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What to do to keep your facial skin clean. How to properly make your face clean and perfectly smooth? Nourish and moisturize

For years, scientists have been telling us that chocolate and fatty foods do not cause inflammation on the face and, in general, do not affect the clearness of the skin. Research proves the opposite. “The expression: “You are what you eat” is true. Clear skin is constantly restored with the help of substances that form the basis of our diet,” says the famous American nutritionist Cynthia Saas. According to her, if the cause of skin problems is not hormones, the results of the diet will be visible within six weeks.

Secrets of clear facial skin: 4 rules for every day

Simple carbohydrates, which are found in white bread, pasta, biscuits and sweets, are the enemies of clear skin. Studies have shown that switching to whole grains helps get rid of acne. In just ten weeks, the number of blackheads and whiteheads is reduced by 28%, and acne by 71%.

  1. Eat less carbs


Various sweets, which should also be excluded, also contain a lot of simple carbohydrates. You also need to give up alcohol and caffeine.

It's better to switch to brown rice, quinoa and whole grains. In just two or three weeks, you will be pleased to note how your complexion will change, your skin will become clean, fresh and rested.

Not only your hormones are to blame for your skin problems, but also... those of the cow.

Milk contains many hormones that not only help calves grow, but also promote the growth of acne on the face. Milk drinkers are 44% more likely to develop acne than non-drinkers.

Try to eliminate dairy products from your diet as much as possible for a month and you will see how quickly your skin breakouts will decrease. By the way, it may be not only hormones, but also lactose intolerance. To find out, get tested.

A trip to the produce section of the supermarket may be healthier than a visit to the beauty salon. A study by the American Institute of Dietetics found that people who ate six servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day for six months looked more attractive than those who ate fewer of these foods.

So how many vegetables and fruits should you eat per day? The recommendation is: at least five. Stars include greens and cabbage in their diet - these foods are rich in vitamins and help maintain their figure and protect their skin.

Don’t forget about vitamin C: add cherries, red capsicums and kiwi to your diet. Eat vegetables raw whenever possible. 5 breakfasts for clear skin.

Meat contains omega-6 fatty acids, which cause inflammation on the face. To reduce breakouts, replace meat with foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. They tighten skin cells and give it a healthy glow. They can be found in fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, marigold, herring and sardines.

The anti-inflammatory agents found in plant fats are also vital for clear and healthy skin. So stock up on avocados, extra virgin olive oil, nuts and seeds and you'll soon be boasting a perfectly even skin tone.

  1. Don't drink milk
  2. Choose vegetables and fruits
  3. Give up meat

Three products for clear skin every day

It contains many antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the skin, helping to cleanse and moisturize it.

Ideal for a light snack. They contain vitamin E, which protects and nourishes the skin. Eat a handful a day.

Try adding them to your diet from time to time - they are very rich in vitamin C. All this will help make your skin healthy.

  1. Green tea
  2. Sunflower seeds
  3. Sauerkraut or kimchi

If you want to have clean and smooth skin, you need to constantly take care of it, especially your face. In addition, preventive measures should be taken for acne and acne should be treated if it occurs. To keep your skin looking its best, you also need to eat a healthy diet and drink enough fluids.


Daily skin care

    Choose the right cleanser. Skin can be dry, oily or mixed. Choose a product that suits your skin type. Cleansers indicate what type of skin they are intended for: oily, dry, mixed or all skin types.

    Wash acne-prone areas twice a day. Although you wash your face twice a day, it is helpful to wash acne-prone areas of your skin with the same frequency. Use your hands, water and a mild detergent. If acne appears on the scalp or near the hairline, wash your hair daily.

    Use water-based products. Blackheads are caused by clogged skin pores, which can be caused by oily lotions. Choose non-comedogenic, water-based products as they are less likely to clog skin pores. Make sure that your cosmetics are also non-comedogenic and do not clog your pores.

    For clogged pores, use salicylic acid. Salicylic acid products are available over the counter and can be used as a wash or applied to the skin. To begin, choose a product with an acid concentration of 0.5%. If you are using a leave-in product, rub it into the acne-prone areas. If you are using soap or another cleanser, apply it to the affected area and rub to create a lather.

