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Is watermelon a berry or a vegetable? Why is watermelon considered a berry? Origin and theories

People are misled by the large size of the fetus. Why do you often hear the question “is watermelon a berry or a fruit?” To be precise, neither one nor the other, the correct name for this fruit is pumpkin, but for the most part melon growers answer the question “what is the name of the watermelon fruit?” They confidently answer “berry”. Morphologically, pumpkin and berries are quite close, but still not so close as to be one and the same.

The differences lie in the structure of the seeds and the heterogeneity of the pulp structure. However, in school biology lessons we were always told that its fruit is a berry. But why on earth, why is a watermelon a berry? If it is not a berry at all.

Despite the great relationship with other members of the pumpkin family, this brother of the pumpkin is very different from the same lagenaria, cucumber, melon, and other relatives. Our green friend stands out among the representatives of pumpkin plants in that it suffers least of all from poor soils and lack of moisture. It is known that around Astrakhan a huge amount of land was sown with it only because only a resident of arid semi-deserts could cultivate the dry, rock-hard soil of those regions, after which cereals were sown: wheat, corn. This striped worker owes such endurance to his homeland.

Which continent is the birthplace of watermelon? Africa. Or more precisely, the deserts of the interior of southern Africa. It is from here, according to botanical researchers, that colocynth comes from the Kalahari Desert - a wild species that then spread throughout the deserts of Africa, Eurasia and even reached Australia. Almost all colocynth fruits are bitter, but some of them are quite edible. Thanks to their juiciness, they sometimes helped travelers not to die of thirst in the desert. This is associated with the reason for the domestication of colocynth. Subsequent selection of the species gave such a huge number of different varieties, grown in the humid forests of India, among the arid deserts of Australia or the harsh lands of Valaam.

As you know, our striped friend can do without many amenities: water, good soil, but without the sun he will not ripen, will not become so sweet and tasty. The pulp of this melon crop can accumulate up to 13 percent sugar. Moreover, it is in the form of glucose, so people with diabetes can eat this berry without fear.

How much water does a watermelon contain? Of course, it is not a cucumber, nor is it a record holder for wateriness, but it is also quite a lot. Please note that the sweeter and tastier the fruit, the less liquid it contains. Typically, the water content of red pulp is around 80-90 percent. In addition, some varieties contain a lot of pectin and dry matter. But the sweet striped brother of the cucumber is tasty and does not become boring.

Therefore, we are able to eat kilograms of it in one sitting, which cannot be said about cucumbers - they are very tasty, of course, but they quickly get boring. Therefore, doctors recommend consuming these striped gifts from our gardens as a good diuretic. A few eaten minke whales perfectly flush the kidneys and remove toxins from the body.

What else is this melon relative good for? It seems like not much. “There is so much water and sugar in a watermelon, the only benefit from it is that it washes everything through,” we think.

And we are mistaken. In fact, this “useless” sweetness is a storehouse of vitamins, microelements, and amino acids. In terms of iron content, it is generally a record holder. Along with pomegranate, it is useful to consume it if you suffer from low hemoglobin levels. This fruit is very useful for pregnant and nursing mothers. In addition, it is extremely effective as a means of losing weight.

The presence of organic fat-burning acids promotes enhanced weight loss with frequent consumption. In addition, in terms of the percentage of folic acid, the striped berry is not inferior to either lettuce or spinach. Folic acid is a well-known natural component of cancer prevention; it also promotes body rejuvenation.

Watermelon seeds are more beneficial for the human body than olive oil. They contain L-carnitine, which is necessary for losing weight and building muscles, as well as most of the essential amino acids. But they are not very popular compared to the same pumpkin seeds.

The oldest image of a watermelon is found among the hieroglyphs of the Egyptian pyramids. Many researchers agree that the Nile Valley is the birthplace of the domestic watermelon. Previously, watermelon fruits were placed among other things in the tombs of the pharaohs, so that they would have something to pamper themselves in the afterlife.

The most unusual watermelons grow in India. Water melons are set up among the many rivers of Kashmir. Local residents weave some kind of hammocks and hang them over rivers, canals, and swamps. Moss and silt are placed at the bottom of the hammock, and seedlings are planted. In such a moist and nutritious environment they reach large sizes. Then local melon growers harvest directly from the boats.

The name comes from the ancient Persian herbose. Related to the Indian tarpuz. But in Ukraine this fruit is called kavun, which comes from the ancient Egyptian name for this berry.

How big can a watermelon reach? Of the modern varieties, those that grow in Iraq reach the greatest size. They have an elongated appearance, more like a huge zucchini. Under the hot Mesopotamian sun, such fruits measuring one and a half meters in size are blown out. Such monsters weigh so much that they have to load two donkeys into a cart so that they can take away at least one fruit from the melon field. The biggest threat to watermelons there are wild pigs. Local farmers have to guard their melons from them around the clock.

However, Iraqi farmers obviously have no time for recording their harvest records - we can only know about the size of Iraqi watermelons from the words of eyewitnesses; there is no documentary evidence or measurements. Therefore, the official record holder is the Caroline Cross minke whale, which weighed 119 kilograms. Among Russian and European melon growers, the record belongs to the Kuban farmer Likhosenko, who grew 62 kilograms of fruit of the Russian size variety.

