us stronger. A person can hardly be considered strong if he has not had the opportunity to overcome powerful resistance in life. There is only one condition: if we do not learn any lessons from our falls, then failures do not make us stronger. Another thing to consider is how we deal with failure.

If we know for sure that each new defeat inevitably brings us closer to success, then, in this case, we will not become limp after the next fall and do not give up. With such an attitude towards losses and failures, which are inevitable for each of us, we definitely become stronger, because we are always able to gather all our will into a fist for the next breakthrough and another attempt to overcome the desired peak. About how persistence increases the number of successes in life.

3. Difficulties.

When faced with them, we either become limp and weak, or we courageously overcome them and... become even stronger. Any obstacles build character. Can anyone consider themselves a strong person if they are lucky enough to avoid major shocks along the way? It is very doubtful, because even having achieved something significant in life, such a person can lose everything in an instant if he encounters a difficulty the equivalent of which he has never overcome before.

  • Strong people, who have overcome a huge number of painful blows of fate along their life’s path, are unlikely to be broken by another, even a very serious problem.

4. Believe in yourself.

Believing in yourself means knowing for sure that the powerful inner potential that exists in every person is capable of bringing much more than what we already possess today. Belief in your limitless capabilities is a necessary condition, without which it is impossible to imagine a strong person breaking through all the walls of barriers and obstacles on the way to the dream to which he so strives!

When a person is overwhelmed by a passionate dream, he cannot be weak! If the goals are very ambitious, then, like it or not, you will have to become strong. What are the dreams of weak people? Small, down-to-earth, to achieve which they do not need to become strong.

  • If your dream takes your breath away, then, being a weak person, it will not be realized under any circumstances.

Without making yourself a strong person Without revealing yours, you will become one of those who, in old age, with pain in their hearts, bitterly regret the years of life that flew by at lightning speed and dreams that never came true!

What can we do to improve our lives in the future? Of course, create favorable karma in the present. We very often like to judge other people behind their backs, and believe me, we are judged in the same way.

Then why not say only good things about people? Then they will say the same about you. Our Ego constantly seeks recognition in the eyes of other people; it loves to be praised and lifted to the skies. But all this does not make us stronger.

On the contrary, we lose personal power, and, as a rule, after praise (when emotions play out), the other side begins to appear in the form of a heap of abuse addressed to you (what can you do, the law of balance). Therefore, to avoid this fate, you need to remain detached, without emotions.

This is easy to do if, during compliments and other ascensions to an imaginary pedestal, you hide your hands behind your back or in your pocket, while showing your fig. This is a very good ancient method.

We earn very good karma for ourselves if we do good to someone unselfishly. Where did the wise observation come from: “DO NOT DO GOOD, YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE EVIL”? From our expectations of praise addressed to you.

The impulse to do good that comes from the Ego is not a selfless act. The ego needs praise. Get into the habit of asking yourself as often as possible: “IS WHAT I AM DOING NOW MAKES ME STRONGER?”

We will do a very favorable deed for ourselves if we help without being exposed, on the sly - so that no one knows whose help it is. Then we will be attracted to similar surprises in the future, it is unclear from whom.

The ego constantly needs energy support, and by feeding it with our energy, we de-energize our real selves. When you hear some news, refrain from telling it, and this will make you stronger.

After all, in fact, the one to whom you want to tell this will learn it from others after a while. But no, the Ego wants to see a person’s delight, because his desire is to be a messenger of happiness.

Give up that last puff of cigarette and it will make you stronger too. Just don’t engage in self-deception by giving up what, in principle, you don’t want at the moment.

When you set the goal of tracking and evaluating your actions, and practice this, you will move into conscious action mode. And this stops your automatic actions.

In the evening, do a mental, or better yet written, analysis of your actions: what was done consciously and what happened automatically.

At first you will be amazed at how unconscious you are and how much you act like a biorobot. But over time, there will be fewer and fewer such moments.