    • Completely wash off the cream from all acne-free areas, such as your hands.
  1. Remove dead skin layers with benzoyl peroxide. Dead skin can clog pores, and some acne treatments work by removing dead skin cells. These agents include benzoyl peroxide. In addition, it removes excess oil from the skin. Start with a concentration of 2.5%. Like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide products are sold as face washes or creams.

    • In its action, sulfur resembles benzoyl peroxide, but it has an odor. Sulfur is often combined with other ingredients.
  2. For inflammation, use hydroxy acids. Like benzoyl peroxide, hydroxy acids remove dead skin cells. However, they also reduce inflammation and promote new skin growth. This combined action helps to achieve smoother skin. Lactic and glycolic acid are often used in cosmetics.

    Consider using natural remedies. Some home remedies can be as effective as store-bought medications. It is best to consult your doctor before using such products, as they may interact with the medications you are taking.

    • Apply a gel with 5% tea tree oil to your skin. Tea tree oil is believed to help clear up acne, although it may cause an allergic reaction in some people.
    • Azelaic acid, which is found in natural products, can also help. Try using a cream with 20% of this acid.
    • Try using a cream with 2% green tea extract. This extract also helps reduce acne.

Medical care for acne

  1. Consult your doctor about prescription topical medications. These medications are used in the same way as over-the-counter medications, meaning they should be applied to the skin of the face. The difference is that they may contain active ingredients that are not found in over-the-counter products.

    Ask your doctor about oral medications. For more severe acne, your doctor may recommend internal remedies. These medications are swallowed rather than applied to the skin and therefore have a more general effect.

    • Women can take oral contraceptives with estrogen, which helps restore hormonal balance.
    • Antiandrogen drugs also affect hormones, but the way they work is that they block the action of hormones on certain glands. These products are also intended for women.
    • Another option is to take isotretinoin (Accutane) as a last resort. This drug is effective, but it can cause severe side effects such as depression, ulcerative colitis, and birth defects.
  2. Ask your doctor about antibiotics. Antibiotics help reduce the number of bacteria on the skin. In addition, they reduce inflammation and redness of the skin and cleanse it. Your doctor may prescribe an antibacterial cream for topical use or oral medications.

    • As a rule, doctors try not to prescribe oral antibiotics unless absolutely necessary. If you use these drugs too often, you may develop resistance to their effects. In addition, such drugs can negatively affect the natural microflora of the intestines and/or vagina.
  3. Discuss the possibility of a chemical peel with your doctor. To get rid of certain types of acne, dermatologists and cosmetologists use chemical peeling. This method mainly helps with blackheads and papules and makes the skin smoother. Find out from a specialist if it is right for you.

    Find out about laser and light treatment. Among other things, the dermatologist may use a laser. This reduces the number of bacteria on the facial skin and tightens the pores, which helps with acne. Ask your doctor if this method is right for you.

    Consider having your scars removed. If you have scars on your face as a result of acne, a dermatologist can help you smooth them out. For this purpose, chemical peeling and laser treatment, as well as some other methods, are used.

    • Ask your dermatologist about dermal fillers, which are injected under the skin to smooth it out.
    • Another method is microdermabrasion, which is essentially sanding the skin with a special brush.
    • A more drastic method is plastic surgery on the skin, in which the surgeon cuts out the scars and seals the remaining marks.

Maintaining Healthy Skin

  1. Avoid taking long, hot showers or baths. Hot water dries out your skin, so staying in a hot shower for long periods of time can be detrimental to your skin. Wash with warm water and do not stay in the shower for too long.

    Protect your skin from the sun. With prolonged exposure, the sun's rays negatively affect the skin and lead to premature aging. Use sunscreen daily. Avoid direct sunlight, especially during the hottest parts of the day, and wear covered clothing, including hats, sunglasses, long pants and long-sleeved shirts.

    • Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 and broad spectrum protection.
  2. Stay hydrated. Your body needs water to stay healthy and function properly, including healthy skin. Dehydration leads to dry skin. Drink so much water that you don't feel thirsty - this is usually enough to maintain the water balance of the skin and the whole body.

    Use moisturizers. When the skin gets dry, it needs a suitable moisturizer, such as body lotion. When choosing such a product, make sure that it is suitable for your skin type (for example, oily or dry skin). You can also use a moisturizer with sunscreen.