China produces the most watermelons in the world. The Celestial Empire produces more green pumpkins with red flesh than all other countries combined. Every year, more than sixty million tons of striped sweets ripen in the local melon fields. For comparison, all-Russian watermelon production is slightly more than one million tons.

Did you know that the candied fruits that catch our eye among store-bought dried fruits under the guise of dried kiwi, pineapples and other delicacies are mostly dried watermelons with flavorings. These candied fruits are made from forage varieties of striped berries, which contain a record amount of pectin, which is why they are so well suited for the role of “dried fruit”.

Look at the pictures, for some reason the watermelon in them is always round. The Japanese broke this stereotype when they developed hybrids with cube-shaped fruits - original, compact when stored, and will not roll off the table. In general, modern selection has stepped far forward; now there are ultra-early ripening varieties, where only 2 months pass from seed germination to fruit ripening.

In addition, such a variety of hybrids have appeared:

  • With yellow flesh
  • Afro-watermelons with black flesh
  • Seedless hybrids are the dream of all those who don’t like to spit out seeds
  • Kavbuz is a fruit that combines the juiciness of watermelon with the aroma of pumpkin.


In botany, a berry is a multi-seeded or single-seeded fruit with a thin skin and juicy pulp. Watermelon partially corresponds to this description, but some of its characteristics are strikingly different from those characteristic of berries:

  • Watermelon is a multi-seeded fruit. It is impossible to eat it without spitting out many small seeds.
  • It, like berries, has a soft and juicy center.
  • The watermelon is surrounded not by a thin skin, but by a hard rind. This is the main difference.

Scientists classify watermelons as pumpkin berries. In another way, such berries are called “false”.

The difference between pumpkin berries and ordinary ones lies in their outer layer: as a rule, it is thicker. The watermelon shell, unlike the thin skin of other berries (cherries, cherries), cannot be eaten: it contains nitrates, which are very harmful to the body.

It is worth noting that in appearance, watermelon does not at all resemble the usual berries. It is much larger, and therefore people conclude that it cannot be related to berries. However, size does not in any way affect whether the fetus belongs to one of the categories.

Another reason why watermelon cannot be called a berry is the way people eat it. It is impossible to eat a whole watermelon; you have to cut it. There is no need to do this with berries.

Botanists' debates never stop. Some call for watermelon to be considered a full-fledged berry, others insist on the name “pumpkin”. Gourds also include melons, pumpkins, cucumbers and zucchini. Watermelon, by the way, has a close external resemblance to melon, which is officially classified as a pumpkin.

It is still impossible to say that watermelon is a berry. Most scientists recognize it as a false berry, which, by the way, is also considered to be strawberries.

Most people believe that watermelon is a fruit, basing their opinion only on external similarities. Watermelon really looks like other fruits and is the same size as them.

Fruit is the juicy fruit of a garden plant that grows on a tree and is suitable for consumption as food. Based on this, it can be stated that:

  • Watermelon fits into the category of fruit because it grows in garden conditions, it is consumed as food, and it has juicy pulp.
  • Watermelon cannot be called a fruit, since it does not grow on a tree, but spreads along the ground.

In an everyday sense (by no means in a botanical sense), it is possible to say that watermelon is a fruit.

Claims that watermelon is a vegetable are quite rare.

Botanists also do not have the term “vegetable”. This word is used only in culinary terminology. A vegetable is a part of a plant suitable for consumption, as well as any solid food of plant origin. Therefore, it is impossible to say that watermelon is a vegetable.

According to one of the encyclopedic dictionaries, vegetables include “all garden plants suitable for consumption.” If we consider watermelon from this point of view, then we can call it a vegetable. However, in this case, all fruits and even berries familiar to people will have to be called vegetables: apples, bananas, strawberries, raspberries.


Every person has probably thought at least once about whether a watermelon is a berry or a fruit or a vegetable. Even between farmers and scientists, many disputes arose. Today, the fruit of this crop is considered a berry, although not all gardeners agree with this version.

Let's take a closer look at all the existing assumptions.

First version: watermelon is a vegetable.

Supporters of this option justify their assumption by the fact that this crop belongs to the melon family. Watermelon or kavun (a name that was originally found on the territory of Ukraine, and later became widespread in other countries of the former USSR) is a prominent representative of the Pumpkin family. Depending on the cultivated variety, the plant can be one or two years old. It has a highly branched root that penetrates more than a meter deep into the soil.

Positive characteristics include active vegetation and rapidly forming ovaries. The first fruits are formed 40-60 days after the appearance of the ovaries. If we do not take into account taste qualities, but only consider the crop from the point of view of characteristics and growth characteristics, then the version that this is a vegetable would be justified, since the plant grows on the ground, which is typical for most vegetables.

Second version: watermelon is a fruit.

This option still has many supporters, including among agricultural workers. Why is this version so popular?

The watermelon fruit has a sweet taste and pleasant aroma. The juicy pulp has a rich pink or bright red color. All such characteristics are inherent in fruits. However, this is where the arguments in favor of this version end.

Where do fruits usually grow, you ask? The answer is obvious: fruits primarily grow on trees. For this reason and a number of others, kavun is not a fruit.