I agree, you’re unlikely to succeed just like that; you need support with meditation and a raw food diet. The transition to live food, to my surprise, weakened my passion for habits.

Previously, I could not understand what connection there could be - between living food and habits. But now I am convinced of this, and this has become my knowledge: it does not matter why this happens, it is enough to know that it works.

Now about the most powerful source of energy - sexual energy. Here I would also recommend moderation. And if you have a very big goal, abstinence.
Using this energy excessively weakens us. I used to think: why do many people who have seriously gone into business and risen well have problems with potency?

Then I realized, or rather, experienced it myself, that there is a sublimation of energy (transition to the upper chakras). Hence the fullness of the volitional chakra (manipura), which gives us the strength to move confidently forward towards the goal.

If a person begins to spend energy on sex, then he will begin to lose money. There is a direct relationship here. After all, what exactly is money? This is a direct indicator of our energy level.

More energy - more money. A. Levshinov even describes in some book what level of well-being a person will have when each chakra is full.

Why else is moderation in sex necessary? Because, according to Don Juan, people in a civilized society are the fruits of boring copulation.

This means that in most cases, conception occurs during ordinary, mediocre sex, without great Love and Passion - just the fulfillment of marital duties.

What kind of conception is such a person. Only the lucky one who is not the fruit of boring copulation (or, in his own words, boring fucking, otherwise you can’t call it).

You can have sex as much as you want without harming yourself. It’s just that in a civilized society we have actually managed to pervert everything that previously had a higher, spiritual meaning.

The art of Love has turned into ordinary sex, the culture of self-discovery through drugs has turned into drug addiction, and the culture of alcohol consumption has turned into alcoholism. There is nothing harmful on Earth as long as there is moderation.

Chapter from the book "Hedgehog in the Fog or Exit to the Goal -2". Noel Buharmetov and Natalya Berilova

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Hello! In this article we will talk about what makes a person strong. Strong people rule the world. Strong people are admired. Strong people cope with many difficulties and achieve goals. It is unlikely that anyone will argue with such statements. What helps these people to be strong? Is it possible to intentionally become one?

Characteristics of strong people

Let's see what qualities others attribute to strong people.

They often say about these:

  • “He has strong energy”
  • "He's very resilient"
  • “He can’t be broken!”
  • "He is a born leader"
  • "He is brave and determined"
  • “He has charisma!”

Moreover, these characteristics can equally be attributed to both men and women.

Strength is expressed in the inner core of a person, his life principles and beliefs, behavior and relationships with other people. It all starts with a feeling of inner strength. We feel a powerful energy impulse that stimulates action. The desire and readiness to act actively here significantly prevail over fear, doubt and depression. And by constantly making important decisions and taking bold actions, we attract a new charge of energy to ourselves, as if “feeding our strength.”

What makes strong people different?

  • Self confidence. Strong people do not doubt themselves and know how to evaluate their abilities and capabilities. They easily take on tasks that are important to them.
  • Self-acceptance and self-respect. Strong people know about their strengths and weaknesses (yes, even strong people have their weaknesses!) and are able to honestly admit them to themselves. They do not study (and, accordingly, do not waste their energy), but either recognize their achievements and feel self-satisfaction, or work to correct the situation, mistakes and improve themselves.
  • Target. Strong people always know what they want in life. They have goals to achieve and they do it.
  • Responsibility. Strong people always take responsibility for what happens to them. Therefore, by soberly assessing their abilities, they themselves will not burden themselves with unnecessary tasks that they cannot complete. And they will definitely do what they undertake. That's their reliability.
  • Strong people are “real”. They don't pretend, but behave naturally. They are open and sincere in their feelings and actions, they do not try to pretend to be someone else or copy someone else's behavior. It is important for them to preserve their “I” and internal integrity.
  • Decision making skills. Therefore, quite often strong people are called decisive.
  • Ability to interact with other people. Understanding the behavior of others and the ability to accept them as they are helps strong people to successfully communicate and build relationships. They have a flexible approach to different situations: in some places they can adapt, in others they can show persistence and competently influence others, in others they can provide support. Strong personalities always become good managers. Such people are respected and people want to follow them.
  • Desire and readiness to act. Strong people usually don't sit still. They have a lot of energy and tasks to complete.
  • Positive attitude. Optimism always enhances positive energy and allows you to cope with stress more effectively. That's why strong people never lose heart.
  • Courage. Strong people know how to overcome their fear in order to move forward, are not afraid to express their opinions and can stand up for themselves and others. Taking reasonable risks is also their hallmark.