    Supply your skin with omega-3 fatty acids. Your skin requires healthy fats for health and a natural glow. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are especially beneficial for the skin. Include foods such as salmon, mackerel and albacore tuna, soybean oil, walnuts, flax seeds, sardines and tofu in your diet.

    Take care of your emotional health. You probably know that stress, anxiety, and depression can make some physical ailments and illnesses worse. This also applies to skin diseases. If you are experiencing anxiety or depression, you may need to seek medication or mental health treatment. Talk to your doctor about this.

One of the most important rules for facial skin care is morning and evening water procedures (washing). Throughout the day, dust, harmful bacteria, germs and toxins settle on the face. All this is mixed with cosmetics. The result is completely clogged facial pores and further inflammation in the form of acne. To minimize this risk, you need to wash your face with a mild cleanser, such as a gel or foam. You should only wipe your face with a clean or disposable towel.

There is no need to squeeze out pimples on your face. It is important to know that every squeezed pimple can leave a scar or scar. Naturally, it will not be possible to make the skin beautiful and smooth using such methods.

It is useful to wipe your face morning and evening with a cosmetic cotton pad moistened with a special lotion selected for the appropriate skin type. But in this case, you can resort to using folk remedies by preparing a cucumber-milk mixture. To do this, fresh cucumber cut into pieces is poured into a glass of warm milk, then left for half an hour, and then filtered. Cucumber juice is a natural lotion that gently cleanses and tightens pores on the face. This product is suitable for cleansing dry and normal skin.

Using various scrubs, you can effectively cleanse your facial skin of dead skin cells. This cleansing will speed up the process of its regeneration and make the skin smoother. The most common cleanser is the so-called coffee scrub. Coffee grounds are diluted with a small amount of olive oil and applied to the face with massage movements. The duration of the procedure is five minutes. After this, the mixture is washed off and a moisturizer is applied to the face. Using a scrub more than once a week is not advisable.

For beautiful skin, you need to drink about nine glasses of purified water every day. It is best to do this in the first half of the day. This will help maintain the water balance in the skin cells, making it attractive.

To make your facial skin smoother and more velvety, you can use various masks, such as banana and milk masks. The puree prepared using these ingredients is evenly applied to the face and left in this form for half an hour. A mask made from honey and egg white has the same effect. In addition to smoothness, a protein-honey mask can also even out skin color.

For people with oily skin, a special mask made from lemon, grapes and egg yolk will help achieve smoothness. Lemon juice will cleanse and whiten the skin, the yolk will nourish it, and grape juice will make it softer. For people with dry skin, a mask of olive oil, lemon and honey will help achieve a smooth effect. These mixtures are kept on the face for ten minutes, after which they are washed off with cold water. All of the above masks can be done several times a week.

If there are scars or scars on your face, you can try to remove them with finely chopped raw potatoes. For this procedure, the potato pulp should be kept on the face for a quarter of an hour, after which it should be washed off with cold water.

Proper nutrition is also important for the beauty of the skin. Food should be rich in vitamins, microelements and antioxidants. In addition, when caring for facial skin, it is necessary to resort to one or another physical exercise: constant muscle activity helps remove harmful toxins from the body, saturating it with oxygen.

Natural beauty will always be in fashion. But in order to be proud of your face and body, and attract admiring glances, you need to constantly take care of your skin. There is an opinion among women that creating perfect skin can be expensive, and you need to fork out for expensive salon treatments. But this is by no means true. There are a lot of ways to make a clean face at home, without pimples, bruises, age spots and other irregularities and defects. Of course, it will take more than one day, so you should be patient, have the desire to get rid of imperfections and conquer others with your smooth and delicate skin. Today we will get acquainted with some methods on how to make your face perfectly clean; these tips are suitable for both women and men caring for themselves.

How to achieve clear facial skin?

To keep your skin in order, you need to remember three important rules:

  • cleanse;
  • moisturize;
  • supply.

Therefore, we will dwell on these points in more detail and reveal all the secrets of proper care. But first I would like to note that many problems can lie inside the body. It is important to eliminate those harmful factors and habits that can prevent you from achieving an amazing result, these include:

  • smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • abuse of sunbathing/or solarium;
  • lack of sleep;
  • bad/or incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • unhealthy diet/or lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • stress, anxiety.