Third version: berry.

This assumption initially caused bewilderment among most gardeners and scientists. Why is watermelon a berry? How can this be? So, there are several reasons why this crop can still be called a berry:

  • fruits are formed from both the upper and lower ovaries;
  • There is juicy pulp inside the fruit;
  • the presence of seeds in the pulp;
  • dense peel that protects the fruit from various damages.

This could be the end of our answer, but let’s remember which family the kavun belonged to. This plant is a member of the Pumpkin family. For this reason, you can often hear the following question: why is watermelon considered a berry, but melon is not? The difference between these two tower crops is the arrangement of the seeds. In a melon, the seeds are collected in the central hollow part of the fruit, while in a watermelon they are scattered throughout the pulp. This is the key characteristic according to which melon cannot be a fruit and berry crop.

Recently, among professional farmers, the option of separating plants of the Pumpkin family into a separate group began to be discussed. The advantage of this classification is that with the advent of a new subspecies of plants, it will be possible to avoid confusion when doubts arise as to which species, class or group a particular plant should be classified as.


We are sure that berries include the fruits that grow on trees and shrubs. From a layman's perspective, a berry is a small, juicy fruit with a dense skin, filled with seeds. But science loves to complicate simple things. And the botanical view is different from the ordinary one.

Berry-shaped fruits

Botanists classify berry-shaped fruits as juicy, containing one or many seeds. All fruits classified as berry-shaped are divided into four biological species:

Real berries. In the language of botanists, the definition of a berry is: “A fleshy fruit that has developed from one bud (ovary). As it develops and matures, it is transformed into a pericarp suitable for food. The berries originate from the upper or lower ovary. The plant on which the berries grow is called berry-bearing. Conclusion, the berry is a juicy fruit that has:

  1. Bulk pulp.
  2. Internal seeds.

Bright representatives of the true berry world are tomatoes, gooseberries, and grapes. Blueberries, currants, blueberries.

Apple. Multi-seeded complex formation. The apple formation involves the ovary and the lower region of the flower (sepal and receptacle), as well as the petals and stamens. Apple seeds are located in hard, filmy shells. Representatives of this species are quince, pears, cotoneaster, rowan, hawthorn and apples, beloved by many.

Pumpkin. It is distinguished by its outer woody pericarp, the part inside is juicy and soft. The seeds of this fruit species are located in the fleshy zone. The lower region of the ovary is involved in the formation of pumpkin. They are large in size, polyspermous and include three carpels. Pumpkins include melons, cucumbers, and zucchini. Pumpkins and eggplants.

Pomeranian (or hesperidium). These fruits have a thick, brightly colored peel with containers for essential oils. The middle layer is spongy and dry, white in color. And the inside is extremely meaty and juicy. Oranges are citrus fruits. These are oranges, tangerines, lemons, kumquats.

How to distinguish berries from fruits and vegetables

We are confident that we can easily distinguish the fragrant creatures. But in reality it is not so simple. The evidence fails by saying that it is a fruit and not a vegetable. How is a berry different from a fruit or vegetable?

Fruit paradise. From Latin, the word “fruit” is translated as “fruit”. Biologists do not use the name “fruit,” but by “fruit” they mean fleshy plant parts (not necessarily edible). The fruits are formed at the end of flowering and the appearance of the ovary in this part.

A distinctive fruit feature is the presence of seeds (hard, pliable, large, small). The task of the fruit is to form and store seeds and subsequently enable the emergence of a new plant. Over time, the fruit fruit is separated from the mother seedling to germinate.

Many vegetables have seeds. These are tomatoes, nuts, zucchini. Pumpkins, cucumbers, peas. They are classified botanically as fruits. Fruit types are divided into:

  • Pomaceae. Representatives: pears, apples, rowan. Hawthorn, quince, medlar.
  • Stone fruits. Stone fruits are apricots, cherries, plums, peaches. Cherries, cherries, nectarines, and cherry plums also represent this species.
  • Citrus. These include lemons, tangerines, oranges, and citron. Grapefruit, pomelo, lime, bergamot. And exotic tangerine, calamondin, sweetie, tangelo, poncan.
  • Tropical/subtropical. This class is represented by banana, avocado, mango, and pineapple. Kiwi, persimmon, passion fruit, feijoa. Vinik, mulberry, pomegranate, olive. Some we haven’t even heard of: naranjilla, cocona, pepina, saw palmetto, lucuma.
  • Tomato. These include peppers (sweet, bitter), tomatoes, and eggplants.
  • Legumes. Legumes include soybeans, vetch, chickpeas, sainfoin, and lupine. Lentils, peanuts, peas, beans.
  • Pumpkin (melons). Zucchini, cucumbers, and pumpkins are related to the estate. Squash, melons, watermelons.

We are confident that the fruit is located on areas of the tree that are above the ground. Confusion with the tomato comes from its growth on a subshrub plant, which is herbaceous. We confidently attribute some fruits to vegetable representatives, although in fact they are fruits.

To immediately understand what is in front of us: pay attention to the seeds. If they are present in the fruit, it is a fruit. If there are no seeds, we are dealing with a vegetable.