Strong people are less influenced. Their self-sufficiency and self-confidence allow them to soberly assess the situation. Such people are less susceptible to suggestion, the influence of the media, stereotypes, etc.

Why some are strong in spirit and others are not: determining factors

  1. Hereditary factors, congenital characteristics, temperament. Many people already show strong character from childhood. Certain traits (for example, a strong type of nervous system) predispose to this.
  2. Upbringing. Formation of confident behavior in a child, attentive attitude to his needs, development of initiative and independence, respect for his personality, upbringing in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere contribute to the fact that the child will grow up to be a strong personality.
  3. Successes and achievements. Every victory inspires new achievements and charges you with positive energy. The more successes and victories a person has in his piggy bank, the more confident and stronger he becomes. The main thing is to recognize your achievements, and in no case devalue them.
  4. Obstacles and failures. They make us stronger if we learn from them and do not lose heart. Everyone knows the saying: “Everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger”.
  5. Target. The desire to achieve a goal strengthens willpower, promotes self-organization, and forces perseverance. And every step towards victory inspires and adds self-confidence.
  6. Belief in your strengths and capabilities. Each of us is capable of much. And the more we believe in ourselves, the more others trust us.
  7. Other people's faith in us. There is also a way back. Sometimes people close to us begin to believe in us so much that we can no longer live up to their expectations and begin to act and behave more confidently.
  8. The desire to live and become happier. This is the internal energy that allows you to experience interest in life and move forward.

How to become stronger

  • The first thing you need to do is evaluate all the parts of your life that you can influence. Awareness and acceptance of the fact that what happens to you depends on you will allow you to begin to better manage your thoughts and behavior.
  • Work on increasing self-confidence and self-esteem. Read: .
  • Tell yourself often: “I will succeed”, “I can handle it”, “I can do this”, “I am on the way to my goal”, “I can do it, I will achieve it” and other life-affirming phrases.
  • Be true to your values ​​and principles! Don't give up on them to please someone. Remember an important rule: if you want to be a strong person, other people's opinions should interest you to a very small extent .
  • Be yourself. Do not play other people's roles, do not strive to join those companies where you are uncomfortable and there are no people close to you in spirit. The more natural you behave, the less energy you spend on creating your image.
  • If you perceive difficulties not as an insurmountable obstacle, but as a test, then it will be easier to cope with them.
  • Praise yourself even for small achievements. You can keep a diary of your successes.
  • Communicate more and meet new people. This helps develop self-confidence and successfully establish relationships with others.
  • From time to time, force yourself to make decisions quickly (within a minute).
  • If you notice that you are beginning to engage in self-flagellation, tell yourself: “Stop!” and, having answered the question: “What do I need to change?”, draw up an action plan.
  • Gaining inner strength often requires restoration of physical health. If you are exhausted and depressed, first take a good rest and feel at least a small surge of energy. Only then can you begin to act in a new way.

Every person has certain resources of strength. It is important to feel and reveal them. Allow yourself to do this.

Life is quite an interesting thing. To some it seems incredibly beautiful and light, to others, on the contrary, unbearably heavy... Who will say that it is unfair, and who will say that a better fate cannot be found, but who is truly right? The truth is that each person perceives life differently, one has learned to rejoice in what is today, because yesterday he didn’t even have this, but to the other, no matter how much you give, it will still not be enough! This is where human greed lies.