When all the “internal” factors are taken into account, it will be much easier to cope with imperfections on the outside. How to create the perfect face at home, let's look at the basic rules.

Cleansing facial skin at home

Every day our skin is exposed to dust, grease, and cosmetics, so it is extremely important to cleanse it. If you want to see real results, cleansing procedures should be performed twice a day - in the morning and before bed, and you shouldn’t look for excuses like you didn’t have time or you were tired.

For cleansing, purchase care products based on your skin type: foams, gels, tonics, lotions, and creams. When washing your face, leave the gel or foam on your face for a few minutes, this way the impurities will be removed more easily and without any residue. You can cleanse oily skin with special porous sponges or brushes.

At the end of washing, rinse your face with cold water or, these manipulations will help close the pores and tone the skin.

Try to dry your skin with disposable wipes or a clean, face-only towel to prevent bacteria or dirt from coming into contact with your skin. If in doubt, it is better to leave the skin to air dry.

How to make your face clear if you have oily or problematic skin? In the morning, use an alcohol-based toner, it helps tighten pores and prevent the appearance of oily shine and acne. If you don’t have a special lotion, wipe your face with a slice of lemon or fresh cucumber.

Before going outside, especially if it’s winter, you need to apply a thin layer of moisturizing, nourishing or protective cream. You need to do this about 10 minutes before leaving so that you can remove excess cream with a napkin.

It may seem to you that cleansing your face will take a lot of time, but this is not so, the entire procedure will take a maximum of 10 minutes, and the result is glowing, clean facial skin at home.

How to make your face clean and smooth, use scrubs and peels

To remove the dead layer of epithelium, you need to clean your face with products and abrasive particles 2 times a week. After all, various bacteria live safely on the upper layers and feed on dead cells. To tidy up your face, you don’t have to buy ready-made tubes of scrub; you can prepare an exfoliating agent at home using improvised products. After all, there are many options for how to clean your face.

The most gentle type of peeling is a scrub based on fruit acids. Let's give some examples.

  • Kiwi + banana. These tropical fruits contain a large amount of beneficial acids for the skin. Mix banana pulp with crushed kiwi pulp and apply evenly to your face, wait 10 minutes, and wash.
  • Pineapple + honey Pineapple perfectly cleanses the skin, and its juice easily breaks down fat and old cellular debris. For this recipe, only fresh fruit is suitable; canned or frozen will not work. And the honey in this recipe creates additional protection and nutrition for clear facial skin. Pour crushed pineapple slices with two tablespoons of warm honey; if the composition turns out to be runny, add a pinch of oatmeal. Apply lightly to the skin and rinse off after 10 minutes.
  • Natural coffee + orange. Coffee is an excellent antioxidant that helps rid the skin of harmful substances and improve the condition and complexion. Orange pulp should be mixed with a spoonful of ground coffee, and a spoonful of honey should be added for consistency. Gently apply to the skin and leave for 10-15 minutes.

A more radical method to get a perfectly clean face and rid pores of impurities is to prepare a scrub from soda, suitable only for those with oily/problem skin.

No less effective for facial cleansing.

  • Mix baking soda with water (3:1). Wet or steam your skin before applying. distribute the product over the skin, especially paying attention to problem areas (cheeks, nose, forehead). Using circular movements, massage the skin. Rinse thoroughly with water, avoiding contact with eyes. After this procedure, the skin will be slightly dry, do not forget to lubricate it with cream.

Don't forget about hydration

A clean, beautiful face must be moisturized after washing. After all, water and care products can greatly dry out the skin, which means it will become more susceptible to infections.

If you have oily skin, there are special non-greasy creams with a mattifying effect.

For normal to dry skin, deep moisturizing products such as Vaseline or lanolin are suitable.

You should not apply a thick layer of moisturizing or nourishing cream; it will take 10-15 minutes for the required amount of cream to be absorbed into the dermis; it is recommended to remove the remaining cream with a napkin.

You can also moisturize your skin with improvised means: wipe your face with an aloe leaf, a slice of cucumber, pumpkin or carrot, fresh fruit, melon, peach or apple, or various natural oils. Read what else you can use to moisturize.

Ideal facial skin at home is not a myth, but the result of your painstaking work on yourself. Be consistent, stick to regular but gentle care, watch your diet and lifestyle and enjoy clear and smooth skin.

Be irresistible!