Interesting things have happened to tomatoes in history. At the end of the 19th century, American authorities included it in vegetables (to reduce the cost of customs duties). Although authoritative representatives of the biological world did not agree with such an order. Only in 2001 did botanical justice prevail and the tomato was returned to its rightful place as a fruit.

Secrets of vegetables. Vegetables are also the edible parts and greens of plants. But the plants are herbaceous. Vegetable species are conventionally divided into four groups:

  1. Roots. These include radishes, carrots, horseradish, and beets. Turnips, turnips, parsnips, celery. Rutabaga and parsley also belong to root vegetables.
  2. Tubers. These are sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, potatoes. Cassava, artichoke. Exotic chayote, jicama and arrowroot.
  3. Onion. The onion family includes wild garlic, leeks, garlic, and onions.
  4. Brassicas (cruciferous). All types and varieties of cabbage (there are more than 500 of them), mustard, rapeseed, wasabi.

To summarize, let’s make a visual chart of the differences between berries, fruits and vegetables:

Fake berries

Fragrant strawberries, raspberries, etc. are not berries! They don’t actually have seeds; outside the juicy pulp there are tiny nut-shaped seeds, which we mistake for seeds.

Such fruits are called “false berries” (“epigonous”). Unlike true berries, both the ovary and the receptacle (the lower region of the flower with the pistil, stamens and sepals) are involved in the formation of the fruit in false berries.

Is watermelon a berry?

So where should we place the appetizing, alluring taste and juicy pulp of watermelon? Is it a berry, vegetable or fruit? Watermelon is a member of the berry family, not a fruit! To answer why watermelon is a berry, let’s take the handsome man apart “by the seeds.”

From a botanical point of view, watermelon (also known as “kavun” or “edible watermelon”) belongs to the pumpkin family. This is a herbaceous, annual plant. The watermelon stem and leaves are covered with a hard, rough edge. Kavun begins to bloom in the spring and summer months (May-August).

As we already know, pumpkins are berry-shaped fruits. This means that the watermelon rightfully proudly bears the name “Berry”. The fragrant, juicy berry is elongated or spherical.

Watermelon secrets

Kavun, a record-breaking berry of enormous size, is grown in 98 countries around the world. This amazing creation of nature contains a thousand-year history and a lot of useful, healing abilities.

Watermelon story

An amazing creation of nature originated in the regions of South Africa (wild kavunas are still found in those hot places). People knew about watermelon 2000 BC. (according to biblical sources).

The ancient Romans knew and revered watermelon. The Mediterranean people ate it salted and even made watermelon honey. Drawings of kavun were found in ancient Egyptian sarcophagi. The Egyptians “helped” the fragrant fruit spread throughout the rest of the countries of the East (Arabia, Syria, Palestine and Persia).

The Arabs especially revered kavun; they prescribed medicinal properties to the juicy fruit and said that: “Watermelons cure illnesses and cleanse the body if you take a slice of watermelon before meals.”

In the 8th century, traders brought watermelon to China. Residents of the Middle Kingdom called it “Western melon.” Every year the Chinese (lovers of noisy holidays) celebrate “Watermelon Day”. On this day, the main decoration of the table is juicy kavun. And in the 12th century, watermelon proudly arrived in Europe. In Rus' they became acquainted with it in the 13th century; the first watermelon melons appeared in the lower reaches of the Volga and the Azov region.

But the wonderful fruit gained widespread distribution and recognition in Russia only in the 17th century. The year 1660 was marked by a special decree of His Majesty and the creation of a watermelon plantation in the town of Chuguevo (near Kharkov). Kavun, like a wonderful delicacy, was supplied to the royal table and gradually won a well-deserved place in the southern gardens of the country.

Chemical composition and benefits of watermelon

80% of kavun consists of water. Sugar in the berry is 6-11%. The rest was distributed among vitamin groups, microelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron), amino acids and the unique substance lycopene.

Lycopene (carotenoid antioxidant). It is responsible for the red tint of the kavun pulp (the richer the color, the more lycopene it contains). Lycopene reduces the likelihood of cancer.

Watermelon, thanks to its unique composition, is recognized as the best cleanser of the human body from heavy metals, toxins, salts and waste. Kavun is an excellent healer, he can help with:

By eating a slice of watermelon per day, a person provides the daily requirement of magnesium, which is necessary for the stable functioning of the nervous system. Magnesium is a natural antidepressant; this trace element relieves insomnia and improves mood. Kavun relieves tension, removes weakness, fatigue, and restores vascular walls.

Large reserves of antioxidants entering the human body immediately begin “repair” activities. They inhibit and rid the body of free radicals - the main culprits of aging. They restore elasticity and firmness to vascular membranes and improve the composition of intercellular fluid.

Calorie content of berries. Despite the huge amount of useful substances, the calorie content of watermelon is ridiculously low - 100 grams contain only 30 calories. The large berry is an ideal natural remedy for dieting. Large reserves of water in the composition give a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Cosmetology. The unique berry has also found application in skin care. Reserves of organic substances improve the composition of the dermis, giving it elasticity and deep hydration. Acids help stop inflammatory processes, heal acne, pimples, cleansing the skin and pushing epidermal cells to regenerate.