People are creatures who do not see light or darkness, they are creatures who see only what they want to see, what they need, what attracts them!

My personal worldview was changed by a German philosopher, who was mocked by scientists of that time, but he did not lag behind and did not change his opinion. People who, even under pressure from the masses, did not change their opinion always aroused my delight and respect, because not everyone can fight against the system. Even a small cancer cell that fights against the system in the body is respected, because it is also trying to survive, a lion killing a defenseless lamb does not kill for pleasure, but in order to continue the race and so that its children can grow up and gain strength. The world is cruel, according to Darwin's theory, survival of the fittest, but according to my own theory, those who strive to survive survive!

“What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!” One small but brilliant phrase that the little-known philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said! A phrase that has passed through centuries, through time, through generations of people, so different, but also so identical in their desire to live and continue the family line. There is a lot of evidence that people are just like animals, but there is one important trait that only we can control! This trait, this gift is the ability to think! And it is precisely because of this that even I have the opportunity to give free rein to my thoughts and change something in our world, because you don’t need to try to change the world, you just need to change yourself!

Humanity... Time... Faith... God... Civilization... Progress... Power... Authority... You... and Me! Things that did not appear without people who were striving for what! They didn’t renounce their ideas, but, despite everything, they moved forward!
Nietzsche was very ill during his lifetime, and his illness did not hinder him! And until death knocked on his door, he created and wrote about things that help people believe in themselves, even to this day.

Let's break one quote down into the root cause and the conclusion. The root cause is “that which does not kill!” The conclusion is “what makes you stronger!”

What doesn't kill! ..What doesn't kill us? Every morning we wake up and go to work or study, sometimes we do it through force, but we do it. This is how we overcome our laziness, it doesn’t kill us, which means it makes us stronger! We communicate with people and do not always agree with them, we enter into a discussion, and gain experience. It also does not kill us, which means it strengthens us! There are different people: some like us, and the rest are trying to trample us into the dirt and as far as possible! We think, analyze and try to find the right way out of this situation... This does not kill us, which means it makes us stronger.

We are trying to survive in a world where everyone is for themselves and everyone is trying to carve out a place in the sun! Life does not kill us, and therefore makes us stronger. A simple cold, runny nose, headache, due to non-compliance with hygiene rules or rules of personal protection against colds makes us think about whether we should have dressed so lightly yesterday, whether we should drink cigarettes and alcohol, I generally keep quiet about drugs! But even here there is a much deeper difference and a much more interesting opinion! When we are sick, our body thinks even without our permission and even before the time we start taking medications, the antibodies in the body have already begun to destroy foreign bacteria that have invaded their domain, they will remember these painful bacteria and will be ready next time! It doesn't kill us, it makes us stronger! And we remember that God protects those who are protected, and we draw timely conclusions for ourselves!

Conclusion is what makes you stronger! Every day we fight, gain experience, try to become better, improve, strengthen. Physical labor strengthens our body, because we can’t just lie and think all day, mental labor strengthens our consciousness, we get ready and don’t panic when things don’t work out, but we learn to immediately find a way out of any situation, no matter how difficult it is. was. We believe, and everyone has their own faith, and it is faith that helps us strengthen spiritually and wake up in the morning with a dream that strengthens our desire to achieve something, to move forward! And it doesn’t matter how many times you stumbled, how many times you fell. It is important that you can always get up and still reach the end. DO NOT bend, do not break, but stand until the end and get to your goal, to your dream!

What doesn't kill us makes us stronger! Every new day this phrase inevitably goes with us through life! And it doesn’t matter whether we agree with it or not, it’s still true!

Once upon a time, one person discovered a truth that was known to everyone, but today all people are guided by one truth. Nietzsche's philosophy was entirely aimed at one single goal! To prove to people that they can do absolutely anything if they believe in themselves!