Today we will tell you how to make your face beautiful. The crazy pace of the modern city sometimes does not allow for a healthy lifestyle: snacking on the go instead of a full meal, non-compliance with the work and rest schedule, lack of proper care - all this affects health. The skin is the first to suffer. And while clothes help hide the signs of aging skin on the body, the face remains constantly visible. Women concerned about this problem often wonder how to make their face beautiful at home if they don’t have time to visit a beauty salon.

In this article we will look at some of the features of each skin type, the problems that arise, give recommendations and offer time-tested beauty recipes.

Features of skin types

There are five main types of skin, each with its own characteristics:

You can be beautiful without using makeup. First you need to know how to get a beautiful complexion. After all, this is precisely the first step towards the beginning of improvement. Plain water or green tea will help with this - drink two liters daily.

This will start improving metabolic processes in the body, promote the removal of toxins and, accordingly, improve and normalize complexion. And in order to avoid the opposite effect, give up any energy drinks, including coffee and black tea. To avoid morning puffiness, drink liquid two to three hours before bed.

Making a clean face

How to make your face clean and beautiful? Many women are accustomed to using cosmetics as a panacea for all ills. However, in some cases this does not bring the expected result, and sometimes it is even harmful - dry skin or inflammation appears.

There is no need to spend money on a ton of cosmetics if you can adjust your lifestyle a little. Where to start and how to make your facial skin beautiful? It will help you:

  • cold and hot shower;
  • mandatory makeup removal at night;
  • proper rest and, of course, sleep;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • a balanced diet (all vitamins must be present);
  • using basic care products suitable for your skin type;
  • staying in the fresh air.

As soon as you take these simple tips as a rule, you will immediately see amazing changes in your face.

Continuing the theme of natural beauty, we bring to your attention proven facial skin care products that can be used at home.

Clean and beautiful skin on the face. What do we have to do?

How can you make a beautiful face? Use the following:

  1. A decoction of bay leaves in the proportions of 20 g per 100 ml of water will return freshness to the face. It needs to be boiled, cooled and wiped on the face.
  2. Honey and lemon will solve the problem of blackheads. How to make such a remedy? Apply a few drops of honey to a piece of lemon. Then the resulting product should be applied to the area where there are acne. After five minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water.
  3. Acne mask. It's easy to prepare. You need to grate the cucumbers on a fine grater to make three tablespoons, pour a glass of boiling water over them and leave for exactly three hours. Next, you need to strain the mixture and add one teaspoon of honey to the liquid. After washing your face, use this solution and you will get rid of acne and inflammation.
  4. If you have viburnum, also use it to eliminate rashes. Use a swab dipped in juice to wipe the pimples three times a day.

Facial skin toning

How to get a beautiful complexion? To improve your complexion and moisturize it, you can use cucumber tonic. To prepare it you need a cucumber, cut into cubes with peel. It is poured with a glass of milk and boiled for three to five minutes. After straining, you can add a spoonful of honey and wipe your face with the product.

Those with oily skin will benefit from a green tea toner recipe. A glass of brewed tea is cooled. Then filter and add two tablespoons (teaspoons) of lemon juice. Wipe your face, but do not leave the resulting mixture on the skin for a long time to avoid staining it.

Skin hydration

Steam two tablespoons of oatmeal with a glass of boiling water or milk. Leave for about fifteen minutes and drain the liquid that remains there. Add a little honey, lemon juice (you can also use aloe leaf) and apply the mask for twenty minutes. This option perfectly restores the skin’s water balance. Here's how to make your face beautiful in just 20 minutes.

Mask with cottage cheese and remedy with apple

The curd mask is very popular. To prepare it, you need to mix fat cottage cheese and honey in proportions 2:1. The effect of the mask is thirty minutes. This product not only nourishes the skin, but also tones it and also helps remove irritation.

How to make your face beautiful? Now let's look at another recipe for moisturizer. Grate the apple on a fine grater, add a spoonful of butter and whipped yolk. If desired, you can add honey. Leave for twenty minutes, then rinse. Excellent hydration is guaranteed!

A little conclusion

Now you know how to make your face beautiful. Taking proper care of your skin is quite simple. It needs to be nourished and cleansed. Then your skin will become your pride. Love yourself and your happy eyes will shine, making your face flawless even without makeup!