The Russian name “watermelon” comes from the Turkic “harbyuz”, which the Turks borrowed from the Persians. From Persian “harbyuz” means “melon”, and in literal translation watermelon is “donkey’s huge cucumber”. More than 1,300 varieties of this amazing delicacy grow. China is the leader in the cultivation and supply of watermelon crops. Second place belongs to Turkey.

And in Vietnam there is an interesting tradition. When Tet (New Year) comes to the residents, the main decoration of the feast is the kavun. In Vietnam, the scarlet hue is a symbol of luck and successful business ventures.

The Japanese are not far behind in surprising watermelon fans. They managed to breed a black watermelon! The rarest variety of kavuna “Densuke” grows only in the northern regions of Japan (Hokkaido island). Black watermelons have a smooth, uniform rind and crumbly sugar pulp of a soft pink color. Among the Japanese, black watermelon is considered a luxury item; it is presented as a gift as a precious gift.

The inventive Japanese created a square-shaped watermelon (they were introduced to the world by breeders on the island of Shikoku). The taste and composition of such unusual berries are no different from the usual round watermelons. In the world, square non-standard kavunas are valued and are in great demand.

Thais revere yellow watermelons. For residents of Thailand, the sunny shade symbolizes financial well-being and luck in financial matters. They experimented with breeding yellow kavuns in Ukraine. Ukrainian breeders created the yellow watermelon variety “Kavbuz”. It tastes like pumpkin, but has a watermelon aroma. Such kavuns make excellent porridges.

Kavun is a culinary master. A lot of amazing dishes are prepared from it:

Salads, sorbets, candied fruits, porridges, gazpacho. Watermelons are canned, salted and pickled. And what preserves and jams come out of green crusts! The kavun pulp turns into rich, sweet honey “nardek”. To get a kilogram of watermelon honey, 18-20 kg of fruit pulp are spent!

Americans, lovers of the very best, got into the Guinness Book of Records by raising the most gigantic kavun. A farmer from Arkansas made a splash around the world in 2006 by presenting his brainchild - a watermelon weighing 120 kg!

Residents of South America prefer to breed miniature kavunas, with a diameter of 4-5 centimeters. The variety of tiny watermelons is called "Pepquinos". They taste similar to cucumbers and are an expensive snack in elite restaurants.

At the end of summer, when fragrant kavunas will be sold at every crossroads, ask what variety is being sold. Domestic varieties of kavun are deservedly recognized as the best: Astrakhan, Monastery, Kamyshin, Mozdok, Uryupinsk and Kherson.

Bon appetit!


Most people consider berries to be small fruits with soft, juicy pulp. The presence of seeds is mandatory; there can be one or many.

From a scientific point of view, this is an incorrect statement. Botany characterizes this fruit as follows: the berry has a thin peel, many seeds (by the way, watermelon seeds are very useful for the body), hidden by a hard seed coat, and a juicy intercarp. It can develop from the upper or lower ovary. Why is watermelon called a berry? The answer is simple, let's remember the structure of the fruit, and where it grows is not important.

Why is watermelon a berry and not a fruit?

A juicy fruit with a hard skin and a lot of seeds inside, where should I take it? Is watermelon a berry, or a fruit, or a vegetable? Let's figure it out together.

Science classifies watermelon as a berry; it is neither a fruit nor a vegetable. But to prove ownership, you will have to disassemble the plant and study it in detail.

The school botany course states that watermelon is a pumpkin. Botanists made conclusions by studying the plant in detail and comparing it with other representatives of this family. An annual herbaceous plant, the stems and leaves of which are covered with a rough edge, the flowering period falls in the summer months, usually from June to August, completely fits the description of the family. The characteristics prove this:

  1. The root of the watermelon is powerful, capable of penetrating deep into the soil (20 m), and can grow on the sides by 6-8 m. Thanks to this, melon plantations are not afraid of an arid climate and adapt well to drought.
  2. The stem can reach 5-7 m in length, spreads, and has many shoots. Branching helps retain more moisture, which gives strength to the plant itself.
  3. The leaves come in different sizes, can reach 20 cm, and are usually divided into five toothed parts. One plant can have 1500 leaves of different sizes and shapes.
  4. It blooms with dioecious yellow flowers, 4 cm in size. The corolla is painted in yellow-gray tones.
  5. The fruit of the plant is covered with a dense skin, the color range of which is quite varied, it can be whitish or have a dark green color. Science calls it pumpkin.

Botany classifies pumpkins as berry fruits. This means that watermelon is a large, fragrant, everyone’s favorite berry with melons, which is good for health.

Interesting! There are more than 1,200 types of watermelon; they are cultivated in 98 countries of different continents.

If watermelon is called a berry, then melon should be included in the same category: the two fruits have many similarities in structure, methods of cultivation, and ripening periods (find out which is healthier - watermelon or melon). This is an erroneous opinion; botanists combine watermelon and melon into one class and classify them as different species. Melon is considered a fruit, watermelon is considered a berry. Let’s try to answer “Why is watermelon a berry and melon a fruit?” in clear words, to get to the heart of the matter.

Considering the melon as a plant, we can draw some parallels with the watermelon:

  • stems develop identically;
  • root systems have certain similarities;
  • leaves and flowers are similar to each other and pumpkin, zucchini, cucumbers.