After all, faith in one’s own strength is the energy that gives birth to something new and extremely large! Self-confidence is the power of the Universe, the power of God, the power of the superman. Each person holds within himself that energy that can change not only the world around him, but all of humanity. Internal energy gives birth to a force that changes a person’s worldview, some direct it for good, others for evil...

Abraham Lincoln went bankrupt four times in his life and was left with almost nothing, but still did not give up, rose up and went towards his goal. Finally, these merciless blows of fate did not kill him, but only struck him stronger and more resilient!
Walt Disney got kicked out of the newspaper for lack of creativity, and now look what he became! A legend of creativity!
Isaac Newton was one of the worst students at school, his teachers constantly repeated that nothing good would ever come of him, but now we use brilliant formulas, and no one will even remember the names of his teachers.
Albert Einstein did not speak until he was four years old, he was kicked out of technical school for getting bad marks, and now he is recognized as one of the best minds of humanity.

Beethoven did not know how to hold the violin correctly and his teacher constantly said that he was a complete mediocrity in music... It’s funny, but if this “mediocrity” had held the violin correctly, perhaps today we would not have heard such brilliant works as “Moonlight Sonata”, “Melody” Tears", "To Eliza", "Storm", etc.

All these people fell, but still rose, they knew the cost of losses, but they also knew what victory was. For this you can bow low to them. There is something to learn from such people and something to borrow.

Nietzsche's philosophy greatly influenced the history of mankind, because thanks to his works about the superman, such a tyrant as Adolf Hitler appeared. And although, as sad as it is to say this, this man was also able to believe in himself and achieve heights from nothing, but he directed his internal energy not to good deeds, but to the seeding of evil on planet Earth.

This once again proves that there are no chosen, best people, we are all equal and only those who believe in themselves, those who believe in their strength and those who are not afraid to rise after the first unsuccessful fall will be able to achieve something,

You will never be the first to come running if you walk, you will never fall if you lie down, you will never be the first if you do not see the back of your opponent, you will never be able to call yourself a human if you simply exist...

And it doesn’t matter whether you agree with me or not, because I will still stand my ground, no matter what lies ahead. I will still go, no matter how many times I have to fall, I will still rise and no matter what grade I receive for opinions pouring from the heart, because I know one thing that can change the life of every living person on this earth : “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!


Pain and emptiness (ah-ah-ah);
Pain and emptiness (ah-ah-ah);
Pain and emptiness (ah-ah-ah);
Pain and emptiness (ah-ah-ah).

[Verses, NOA]:
This is not a fire, but a thick fog.
It’s hard to hold on, I understood everything.
Higher than the sky, but barely alive.
Didn't promise anything extra.

Again in the trap of concrete slabs,
And the whole world seemed to be forgotten.
Fill all the emptiness with silence -
And now, it’s burned on the ribs.

This is the path that I chose myself (chose myself);
If I drown, call me ocean (ocean);
My soul beats in waves against the sunset (oh sunset);
Me, I'll never go back (won't go back)

I would hate you if you were me -
I would drag you into the fire with me.

It was so easy to follow the crowd.
The most fierce demon is the sad home boy.
I would hate you if you were me;
(If you were me);
I would drag you along with me (into the fire).

If you want it, don't wait.
If you can, close your eyes.

Only time heals, everyone believes so.
Hold your breath, count to one hundred.
No regrets, no matter who you become.
The world is ruled by money, money, money; oh-oh!

Pain and emptiness (ah-ah-ah);
Pain and emptiness (ah-ah-ah);
Pain and emptiness (ah-ah-ah);
Pain and emptiness (ah-ah-ah).

Additional Information

Lyrics of the song NOA - Everything that makes us stronger.
Author of the text: NOA (Mikhail Dombrovsky).
White Punk prod.
Cover: Mikhail Kumarov.
Release label: DEAD DYNASTY.
September 20, 2018