Where to take the melon? The answer is quite confusing and lies in the differences.

  1. Skin. Melon is much thinner, softer, and practically no different from pulp.
  2. Seeds. The placement of seeds is completely different, watermelon seeds are scattered throughout the pulp, while in melon they are collected closer to the center of the fruit, separated from the pulp.

The teaching is attributed to the close relationship of melon with cucumber, zucchini, and pumpkin. Watermelon is considered a distant relative.

Having studied the information, we can conclude that although watermelon and melon are united by one family, they are completely different. Melon is closer to vegetables, representatives of the pumpkin family, watermelon tend to berries.

Which family does it belong to?

Botany, having studied the characteristics of the watermelon, officially classified it as a member of the pumpkin family, which has many different representatives. It is represented by vegetables, berries and even fruits.

What is the name of the watermelon fruit?

Science has introduced the name pumpkin, which is the official name of the watermelon fruit. This name is given to the fruits of melon, zucchini, cucumber and the pumpkin itself. You should not mix the names pumpkin or berry; they characterize the fruit from different sides.

What does it consist of?

Chemical analysis of the pulp showed the inside of the watermelon. It contains many useful substances:

  1. Vitamins A, C, K, PP, and group B are present in almost their entire composition.
  2. Microelements are widely represented: iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper, sodium, selenium, phosphorus.

The pulp contains glucose and fructose; sucrose accumulates during long-term storage. Watermelon is very beneficial for the body.

Important! The low calorie content of the product allows it to be used in most diets.

This composition is indicated for consumption by everyone, young and old, and the high water content perfectly quenches thirst and maintains normal water balance in the body.

Interesting! Easily digestible sugars in watermelon range from 5 to 13%.

Origin story

Watermelon came to our table in the Middle Ages from Egypt, it was brought there from the South American continent, namely from the Namib Desert. Wild liana-like plants with small fruits are still found in the forests of South America. Their taste is very different from our idea of ​​watermelon.

There is no exact information on how this plant crossed the ocean and ended up in Africa; the ancient Egyptians successfully cultivated watermelons and developed new varieties. The Russian Tsars Alexei Mikhailovich and Peter the Great loved watermelon very much; by a special order, melon fields were laid out in the south of the Russian Empire.

Having received the information and analyzed it, I dare to hope that you will never ask the question “Watermelon is a berry or a vegetable.”

Often the statement that watermelon is a berry causes confusion. Most people are accustomed to considering it a fruit, but there are those who are sure that it is a vegetable. The question is ambiguous, there are many opinions. So who is right? And why is watermelon considered a berry?

This issue will require comprehensive consideration. It's best to start with the basic concepts.

What is a berry?

The opinions of botanical scientists and non-specialists on this matter differ. So, in everyday life, all small fruits that have juicy pulp are considered berries. These include true (for example, currants), false (rose hips), drupes (cherries), multi-drupes (raspberries). At the same time, what from a botanical point of view are berries, but are larger in size, may not be popularly classified as berries. For example, they won’t say that about either a tomato or a kiwi. But in fact they are berries.

In botany there is no reference to dimensions. And this to some extent explains why watermelon is a berry, since it is the size that confuses many. In botany, the definition is as follows. Berries are fruits of any size, but they must have a lot of seeds with a hard skin and juicy pulp. All this is enclosed in a shell of thin skin. True berries develop from the ovaries, false ones - from any other parts.

Additional views

The group of berry-shaped fruits also includes pumpkins, oranges and apples. These are also varieties of berries, because they correspond to all the characteristics.

The former are the fruit of plants - representatives of the Pumpkin family. These are the largest berries, the weight of which can reach several tens of kilograms, and the size can exceed a meter in diameter. They are characterized by juicy and dense pulp and hard skin. The outer layer can sometimes be woody. Watermelon belongs to this family. Is it a berry or a pumpkin? The second name cannot be used. Because that's the name of another plant. The common name for the fruits of this family is pumpkin.

Oranges are a typical citrus fruit. Therefore, lemons, oranges, etc. can also be classified as berries.

The latter also include representatives of the Apple subfamily. These are multi-seeded fruits with thin skin, a lot of pulp and seeds located closer to the center. In addition, in botany, berries are considered to be fruits that grow on pear, rowan, and quince.

What is not a berry for botanists?

As already mentioned, not every fruit that is considered a berry in everyday life actually is one. So, typical misconceptions.

Drupes. These are fruits with thin skin and juicy pulp. Their distinctive feature is one seed, and not many, like berries. In addition, the layers of the pericarp are sharply separated. This is why the pulp comes off so easily. Thus, cherries and sweet cherries are drupes. This also includes peaches, apricots, plums and other fruits with one seed.

There are fruits where many, many drupes are connected together. The most common example is raspberries or blackberries. They are actually polydrupes.

Strawberries and wild strawberries are false berries, since they are formed not from the ovaries, but from the receptacle. The fruits are white and black seeds on the surface called polynutlets.

About watermelons

As it has now become clear, scientific and lay people’s views differ significantly. If you compare the description and appearance of the fruit, it becomes clear why watermelon is a berry: it meets all the characteristics of this group of plants.

A little history

Watermelon can be considered a newcomer to European cuisine, since it was introduced relatively recently. This culture appeared on tables in the Middle Ages, during the Crusades. The striped fruit reached Russia even later; people became acquainted with it around the 14th century.

South Africa is considered the birthplace of this wonderful delicacy. Brazil and Paraguay are also trying to challenge this role. In all these regions, watermelon occurs wild, and related species are also widely represented. There is no exact information about the ways of spreading the culture. However, it is known from historical sources that watermelon was already well known in the Ancient World. It was cultivated in a variety of countries and was a favorite delicacy. At the dawn of humanity, no one yet asked the question of why watermelon is a berry, because at that time there were no botanical classifications.

Currently, more than 1,200 varieties of this crop are known. It became especially widespread in China. At the moment, China is the leader in growing watermelons. They are also cultivated in Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, and in the countries of the American continent - in total in 96 countries of the world.

What is this culture like?

To understand why watermelon is called a berry, you should refer to its botanical description. This plant, as already mentioned, belongs to the Pumpkin family. It is The fruit develops from the ovary and is a large pumpkin, which can be spherical, oval or cylindrical. The weight of watermelons can be more than 20 kg. The fruit is covered with a dense, smooth and thick bark (4-15 mm), the color is usually green, there are also varieties with a white or yellow color. Most often there is a pattern in the form of dark and light stripes. Why is watermelon considered a berry? The fact is that pumpkin is its subspecies, which has all the characteristic features.

The pulp of the fruit is red. There are also varieties with pink, yellow or white cores. The taste of the fruit is sweet, maybe sugary. The pulp is juicy and tender. It contains a large number of seeds.

Chemical composition

Watermelon is very healthy because it is rich in various vitamins and microelements. At the same time, it contains a minimum amount of calories: only 38 kcal per 100 g of pulp. The edible part of the fruit at the time of ripening mainly contains glucose and fructose. Sucrose appears during storage. The longer the watermelon sits, the more it accumulates. The pulp contains from 5.5 to 13% easily digestible sugars.

Thanks to such an abundance of useful microelements, the striped “ball” becomes an indispensable product on the table. It is not only possible to eat it, but also necessary. A large amount of water helps saturate the body with moisture, which is especially important in the summer heat.

Is a watermelon a berry? And is it worth arguing about?

After a detailed consideration of the problem from all sides, you can summarize the information and summarize a small study on the topic “Why is watermelon a berry and how true is this?”

So, watermelon belongs to the Fruit has all the characteristics inherent in berries: juicy pulp, a large number of seeds, the presence of an outer skin. However, according to the family, it will be called pumpkin. And this is the most correct name from a botanical point of view.

At the same time, pumpkins belong to the group of berry-shaped fruits. Therefore, there are not only similarities. They are somewhat different from typical berries, firstly, by their large size, secondly, by their thick skin, and thirdly, by a large number of seeds.

It remains only to clarify the last question about watermelon: “Is it a berry or a pumpkin?” Based on all of the above, we conclude that the juicy fruit can be called a berry, since according to the main biological criteria it corresponds to this group and belongs to it. This is a broader name. A narrower and more specialized name is pumpkin (which, in turn, is a type of berry).

It is also necessary to make a small digression for those who pose the question as follows: “Is watermelon a berry or a vegetable?” The fact is that the first definition is botanical, and the second is culinary, gastronomic. It is incorrect to mix concepts from different areas. However, if we consider watermelon from a nutritional point of view, then in its characteristics it will be classified as a fruit, since this group also includes edible sweet berries.

From a botanical point of view, “a berry is a juicy multi-seeded fruit.” That is, if the fetus has pulp and inside it a lot of seeds– you don’t have to worry, it’s a berry (currant, gooseberry, grape).

More berries

To make it harder for children to learn, botanists have come up with additional names for some berries. (The following three characters, along with the "real berries" from the previous paragraph, are combined into the group of "berry-like fruits".)

Pumpkin. Let's repeat the characteristics of the berry:
1) Is there pulp in pumpkin, watermelon and cucumber? - Eat.
2) Are there many seeds? - A lot of. - So these are berries.

Pomeranian. Here, it’s time for people with weak psyches to die from excess information. Well, what to do - natural selection. Orange is also a type of berry, characteristic of citrus fruits (lemon, orange, tangerine).

Apple!!! Don't you dare call it a berry? Despite the presence of sweet pulp and many seeds? You shouldn't be doing that. (Apples, from a botanical point of view, grow not only on apple trees, but also on pears and rowan trees.)

Not berries

Now imagine a ripe, juicy cherry. With a slightly tart taste. Warm. You are lying on the grass, next to you lies...

Stop! We get distracted. Are you still imagining cherries? Then you probably remember how many seeds there are. One thing!!!* Therefore, cherries (plums, ) - from the point of view of cunning science-botany, are not berries, but drupes.

What about raspberries (drupe, blackberry)? They seem to consist of tiny cherries connected to each other, right? When connecting many drupes, you get Polydrome.

Finally, wild strawberries and strawberries. - What, them too?! - Yes, and they, too, are not berries, but multi-nuts. Do you remember the little black (or white, depending on your luck) dots on the surface of the strawberry? - Here.

For those who argued that watermelon is a berry

When one debater shouts that “a watermelon is a berry, not a pumpkin,” and the second one shouts that “a pumpkin, not a berry,” then such a dispute will not be resolved well. Because pumpkin is a type of berry. So don’t think too long, get ready for a quick transition to personalities, and then a fight.

An example of such a fight is Russian Wikipedia: at the beginning of the wiki article “Watermelon” it is written that “Pumpkin by structure similar with berries", and in the middle - what "Pumpkin is variety berries". Place your bets on who will win the age-old Russian dispute between pumpkin growers and berry lovers.

kerescan - Jun 21st, 2015

Watermelon belongs to the pumpkin family. This is a melon crop. The fruit of a watermelon is called a berry, although it is a juicy pumpkin. The birthplace of watermelons is Africa. They were brought to Russia by the Tatars. This crop began to be grown in the lower Volga, and then in other areas (Krasnodar Territory, Volga region). Now breeders have also developed varieties for the Moscow region.

Everyone loves the fruits of watermelons, with their sweet and juicy pulp. This is a wonderful dessert; jam is made from watermelon (rinds), watermelon honey, candied fruits, molasses and fruit juice are made. Salted watermelons are very tasty; unripe fruits are often salted.

According to modern ideas, the fruits of watermelon are called pumpkin. In a school biology course, the fruits “berry”, “pumpkin” and “hesperidium” are combined under one term “berry” for simplicity.

The problems of classification do not end there; the botanical and culinary concepts of the terms “fruits” and “vegetables” differ. Chefs call any edible juicy fruit a fruit, and a vegetable any edible part of a herbaceous plant. To put it even more simply, everything that goes into dessert is a fruit, but what goes into a salad is already a vegetable.

In biology, a fruit is any fruit that contains seeds (even nuts and beans). A vegetable is any edible part of a herbaceous plant.

1) the fruit of watermelon is pumpkin (NOT a berry).
2) from a culinary point of view, the watermelon fruit is a fruit.
3) from a botanical point of view, the watermelon fruit is a vegetable.

The fruits of this plant contain:

— Sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose)

— Pectins

— Microelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus)

— Vitamins (niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, ascorbic and folic acids)

– Fatty oil (in seeds)

Calorie content of watermelons is 27 kcal. It contains: proteins - 0.6 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 5.8 g

Watermelon pulp contains a high percentage of folic acid, it promotes hematopoiesis and maintains the balance of chemical processes occurring in the human body. The pulp of this fruit has choleretic and diuretic properties. Watermelons are recommended for gout, arthritis, and atherosclerosis. For high acidity, nutritionists prescribe black bread with watermelons.

Watermelons are useful for diseases of the liver, gall bladder, heart disease, anemia, Botkin's disease, obesity and nosebleeds. If you eat watermelons often, it will help cleanse your kidneys and even remove small stones and sand from them. If you are obese or overweight, you can do a fasting diet (eat 3 kg of watermelons per day). Tea made from watermelon rinds (dry or fresh) is beneficial. It rejuvenates, makes the skin elastic, and gives a good complexion. Cosmetic masks are made from watermelon rinds, and an emulsion from its seeds removes acne and freckles.

Many people prepare watermelons for the winter. They are salted, pickled, made into jams and candied fruits. And of course they eat it fresh in the summer. Watermelon season is the time for a great delicacy for lovers of this culture. And besides, this is also a time for the prevention of many diseases and saturation of the body with vitamins and minerals contained in these beautiful fruits.

More photos of watermelons:

I immediately remember my school biology lessons. Everyone there tried to get it into our heads that watermelon is not a fruit, but a berry. Of course, for many it was surprising: how is it possible, such a huge berry. But, the years passed, and I decided to connect my life with the study of biology, and do you know what I found out? Watermelon is not a berry.

Why is watermelon called a berry?

I honestly don't know where this started the myth that watermelon can be classified as a berry family. Oddly enough, many biology textbooks and, of course, school teachers repeat this. I can’t even imagine why many people began to classify watermelon as a “class” of berries.

In fact, a berry is considered to be a small fruit with juicy pulp. This is known to everyone strawberries, blueberries, currants, raspberries and so on. By the way, tomato and eggplant are also berries, We’re just not used to calling them that.

What is watermelon

It has long been decided in the scientific world that watermelon is a pumpkin. Yes, yes, not a berry, not a fruit, not a vegetable, but exactly pumpkin. Nevertheless, Watermelon is still allowed to be called a berry, since it cannot be 100% attributed to any one family.

Why is watermelon a berry, but melon is not?

As I said earlier, it's official watermelon is notberry, that's it sizes are too big for berries, fruit seeds Also too big and there are more of them than there should be. Melon has almost the same structure as watermelon, so it also belongs to the pumpkin family. From this I can conclude that, theoretically, we can call melon a berry, although, in fact, watermelon and melon are pumpkins.

  1. Watermelon consists of 92% water.
  2. There are about 1,000 different varieties of watermelon in the world.
  3. Seedless watermelons exist and they are not genetically modified.
  4. The largest watermelon in the world weighed 160 kg.